Merlin walked ahead.

At the same time, wink at several companions, and if something goes wrong later, you can take action.

The timing of Wei Sheng's appearance was too coincidental.

And they also met on the road, and they said that they had been to Kaiser and rushed over from there...

Everything, everything, always feels wrong.

The reason why Merlin and his gang stayed in Donglin City for a long time was that they were in trouble.

Teimaru took a new concubine not long ago.

The concubine's younger brother, Xia, is domineering in Donglin City.

When Merlin first entered the city, he didn't know about it, and accidentally contradicted West Asia.

The other party is narrow-minded, and he will report it. After finding out about Merlin's identity, he will target him everywhere.

Under the laws of Donglin City, it is obviously impossible to execute Merlin, but there are stumbles everywhere.

Restricting transactions, restricting travel, and being supervised at all times when going out...

In short, Merlin hasn't had a good time recently, and it's hard to go back.

Not long ago, Merlin sent a message to the family, hoping that there would be a way.

According to the itinerary, the news is still on the way.

The rune base space of the stronghold is not small.

More than [-] people can get in without being too crowded.

Merlin and Wei Sheng entered one after the other.

"If you have something to do, just say it."

Merlin was careful.

Wei Sheng looked left and right, found a chair to sit down, and said, "Did you know that Kaiser has changed the city lord?"

"Change the city lord?"

Merlin was stunned and said, "When I left Kaiser, I heard that the old city lord was in danger. A few days ago, I heard that the old city lord had died. Now it should be Huchu, Shuirong and the funeral clothes. win?"

"It has nothing to do with these three."

"Who is that?"

Merlin was surprised.


Wei Sheng said in a serious tone.


Merlin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You? Your Excellency can really joke..."

"I'm not kidding you."

Wei Sheng glanced at the private message in the background, and Xiao Yuling had already replied to the message.

When he saw Merlin earlier, Wei Sheng was moved and sent a message to Xiao Yuling in advance, hoping that Xiao Yuling would find Anthony.

I'll have Anthony and Merlin talk later.

Xiao Yuling is very efficient, and he arranged things so quickly!

If Merlin still suspects a fake, he can only use the wormhole shuttle.

of course.

Merlin could believe it was the best thing to do. Opening a wormhole shuttle would consume a lot of souls, and it would be a waste.

Wei Sheng took out the microphone.

Dial the other end of the phone.

After hearing the voice over there, Wei Sheng handed the microphone to Merlin and said, "Your father wants to talk to you."

"This is... a microphone?"

Merlin had only seen it, but never used it.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Microphones are a rarity.

High manufacturing skills.

On the side of Donglin City, only a few powerful people have it, and the number can be counted on one hand.

Merlin took the microphone and pointed his ear to the receiver.


"Well, it's me, Merlin, why haven't you come back yet?"

"Father, things are a little troublesome..."

Merlin told the other party the whole story.

"No wonder..."

The opposite suddenly said solemnly: "By the way, your friend, but Kaiser's new city owner, don't neglect others."


Merlin's eyes widened suddenly.

No nonsense!

This incident was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, and Merlin was shocked, speechless for a long time.


"Father, you didn't lie to me?"

"What are you cheating on!"

Merlin was silent for a while, then said, "Father, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Fuck away!"

Anthony was angry.

Merlin glanced at Wei Sheng, walked to the corner silently, and lowered his voice to ask questions.

It's all private issues.

If the opposite is really Anthony, naturally know.

If not, it is easy to dismantle.

The father and son talked for more than ten minutes, and Merlin appeared surprised and unbelievable from time to time...

Merlin returned to Wei Sheng and respectfully returned the microphone.

"What, did you believe it?"

Wei Sheng smiled.

"I believe it now."

Merlin smiled bitterly: "I never thought that Your Excellency would actually become the city lord of Kaiser, which caught me off guard! When I met the city lord that day, I never thought of this day..."

A surprise, a big surprise.

Anthony described Wei Sheng as a wise man who could kill the dark dragon. For Merlin, this was undoubtedly the savior who could bring him out of trouble!

"Without further ado."

Wei Sheng smiled lightly and said, "I came to your stronghold to find a place to live, and secondly, I want to use your intelligence system."

And there is an unexpected gain.

Merlin has a relationship with Teimaru's brother-in-law!

This might be an opportunity.

"Just say what the city lord commands."

Merlin's thoughts turned sharply, and he racked his brains to guess the purpose of Wei Sheng's visit to Donglin City.

Don't wait for Kaiser City, come here from all the way...

suspicious behavior!Where.

Chapter 342

Mei Lin had a faint hunch that what Wei Sheng planned was most likely related to Donglin City.

The situation in Donglin City has been chaotic recently, and I don't know how many strengths are waiting for something to happen to Temaru.

Once the authority of the dungeon is removed, there will be sharks, sniffing the smell of blood and killing them.

However, there are also rumors outside that everything is a conspiracy of Teimaru, throwing the bait, waiting for the fish to catch the bait, and then catch them all!

Everything, no one can really find out.

Teimaru had accumulated prestige for many years, and for a while, no one dared to take the lead, all were waiting and watching.

Wei Sheng's sudden arrival was too coincidental.

And as soon as we come, we will drill into the rune base...

Thinking of the recent situation, Merlin had to think boldly.

"You and Teimaru's brother-in-law, tell me the specifics, I want a more detailed version."

Wei Sheng took out two bottles of Coke and threw a bottle to Merlin.

"Drink and chat! You should know that this package is produced by your family, but the Coke in it comes from my secret recipe."

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