The Macaque Village had descended into chaos with Kanna's arrival; as Vash stood quietly on the sidelines, watching the massacre unfold from a distance, as a torrential rain started to pour. Whilst through the heavy downpour, the large lit bonfire at the center of the village managed to keep its flame—coloring the warring silhouettes of Kanna and the Macaque hordes in striking orange hues.

'I wonder if Akira and Ai are making out somewhere during all this,' Vash thought to himself glumly.

Then, while hugging himself in trying to stay warm, he was shocked to witness the ensuing flood of freed banana-mushers: clumsily stumbling and sploshing through the watery mud in their frantic flight out of the village, into the surrounding woods.

Once he'd recovered his senses, Vash settled down with a sigh. 

'Amazing to think so many young ladies were being held captive here, rather than in my arms; how I'm courteous and informative, always going out of my way to be helpful. And still...'

Tears streamed from Vash's eyes, becoming lost in the raindrops that streaked along his face.

'I'm the one always being shoved aside!'

Meanwhile, as thunder crackled and boomed overhead, Akira and Ai had escaped with the group of rescued prisoners, never stopping, until they'd found themselves in a secluded clearing...

"We should be safe here," Akira said, pausing to catch her breath.

"Hey, Big Sis…"


"How were you able to find me?"

Akira was quiet for a moment, recalling the mysterious figure that had guided her. All she could see at the time was its silver fur, and a sliver of a well as a carved gray mask, of bestial appearance.

"I had a little help."

Before Ai could pry further, suddenly, lightning flashed to reveal another presence dwelling within the clearing. A young woman, of mystifying looks: her drawn, silver-white hair and flowing pale white garment both seemingly untouched by the falling rain, as if shielded, perhaps by the softly glowing aura she exuded.

"I have little time to spare, so we must speak quickly."

Akira stepped back. "W-who are you?"

Her eyes—he gasped—were the same striking grey eyes he'd seen on the strange monkey that led him to Ai's whereabouts!

"That...monkey who saved me...are you—"

"Presently, you are choosing to flee: unaware of the peril your magic-wielding friend will find himself in, should you continue to do so."

Akira winced. "Magic? You mean Vash?" she blurted. "He's in the village?!"

Ai drew her Squell claws, jumping in front of Akira and taking up a threatening stance against the mysterious pale girl. "Who's she, Big Sis? If she's giving you trouble, I—"she abruptly halted, looking surprised as Akira calmly extended an arm to brush her aside.

"I owe you a 'thanks,' don't I?" Akira said to the entity, with an amused chuckle. "But now you're saying I have to turn, and head straight back?"

"It is your decision to make, my Lord." 

"How do you know so much about the village?'

"It is too much to explain: just know that your companion's life hangs in the balance, should you decide not to act—as well as the life of another, who will surely prove useful to you in the future."

Akira raised an eyebrow. "So now you're able to read the future."

"Your work here, in this village, is not yet complete. There is still much to be done, in order for you to be rewarded by the fortune vein."

Akira knew she was referring to those things his [Big Business Tie] could sense.

So, he decided to test it for himself…

Through lifting the tie, then, sure enough he saw it was continuing to point straight toward the Macaque Village—at the very least confirming to him that there was still a profit to be earned.

"The conditions for establishing a state of peace in the village are directly in line with the conditions of your own goals."

"Is that so?" Akira briefly considered, before bearing a mischievous grin. Then holding a hand up to her ear, as she pointed the other toward the glow of the giant bonfire still residing at the center of the village, in the far-off distance, shown through the large gaps in the trees.

"Hear that?" Akira said, referring to the chorus of agonized Macaque howls that pierced the air. "Sounds to me like those 'conditions' are being well taken care of on their own."

However, the counselor was unconvinced.

"Such is the way of Deep Karma, that the apes will be revived within some hours." She bowed slightly, clasping her hands together in front of her. "The warrior's path leads not to permanent salvation—unlike that of the wise, true sage."

Ai nudged Akira with her elbow. "What's she going on about...?"

Contrary to Ai's nonchalance, Akira stared at the counselor silently whilst seriously contemplating his words for a time. Remembered how the wolves she'd fought with Vash, back when they first met, never seemed to replete in numbers: with every one that 'died' being magically replenished, within a few seconds.

"'re saying that if I don't go back, Vash will die. And if I don't find a method of dealing with the Macaques, other than through violence, I won't be able to make my fortune off this place."

"Precisely," the girl answered. "Furthermore, saving the village will someday prove beneficial to you in other ways: such as in your future attempt to free the knight that had rescued you from the demon king's dungeon."

"Lazuli…!" Akira gasped, in total disbelief. "For you to know about that, it means you've been watching me from the very start.

The pale girl smiled, though her eyes stayed the same. Resulting in an eerie, robotic effect—coming across more like a poor fascimile of a smile, than anything real.

"Do not worry," she said, stepping back slowly into shadow. "I am always watching..."

"Wait!" Akira cried. "At least give me your name!' As he quickly moved forward, stretching out his hands to reach her...but finding nothing.

Just like that, the girl had vanished.

Ai looked at her expectantly. "What'll we do next, Big Sis?"

Akira bit her lip. On the one hand, she was reconciling with the hilarious irony of a cutthroat billionaire CEO being called upon to strive toward a grand, sweeping, humanitarian change; whereas, on the other, she was simultaneously envisioning how incredibly sexy she must look in the [Oo-Aa-Oo-Aa Outfit], with her wet hair clinging close to the side of her face.

"We're heading back, Ai," she said decisively, placing her hands on her hips in a powerful pose. "But, starting from now, things are gonna be a little different around here."

The perverted world needed a savior: just as much as she did a mirror, and fast!

Seeing Akira's resolute expression, Ai hopped in front of her with cheeks puffing out in anger—also looking pretty cute, with her hair and slender little body all soaking wet, too.

"I still don't get what's going on..." she whined. "But, no matter what, I'm sticking by your side! Because if Big Sis is going to be raped by a monkey, I want to be there to get raped alongside her!"

Akira patted her on the head, with a serene expression.

'Oh, Ai. What would I do without you?'


Vash was still feeling distraught over his lack of contribution to Kanna's crusade. So much so, that he had hung his head and began to shuffle away, retreating into the briar forests, when suddenly an immense, blood-curdling roar ripped through the air.

Glancing back, he saw the figure of the awakened Sugary emerging from his hut.

Kanna was staring him down while the other Macaque backed away, having learned their lesson; blood washing down across her skin and armor in the ceaseless downpour, as she slowly reared her hammer back over her head to prepare for another huge swing.

"You...bastard!" She growled through gritted teeth. "I was willing to devote my life to you!"

"I wanted only to bear your children, and spend the rest of my life by your side!"

Vash, feeling struck, gawked wildly at her impassioned confession—'she'd rather be with an old-ass monkey than even consider me!?'

"I gave my entire being to serve as your wife, and you tossed me aside!"

At once, Sugary began to transform: His languished neck, chest, and legs all swelling up with vein-popping muscle; until it was no longer a shambling old ape standing above Kanna but rather a great, hulking goliath.

The [Level 12] [Rampaging God Ape Beast] sprang—lunging from the treetop with a devastating downward fist.

Kanna barely rolled to the side fast enough to dodge it. Then following up, angrily screaming, with a mighty swing of her hammer—only for the musclebound monkey to intercept it with his hand.

"Foolish ex-wife!"

It proceeded to swing Kanna back and forth over its head, repeatedly smashing her into the ground as she firmly held her grip; even as parts of her already well-worn armor were chipping away, to the point of almost breaking.

So if this kept up, or if she let go of the hammer, she'd be at Sugary's complete mercy.

At this time, Vash could see the glow of her aura growing ever larger, and knew it was time for him to act. However, because it was raining so heavily, he had to carefully draw both palms together and concentrate harder: To create a [Mega Fire Ball]; calculating in his mind, in real time, approximately how large he would have to make it grow so that it wouldn't fizzle out before reaching his mark.

When let loose, it soared across the sky like a comet and crashed, in a huge shower of brilliant sparks, onto Sugary's chest.

Staggered from the blow, it presented Kanna with the opening she needed.

Upon managing to wrench her hammer free of his grasp, she did a full turn with it: to deliver a huge, momentum-filled swing, landing it squarely on the top of his skull. 

Kanna backed away, frowning, as the Great Ape King could only flail about uselessly.

"I only wanted to serve you," she said—seeing this as a clear opportunity to deliver a finishing blow.

And yet, her hands quivered. And yet, she was hesitant.

Sugary let loose a mournful cry, sounding like an ordinary, un-buffed animal in pain.

"Never...can replace wife!" He whimpered. "No woman...not even big chest Squell...can ever..."

Kanna shook her head, her braids flailing like thrashing tentacles.

"Th-there you go again!" She snapped, her voice cracking with emotion. "Always bringing up that long-gone wife of yours!"

"Can't you just accept that the past is past, and move on!?"

She looked away, as her rage gave way into sadness. "Why is it I'm never good enough...?"

Vash gasped. 'Damn it, no! Baby, please—you're more than good enough for me!' He wanted to yell out, as corny as such lines were. 'I know what it's like to always feel inadequate!'

His throbbing, aching heart aside, however, that's when he saw Sugary stir out of his confusion.

Kanna had her head bent, still so lost in her own sorrow-filled thoughts that she couldn't see the giant monkey rise up behind her, his arms stretched out wide across either side of her.

Vash ran forward, about to warn her, only to be pinned by a swarm of Hungry Macaque.

"Banana time." One whispered, gently into his ear.


Akira could hear Vash's blood-curdling, high-pitched scream from the secluded clearing.

With Ai and the counselor both gone, she rushed back to the village alone as the rain ceased.

Upon her arrival, she came upon Sugary holding up Kanna in both his hands, squeezing her tight as she gasped for air. Hungry Macaque were gathered around; jeering and flinging rocks, mud, and...NOT mud, at her.

"H-h-husband!" Akira snapped, stammering with awkwardness. "Put her down, this instant!"

Sugary, at the sound of her authoritative voice, became an entirely different monkey.

He turned to her sheepishly, and gently did as he was told. The lesser Macaque also calmed down as well, eyeing their new Queen with curiosity.

A group of them came forward carrying a hog-tied Vash over their heads.

"Oh, thank God you're alive!" Vash exclaimed. "Honestly, I always knew you were Queen material from the very start."

"So, if you would please kindly have a talk with your new subjects for me..."

Akira watched the squirming, panicking Vash for a while, silently gloating in the face of his misery.

That's when she gave the expectant Macaques their first directive:

"Get him out of my face!" She ordered, and amid his desperate pleas and squeals they did so; hooting and chattering contentedly as they carted him off into parts unknown.

In the ensuing quiet, Akira glanced at the unconscious Kanna sprawled out on the ground.

Sugary's form shrunk—reverting him back to the meek, elderly monkey he was before.

"Old wife bad...can only have one!" He huffed. and blew his lips. "Me not polygamist, so must follow tradition and eat misbehaving old wife now!"

Detecting a hint of carnivorous intent in his garbled words, Akira touched him on the arm.

"My dear, I understand your need to uphold the law." She said; giving the warmest, most wifely smile she could muster. " there anything written in the ape constitution that says I cannot have a wife of my own?"

Sugary said nothing at first, as he raised an eyebrow—his interest piqued.

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