CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 361 Question Jame, Understand Jame, Become Jame

After being beaten 2V5 by the Bee Twins in the outfield, G2's overall morale was very low.

As the offensive side in the first half, they were beaten by the Little Bees throughout the entire game and could be considered powerless to fight back.

They took the initiative to call a timeout and thought of a good tactical play, but they were crushed by the personal abilities of the two fathers of Little Bee. This blow was really big.

In the end, the score in the first half was fixed at 13:2.

Nuclear Crisis is a big warning picture, but it only scored two points, so it can't be considered qualified.

G2 also knew in their hearts that their opponent's advantage was too great.

After changing sides, the two sides came to the pistol round.

Little Bee chooses a wave of speed boosting to blast A, which is a very routine and common tactic.

However, in the first exchange of fire between the two sides, kennyS on the third floor instantly killed Xu Beifei who rushed out of the iron gate.

I don’t know if it was because of the incentive brought by the ID, but kennyS’s hand felt explosive. USP directly hit a triple kill with a magazine, making the professional guys in the stands couldn’t help but exclaim “French man’s pistol”.

But in the next scene, the French man they talked about changed the protagonist.

Little Bee's frontal push was not successful, but the load in the middle of the team exploded. A Glock almost spun around in the infield.

"kennyS killed three people in one wave, leaving only Zaiwu and his mouth. What can I say about this wave?"

"Zaiwu rushed out of the yellow room, and shot the remaining kennyS on the third floor with one shot. Then he turned around and hit the one on the yellow room. This distance was already Glock's killing range, and AmaNEK was also directly killed. !”

"The hunter and Doudou at the front gate were fighting hard, but Zaiwu was not only killing people, he was also helping to replenish the guns. My cousin was also shot dead by Zaiwu!"

"Bottom came directly to put the bag. He didn't know that Nexa had also put the front bag in place, and it was just a front door bag! But the load was on the front door... but Nexa pulled over and shot Dou to death. , and retreat directly after killing the gangsters, this wave of God of Gamblers’ nerve-wracking guns is a bit outrageous!!”

Xu Beifang also had a headache when he saw it. Nexa was too exaggerated.

Although Zaiwu fired a shot, it did not hit Nexa's head.

The situation that was originally rescued suddenly turned into a 1V2, which was a bit difficult to handle.

Xu Beifang reminded: "There is another ID who has not appeared who is responsible for guarding the iron plate. You can make your own judgment."

Zaiwu said "hmm" to show that he knew.

He carefully picked up the mine bag, then walked around the gangster hall and reached into the pipe.

I walked quietly all the way to B and put down the mine bag.

"The timing of the load is good, but this 1V2 is still difficult to operate. After hearing the beeping sound, Nexa and Lucky already jumped down from the pipe, directly telling you that we are here."

"Now it depends on how to deal with this 1V2 load. The trap door is open and the death door is closed, but G2 seems to want to double pull!"

"The trap was the first to take action, but one shot of the load knocked the trap shut. Then I turned around and looked at the death door. The death door just opened, and there was another bullet!!"

"Oh!! This is the load!!"

In the G2 player booth, the expressions of the players were extremely painful, especially kennyS.

NIKO, who came to join in the fun in the stands, understood in his heart that K Bao killed three in the pistol round. He originally thought he was a sure shot. After all, he had already killed Xu Beifang, so he thought he was a sure shot.

But who would have thought that after Xu Beifang died, there would still be a carrying item!

Xu Beifang had five kills in the pistol round in the first half and five kills in the cargo pistol round in the second half.

How can people play with this!

"Onii-chan, you have failed to live up to my expectations..." NIKO snorted disdainfully.

Men are all children, and they always hold grudges over small things.

"You're still cosplaying with Uchiha, right?" Rain God rolled his eyes at him very speechlessly, "You are indeed good brothers."

NIKO shook his head: "This is not a problem of good brothers. The strength gap is already too big. If G2 can win the Little Bee, I have no doubt about the Cr championship."

As soon as he said this, several people in the stands became slightly silent.

After all, C9 once really stepped on their heads and won the Major championship.

The Rain God sighed. That game... is still his nightmare to this day. He dare not recall or review it.

He once comforted himself that it would be fine if he came again next time.

Subsequently, as the team continued to change, Team A's dominance in top events became further and further away from that goal.

In his heart, he has the idea of ​​winning the cup, but he also clearly understands that whether Faze can reach the quarterfinals in his current state is a question.

But the Little Bees should be one of the teams with the best chance of winning this year.

This scene should be over soon... The Rain God turned his head and looked at the big screen.

The loaded state broke out and helped the Bees win the pistol round in the second half.

They directly pushed the score to the match point.

Although they are both a French team, the Little Bees do not have the outrageous corporate culture of G2.

After entering the match point, Xu Beifang shook off kennyS's big sniper in the outfield at the beginning and successfully chased him to death.

At the same time, Zaiwu also used AK to kill the hunter who was negligent in frontal movement through the gap in the iron door.

Two consecutive kills appeared, and apEX immediately issued a wave of pretend bombs to hit A, but in reality it was a tactic of double-teaming K1 and the infield.

Although G2 also reluctantly exchanged numbers in the follow-up, they were already at a numerical disadvantage and were "swarmed" by the little bees, completely unable to withstand the pressure.

"16:2, the nuclear crisis confrontation has come to an end. Little Bee successfully won the first round of the legendary group!" Playing Machine stretched happily, "It seems that my cousin has failed to live up to NIKO's expectations. The main mission of killing Nice has not been completed.”

Xu Beifang took off his headphones with a smile on his face.

Today is the first game of the Legend Group. Rather than winning or losing, what they want to see more is their own state.

Now it seems that all members are in good condition.

Anyway, in the confrontation of the game, there is no scene that requires Xu Beifang or Zaiwu to come out frequently to fight the endgame frantically.

Everyone in their own position can make the appropriate number of exchanges. In most games, they only need to defend step by step, which is enough.

Coupled with the fact that Dou is in good condition, he focused on rationality today, almost reading G2 like a book.

This resulted in him still feeling a little unfinished after the game.

I thought that the Legend Group game would be quieter without spectators. After getting up, Xu Beifang saw a group of professional guys in the stands booing and waving in their direction.

"Nice is so perverted!!"

"Cousin, can you do it?"

"Nice, please be gentler when you meet us next time. I'll give you a room at night..."

"Can't you make a wish and not meet the little bee?"

"It seems right..."

After meeting Xu Beifang's eyes, the group of professional guys who were not upright were also teasing him one by one.

The content of the chat made Xu Beifang's smile turn into speechless.

Everyone is idle.

In the 6657 live broadcast room, the atmosphere of barrage discussion was very heated.

[16:2, is the gap in the French Derby so big? 】

[There is absolutely no room for fighting back. My K treasure sniper didn’t even play two games and it was over]

[It’s okay, G2’s nuclear crisis has always been quite abstract]

[G2 is abstract, isn’t Little Bee abstract? 】

[I can only say that I have never seen such a wonderful start, please cheer for the little bee! ! 】

[The gap in personal ability is a bit big. Beifang had five kills in the first half, Shushu had five kills in the second half, and G2 took the lead]

[I don’t think it’s okay to get five kills in two pistol rounds. The wave of anti-aircraft guns in the outfield is outrageous. 2V5 took all G2]

After the game, amid XTQZZZ’s praises, they began to cross the stage and went to the opposite side of the stage to shake hands.

When they crossed the stage, the player had skillfully opened HLTV's official website and found the post-match data of this game.

"Although Zaowu's data in the second half was very good, in the end he was still not as good as Beifang who played throughout the whole game. Beifang was far ahead with 26 kills and 11 kills. Zaowu only got 17 kills. The gap is still quite big."

Immediately after playing the machine, he moved the mouse pointer to apEX: "Then there is a lying brother here. When the whole team broke out, he only got 9 kills. This guy really took the boss position. "

"However, the North is indeed C in this game. While it ranks first in kills, the North's field damage is a full 120. This nuclear crisis has directly led to the emergence of a legion-based BOSS. How will G2 play?"

"Let's look at North's specific rating. His data in this game was 2.11. After Cologne, this guy's data can still be so exaggerated. I really didn't expect it..."

However, players who play the machine can also understand that in such a big-scoring game, the data must be relatively higher.

If it was that kind of anxious game, and he could still produce such data, that would be a real exaggeration.

Hunter's expression was not very good. Even without looking at his phone, he could still imagine what the live barrage was talking about at the moment.

NIKO asked himself to deal with Nice, but this was not someone he could deal with.

In today's scene, in my memory, Nice was shot and killed in a direct confrontation only once.

I have lost count of the number of times I was killed.

Especially that time when runboost was launched, his mentality was really shattered.

From the air, he saw Xu Beifang moving forward along the main entrance, already shouting to inform his teammates.

At that moment, he already had a picture in his mind of surrounding Nice with his teammates after landing, but he didn't expect that the AK gun had flames coming out of the muzzle, and he was enjoying a sleep like a baby.

This is the head-on shooting technique of a phenomenal player.

It's hard to compete with NIKO who was in the same state in 2018.

Although before the game, a group of fun people on Twitter were teasing and setting the pace, causing G2 to panic.

However, the challenger group's smooth performance gave them the slightest illusion that they had a glimmer of hope.

But the performance of Little Bee broke this illusion.

Not only him, but the entire team is feeling depressed now.

They never expected that there would be such a big difference in strength between the opponents in the Challenger group and the Legend group.

Xu Beifang smiled and shook hands with his cousin briefly: "I feel like you guys are not in your best condition today."

My cousin smiled slightly awkwardly: "We have practiced this map relatively little and made a lot of mistakes that we shouldn't have made."

He told the truth, G2 was originally a new lineup and was in a period of improvement.

The entire team's map proficiency and map pool depth were a bit disappointing. When they met a team that was also at a mid-level, they were able to take the lead by relying on their superior personal strength.

But against a team like the Little Bees, which had no loopholes in all aspects and had outstanding personal abilities, they were crushed in almost all aspects.

My cousin also understood during this confrontation why Xu Beifang was called the world's number one shooter by so many people, and even NIKO was compared to him.

Because his influence in the game is too great.

So although he lost this game, he was convinced.

Xu Beifang and his cousin are two good gentlemen here. Not far away, AmaNEK directly attacked apEX while shaking hands.

"The fox is pretending to be the tiger, right?" AmaNEK punched Doudou's chest twice, "Keep shouting, keep shouting!"

"What do you mean by a fox pretending to be a tiger?" apEX said he didn't recognize it.

"If it weren't for Nice and Zaiwu's performance, would you still want to win this round? Your statistics are already at the bottom!"

"Are you just saying win or not?" apEX was very arrogant, his face turned into a war god with a crooked mouth, "It's useless to kill too many people, you have to find a way to win!"

AmaNEK went straight to the attack, chasing apEX with constant elbow strikes.

Xu Beifang and his cousin were speechless. The French players all have a good relationship. Although they are not in the same team, apEX always likes to drag the old G2 to lose points together, so they are good friends.

"Just practice more, what's the point of winning by lying down?" AmaNEK shouted, "Wait until we get back to the hotel to challenge one another, don't scream!"

apEX directly used Xu Beifang as a shield: "Who said it's useless to win by lying down? Just say you won or not! You said I'm not good, I said you can't win!"

At the end of the sentence, Doudou even flicked his tongue in disgust.

This made Xu Beifang look disgusted and wanted to hang his fool on a certain fish:

"A male college student uses a French conductor for his own use, 99 new, priced at 250..."

If Xu Beifang hadn't pulled them, the two primary school students, Dou Dou and AmaNEK, could have screamed for several hours.

He led Dou back to the contestants' bench and packed up his peripherals.

Xu Beifang saw the female host of Match Point walking over with the photographer.

"Nice, you did take advantage of Hunter as you said. How are you feeling now?" the female host asked routinely.

"It feels better to beat my younger brother." Xu Beifang smiled momentarily after saying this, and then added, "But to be honest, G2's overall performance is still very good, but they are playing more chaotically. If they can adjust their The idea should be able to perform better.”

They are both French teams and have a good relationship with G2.

It's okay to boo him in the interview before the game, but if you make some sarcastic remarks after the game, it's a bit of a rant.

Totally unnecessary.

Of course, Xu Beifang couldn't help but bring NIKO, after all, this was the rhythm that NIKO started.

"In today's game, your performance was as stable as ever, but what I want to ask is, in one round, you used an AK47 to pick off the hunter that flew out of the runboost in the outfield. How did you do it?" asked the female host. There is a question that many viewers are curious about.

After all, that round was outrageous.

Runboost, a two-person body technique, has acceleration, and it suddenly appears in the air. It is definitely not on the same level as Xu Beifang's preview.

Therefore, the difficulty of this gun is exaggerated.

If it was typed by an ordinary player, the QR code on the tombstone after death would be the scene of this empty pick.

Xu Beifang said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just a reaction and positioning. After seeing him flying out, I subconsciously pulled the crosshair over, and then it happened to be positioned."

After exaggerated practice, his reaction speed is now quite fast.

Coupled with excellent positioning ability, this shot was finally completed.

"It's so humbling."

"What he said makes it easy for him to have sex with me."

"Then can you go up to me?"

"It doesn't work at all..."

The professional players in the stands, listening to Xu Beifang's post-match interview, were all moved to complain.

As professional players, they are the top players in the world, but they also deeply understand the difficulty of Xu Beifang's shot.

This gun must have a nerve gun inside, but behind the nerve gun, if there is no excellent positioning ability and dynamic vision, it will never be achieved.

But there are still people who are curious: "This G2 has not studied Little Bee at all, and has not seen any pertinence."

Today in the Nuclear Crisis, what Little Bee showed was completely the same old style of play. There were not even many tactics. They were all the default ideas and play styles.

If you put a little thought into the little bee, you will definitely be able to make a targeted plan.

But G2 was hitting their own stuff the whole time, so I can only say they were brave enough.

There are so many professional guys coming to watch this game today. The reason for the teasing on Twitter before the game is partly because they all want to see if Xu Beifei’s condition has changed and whether Little Bee can be defeated. Targeted.

As a result, G2 did not take any action at all, which made their idea fail.

Xu Beifang's condition was as usual.

So when they watched the game today, many people left with disappointment.

However, G2 did not provide any targeted measures, which was one of the few comforts for them.

If they face Little Bee in the next game, the countermeasures they have prepared can be used.

After being interviewed after the game, the members of Little Bee came to the stands and joined the crowd watching.

Since they advanced successfully in the first round, there will be no further games for them today.

There is still plenty of time left.

It's just that the next games are relatively anxious compared to them.

The first subsequent game was the confrontation between MIBR and NIP. The confrontation between the two veteran teams was particularly exciting.

Unlike the Little Bees, many of the things they showed in the game were half-finished, and there were many mistakes.

But this is still a wonderful confrontation, no doubt about it.

It's just that the final result will make NIP fans more heartbroken.

The next second game is more heavyweight.

Cowboys versus VP.

When he saw the team name, NIKO couldn't help but hit him.

"Hey!" Xu Beifang couldn't help shouting, "Don't be so outrageous."

NIKO also laughed: "Sorry, I'm used to it. I used to read VP games before going to bed. I feel like going to sleep when I see this team logo."

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Xu Beifang said with some doubts, "Although VP's game is indeed played slowly, I think it is quite interesting to watch."

Hearing this, many professional brothers around him looked at Xu Beifang in surprise.

"He is indeed a pervert."

"Is enjoying watching VP games the key to becoming a top player?"

"It's really outrageous."

"Is this the habit of the strong that is different from ordinary people?"

A group of people around said all kinds of things.

Xu Beifang shook his head: "That's purely because you didn't understand the VP game."

"In this way, I will let Mr. Nice take you to watch the VP game later, so that you can feel James' happiness."

He didn't really like watching VP games at first. After all, jam time was really boring.

But it would be quite interesting if we could look at it from the VP's perspective and try to understand Jame's thinking.

Others were excited when they heard this.

NAF shook his head and said: "Happy? I think I will fall asleep later..."

Zaiwu patted Xu Beifang on the shoulder: "So Nice commentator, let them see your understanding of VP!"

【drop! 】

[Received suggestions, let the professional buddies around you feel the fun of the VP game by explaining the game. It is recommended that the difficulty is 5 stars. After completing the game, you can get a C-level treasure box...]

Xu Beifang raised his eyebrows, getting even more excited now.

After waiting for a long time, VP's BP against the Cowboys ended and the game officially began.

"Why did you choose a building?" Xu Beifang took a sip of water, "This map is actually not suitable for VP."

NIKO turned into a qualified compliment: "How do you say it?"

"Jame is the absolute core of VP now. Most of the tactics and core systems are built around this guy, so they are more suitable for playing in some large sniper maps. You should all understand the influence of sniper rifles on this map. It’s not as big as expected, if we choose Sha Er or Amusement Park or something like that in the end, they should be able to perform like a duck in water.”

The members of Liquid and Faze next to them nodded, which was easy to understand.

After all, Jame's sniper rifle is really stable and has sufficient deterrence.

In a map like Death Mansion, the sniper cannot use its full strength.

If it were on a map like Shaer or Train, it would be completely different.

In that kind of map, even if Xu Beifang faced a powerful sniper, the pressure would be quite high.

Some terrains are too empty, or there are too many corners to search, making it easy for a sniper rifle to pay its toll.

"The game has started, let's follow your thinking. How can we watch VP's game without getting bored?" Liquid's conductor nitr0 was really curious.

As a conductor, he basically watches videos of first-line games. Occasionally, he saw a VP game, which really made him sleepy.

After all, there is really too much time to protect the gun.

In front of so many professional players, he believed that Xu Beifang wouldn't talk nonsense, so now he was very curious about what logic Xu Beifang could use to make a boring game interesting.

"VP's pistol round doesn't have much special features except for the slowness of the game. We can just treat it as an ordinary game."

Looking at VP's pistol game from the perspective of an ordinary player, there is nothing particularly outstanding.

Because VP mainly focuses on tactical explosives in the pistol round, which is not particularly novel.

However, it can be seen that VP is in pretty good shape. With a wave of explosive bombs in area A, he easily won the pistol round at the cost of 1 for 5.

When the second round came, Xu Beifang smiled and said: "Okay, now everyone can take the perspective of VP and think about how to win this point in the most reasonable way."

While the director was still cutting the scene, nitr0 said subconsciously: "If it were me, I would have the team acquire a few more spears, and then launch a wave of explosive bombs on slope A."

Because the team's marksmanship is excellent, nitr0, as the commander, likes long guns very much. Compared with the fault tolerance of submachine guns, he feels that long guns can maximize the team's advantages.

At this time, the picture has appeared, VP purchased two AK47s and three submachine guns.

NEO looked at it and nodded: "James's configuration choices in Qiangqi are similar to mine. He has two long guns for pockets, and then uses a blower gun to boost the economy... But if it were me, I wouldn't choose two AKs. Instead, add an AK and a Galil and get some more props."

Teams with different styles have very different purchase choices for firearms.

Xu Beifang said at this time: "Then in this round, please remember the two words reasonable and steady. In this point, James should still play A, because in this kind of ANTI-ECO game, A is better. The advantage of using AK47..."

The sloth looked at the three submachine guns in the VP team and said with some suspicion: "It should be possible to fight B."

At this time, VP launched a wave of testing actions in the middle, but it didn't go very smoothly. The big gold tooth that entered the middle from the elevator room was hit in the head by the cowboy's mustache with CZ, and he almost died.

This scene aroused NAF's thinking: "Look, they still want to play in the middle in the early stage..."

"It's just a test." NIKO also saw some clues. "You see, he only released one person on the B1 floor at the beginning, and he had no idea of ​​advancing at all."

Xu Beifang nodded: "Every step James makes is for a reason. Since he let the team have two AK47s, they must play the role of these two AKs. And have you noticed a detail? These two AK47s are always in the center of the team."

These words instantly shocked all the professional guys, and then they watched the game with this idea in mind, and found that it was true.

"This Jame is going to use the AK47 as a big sniper? This was planned at the beginning. Maybe he will save these two AKs later?" Rain God has never expressed his opinion. He also thought the VP game was quite boring before. of.

But after being guided by Xu Beifang, I found that the VP game seemed really interesting.

"Yes, Jame is a real genius. In his system, the other four teammates are his tools. Even he himself only serves the team." Xu Beifang explained that he was in What I saw on VP, "Look at their positioning, because they don't know if the opponent will be strong, so they put a hair dryer in front to get information. Once the hair dryer fails, their rifles can immediately make up for it at the origin. "

"Even if the AK47 makes a mistake, the two submachine gun buddies at the back can pick up the AK, which can directly enhance the combat effectiveness. This position can maximize the effects of these two AKs."

As soon as this view came out, a group of people in the stands suddenly had new thoughts.

"If I go, can this still happen?"

"Is this VP so thin? I originally thought that VP just defaults to death and doesn't dare to attack casually."

"Is this God? It feels a bit outrageous."

To be honest, three teams have appeared on the professional stage in the past two years, which have subverted everyone's perception.

The first was VP in 2018. The appearance of Xu Beifang at that time led to the emergence of an extreme 4-guarante-1 play style on the field. At that time, it was the first time they had seen a professional player who could have almost no economic game.

Then there is Heroic, the emergence of Da Zhuang, which also gives everyone a new understanding of the role of a free man.

Finally, there is the current VP. VP’s crazy sniper-protecting style has even become a Jam Time meme in the community.

They all originally felt that as a commander, Jame was a bit of a villain. It was completely unreasonable to let his teammates fire their guns and save their guns when the situation was slightly headwind.

Looking at it now, Jame's understanding of the game may even exceed the version.

This strong start was exactly what Xu Beifang said. VP took advantage of firearms to the extreme.

"This VP has already exploded, and he is not in a hurry to retreat. He just waits for the cowboy to peek and use his AK to kill people. Is Jame so smart?"

"Those who play tactics have a bad heart!"

apEX was furious: "Who are you scolding!"

nitr0 smiled and said nothing.

They just looked at VP, used their game understanding and firearms advantage to not drop a single spear in this round, and won the round firmly.

And it wasn't just this one point. When facing the Cowboys' economic situation, they still didn't drop any firearms.

The game began with the first long gun round.

"Hey, why did you change your gun now?" apEX said strangely.

He felt that since Jam liked economic management so much, he could use the three submachine guns in area B to speed up the next long gun round and take advantage of the hair dryer.

But Jame was not greedy at all. In the first long gun round, he directly replaced three blow guns, and Jame himself even took out a big sniper.

This action was so decisive and really exceeded their expectations.

"You have to understand that Jame's economic management is to win, not to be greedy for the economy." Xu Beifang reminded, "The early game was very smooth. Their current economy is enough to lose two games in a row, so there is no need to go there. Greedy for those three hair dryers.”

"In the long gun game, the damage of the hair dryer is insufficient, and sometimes it can be used as a foreshadowing."

Many people around him nodded. Many of them had experienced fighting with a hair dryer in the spear department, but the fight was only a little bit harmful.

In the end, it even became a foreshadowing and the key to a comeback.

"However, VP played quite decisively today. I didn't see many scenes where they defaulted for a long time. The Cowboys played very steadily." NEO explained his opinion.

Xu Beifang said: "In fact, the best stage for VP is when their economy is not very good. But when their economy has been very good, you can pay attention to VP's explosive bombs."

nitr0 responded: "I know this. The explosive thinking of VP's group is very different from our mainstream team."

"How do you say it?" NIKO asked shamelessly.

"The mainstream idea of ​​explosive bombs is to use smoke bombs as walls to divide the battlefield so that large troops can smoothly release bags." nitr0 looked at the screen and smiled, "But VP's bomb idea is to use props to separate bags Divide the points and eat them for you first, or even disrupt your default formation in a certain area so that you can't link up."

One is for making money, the other is for killing.

The purpose of the two is different, resulting in a huge gap in the order of items being released and the timing of the team's attack.

Only then did a group of gunmen begin to pay attention to VP's explosive bombs, and found that, as nitr0 said, there was indeed a gap between the understanding of the VP team and the mainstream thinking.

It seems that their playing style is tepid, but when it comes to explosive attack ideas, they are more murderous than anyone else.

Then a group of people remembered what Xu Beifang said. The real excitement of the VP team was that it was in a time when the economy was low, and they suddenly began to look forward to it.

It's just that we didn't see that kind of scene in the first half. VP's offensive was really fierce. However, even if the Cowboys gained momentum in the second half, the overall suppression on them was still not great.

However, in the process, VP's economic management still amazed these professional players.

The final score in the first half was fixed at 8:7. With a small gap, VP only played two economic games.

Two economic rounds, plus an opening pistol round, they played a total of 13 long gun rounds in the first half. With both sides evenly matched, the ratio of these long gun rounds was simply astonishing.

It wasn't until the second half, when VP changed sides and lost consecutive games.

Xu Beifang laughed when he saw Jame's special economy when VP was getting stronger: "Brothers, here comes the interesting point of VP! Look at this Jam, all his teammates have spent it, and he keeps 1,500 yuan of economy alone. .”

JackZ didn't understand: "What can I do with 1,500 yuan?"

He felt a little uncomfortable when he saw this scene. He has encountered many cancers in the ladder. If you ECO, he will shoot, and if you shoot, he will ECO again. It is quite painful.

Everyone else in VP fired their guns, but James alone made an unarmored CZ and kept 1,500 yuan.

"Don't worry about this point. Just look at the VP's weapons for the next point." Xu Beifang said with a smile.

Then in this round, VP also performed some tricks on the defensive end. The half-armor short gun knocked out several of the Cowboys' short guns.

When others were killed, Jame found an opportunity to save an AK47.

Seeing this, even though they knew this was the most reasonable choice, a group of people still smiled with relief.

James always never forgets his original intention.

But when the next point came, Jame started his magic session.

He directly threw the AK47 he picked up to his teammates, and then he took out an unarmored sniper!

The other three teammates also directly strengthened themselves, equipped with MP9 and Sand Eagle and added some props.

You must know that the cowboy's economy is not running well, because three long guns were knocked out in the last one, and this time there are only three long guns and two short guns.

At first glance, there really isn’t much difference between the two sides in terms of firearms.

It’s quite extraordinary!

"WTF! Is this VP's economic management?"

"Teacher James, I am convinced!!"

"Switching the offensive in an instant, who the hell can understand this?"

“The cowboy is going to get hit!!”

Sure enough, in the past, the Cowboys liked to play in the middle and A-side for testing, so Jame chose to place these two long guns on A-side and the middle.

Then, relying on the unconventional positioning of the double frame and mutual pulling, the middle lane successfully got a head.

On Po A's side, the big sniper suddenly appeared and caught the cowboy off guard.

In the extreme opening period, VP scored two kills. Without the Cowboys' personal ability to explode, the balance of victory naturally tilted in the direction of VP.

They marveled at Jame's outrageous economic management, but when they looked back, they also had a clearer understanding of Xu Beifang's game.

Watching the same game, they only saw acquiescence, constipation, gun protection, boredom...

But Xu Beifang saw so much content, and they had reason to believe that Xu Beifang could use the VP style of play if he wanted to.

NIKO patted Xu Beifang on the shoulder: "Brother, if you can't defeat him after two years, kick him out and I'll break through for you. I feel that you must be very good as a commander... You can definitely defeat Gun Man." The curse.”

He has also been a conductor and thinks he has some understanding of command.

But after watching a game, he found that there was a big gap between his and Xu Beifang's overall understanding of the game.

It doesn't mean that he can't see what Xu Beifang saw.

It's just that the difference in reaction speed is huge. Xu Beifang is too sensitive to many contents in the game.

And they had to admit that Xu Beifang was really good at it.

A good breakthrough player spends all day studying other people's ideas and systems, so that no one can play with him.

"That's right." The director also responded, "I will come when the time comes, please control me as much as you like."

After hearing what NIKO and the director said, apEX didn't dare anymore.

Like an old hen, he protected Xu Beifang behind him: "What are you talking about? I'm still here!"

"It's okay, we don't dare to talk about it without you, haha."

There was a roar of laughter in the stands.

Xu Beifang also laughed: "To be honest, VP's rational style of play is very worthy of learning from all of us. In the future, CSGO should learn from the strengths of each team, and Jame's economic management must be among them. "

"It's not that exaggerated." NIKO was really surprised now.

Because this evaluation is really high. At this stage, the playing tactics that teams like them should learn include, in addition to the discipline and props of Team A, and the resource tilt of Little Bee. However, Xu Beifang actually put Jame’s economic management .

"You think it's not an exaggeration, because Jame's system is not perfect yet, and there should be some problems with their lineup now."

"Isn't the firepower enough?" NEO answered.

He really felt that VP's frontal firepower was almost meaningless.

Xu Beifang shook his head: "The firepower is a bit worse, but more discipline and execution. They are lacking a lot in both of these things now."

"VP's current style of play has not reached its most perfect stage, but once it takes shape, I think they can compete for the Major championship."

VP's follow-up did not exceed their expectations, successfully winning the building with a small score and advancing to the next round.

I don't know if he was touched by what Xu Beifang said, or if he was a little tired from watching the game.

Several teams in the stands chose to leave.

Little Bee also returned to the hotel after the VP game.

Coach XTQZZZ took them to review the game just now, but because they won smoothly, they did not spend too much time.

After it was over, XTQZZZ leaned on the table and fell into deep thought. After a long time, he asked: "Northern, was what you said before a joke, or did you really mean it?"

"What's the content?" Xu Beifang was just about to pick up the phone when he heard the sudden question and was a little confused.

"As you said, VP's economic management will be one of the elements that all teams will learn from in the future."

"Absolutely," Xu Beifang replied, "VP is a very special team, but even if many people hate them, they have to admit that they are very strong, but you have to work hard to think and summarize what makes them strong. "

"Economic management and special game understanding are the key... Game understanding is not easy to learn, but economic management can be learned."

XTQZZZ thought for a few seconds: "Then do you think it is necessary for us to try to integrate VP's economic management into our system at this stage?"

He trusts Xu Beifang very much.

As one of today's phenomenal players, Xu Beifang has brought many miracles in the past six months.

Moreover, his understanding of the game is also recognized by Little Bee and the others.

Although I haven't tried it specifically, XTQZZZ feels that Xu Beifang's idea today may be the direction they need to move forward in the future.

"Hiss..." Xu Beifang didn't answer immediately. He thought about it for a while, "The main thing is VP's style of play, which requires too strong execution."

"You must already have some planning ideas. Let's talk about it first."

Xu Beifang glanced at apEX: "Actually, it's similar to a proposal made by Dou Dou before. On the offensive end, occasionally let one person not afford a spear to save a wave of economy."

"But Doudou's idea before was to let this person come out to pull the gun line and help me and Zaiwu get information, but I think that a teammate is definitely worth more than a flash bomb. If this method is used in the future, it can be used Half-armor or full-armor Tec-9, let him be used as a bomb position behind the team."

"In this way, if the front is a little more anxious, he can pick up the spear, and it will be a full-armor AK."

"Even if he doesn't have the chance to pick up a gun, he has a Tec-9 and has certain combat effectiveness."

shox said: "If you save a long gun, it shouldn't have such a big impact on the follow-up..."

Xu Beifang waved his finger towards shox: "Normally, it's not one, but two!"


Xu Beifang came to the tactical blackboard and began to write and draw with a pen: "For example, this one is the town of Purgatory. We are the offensive side. The opponent's heavy defense area is wrong. After a round of frontal firefight, there are finally 4 dozen left. In the game 4, the opponent tried a wave and decided to start protecting his gun.”

"Teammates holding Tec-9 not only save the economy of a long gun, but also can pick up a long gun. Isn't this equivalent to saving two long guns?"

Shushu raised his hand and spoke: "And under certain circumstances, you can also use this method to save big snipers."

"Then this style of play must be a good thing. Why do you have concerns?" shox asked doubtfully.

"Because someone needs to be the green leaf, this style of play definitely requires someone to become the economic white hole, and the sacrifice of data will be huge." apEX finally understood.

Xu Beifang also nodded.

There was a brief silence in the room.

The idea is indeed good overall, but it has not been tested, and someone needs to be forced to become a green leaf.

No one can realize VP’s style of play, okay?

Someone must be aware of it, but the problem is that not all teams will try it.

Because CSGO is made up of people after all, most players still want to stand on the stage and carry.

"Well..." JackZ had a friendly smile on his face, "How about you let me do this task."

"I have always been the bombardier of the team. This task is perfect for me. What shox said before is very good. As long as I can win, I don't care about the data."

JackZ looked at the slightly confused expressions of his teammates and smiled happily: "I just thought about it, if every weapon in the north has a spear to use, then our winning rate will definitely be much higher."

XTQZZZ's eyes were a little complicated, and then he walked to Jack: "You have to think about it, this style of play may have poor data and will receive a lot of criticism."

CSGO is very realistic. As long as you don't perform well, the rhythm on the Internet will be much scarier than imagined.

"I have already made plans to use the Tec-9 short gun as my main weapon." JackZ's smile was quite handsome.

Xu Beifang came over and hugged JackZ: "Brother, there is no need to say more about greatness. I will let you take the first bite of the barbecue from now on."

Zaiwu shouted: "Please order one more cup of milk tea."

apEX: “Baguette lets you take your first bite.”

shox: "I'll remind you more when I want to sell you..."

Everyone in Little Bee: "You idiot!!"

Under JackZ's great decision, Little Bee began to incorporate economic management into his training.

Because Xu Beifang and analyst swani were there, and they were deliberate, they basically figured out how to use several important economic nodes in one night.

In the future, you only need to put them on the tactical paper, and then try this style of play more in training matches and games, and gradually become familiar with it.

But because they got interested, Xu Beifang and Swani worked on these tasks until late at night.

As a result, Xu Beifang didn't have time to have breakfast with his family until the next morning.

A breakfast shop in Berlin.

Xu Beifang couldn't help complaining: "I don't even understand why you came abroad. A portion of duck blood and vermicelli soup costs 13 euros. You two know how to travel."

"Isn't this what your sister-in-law said she wanted to eat in the morning?" Xu Nanfang smiled awkwardly. After getting married, it was not up to him to decide what he wanted to eat. Although his wife rarely cooked, she really made him The stomach is in control.

"By the way, I just saw a post praising you in the 5E comment area..." Xu Nanfang quickly changed the subject with his mobile phone.

As a senior younger brother, after his younger brother started playing games, he especially liked to watch others play Xu Beifang.

Xu Beifang took the phone and took a look and found that it was indeed good.

Because NIKO set the pace before the game, the attention of this game was already good.

In addition, some viewers wanted to see whether Xu Beifang would disappear into the crowd, so after the game, although it was a crushing game, the discussion was quite high.

[How to evaluate Brother Beizi’s performance on the first day in the legendary group! 】

[I give it 97 points, and the remaining 3 points are used for water experience]

[Actually, I don’t feel that dominant anymore, it’s just that G2 is more abstract.]

[The rating is already below 2, why can’t it even come into your mouth?]

[To be honest, I was impressed by the 2V5 coordination between the two players in the outfield]

[Don’t be complacent, the targeting of other first-tier teams hasn’t started yet! 】

With this last sentence, Xu Beifang didn't even know whether it was his black mark or a skewer.

However, G2 really didn't show many targeted scenes in yesterday's game. This is a fact.

They will definitely receive targeted attacks in the future, but Little Bee also prevented this move and changed Xu Beifang to a defensive area early.

Xu Beifang really wanted to know what he would think when he met those old guys later, when they released their well-prepared targeted tactics and found that Xu Beifang had directly changed the defensive area.

"The first round of the legendary group should have been completed." Xu Nanfang took a bite of powder and asked casually.

Xu Beifang nodded: "Not only is the fight over, the second round has already started halfway."

Every major game is almost crazy.

Basically, you play half of the first round on the first day, then finish the first round on the second day, start half of the second round, and continue on the third day.

In a very short period of time, they will end all three rounds of Swiss-made confrontations.

Moreover, the current Major is not like the 18 London period. It only plays BO3 when eliminated. On the third and fourth days, it is almost a BO3 game.

Xu Beifang felt very tired just thinking about it.

At his brother's reminder, Xu Beifang scanned the forum again.

Except for his own game, the discussion of the rest of the games is not low.

In the first round of confrontation, except for NIP and Cowboys, the other old legends all won the first round.

In the first half of the second round, NIP and Cowboys still failed to withstand the pressure in the 0-1 group and entered the 0-2 group, which was already on the verge of elimination.

It's a bit sad, but Xu Beifang still remembers the high spirits of the Cowboys in the first half of the year.

At that time, Little Bee even made fun of the genius boys in NIP who were 18 years old and several hundred months old, but now the genius boys are finally coming to an end.

He felt a little complicated for a while. When he was in VP, NIP had beaten him to the point where he had no temper at all, but now he couldn't even beat the Internet cafe team, which was a bit hard to accept.

The once brilliant top genius is now in such a state of decline.

Xu Beifang was a little confused for a while.

Because of his mood, he didn't eat much breakfast and returned to the hotel.

But when I returned to the training room, I found that it was too early and my teammates hadn't gotten up yet.

He was in such a bad mood that he didn't want to turn on the computer for the time being. He got dressed and planned to go for a run outside the hotel to vent his anger.

He originally planned to run around alone, but when he took the elevator downstairs, he saw the elevator opposite opened its doors at the same time, and then two familiar figures walked out of it.

"Byali! Why are you here in Berlin?!" Xu Beifang said in surprise when he saw the figure walking out of the elevator.

Byali had a smile on her face, but her brows furrowed: "What did you say?"

"Oh, what I just said in French didn't translate." Xu Beifang hung out with his French teammates every day and subconsciously spoke in French.

Pasha slapped him over: "Hey, hey, hey, I'm here too, don't ignore me, kid!"

Xu Beifang rolled his eyes at Pasha: "I saw you in Cologne at the beginning of the month. It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time."

Pasha glanced at Xu Beifang's equipment: "Are you going to run? Then let's go together!"

The three of them warmed up a little in front of the hotel, and then started jogging together along the streets of Berlin.

"You haven't answered me yet, why did you come to Berlin?" Xu Beifang asked Byali next to him as he ran.

Among the three people, Byali is the most qualified e-sports person. He has only traveled less than 1 kilometer, and he is already out of breath. When faced with Xu Beifang's questions, he waved his hands repeatedly.

"It's such a shame..." Pasha snorted disdainfully, and then answered Xu Beifang's question, "Because your performance in Cologne is too abnormal, these two guys are going to come over to see how you play. They think you will There is a chance to win the championship, and I want to cheer you on down there.”

"how about you."

Pasha was speechless: "They are all here, what will you say if I don't come?"

"That NEO guy definitely has no hope. When the time comes, the four of us will be cheering for you in the audience. You give me a good fight."

Xu Beifang wanted to respond immediately, but the NIP journey made him hesitate.

Pasha turned his head and glanced at Xu Beifang, his brows suddenly furrowed, and then pulled Byali to stop.

"What's wrong?" Xu Beifang was a little confused.

Pasha took Xu Beifang and sat down directly on the lawn next to her: "What's wrong? I should ask you what's wrong?"

"Why are you still worried about so many things even after entering the competition? Come on, let us talk and we can help you solve it."

Xu Beifang talked about what happened when he saw NIP come to an end recently, and also said that his mood was somewhat affected.

After hearing this, Pasha immediately stood up and looked at Xu Beifang with a look of hatred: "Because of this, for a few seconds did you even entertain the idea of ​​retiring?"

Pasha's look was a little scary. Xu Beifang stammered: "No, it's just a thought."

"Byali, don't stop me, let me beat him to wake him up!"

Hearing this, Byali quickly stood up and hugged pasha.

The two of them sang and harmonized, but Xu Beifang still couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Xu Beifang smiled, and Pasha and the two of them also stopped.

After Pasha smiled, he patted Xu Beifang's head with his hand and said softly: "You, you, if NEO were here, I would definitely say you are being pretentious."

"He is an old rookie. He scores 0.8 or 0.9 on the professional stage every day. Now he is so shameless that he refuses to come down. Why do you think he just can't let go of this stage?"

"He can continue to be a commander. My command level is already poor, and I would not want to stay in a team that is even worse. Otherwise, I will definitely find a team to rejuvenate. I know you are a little confused now. After all, you also play It has been more than a year, and my view on the profession is definitely different now than before. Moreover, the Major has already started. It seems that you can lift the trophy if you stretch your hand forward, but it seems that the next second, the trophy will be taken by Team A again. Take away.”

"You are just a little too worried about gains and losses now." Pasha still has rich experience and directly found out Xu Beifang's true inner thoughts.

He was not sad because of the end of NIP, but because of the weakening of the former king, he thought that he might fail in the Major.

Byali sat next to Xu Beifang, put his hand on his shoulder and patted him: "It's okay, it's normal to have this kind of emotion. When we won the championship that year, you didn't know how crazy Pasha was. He Even two hours before the game, I wanted to go to the gym and practice.”

"For now, just don't think too much, play every game calmly and focus on the current game, and everything you want will be available."

Then Byali laughed again: "If you let NEO know that you have this idea, he might really beat you up. Do you know how helpless he is about his declining level? You are still in your prime, so take advantage of your At the top, play more with top teams. Don’t wait until you are our age. Even if you ask me to go up to play games now, I may not dare to go up because I know that I will definitely not be able to do it.”

"So, while you are still young, let's challenge for that Major trophy!"

"Even if it is for our sake, we have always been bitter about the fact that Team A stole a Major championship from us."

Seeing the sincere smiles of the two big brothers, Xu Beifang felt his impetuous heart slowly sinking.

He also felt that he was being a little pretentious.

Now his family, old teammates, and fans are all paying attention to this game, hoping that he can defeat Team A in the Major and win the final trophy.

But he was thinking about whether there was something to gain or not. He was indeed mentally ill.

"Okay, then even if it's for our old VP, I will definitely get this Major championship back!"

Pasha also sat down and murmured: "But I hope you do it for yourself."

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