CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 61 No skills, just talent!

【Ding! 】

[Suggested task: Find the playing machine, Leon Kai and others to watch the DEMO to improve their awareness. The difficulty is 3 stars. Completed...]

[D-level treasure chests are being distributed...]

【Do you want to open the treasure chest? 】


[D-level treasure chest x1 has been stored in the backpack...]

Xu Beifang was not in a hurry to open this D-level treasure chest, but continued to save it.

"Open the panel."

The blue and white data panel suddenly appeared in front of you.

[Host: Xu Beifang]

【Age: 22】

[Team: Virtus.pro]

[Role Positioning: Breakthrough]

[Status: Fiery (status increased by 20%, but also more prone to mistakes)]

【Mindset: 87】

[Marksmanship: 80 (collapse/expand)

1. Preview: 69

2. Pressure gun: 65

3. Positioning: 80

3.Strafing transfer: 65

4. Kill streak ability: 73】

[Consciousness: 63-65 (collapse/expand)

1. Information processing: 65

2: Map understanding: 59

3: Offensive awareness: 55

4: Defensive awareness: 64

5. Endgame ability: 57]

[Reaction: 76-79 (collapse/expand)

1. Reaction to gun: 79

2. On-the-spot decision-making: 76]

[Firearm proficiency:

1. Pistol: usp-A+, Glock-B...

2. Submachine guns: MP9-B, Mac-10-B...

3. Rifles: AK47-A+, M4A4-A…

4. Sniper rifle: AWP-C+, ssg 08-C...]

[Listen to advice value: 2874]

[Overall evaluation: After unremitting efforts, the host has finally embarked on the first step on the career path. The host is requested to improve his abilities as soon as possible and gain a firm foothold on the professional stage instead of being a flash in the pan. 】

The advice I got today is worth a lot of money.

The listening and persuading points obtained by winning the game + the listening and persuading points given by the coach's flexible playing methods have made him go from just over 1,000 to nearly 3,000.

However, Xu Beifang also knew that he was in the minority who could complete so many suggestions in one day.

Most of the time, you can only rely on daily basic training and winning the game to gain listening points.

[Will it cost '2000 persuasion points' to improve offensive awareness? 】


As Xu Beifei confirmed it, knowledge seemed to flow through his mind. He felt that he had understood a lot, but he seemed to understand nothing, just like a college student who had finished a class.

Offensive awareness also changed from 55 to 57.

This is actually the same as the overall game understanding of CSGO. It is always a little bit of fragmented improvement, and then when it accumulates to a certain extent, there will be a sudden epiphany.

Now he is still in the process of accumulating a little bit, waiting for the day when he will make a big difference.

Regarding the improvement in offensive awareness, he couldn't tell where the specific improvement was for a while, but when he thought about today's game, he also remembered the DEMO he had just played with the machine to explain to himself.

He also discovered that there might be a better way to handle the offense at certain times.

Maybe these insights today will be forgotten in the next competition, but even if you can get more benefits every time, it will definitely be of great benefit in the future.

Xu Beifang took another look at his backpack:

[D-level treasure chest x23, energy potion x2, muscle repair potion x1...]

Did you unknowingly collect 23 more D-level treasure chests?

It has been more than four months since he was reborn, and Xu Beifang has gradually figured out the reward mechanism of the system.

The system's D-level treasure chest is the worst, but it's possible to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle if you give it a try.

The probability of C-level treasure chests being able to unlock beneficial rewards is greater, but it is still possible that the treasure chests will just yield the value of persuasion.

The 'Master Ye's Breakthrough Enlightenment' and 'Fire Man USP Enlightenment' that were very helpful to Xu Beifang were both obtained from C-level treasure chests.

With this thought, he couldn't help it.

[Should I use D-level treasure chest x10 to exchange for C-level treasure chest x1? 】


[Do you want to open the C-level treasure chest? 】


[C-level treasure chest is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for gaining the primary understanding of a rifleman. 】

[Please choose one among S1mple, flusha, BlameF, and hooxi to express your feelings...]

Looking at the four players above, Xu Beifang had difficulty choosing again.

However, compared to the last experience with primary rifles, the selection is not that difficult this time.

First of all, exclude hooxi. This man who will be given the title of "god" in the future, his strength has never been in marksmanship.

Secondly, remove BlameF.

BlameF played very well, but he was too old. Although his statistics were always very good, there was still a lot of water.

This player's style of play can be the icing on the cake for the team, but it does not fit Xu Beifang's current positioning. He is now the game-breaker for VP, and it is impossible for him to stay behind and wait for Pasha and others to go forward to find opportunities.

And the style is so different from Xu Beifang's.

Immediately afterwards, flusha and S1mple hung on the wall.

Xu Beifang considered between the two, but finally couldn't resist the temptation and chose S1mple.

Although flusha is powerful, it is famous for its incomprehensible consciousness.

S1mple's rifle can still be understood by normal people.

As soon as the thought occurred, the picture became blurry.

The next second, he appeared in a game, looking at S1mple's perspective throughout:

"Can you kill someone?! If you don't choose the right position, you can't kill someone, and if you can't kill someone, any official on the earth can do it better than you."

Before Xu Beifang could figure out the situation, he heard S1mple start spitting out fragrance.

He looked at the screen. This was a match during the HR period. They were facing a headwind, and S1mple had already achieved the achievement of sitting in the middle and spraying both sides.

But the other four HR people couldn't reply, because S1mple did kill a lot, but they couldn't do much to help, and they were always in the cycle of life and death.

Xu Beifang could clearly feel S1mple's mental state at this moment.

He really didn't understand why such a simple question needed to be said over and over again.

The opponent is obviously very good, but why do his teammates always die suddenly, playing like a BOT?

At the same time, he could feel the strong competitiveness in S1mple's heart.

Even in the endgame of 1 vs 4, S1mple did not have the thought of protecting his gun. Instead, he tried hard to think about the opponent's position selection and actively looked for ways to break the game.

This kind of idea was arrogant and conceited, and it also opened Xu Beifang's eyes.

S1mple's success in the future may be due to this competitive spirit that refuses to admit defeat.


He also had to admit that this Ukrainian boy was a pure stress monster.

While squeezing his opponents, he is also spraying teammates. He can even operate on both sides without any hindrance.

As for rifle skills, S1mple doesn't show much overall.

When you feel where a person will be standing, pull the crosshair to preview, and then fine-tune the person in seconds, which is simple and neat.

No skills, just talent!

It is very similar to SCREAM’s teaching method.

This way of aiming was completely different from the mainstream sweeping robot-style aiming he had received.

But neither of the two aiming methods is better. Xu Beifang only thinks that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

NIKO's rigorous sweeping robot-style aiming is more rigorous and easier to seize opportunities, but it consumes too much time and is more suitable for headwind situations to explore spots to find opportunities.

S1mple's very casual aiming method is more suitable for getting information and moving quickly in the first round of breakthrough.

At his current stage, he prefers S1mple's style of play.

After all, breakthrough players sometimes need to pay attention to time and seize opportunities, and do not have so much time to carefully preview every point.

NIKO's talent of always keeping his sight on the front sight line is something that others cannot learn even if they want to.

‘It seems that my aiming method can be changed a little. ’ Xu Beifang thought in his heart.

His previous aiming method was to approach NIKO. After all, Xu Beifang, the world's number one breakthrough player later, did not deliberately imitate, but he was also approaching that style unknowingly.

But now it seems that the textbook-like search point preview may not be the only answer.

However, switching to this simpler preview would require more stringent requirements for his secondary positioning and point-searching awareness.

His secondary positioning is good, but his awareness is still lacking.

Shaking his head, Xu Beifang turned on the deathmatch mode and started today's deathmatch training.

Comparing myself with these top players, I'm not even a little behind.

Still need to work hard...

It will be on the shelves next Wednesday, and I will work hard to save it. Then I will let you see the strength! !

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