CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 62 apex: I regretted it then!

Paris France.

In Vitality's training base.

apex stretched. He had just completed the last training task of the day.

There are not many training tasks, because it is just to maintain the state.

After G2 Gongdou left, apex became one of the eliminated players.

Apex, who had no team to go to, had no choice but to recruit happy, NBK-, and Rpk to form a new team-Vitality.

This new team is still in preparation, but problems have already been exposed.

The status of these old guys is gradually declining, it is difficult to get good results, and there is even a shortage of people.

Vitality's management has found French youngster Zaiwu, who is number one in this year's FPL, to join their team.

However, Zaiwu needs to wait for him to complete his final studies, which will take several months.

The four old men just started looking forward to the stars and the moon, waiting for the arrival of the cargo.

In the past few months, old friends have been shining in G2. But they didn't even have enough people together, so there was inevitably a gap in their hearts.

However, no one doubted Zaiwu's personal abilities.

Regardless of his performance in FPL or his performance in second-tier games.

They all thought their wait was worth it.

However, Happy is getting older and his level has declined very seriously. He has been clearly told that he is only here to help, leaving Apex and the management to continue to recruit one more person.

Apex had a headache when they heard this. There is a serious shortage of French CSGO talents. Where will they find new talents at this time?

Unless Viltality becomes an international lineup.

Thinking of this, the ladder match against VP appeared again in his mind.

While thinking this, he sat on the sofa and scrolled through his phone unconsciously.

A piece of news on HLTV caught his attention——

"IEM Shanghai Group Stage: VP's rookie debut was a great success, VP easily defeated 5power and HR, and successfully advanced to the semi-finals."

VP has advanced to the finals, and that newcomer from morelz is becoming more powerful again? ...apex was a little confused, but also interested,

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“In the IEM Shanghai group stage, when VP started the original lineup, the performance on the first day was not good, and they lost by 3 points on their own strong map, the Mystery of the Dead City.

Entering the loser group, they made a bold decision. They used the newcomer Nice from China for the first time in this IEM Shanghai station. This made us doubt whether VP has changed from a purely Polish lineup to International lineup…”

apex:? ? ?

what? Nice? ?

Is it the Nice I know?

apex has always had some impression of the high-ranked warrior who once made him feel good. He even has his friends in his Faceit account now. Just as a thought, if Happy really retires in the future, he can be invited to come over and give it a try.

But he didn't expect that this person would be poached by VP first! !

Apex does not think it is an ID with the same name. After all, the ID is the same, the nationality is the same, and they are even mixed up with VP.

With so many elements together, it can’t be a coincidence.

"... In the two BO3s where the rookie played, he showed extremely strong tension. In the two BO3s, he scored 1.57 and 1.31 ratings respectively, which was a very good performance."

"Here, who's data is so strong?" NBK didn't know when he sat next to him and looked at the data chart in apex's hand.

"Nice, the newcomer to VP." apex replied with some melancholy.

The success of the old brothers in G2 made him even more uncomfortable, let alone an opponent like VP?

"Let me just say, how could VP suddenly recover? It's almost time for them to retire from the stage of history." NBK took a bite of the banana and said vaguely.

The more NBK says this, the more uncomfortable Apex becomes.

"This could have been a member of our Vitality!"

Thinking back to the exaggerated data just now, he felt even more disappointed.

How could such a dazzling gun man become a teammate of those muscular guys in VP?

If he had spoken earlier, would Nice have become a member of Vitality now?

"How do you say that?" NBK was very surprised by this. After all, the opponent is a Chinese, how could he become their teammate?

"I was matched with him on Facite, and the opponent was the VP foursome. Together with him, I defeated the Pasha guys. Originally, I wanted to check Happy's status first, and then invite him if the problem was too big. he."

"It turns out that these damn muscle guys from VP are so quick to attack!!"

Apex was so angry that his back molars almost broke.

"Ah!!" NBK hadn't thought of such a thing.

"I seem to have seen your ladder clip. Don't be angry. I'm a fan of Pasha. It's normal to join VP." NBK comforted apex.

"So why doesn't he just join Tianlu and go abroad to play professionally?" Rpk asked at the side.

Tianlu's strength is not weak, why bother to play in a foreign country?

"I know!" Happy answered with a raised hand, "I just asked a Chinese fan, and he told me that Nice once went to Tianlu for trial training, but he wanted to go to the home team. There was no place for Tianlu's home team, so he didn't come in the end. That’s it.”

"At that time, he had reached the top position on the 5E platform. Someone suggested that he play Faceit, so he came up to score points and find a team."

These words made Apex even more painful. He still had a trace of fantasy in his heart.

Nice explained that he was a fan of Pasha that day. He originally thought he went to VP because he liked Pasha.

Now look at it, what kind of fans are these?

It was just a casual joke.

If I could have invited him back then, even if it was just to let him try out online, he might be wearing a Vitality uniform today!

Apex's heart feels like it's being pressed down by a big boulder for no reason. What's this? !

Tianlu, can you do it? The players in your own division can't stand it, so they can only go abroad to find a team! !

Guys, what the hell are you doing! !

It was sad that he had passed by such a talented young man, and apex even became dissatisfied with Tianlu.

Only those who have lost can know that when you feel sorry for the situation in your heart, you will blame something that seems to be connected to it, but has little to do with it.

"VP made it out of the lower bracket with a 2-0 record and will compete with Tianlu in the semi-finals to qualify for the finals."

Seeing this information, Apex decisively opened Twitter, edited the text and sent it:

"Tomorrow IEM Shanghai VP will face off against Tianlu. Come on Nice, you must beat someone!!"

After a day of traveling in Shanghai, everyone at VP finally returned to the hotel room a little tired.

But they can't rest yet. After one day's entertainment time, they have to get into work mode.

"I gave you a rest yesterday. Today we will review yesterday's game video together and pick out the problems." Coach Kuben gestured for everyone to look at his computer, scan it round by round, and judge based on his field of vision. Explain, and then communicate with the players to correct their slightly wrong ideas.

The entire review took nearly three hours. After the review, everyone in VP looked tired, and the coach's mouth went dry while explaining.

Xu Beifang felt the knowledge floating through his mind, his eyes slightly confused.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't bear the intensity.

However, he will be keenly aware of the difference between the coach's DEMO explanation and yesterday's explanation of playing with the machine.

As a coach, Kuben actually has a lot of work.

Arrange training every day, record their training status, communicate with other teams about training matches, communicate with the competition team, prepare for the next trip, and study the opponent's game videos.

His daily working hours are no less than those of VP players.

Therefore, in this kind of DEMO explanation, he will not explain them in detail, and will not find minor operational problems from everyone.

He only starts from the overall situation and looks at the tactics of this point to see who has a wrong understanding of tactics and then points out the direction.

He found mistakes in the game and looked at the problem as a whole.

Playing the machine helps him review the game personally.

The two have different focuses, but I have to say that kuben is still more professional.

In his review, there is no correct answer in operational play, but more effective plays based on the opponent's play style.

For example, if you are defending a team that likes to fake plays or play in a wave, the players' operating ideas will definitely need to change.

Kuben will make mistakes for everyone in VP based on the opponent's style.

The three-hour review improved Xu Beifang's overall view of the game a lot.

But you still need to think more and summarize it later.

"That's it for today. We will play BO3 with Tianlu tomorrow. Their strength recently cannot be underestimated. Let's not be careless. Go to bed early and get good rest to cope with tomorrow's game."

As soon as Kuben said this, the players in the VP training room immediately fled like birds and animals.

Looking at the team members like this, Kuben sighed. These old guys disliked training less and less.

When he turned around and saw the newcomer sitting in front of the computer, fighting to the death, a smile appeared on his face again.

At least there is one person who has learned well.

The timeline of Little Bee has not yet been established. It is under preparation. After the London Major is officially completed and Zaiwu is added, Little Bee will officially appear in the public eye. apex is the commander, Alex joined in 2019 and took the command away.

PS: Alex is the guy who lets the loader pull the gun line.

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