CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 69 Remarks on the launch

I feel like it went on sale really quickly this time. Today is exactly 31 days, so it’s only been a month since I finished it.

The speed is a little too fast for me to react. At the same time, due to the impact of double-player, there are not many saved manuscripts. I told everyone in the comments to see the limit. Everyone just took it as a joke. The update will be released tomorrow at least 15,000. , probably to 20,000.

Unknowingly, I have written my third CSGO-themed novel. Looking back on that night, because I couldn't find a CSGO novel, I thought, "I can do it, too." Perhaps the gears of fate began to turn.

Of course, the novel was interrupted due to some things, but because some lovely readers persevered in the comment area to catch up with the update, I realized that persistence is meaningful. I would also like to thank my editor Penglai, he is not the one who interrupted the update. Even if you are willing to recommend it to me, I will not take this path.

The performance of this book is much better than before. I read it after recommendation after recommendation. With everyone's help, I even rushed to Sanjiang and realized a dream of Xiao Poujie. Thank you everyone.

But in the past two years or so, my writing level has not actually changed much. It is mainly due to the dividends of hot topics, thanks to the stupid boss who inspired me to listen to popular topics.

Let’s talk about this book again... How should I put it? In fact, this book was the easiest to write among all the books I have written. Perhaps it is because the protagonist is like the author, more like a professional player than a professional player. Ordinary people.

Through a little effort of my own, I gradually trained step by step towards a career. Of course, I still added the help of golden fingers, otherwise it would look a bit too distorted.

The protagonist is growing up step by step and slowly steps onto the international stage. However, everyone can also tell from the tone of the story that Xu Beifang’s experience will not be smooth sailing. If the e-sports article is just about winning, winning, winning, then it is not very interesting...

And because the content of the first two competition books was too dense, I also intentionally added more daily content. Of course, in the previous 190,000 words, I also made some mistakes. For example, the fitness process was too written. Secret, it seems that there is no distinction between priorities.

There were a lot of psychological experiences, and the conversations were very scattered.

Then let’s talk specifically about the issues after it’s put on the shelves.

It will be put on the shelves at noon tomorrow. Because the coffee shop is still open in double editions, there is no way to save so many manuscripts, so I can only agree to at least 15,000 yuan on the first day of the shelves. It should be 20,000 yuan.

As for that comment...just take it as a joke.

However, in the next month, I will try my best to continue daily while ensuring my status.

Finally, let’s talk about the conditions for adding updates.

Monthly tickets are updated every 200+1!

A total of 10,000 reward points + 1 more reward!

The leader will directly get +20 updates! (Of course, there shouldn't be...)

The follow-up reading is not bad, so let’s put the first order expectation at 1,000, and set it a little lower, so that I won’t be too disappointed.

For every additional RMB 100 in subsequent initial subscriptions, I will add another chapter. The pressure also makes me more motivated.

(Each subsequent chapter will be calculated based on the price of a handful of Famas.)

Because there are so many people who have supported the new book, I won’t thank them one by one here.

Please place an initial order. If you see me playing CSGO, please tell me to code.

Finally, I sacrifice a few CSGO novels:

"CSGO: Professional Players" has 910,000 words. This book is already fat, starting with breathing and playing.

"CSGO: Practice More" is an 83,000-word seedling. Well, I haven't read this book yet, so I won't comment on it yet.

"CSGO: What is the Famous Scenario Making Machine" is a 48,000-word seedling. It turns out that a master of CSGO's top-quality articles has written a new book. You can look forward to it.

Last but not least, please make an initial reservation tomorrow, this is really important! !

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