CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 362 The best stun gun user in the world

(The content about Simon and the change of mentality has been modified in the follow-up to the previous chapter, you can take a look)

Under the guidance of Big Brother's gentle iron fist, Xu Beifang's impetuous heart finally calmed down.

The old guys at VP were right about his mentality.

After debuting at IEM Shanghai, Xu Beifang played against NRG, the top team at the time, even though he was not weak in performance.

The seeds of the Major have actually been planted in my heart.

From the London Major to now, he has not fallen behind in every Major, and his results have even steadily improved.

But not all stories will develop upward.

The ending of the story may not necessarily be happy.

Pasha told him that he only needed to focus on the present, but this made Xu Beifang understand.

His hard training day and night was not for the regret he would have after a certain point in the story.

From an ordinary player who couldn't understand how to walk, to becoming the most popular breakthrough player on the field, and even able to attack the highest peak of CSGO right away, his journey is a good story.

Xu Beifang didn't want a good story with a bad ending.

In the conversation with the two big brothers, he found his own goal.

"Thank you very much, otherwise I might have problems recently because of this state, and I will really blame myself for a long time." Xu Beifang said sincerely.

Pasha put his hands on the lawn: "It's okay, hobbies have become careers, and sometimes emotional problems will inevitably occur, so this is why, I told you a long time ago, you need to cultivate a hobby."

Having an extra interest can give people rare comfort even if they fail at work.

"Okay, let's go back early." Byali also showed a smile on his face, "You have a game in the afternoon. Pasha and I will go to the stadium to watch you play this afternoon. Let's play well then."

Xu Beifang nodded: "Okay, tell me when MICHU arrives in Berlin, and we can find a time to get together outside."

"Come on, you're so busy every day, let's just have fun by ourselves." Byali didn't want them to affect Xu Beifei's competitive status.

After entering the competition schedule, it is better to maintain a fixed training pattern every day. If you fail to adjust your schedule because of drinking, it will be difficult.

But Byali's handsomeness only lasted less than a minute, because pasha suggested that they run back again, and he soon became the "virtual man" in pasha's mouth.

Xu Beifang smiled all the way. At this moment, he seemed to be back to his old VP, and his state was relaxed again.

After returning to the hotel, he simply rinsed off the sweat and went to the training room.

When Xu Beifang walked in, he saw shox just turning on the computer.

Apparently they had just arrived.

Analyst Swani yawned and handed out several pieces of tactical paper to the players in the room.

"How late did you stay up until? Are the dark circles under your eyes a bit exaggerated?"

swani shook his head: "Nonsense, what about staying up late? I just stayed up all night."

"Beifang, please explain to them the general usage of the economy. I really can't stand it anymore after staying up all night. I feel like I'm going to see God if I continue like this."

Looking at the analysts who were still in a joking mood, Xu Beifang couldn't help but smile, and then explained to everyone the economic understanding of their new research.

In their research, it is not just JackZ that needs to be part of the economic operation.

Everyone can make sacrifices if they have enough money.

"For example, after several rounds of economic adjustments, we lost a long-range game. At this time, the team's average economy was 2,000 yuan, and only shox had over 3,000. At this time, shox, you have to give me or load a hero A1 Come out, and then all of us will fight around this hero A1."

"And at times like this, our main goal is to keep the long gun that comes out while lowering the gun."

"If we can save that long gun, all of us will still have all the guns and all the ammunition to fight in the next long gun round."

If we talk about Team A's style of play, it is achieved through extreme coordination and extreme position selection.

Xu Beifang's idea is to pursue the most reasonable economic management.

Although a group of people in the room thought it was a bit difficult, no one objected.

Because CSGO is originally a game that is extremely involved, the top professional competition is full of the pursuit of perfection.

Only by imagining the height of their playing style can they reach that height through repeated training.

Professional teams cannot queue for five on Faceit, so the five of them took the number XTQZZZ and participated in a passionate five-tier match on Faceit.

Because they were too strong, they deliberately let loose during the process to simulate the difficult game they wanted to see, and then tested the economic management they had developed.

Under their deliberate control, their opponents were tortured so much that they couldn't help but type questions on the public screen.

Aurora from DPG: No, bro, why do you guys always have spears to shoot with?

Seeing this scene, everyone in Little Bee knew that this strategy was indeed successful.

The operation of economic management brings too much fault tolerance to the entire team.

Some time ago, Little Bee often used the Hero Spear, and the winning rate was also very high.

With more spears, if apEX can adjust the team's economy well, Xu Beifang and Zaiwu will have more opportunities to operate.

However, in such a short period of time, it is obviously impossible for Doudou to master this kind of gameplay. Even in this ladder, he seems to be in a hurry when it comes to economics.

They continued to practice for a few more times, and when it was near noon, they stopped.

But it wasn't lunch time yet, everyone was doing their own thing in the training room.

apEX was there with a mobile calculator calculating the economy.

JackZ played Bot boredly.

Shushu is scrolling through Red Panda’s Twitter.

A passionate "siu!" came from the direction of shox, and he must have been watching football highlights again.

Xu Beifang was leaning on the gaming chair and suddenly wanted to open a box.

He has accumulated quite a lot of boxes recently, but because the data has temporarily reached the upper limit, he has no idea of ​​opening the boxes.

I mainly have nothing to do now, so I went straight to unboxing it.

[C-level treasure chest is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for listening to the advice and getting a value of +2200...]

[C-level treasure chest is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for listening to the advice and getting a value of +131...]

[C-level treasure chest is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for gaining insight into the advanced skills of ropz's Zeus stun gun...]

? ? ?

Xu Beifang's expression instantly resembled that of an old man on the subway playing with his mobile phone. Although he knew that his friend ropz was a sixth-year old man, he had never seen him playing with a stun gun.

And what kind of advanced skills are they?

He became curious instantly.

In the past, Xu Beifang's view of this gun was that it was more entertaining than practical. After all, with an economy of 200 yuan, there was only one opportunity for a close firefight. If the gun went empty, he would only be beaten later.

But thanks to the new economic gameplay that he recently developed, his understanding of this firearm is different.

If you can use a stun gun to kill someone in the Economic Bureau, it will be a bloody profit.

And the economy of two hundred yuan is not considered a luxury.

[Enhancing the advanced skills of Zeus stun gun using ropz, please prepare the host...]

The picture in front of him began to blur, and then Xu Beifang came to ropz's perspective and looked at some of ropz's choices.

This is a game between Faze and G2.

Is this the youth training promotion to the home team?

Xu Beifang raised his eyebrows. The Mouz team's tactical philosophy is very special. They don't seem to want to become the kind of club that relies on players to become famous, but want to become a team that cultivates players and sells them for profit.

In his impression, Mouz has sold his eldest brother in the team several times, which is really incomprehensible.

ropz directly fired a stun gun, and then came to the A2 building at the beginning, squatting quietly with a stun gun.

After a while, a fish quickly took the bait.

The opponent had no idea that in a professional competition, someone would directly play with a stun gun in the pistol round.

With an ecstatic "ah", ropz successfully got the first kill, and a sunny smile appeared on his face.

The first screen that comes up seems to be a display of results.

But Xu Beifang could feel ropz's thoughts. This dark boy had already thought of dozens of different positions for using the stun gun in his mind.

And ropz is really not just messing around, this guy is prepared.

Before playing with the stun gun, he even tested the specific values ​​of the stun gun.

The ultimate killing distance is 992 pixels. Among positions such as A2, he has deliberately calculated where to stand to kill the opponent with one blow.

It can be called terrifying.

But Xu Beifang felt that this thing was indeed interesting.

Soon the subsequent scenes kept changing, with ropz using stun guns on various maps to start electrocuting people crazily.

This guy has figured out all the electrician positions of various lao six.

But Xu Beifang also saw that there were differences between ropz's version of the stun gun and his.

Although the stun gun is slightly different, it can still produce a one-hit kill if the distance is sufficient.

Xu Beifang is also considering whether, under certain circumstances, he can also use a stun gun to play with.

You know, stun guns are very disturbing.

If on the map of Purgatory Town, five stun guns are set up in the Economic Bureau, and five people camp out on the A2 floor, how should the other side deal with it?

[Big brother with a long neck, which two teams will play in the next game today? 】

"NMMDW!" Leon Kai scolded with a smile, "I'm most angry when people make fun of my neck. So, if you read a magic book, I will tell you."

But obviously Leonkai is just trying to improve the effect of the entire program. As a high-level player who loves CSGO, he has now transformed into a blogger and commentator on the CSGO section.

It's just that he doesn't have much to do, so he can only rely on his own understanding to achieve the entire show's effect.

However, when talking about the next game, Leon Kai had a sad look on his face: "The next game is Little Bee vs. Faze. Yesterday, Ouni-chan was defeated. Today, it's Ou Doudou's turn."

As a neutral Faze anchor, he really didn't want to see this result.

It seems that Faze is a top first-tier team, but there are also gaps between the first-tier teams.

Compared with that guy Xiao Xu, NIKO's current state was simply ridiculously bad. He couldn't imagine how Faze would win against Little Bee.

You know, Leonkai's love for Faze is second only to Play Machine's loyalty to Team A.

He knew that Faze's ceiling must be very high. When other teams only have one star player, Faze has five, which is enough to show how powerful this Galaxy Battleship is.

But now Faze's star player often pulls his pants in his pocket, which makes people very uncomfortable.

So NIKO, NIKO, what kind of rhythm did you bring before?

Well now, everyone is having fun.

Watching the players from both sides walk into the contestants' seats, Leonkai took a deep breath, and now he can only look forward to the return of the Faze gods.

He wanted to hear the galactic battleship roar again!

No, he wanted it to roar so loudly that he couldn't hear it!

Faze, give me a lift! !

"NEO, don't be heartbroken by Nice's beating!"

Hearing the familiar voices of two old teammates in the stands, NEO shook his head helplessly: "Don't disgust me, you bastard!"

Before the game, he realized something was wrong when he heard these two guys say they wanted to come over and cheer them on.

Sure enough, these two guys did come to cheer, but not to cheer themselves.

Looking at Pasha and Byali smiling like 250, NEO could understand that the opposite party was the favorite of their family.

To be honest, they were under a lot of pressure this time.

Yesterday, Faze watched the entire Little Bees game. He watched G2 being pinned to the ground and blasted with hammers, and he had no power to fight back.

To say that there was no psychological pressure at all in this game would be an exaggeration.

However, he himself has been looking forward to this game for a long time.

The guy who once led them to the Major can now stand alone.

It even has the ability to compete for the Major championship. This is the first time NEO has played against Xu Beifang, and it feels a bit special.

Faze's condition is not particularly good, and NEO also knows clearly that with Faze's current running-in and condition, they may not be able to go very far.

But NEO himself still put in all his efforts to prepare for this Major.

He also did a lot of targeting on his little brother, and today he had the opportunity to use it.

In his heart, he really hoped that his little brother could step onto the highest stage and compete for the championship.

But NEO will not show mercy this time and will use all his preparations.

If Xu Beifang loses to Faze because of this, it will prove that Little Bee still does not have the ability to win the championship.

In NEO's mind, if you want to become a Major champion, you must continue to have the strength to defeat all teams in the same period.

He was mentally prepared, and NIKO and others on the side were also doing their final warm-up practice.

Although they know that they have little chance of winning, they are not people who give up easily.

I also want to show my own style in the game.

And when it comes to CSGO, you never know what the outcome will be until the last minute.

The fact that they can stand on the same stage as the Little Bees proves that it is possible to win the Little Bees.

But NIKO raised his head and looked across the stage. Xu Beifang put on his headphones and was laughing with apEX beside him, looking very relaxed.

But in his eyes, the sense of oppression was overwhelming!

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