Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 22 - Uncovering The Perfect Housewife, In An Unapproachable Tomboy

She awoke to find herself lying on the filthy reed-matted floor of a Macaque hut, warm sunlight streaming across her face. At once, recognizing the scents that wafted across her nose: that particularly pungent arrangement of odors which pervaded the Macaques' suboptimal living conditions.

Since she'd fallen unconscious, Kanna's hair had come undone and all the parts of her armor were stripped away; replaced by the decidedly far less protective [Oo-Aa-Oo-Aa Outfit].

Surely, this could all only mean one thing...

'King Sugary has accepted me back as his wife!' she thought elatedly.

Just then, a warm breath peppered the back of her neck: feeling noticeably lighter than she recalled, yet still the hot blood rushed to her face just as it used to.

'Oh, how I've yearned for your touch! After all these many years since I was cast out!'

Now, to make up for lost time!

She eagerly stretched her arm back, expecting to touch fur. But instead, to her combination of surprise and disappointment, her fingers grazed against smooth skin.


She gasped when she turned around; coming face-to-face with none other than Akira Maximilian, greeting her with a mischievous smirk.

"Gooood morning, my beautiful wife."

"Ah!" Kanna bolted upright, unto her feet; rearing away from Akira's touch in surprise. "Burglar! Molester! HELP!"

She tried hiding her exposed body with her hands and arms, but it did little to distract Akira's thirsting gaze as they deftly circled around her, analyzing every minute aspect of her appearance from head to toe.

"You don't have ears like mine, or a tail," Akira mused, stroking her chin in thought. Then snapping her fingers, with realization—"ah! So that must mean you're a Human."

And a pretty Human, at that! With skin that bore a lovely peachy tan; thin, elegantly straight salmon pink hair that extended to the lower limit of her strongly built thighs. Thick, fringe bangs partially covered her eyes as they watched Akira, expectantly, with a slight but perceptible tinge of indignant anger to them.

"My, my…" Akira crawled on hands and knees toward the mercurial beauty, wearing a devious smirk that conspicuously revealed her single oversized Squell bucktooth. "Getting to marry a girl as beautiful as you is almost worth the price of having to come back to this shitty place." 

'I don't understand!" Kanna stuttered as she backed away, with a voice more high-pitched—more feminine—than her commonly raspy, false-deep tomboy sound. "I can't possibly be your wife, when my heart already belongs to Lord Sugary!"

She glanced around the hut they were in, then, and noted the distinct absence of Sugary's throne. 

"But this isn't right…! What's going on?" She heard some cute humming and looked, just as Ai emerged through the open doorway, carrying a double armful of bananas. "What the—! Who's that?!"

"Oh!" Ai beamed, immediately dropping the huge bunch of bananas to the floor. "My sweet wife, you're finally awake!"

"Eh?! I'm married to you as well?"

"That's right," Akira said, dusting off her hands while wearing a satisfied grin. "Ai and I were thinking about going for a bath in the river, after breakfast. If you'd like to join us."

Kanna shook her head, her mind reeling.

"N-no…in Macaque society, only the King and his chosen wife can be married and sleep in the same hut together. The rules are very strictly punished, so you'd better go before my husband finds you here."

"Huh?" Akira said, acting as if she hadn't heard. "Oh, that old law?" she yawned. "I'm Queen now, so I had it rewritten."

Kanna glared. "I don't believe you."

"Fine"—Akira shrugged—"go ask Sugary for yourself, if you dare."

"Fine!" Kanna huffed. "I'll do just that!"

But as she was about to storm out the doorway, Akira caught her by the wrist.

"Just so you know, the alternative was letting you get eaten," Akira said. "And I promise I didn't touch you while you were asleep, or anything, so what's the deal with all this attitude?"

"You don't understand," Kanna said, sniffling as she turned away.

"Hey...don't cry." Akira awkwardly said, then discreetly motioning for Ai to come help before timidly reaching out a hand to pat her softly on the shoulder. "I promise...I'll find a way to get us both out of this, alright? Then you'll be able to marry whoever the Hell you want."

Kanna shook her head, still averting her sad gaze. "No..." she murmured, falling to her knees on the floor slowly. "There's no way someone with a name like 'SexLover' could understand this loneliness I've been feeling for so long..."

"Whatever—go ahead and judge me based solely on my name," Akira said, her ears bristling as she tensely licked her lips. "Regardless, sitting here and crying won't solve anything."

Kanna turned to her sharply, with a furious look watered down by tears. "I returned here of my own free will, WISHING to be killed!" she yelled, then abruptly fell hushed. Continuing, "I...wanted Lord end my pathetic existence..."

Akira raised an eyebrow. "Is that really the case?" She smirked. "Because, as I seem to recall, you looked quite happy when you first woke up."

"N-no...that's not tru—"

"Also, why is it that you call him 'Lord'?"

Kanna froze, caught in her lie.

However, to fully come out and admit the shameful truth of her intentions…

Would be the unthinkable!

Which is why…

She proceeded to do just that, as she was wearing a crooked smile—of one who is drowning in lurid pleasure:

"Everyone else acts scared of me, or treats me like a man...except Lord Sugary," Kanna mused, blushing, as she gradually rose from the floor. "Which is why...ever since he made me his woman, only to toss me aside, days later, like a sack of rotten banana's all I can think about."

She wrapped her arms around herself, closing her eyes with an aroused expression.

"I think about it...dream about it...him shoving his wrinkly old monkey cock into me, over and over again. Ignoring my moans and whines." She paused, licking her lips. "Climaxing into my womb, with his bountiful seed. That way, he'll permanently ruin this youthful body of mine with a child, and sagging huge breasts filled with mother's milk."

Akira and Ai exchanged uncertain glances; as, in witnessing an attractive girl lose her mind like this, over thoughts of being violated by a monkey…

They were both simultaneously disgusted, and sensually intrigued.

"That's why I have to...warn Lord."

"Tell him what?" Akira urgently.asked.

She chuckled softly. "That you two are planning something treasonous..."

Akira and Ai exchanged glances again.

"She'll tell"—Ai whispered.

"Not if we can find a way to stop her."

"But how? She's so tough, I don't think even the two of us together can hold her down."

"It's simple," Akira said, winking. "Aren't you the one who introduced me to every woman's weak spot, in the first place?"

Ai stared at her a bit, confused, before giving a smile.

Now, she perfectly understood.

"I get the impression you haven't experimented with very many partners," Akira said, steamily, while proceeding to swing across the entire room in one elegant stride. Then wrapped her arms around Kanna, pulling their bodies close. "It could be that you just need the right lover to set you on the right path."

"I'm, still," Kanna murmured with Akira on one side, kissing her neck, and Ai on the other, squeezing her breast while kissing and nibbling on her shoulder. "So please, be gentle."

She stood at a full height a couple heads taller than Akira, possessing a distinctly more lean and sculpted, athletic physique; in contrast to the scrumptious, soft and squishy fat of the Squell body, which possessed scarcely any firmness to it save for the race's characteristically robust hips and thighs.

Akira didn't care, though—meat was meat, no matter the toughness, and SHE was a carnivore.

"A woman as beautiful as you..." she said whilst lowering her hand, then inserting two of her fingers into Kanna's most sensitive place—causing her to let out a high squeal.

"No, not there! Only Lord Sugary can touch me in that spot!"

"Shouldn't waste her love on an ape."

The spark was lit, and so then there was no avoiding what happened next.

Akira leaned her chest forward against Kanna's, simultaneously drawing away her paltry bikini top to let spill her superior-sized breasts, almost as a show of dominance. Thus playing the role of a wiser, more experienced slut-senpai: assuring her uninitiated kohai that it was finally let go.

"So forward!" Kanna exclaimed, turning her face to the side, against the wall, as she continued to endure the repeated incursions of both Akira and Ai. 

"I only just met you two, and already we're doing something like this…"

Ai had begun slowly pulling away Kanna's [Oo-Aa-Oo-Aa Outfit] from her body, as Akira placed a hand on the wall beside her head, to block her evasive gaze—forcing both eyes to face straight forward.

"You have to tell us if it's okay to proceed."

'Tell them?' She thought. 'How degrading that would be, even though…'

Kanna's rough exterior was shattering.

She hadn't experienced romantic pleasure like this before, in all her double lives.

Which was why her cherry pink lips spread into a smile, even as she looked to be on the verge of tears. "Oh, beloved wives..." she whimpered. "Show me it...what real love is!"

"That's right!" Ai cheered. "Big Sis and I will make you feel good, if you'll only open yourself to us!"

Kanna's heart pounded at these words.

'Open myself to them…'

"Yes...from now on, my heart and body…"

Belongs to Akira and Ai!

From there, the days passed as Akira was still working out an escape plan for the three....

During which time, it was revealed to her that Kanna was secretly a premium, top tier wife all along: Becoming demure, submissive, and always concerning herself with Akira's and Ai's well-being. Joining hands with them, whenever they'd stroll through the village together, and bathing together. Cuddling and spooning, when they laid to bed at night.

One day, Akira woke up to the smell of something sweet cooking in a sizzling frying pan.

With her mouth watering at the scent, she immediately rose—without stirring Ai, still soundly asleep beside her—and ventured into the kitchen area, situated in an adjacent room, behind a hanging piece of leather tarp.

And, once there..

Akira came upon a truly marvelous sight.

"Good morning!" Kanna said, cheerfully greeting her with a warm smile, before promptly returning her attention to what she was cooking in a pan on the stove—wearing no clothes, aside from a loosely tied macaque hide apron.

"Morning," Akira replied, rubbing her eyes with a loud yawn.

"My love—please, please sit!" 

Akira obeyed: claiming a seat at the small wooden dining table, there, beside a Macaque that was quietly sipping down a glass of piping hot banana tea.

"My love, I hope you don't mind me having a guest over this early in the morning," Kanna said, with a giggle. "But I've arranged for our furry friend here"—she sidled over toward the table, placing a gentle hand on the tea-drinking Macaque's shoulder—"to bring bananas for me to cook our breakfasts with. Now isn't that great?"

Akira nodded, bearing a serious frown. "I see, I see."

"R-right," Kanna said. Though, internally, she was a complete wreck trying to conceal the fact beneath a polite smile, as she then dutifully continued to slave over the stove: her state of mind not being helped by just how much raw sweat had accumulated; glistening along her shapely torso and womanly thighs and buttocks, from the unerring heat of the stove.

Despite all her efforts, she nonetheless found herself wondering…

'Is this not enough to please her?'

And Kanna was still thinking this, moments later, while setting a plate of the food she'd prepared on the table in front of Akira.

"I h-h-hope a banana pancake is to your liking!" she said with a faint, forced laugh. "Oh...but I hope that someday, I'll have more ingredients to choose from: so that I can cook all kinds of yummy dishes for you!"

Akira's head was bowed, with a firm frown drawn upon her lip; an ominous shadow cast across her eyes.

"Is...something the matter?" Kanna questioned, with a concerned look. "Is it...that your jaw hurts? Would you like me to chew the food then spit it into your mouth for you?"

She crouched onto the floor beside Akira, desperately grasping at her beloved's arm that was set upon the table.

"Akira...honey, please say something!"

Meanwhile, the monkey that was also sitting there all this time, calmly sipping its tea, raised an eyebrow at the soap drama that was brewing across the table—wondering if, perhaps, it might be a good time for him to leave...

As Kanna then pleaded to Akira, "my heart and mind...body and soul...they're all yours to command! So, need just say the word! Tell me whatever it is I can do to improve as a wife, and make you happier…" 

She lowered her head against Akira's leg and cried: gushing, warm tears. Sniffing, wailing cries.

Still, Akira's stoic air was unshakeable.

"No," was all she firmly said, in reply. "That won't be necessary..."

Kanna looked up at her sharply, the tears gone as soon as they'd arrived—her expression now turned to one of shock. "Wh-wh-what? Is it that you've given up on me already? So you're going to throw me out, just like Lord Sugary?"

Akira just lifted her head, then, with a smile: revealing the warmness that was actually present in her eyes the entire time.

"I don't need to ask you to change, because you're already the perfect wife."

Kanna's eyes widened.


She threw herself at Akira, knocking him out of his chair and onto the floor where she proceeded to batter the self-satisfied Squell with a flurry of kisses, all across their face and neck, shoulders and chest—tasting every exposed part of her with relief-filled glee.

"Kanna, please!" Akira laughed.

"Don't you EVER scare me by going all silent like that again!"

"I'm sorry! It's just that I was suddenly struck with an idea of how we can escape from here!" she said, gently rising as Kanna cleared away. "It involves bananas."

At this point the tea-sipping delivery monkey—having seen quite enough—up and left with a string of alarmed howls.

"Now come give your hardworking horny bitch wife some love," Kanna breathed, panting laboriously as her tongue flopped out in absentminded ecstasy to become entangled with Akira's—showing there was yet another side to her...

Kanna used both hands to pull off her apron, then fling it across the room.

"So forward!" Akira joked.

"I made you banana pancakes, so come and fuck me already," Kanna commanded, shoving Akira back down to the ground underneath her.

Then, as they became lost in each other's trickling sweat and saliva...

Ai stood by in the doorway, unnoticed, watching with a noticeable vibe of bitterness in her expression—that evil side of her being fully manifested.

'So they're having fun without me, huh?'

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