Merlin took it and found a place to sit.

Take a sip first...

The taste is really different!

Merlin's eyes lit up.

Take another sip.

After the refreshment, Merlin recounted the whole process in detail.

During this period, Wei Sheng also inquired about the details of Diwan's brother-in-law with Mei Lin.

Merlin also has some information, all of which are information that he has heard recently.

Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we find a solution.

"He recently contacted you and asked you to take out at least five perfect level rune equipment for compensation.

Wei Sheng interrupted Merlin's speech.

"There is this request, but I don't want to agree, he's talking like a lion!"

Merlin sullenly said angrily.

If you give some money, Merlin can do it.

Five perfect level rune equipment, the value is too high, even if there is, it is impossible to give away!

"This issue……"

Wei Sheng tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, and pondered, "You can promise him."

Just now, Wei Sheng also asked about Xi'an's recent whereabouts, and he even entered the City Lord's Mansion.

As soon as Wei Sheng heard this news, he wanted to start from West Asia.


Merlin was confused.

"Don't worry, you won't suffer from this."

Wei Sheng had already thought of a good plan.

Because the other party has a backer, he is domineering in Donglin City and is very arrogant and arrogant, which is definitely a useful point.



Xia pushed open the door and walked out of the room.

After a while, several fox ladies also came out, and their expressions were full of charm, which almost made the surrounding subordinates stare blankly.

"Sir Xia..."

A subordinate came forward.

"What's the matter?"

Xia waved her hand and sent Madam Fox away.

They are all the signs of a certain building in Donglin City, and they were all covered by West Asia today.

They were messing around in it before, and it took more than three hours to end.

If it weren't for being hungry, Xia wouldn't want to end it!

"Merlin, the bear bear from Kaiser's side, is willing to talk to you. He said the price is too high, and I hope you can reduce one piece of equipment..."

"He also said that he is willing to come to the door to apologize!"

The subordinates smiled.


Xia narrowed his eyes and said, "Tell him, five pieces of equipment, none of which are missing! An apology is also necessary. When did he come to the door?"


"Then let him bring his equipment tonight."


Xia watched his subordinates leave, and snorted coldly, "You're still going to fight with me in Donglin City. Be a little more tender! Tonight, not only will Merlin take the initiative to send the equipment, but he will also be humiliated severely."

For Merlin's change in attitude, West Asia took it for granted.

In Donglin City, how could you beat him!

The last time Xia went to the City Lord's Mansion, he also saw Temaru.

It stands to reason that since Temaru has an accident now, West Asia should be more restrained, but West Asia did the opposite.

And all of this was at the behest of Temaru.

West Asia can guess a little.

Teimaru couldn't come forward, so he could only let West Asia show off everywhere, not only to attract the attention, but also to confuse the guys outside.

When they see that West Asia is so arrogant under such circumstances, they will be suspicious and will think that Teimaru is fine, so they can provide West Asia with enough confidence.

In a blink of an eye, it was night time.

Donglin City is brightly lit.

Wei Sheng strolled on the street, his eyes swept across the streets and alleys.

Unlike during the day, there are relatively fewer patrols at night, which makes it a little more chaotic.

"If you take over the Xiadonglin City, you need to clean up the remnants of Teimaru..."

Wei Sheng thought of the information he had learned from Mei Lin during the day and thought to himself.


Merlin's voice came from beside him.

Wei Sheng paused and looked forward.

A splendid little castle appeared in front.

He and Merlin were the only ones on this trip.

[This is a rare rune base, the owner is West Asia, and the guards inside are not bad. 】

Wei Sheng swiped over the golden hint above the castle.

It was precisely because West Asia lived in the Rune Base that Wei Sheng came to visit.

It seems to be safer, but it is actually in Wei Sheng's arms.

Wei Sheng needs enough confidentiality to ensure that he will not be known by the controller of the dungeon.

A separate rune base that can avoid the monitoring of the city lord.

Merlin stepped forward to talk to the guard at the gate and informed him of his intention.. 0

Then, under the arrogant leadership of the servant of West Asia, he entered the rune base.

"Hey, isn't this Merlin the bear, wasn't he very tough the last two days? Why did you become soft with Sir Xia?"

"Haha, the little bear is just like that."

"Lord Xi's fingers are enough to play with him!"

Along the way, the servants arranged by West Asia were inevitably cynical.

Merlin clenched his fists secretly and walked forward with gritted teeth.

If it wasn't for Wei Sheng's request, he would not be willing to come and suffer humiliation.

As for what Wei Sheng was going to do, Merlin didn't know for the time being.

Maybe to get involved with West Asia?

Let's inquire about Temaru's situation from West Asia's mouth again?

Merlin's imagination is limited, and he doesn't dare to make too deep associations.

Soon, they reached the hall.

West Asia is tall and big, and his race is a wolf man.

He was sitting in the seat drinking some kind of special drink, his contemptuous eyes fixed on Merlin.

"Merlin, have you brought the equipment?"

Xia put down the cup and smiled jokingly: "Oh, I forgot to tell you. If you apologize later, I hope you can kneel and kowtow, otherwise this matter will not end."


Merlin narrowed his eyes.

"Why, not convinced?"

Xia's face sank, and she snorted coldly.

"I... ok, I'll do it!"

When Merlin thought that Wei Sheng was by his side, he could only bow his head.

"Bring the equipment."

Xia immediately burst into a smug smile.

"give him!"

Merlin said to Wei Sheng next to him.

This is their negotiated step.


Wei Sheng responded, flipped his hand, and took out five weapons.


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