CtG – Zero kara Sodateru Dennou Shoujo

CtG – Zero kara Sodateru Dennou Shoujo

CtG ─ゼロから育てる電脳少女─|CtG -Zero kara Sodateru Dennou Shoujo-|CtG:

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In VRMMO -CtG- (Cradle to the Glaive), Kasugai Yuu has <married> Mifa, a girl he has just met. After that, their daughter Haruha is born and grown!? Moreover…

“I’ve come, daddy!”



In VRMMO -CtG- (Cradle to the Glaive), Kasugai Yuu has <married> Mifa, a girl he has just met. After that, their daughter Haruha is born and grown!? Moreover…

“I’ve come, daddy!”


In the real world, the real Haruha, along with the real Mifa – Kugimiya Miharu – suddenly appeared! The truth is, Haruha is a <new human> created in secret!! Living under the same roof, Yuu and Miharu are stuck with caring for Haruha both in game and in life, the one who controls the fate of humanity!?

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