CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 68 Pasha’s Regret (two chapters in one)

"Do you have any ideas? You can talk about it." Kuben clapped his hands, indicating that everyone could speak freely.

As a coach, he is more responsible for studying the opponent's video and various preparations. Such sudden whims before the battle are not his strong point.

Otherwise, he would not be a coach now, but a conductor.

"Why don't the Red Staircase just release it?" NEO died continuously in the area of ​​the Red Staircase, feeling a little frustrated. "We have died in this place three times."

Others are also a little uncomfortable. Repeatedly, again and again, this Chinese proverb seems to not work in CSGO.

The opponent's gameplay on the Red Staircase was skillful and their cooperation was smooth. It was obviously not a problem they could solve immediately.

Byali pinched the joint of her index finger and expressed her thoughts: "I think this red staircase must be captured."

"The location of the red staircase is in the center area of ​​the train map. Unless we choose to attack area A from the green channel in one wave, we will be affected no matter whether we attack A from the bandits' mouth or speed up B in a wave. The containment of the red staircase.”

If they attack from the bandit's mouth, the location of the red staircase can cause them huge trouble from the side.

If you want to fight B in one wave, you need to worry about the CTs climbing up the red stairs at any time. While attacking from the front, you need to be wary of people coming from behind.

Either way, it is not the result that VP wants.

"I can't control it!" NEO was silent after answering.

MICHU was scratching his hair a little irritably next to him.

They all understand the benefits after controlling the red staircase, but the problem is that they can't control it now.

Tianlu's Red Staircase style of play was too solid, preventing them from finding good opportunities.

"You can directly use two fires to control it later, one fire outside the red staircase, and then use one fire inside the red staircase to fill the inside." Byali explained his idea, "At this time, our gangsters will synchronize. If the opponent wants to continue to fight against the Qing, we can steal them from the side."

This style of play is somewhat different from VP’s previous ideas.

Previously, VP wanted to exchange fire with the opponent during the control of the red staircase and kill one of the opponent's people, instead of simply forcing the opponent back. Even if the two sides fought one for one during the control of the red staircase, they still made a profit. of.

This will make subsequent attacks easier.

But now it seems that this approach of simply persuading the other party to retreat is actually the best way to deal with it.

MICHU asked again: "What about this point? We don't have enough props to give the red staircase two fires now."

Incendiary bombs have always been expensive, and they just lost another point. VP's economy is not very sufficient in this round, and even two of them could only replenish one smoke bomb after playing Full Armor Galil.

With this configuration, it is a bit too extravagant to buy two incendiary bombs to clear the red stairs.

While his teammates were discussing, Xu Beifang remained silent. When he heard this, he looked at his position and a picture flashed in his mind.

He couldn't remember which game it was, and NAVI was disgusted by his opponent's red staircase style of play.

S1mple relied on his positional advantage and used his big sniper to directly seize an opportunity on the red staircase. He killed the opponent with one shot and captured the red staircase.

Since S1mple can do it, why don't I try it?

"How about I take the initiative to grab the red staircase and try to seize the opportunity?" Xu Beifang suggested.

His position is not the most forward position, but it is okay.

"If you have an idea, just go and try it." Pasha was at a loss for what to do. When he heard Xu Beifang's speech, he immediately agreed.

"Then let's set up a gun outside first and see what the result of Nice's attempt is. If he gets the first kill, we will directly fire a wave of explosive bombs in Area B as soon as possible."

Pasha is quite sensible.

Although the younger brother in the team is very good, the success rate of this desperate breakthrough method is destined to be low.

Therefore, he had to prepare early for Xu Beifang's failure to break through.

With this in mind, he also bought a smoke bomb and a flash grenade, and was prepared to explode the bombs in Area B at the next moment.

The score above the big screen is in classic resolution.

The eighth round officially begins.

Xu Beifang followed the plan and rushed out without stopping after the countdown ended, cutting his knife and running towards the red stairs.

After arriving all the way to the top of the red staircase, without stopping, I spun and jumped in the air and hung on the staircase. Then I took two steps down, pressed the space button, and flew out...

"Brother, this is a beautiful comeback!!" Seeing the two people's exquisite cooperation to break the game, Tianlu and the others were quite excited.

MO also pointed out their next play style: "DD and Big Brother played very well in this wave of counter-clearance. This is how we will play next, using our cooperation to fight against the VP group."

"We still have to control the red staircase. As long as we can gain control of the red staircase and don't lose the green pass, it will be easy to handle whether we are returning to defense or facing VP's A-area bombs. "

The kid nodded and agreed: "But be careful about the newcomer. VP's veteran players have very fixed playing styles, but Nice's positioning is very strange."

Everyone else expressed their understanding, and the kid continued to move forward to the red stairs to control the map as usual.

The gangster was angry at the beginning. After fighting for a second and making sure that no one had found out, he walked from the electrical box to the red staircase.

But almost instantly, he saw someone flying directly into his face.

Damn it! !

He subconsciously raised his gun and fired, but the AK47 unreasonably shot him in the head.

[Nice used AK47 to kill someone with a headshot]

Someone under the camera trembled all over and almost said, "The cabinet has moved."

"The red staircase has entered!! This man is so fast!!" The kid shouted the moment he was killed.

He was a little helpless. Before the game, he vowed to teach Nice a lesson and let apex see who is the real genius.

As a result, when it came to this, I was directly killed by Nice several times, and I was a little confused.

Xu Beifang didn't think too much. The moment he jumped out through the stairs and saw no one in the red staircase, he knew that he had succeeded in seizing this opportunity.

As expected, the kid didn't realize that there was already someone on the red staircase, and was directly killed by him with a headshot.

After getting the first kill, Xu Beifang did not stop this time. Instead, he took the initiative to investigate the information about the A package point.

BnTeT, who heard the announcement, was already paying attention in the direction of the red stairs. When they saw Xu Beifang's shoulder, they immediately opened fire.

But Xu Beifang was not hit by him, he was just here to get a position.

When BnTeT saw that he had been cheated, he also realized that something was wrong, and quickly tried to retreat to the side of the bunker.

But the bandit within sight rushed out in a crouching posture.


[Nice used AK47 to kill BnTeT with a headshot]

He was like a dump truck, hitting BnTeT to death!

Just be a human being! !

"Brother doesn't want to play anymore, this young man's shooting skills are too fierce!!" Xiaobo was dumbfounded in the commentary box, "Whose newcomer is so fierce when he comes up!"

The old handsome guy didn't expect that the exchange of numbers between the two sides would be so violent at the beginning.

"VP knows that you like to grab the Red Staircase. In this wave, Nice is directly sent to the Red Staircase to get you a gun. Didn't the kid and big brother Red Staircase fight well? Then I will kill you at the beginning, and naturally no one will control the Red Staircase! This tactic is so top notch!!”

[God’s tactics are so top-notch]

[Just killing everyone is the strongest tactic in the world, right?]

[This is an FPS game, shooting skills speak for themselves! ! 】

【The North is awesome! ! 】


VP’s voice is also full of excited sounds.

Xu Beifang proposed that he would take the initiative to grab the red staircase. Although Pasha agreed, no one cared much about the final answer.

But who would have thought that Nice could not only control the Red Staircase, but also almost break through Area A!

As the big brothers in the team, now they only need to shout 666 behind the young people.

Moreover, Pasha glanced at Xu Beifang's position. After getting two kills, he did not continue to rush forward, but stabilized.

This is great!

Pasha felt inexplicably regretful at this moment.

It's not that Nice lacks ability, on the contrary, for him, this newcomer is the kind of player he dreams of.

No commander would refuse such a player who can break a point immediately and also stabilize after gaining an advantage.

As for the consciousness issue that Nice cares about, it is irrelevant in the face of these two advantages.

What he regrets now is that he only encountered this kind of player at the end of his career. What a pity.

Pasha's inner emotion was just a thought.

He also had to lament that although the newcomers said they had poor awareness, they actually had a good view of the overall situation!

If he had just decided to continue to break out, his teammates outside the bandit entrance and on the B2 floor would not be able to help him at all.

Once he is knocked out, it is purely a free one. 5-on-3 will become 4-on-3, and the advantage will not be big.

But now that he is so stable, he can use a group of five people to hit a point, and at the end it is a wave of partial 5-on-3.

Pasha called everyone back and launched a wave of bombs in Area B.

DD, who was staying behind in the police, saw the smoke grenade coming, and was killed by Byali instantly. The remaining two people in Tianlu directly chose to save their guns.

"The score came to 5:3, and the first half of the game was already halfway through. The competition between Tianlu and VP was quite fierce. Both sides played very well, especially Nice, who made his debut at this IEM Shanghai station. He has already obtained the data of 9/1/2 and averaged 134 damage per game. His condition today is quite outstanding." The old handsome guy praised Nice's performance.

"However." Xiaobo looked a little worried, "The train map is a big police map. Even if it is one or two points ahead, Tianlu is still lagging behind, not to mention that the score is not yet ahead."

"We have been unable to destroy VP's economy. This has become Tianlu's most uncomfortable problem now. If this continues, the situation in the first half will be very worrying!"

Sakula Xiaobo, who has the titles of AK Wazi, Liuzhou Shaman, and A2 Floor Police Troll Prince, although occasionally explains the situation of poisonous milk, he does not have the causal ability of Masisi to follow his words.

This time he didn't have any bad intentions, and the situation after the first half was as he expected.

Tianlu was unable to completely defeat VP's economy. As a defender, their economy was stretched by VP as they struggled with each other. After all, CT's firearms and props are generally more expensive.

At the end of the first half, the score was fixed at the classic score of 8:7.

During the half-time break, everyone in VP was in a good mood. Although it seemed that they were only leading by one point, this was a big warning picture. Eight points for the offensive team was already a big advantage!

After the half-time break, the two sides switched camps and entered the second half of the pistol round.

Tianlu was under a lot of pressure. If they lost this pistol round, they would have basically no room for error in the second half.

In the pistol round, their play style was quite simple, a wave of red stairs combined with the bandit's A-area bomb attack.

Xu Beifang was near the chartered car and was the first to be killed instantly by DD and MO.

I wonder if it was his death that gave everyone in Tianlu confidence.

"DD made three kills in a wave, which helped Tianlu win the pistol round in a thrilling way, and the score was even at 8:8!" Xiao Changbo exhaled, "It was very thrilling."

The old handsome guy nodded at the side: "In that case, Tianlu won the pistol round in the second half. This game is still worth watching."

Xiaobo happily said in the commentary box: "My mood now is very complicated, nervous! Exciting! Happy! Excited! Happy!"

"Okay, stop talking about your elementary school English." The old handsome guy saw that Xiaobo had no intention of stopping and quickly stopped him. Everyone came to watch the game, not to watch Liuzhou Shaman making sentences.

After losing the pistol round, Pasha directly directed the team to strengthen.

His teammates are three versions of the artifact CZ75 plus Pasha, a bird sniper, and Xu Beifang is a somewhat unique Desert Eagle.

In VP's strong start, Pasha generally does not place too many requirements on individuals except for position distribution.

In his opinion, the hope of winning this point was slim. Instead of using tactics to restrain his teammates, it was better to let them play freely and play more comfortably.

"Byali, why don't we put a head in the bandit's mouth together? Pasha can throw a flash for us later?" The more rounds this happens, the less Xu Beifang likes to wait far away with his gun.

What he thinks more about is disrupting the opponent's defensive rhythm. If the timing is clever, he can even capture a good firearm in one wave.

"no problem."

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang took a handful of sand eagles and ran directly to the fifth and sixth lanes with his teammates.

"Knowing that the opponent is strong on ECO, Tianlu's strategy this round is very good. He is not in a hurry to advance. He is waiting for some opportunities in the bandit mouth and the red staircase."

Xiaobo soon saw the restless CT on the mini map.

"But VP doesn't intend to slowly talk about feelings with you. They just want to have a real fight with you!"

"Pasha uses a flash bomb, and the DD in the mouth of the gangster goes completely white!! Nice Shaying throws a gun, this wave of counter-Qing is quite successful!!"

The bandit hall was destroyed by the anti-Qing Dynasty, and Tianlu immediately became active.

The kid in the red staircase rushed out and looked at the bandit's mouth. The other party had already rushed into the bandit's mouth.

But just when he was considering whether to throw fire to cut off the bandit's retreat in the hall, a CT came back again.


The other party seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, as simple as taking a sip of water.

One shot killed him in seconds!

The mask of pain hung directly on the kid's face!

Damn it! !

MO was holding the props outside the gangster hall, ready to take action at any time.

The unexpected situation inside caught him off guard. He quickly walked over, planning to deal with these two people directly before the other party picked up the AK.

Byali pulled out CZ and was fooled by MO. CZ quickly emptied his bullets with a burst of bullets. MO pursued him and quickly killed him.

"There is one more!!" the kid reminded loudly.

MO understood in his heart and asked his teammates behind him to give him an instant flash.

"Give it!"

MO peeked out at the same time, and then both of them covered their eyes and became patients of the ophthalmologist.

After regaining his vision, Xu Beifang saw a bandit on his left out of the corner of his eye and immediately threw him away.

But the other party's reaction was also very quick, and he was dealt with in one stroke.

After MO saw that he had dealt with two bandits in the infield, he did not blame XCC for flashing him. Instead, he continued to ask him for a flash grenade and directly announced the launch of a general infield attack in the voice message.

But after the flash, a sniper bullet struck, killing him instantly.

Perhaps the best news for the remaining 2V3 endgame between Xcc and Big Brother is that all the guns are in the gang's mouth, and the remaining members of the opponent cannot pick up guns to enhance their combat effectiveness.

In the first wave of firefights, VP and the opponent played 2 for 3, which gave VP a chance to make a comeback.

Pasha had an idea at this time: "NEO and MICHU, come over and bet on point A! We won't take point B right now!"

"What if the opponent hits B? Should we fight back?" NEO hesitated.

Pasha is quite a bachelor: "When they beat me, we went to pick up guns from the gangsters. The three of us with three long guns were just enough to save our guns."

Everyone's eyes lit up. If they really kept the three guns, even if they lost the round, Tianlu would not make any money.

Tianlu didn't expect so much. With a numerical disadvantage, they finally chose a wave of attacks in Area A.

Naturally, the VP, who had been well prepared, used a multi-angle gun line to pull him to pieces.

Tianlu finally won a pistol round in the second half. The rhythm he had just achieved was overturned by VP, and his mentality was a bit broken.

This round had a great impact on Tianlu. They never expected that they could be defeated by an ECO comeback.

After being severely scored by VP, the error tolerance rate became smaller and smaller.

Although several rounds broke out in the follow-up, it was still a big police picture after all, and Tianlu was helpless.

The score was fixed at 16:11, and VP won the first map of BO3.

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