At the same time Akira was busy breaking in her new wife, King Sugary had passed most of his days in solitude: seated on his throne, alone in his hut, inconsolably moaning and sighing to himself; occasionally sending out messengers to Akira—seeking the kinds of comforts only a large-breasted squirrel girl could possibly provide—only for these royal booty calls to always go unheeded.

In other words...King Sugary had been made a cuckold in his own kingdom, and knew it. However, he was far too depressed to do anything about it.

Akira caught him downing his dozenth mug of [Banana Beer], when she showed up at his hut one day. Kanna was standing at her side, brimming with an undeniable feminine radiance, their hands brazenly touching.

King Sugary sighed, running his hand across his face.

"Oh, YOU TWO again…"

"Hello, my King," Kanna said softly, but casually—lacking any hint of her previous feelings for him.

The ailing, lustful primate could not possibly notice such subtleties, though: his gaze being strictly preoccupied with analyzing his aloof Queen's bulbous pair of meaty chest mounds—hoping to, this time, form a mental image that will last.

"It's been a while," Akira said, bearing a sensual smirk. 

She climbed into his lap, sticking out her back and protruding her vagrant breasts against his torso, as she teasingly wrapped her tie around his neck with one hand. "I've been meaning to have a talk with you about something."

Kanna, for her part in the presentation, fell to her knees and immediately started massaging the King's foot. At which time Sugary, sensing that something even stinkier than the crust between his toes was afoot, made a move to rise from his throne—only for Akira to gently pin him back down with her palm.

"I was thinking, my Lord..." she went on to say, heedless of his growing discomfort, "about improvements that might be made to the village. Starting with—"

Akira whipped out a [Ripe Banana] from her inventory, showing it to Sugary; who then proceeded to extend his neck and open his mouth, to try and eat it, only for her to cruelly snatch it away.

"In political science terms—"she cleared her throat, holding the banana up before continuing: "A banana republic is a country that depends on the export of a limited resource, such as its namesake"—she flashed and waved the banana in front of his face again, grinning—"in order to maintain economic sustainability."

"Me don't understand this…'political science,''' Sugary said, his face a giant question mark.

"Owa! I cwan twel you!" Kanna, her voice muffled—on account of her mouth currently being stuffed with Sugary's big toe—chimed in. "We shwould shell the bananas that gwow in the bwiar forest!"

Sugary appeared to not even be listening, though; as he was desperately grasping, reaching his long fingers through the air--

Toward Akira's hand, holding the banana!

"Okay, here's your fucking banana," she said with a frustrated growl, stuffing the yearned-after fruit into Sugary's mouth. "Did you catch a word of what we said, though?" She pleaded: "Anything?!"

"Bwanana Rwepublic," he replied, chewing with a full mouth.

"King Sugary, what I'm saying is that I see the potential for your village to gain a huge amount of wealth in a short amount of time. And all you need to do is KEEP doing what you've been doing—NOTHING AT ALL—and allow me exclusive control over all of the village's crop production."

"Hmm." The clueless king's brows furrowed in concentration. "Sound like hostile takeover, to me."

Akira laughed. "Not if you agree to it."

"New wife never even give big love"—he slammed his fist, rearing angrily, causing Akira to recoil from him—"me no trust!"

"Oh come now, Sugary," Akira said wryly as she calmly rose from his lap, her hips beautifully swaying whilst she then slowly glided, meandering, across the room. "Your people are starving, and look to you now for leadership."

"Me no WANT to lead," Sugary countered.

"You're acting like a CHILD."

Sugary pouted. Blew his lips derisively. 

Then, sighing, he leaned his head into his hand. 

If it weren't shameful enough that he was a cuckold to his former wife: the recent impromptu emancipation of the Macaque Village's primary labor force—its captive banana-mushers and harvesters—had submerged the local economy into disarray; the surprisingly bourgeoisie [Hungry Macaques] refusing to do any of the [Ripe Banana] picking by themselves. Due, in large part, to a widely held belief among their kind, that such agrarian engagements were far beneath their dignity.

And so it was, whilst undoubtedly pondering the complexities of this exceedingly tense and difficult financial climate that had befallen his people...

Sugary glanced down at Kanna—

She was still anchored to his foot by her mouth, idly sucking away as she vacantly stared up at him. Like a stupid, sexy leech serving its only purpose in life.

"Please...order misbehaving wife to stop," he tiredly demanded--trying to shake her off, or kick her away with his other foot to no avail, shying his distraught face behind his hand. "Our marriage...officially annulled in court of law."

"Very well," Akira said with a dissatisfied frown, snapping her fingers.

On queue, Kanna promptly ceased to suck—wiping her lips against her arm as she obediently raised unto her knees, away from the King's wrinkly, gnarled cheese-foot. Albeit with one last smoldering look cast, as she proceeded out the door of the hut, of someone who wanted far more to their portion than what the waiter had served…

After which Akira, now alone with Sugary, stood with her hands on her hips as she faced him with a reproachful stare.

"Look at you…" she seethed.

Sugary whimpered, cowering in his throne.

She spat, "you're pathetic!"

"Me miss old wife..." He sniffed." Nobody can replace her."

Akira scowled, perfectly unmoved by his pitiful showing. If it were an option, she would've simply had him killed—if it meant he'd cease being an obstacle, in the way of her realizing her grand, golden vision for the Macaque Kingdom!

"Me never love again." He moaned sadly, burying his face into his lanky, long arms draped with long fur. "Me lost everything that matters to me; matters in this world."

"What, did your old wife die or something?!"

King Sugary rose up, shaking his head. "Not dead," he said quickly. "Even worse!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "Wife taken from me—by own brother!"

Akira frowned, hiding a hint of a smile. "That's rough, buddy."

He snarled, gritting his teeth in an expression of pure bestial rage. "Vali...! My brother: him stole my wife—my everything!" His snarl diminished to a frown; his rage returned to sorrow. "But his army too big for me take back. Too powerful. Can't fight...hopeless..."

Akira's Squell ears immediately perked, at what sounded like a vulnerability—ripe for being taken advantage of!

"An army...? Is it an army you need?" She probed, advancing at the downtrodden monkey monarch with heavy, energized steps. "If it's weapons and armor that you need"—she darted behind his shoulder, wrapping one arm around his back while she swept the other across the air in front of them, grinning confidently—"I can raise you enough capital to fund an entire war effort!"

Akira watched Sugary absently stare off at nothing, for a bit—likely taking a moment to process all of this new information—before returning his attention to her, with a rather peculiar grin, the likes of which Akira had not seen from him before.

It was the look, roughly speaking, that someone makes when they've just figured out how to beat a tough opponent at their own game.

"Okay," he croaked. "Me give you what want, but it cost you."

The exchange was immediately brought underway, with a cart being sent rumbling into Acquama Town the very next morning.

Loaded to the brim with [Ripe Bananas], it was being pulled by Vash who was dressed in the male version of the [Oo-Aa-Oo-Aa Outfit]: a loincloth, foot and wrist wraps, and a necklace made with a pair of Macaque fangs. It was clear from his shrunken frame, as well as an altogether wearied, downtrodden look in his face, that the previous few days he'd spent as a captive of the Macaque had taken an immense toll on him.

As he dismally contemplated aloud, in a grumbling voice: 

"I was tortured, for days on end...picking bananas...mashing them under my feet, in a dark, dingy basement, all alone, for hours and hours...just waiting...hoping...Akira would eventually figure something out, and come to my rescue…"

He cringed, in bitter disgust.

"Instead...she turns the girl I was crushing on into a submissive wife! And now, THIS—"

Behind him, sat atop the cart that was heaped with bananas, Ai was holding the reins with Kanna sat beside her, lightly touching her arm. The both of them smiling amongst themselves, at his displeasure.

"It is all part of my love's brilliant strategy, donkey-mage-kun," Kanna reassured.

Ai snickered. "Yeah, so quit whining! And besides, who ever heard of a talking jackass? Except in that one stupid cartoon movie."

"You fucking evil loli bitch! Don't you dare talk shit about Shre—OW!"

Cackling loudly, she silenced him by abruptly flicking the sharp leather reins, so that they harshly whipped him once in the back.

"No, please!" Vash pleaded. "NO, I'm sorry! I mean—sh-sh-SHIT!"

He hated it, though he also loved it.

While all this was going on, Kanna giggled.

"It sure was neat of Akira-sama to entrust us with such an important duty."

The wagon continued up through the market square, where they were surprised to see the streets were totally empty; save for the ubiquitous prostitute selling herself for potion money on every corner.

Ai explained, "we're here early, so we get to take our pick of where to place the stall."

Vacant plots of land were set about the market square, which players could rent use of for the day to put their items up for sale.

"Akira-san said near to the bathhouse would be perfect," Ai said.

"Why's that?" Kanna asked.

She shrugged. "Hey, SHE'S the world's richest, youngest, cutthroat playboy billionaire CEO—not me—but I guess it's so horny bastards can an easy quick bite to eat, if they need the extra stamina. Or, I dunno, to just give them easy access to something they can shove inside people."

"Lovely," Vash murmured—earning him another whip!

Ai guided the wagon to one of the clear rental plots closest to the bathhouse, where she then hot out to prompt a system interface to appear:

[Rent current plot of land for 250G?]

"Yes!" she answered cheerfully.

[Purchase Confirmed.]

With this message, a long tent-like structure appeared out of thin air, complete with shelves and a street-facing countertop for storing and displaying goods, just waiting to be packed with all the [Ripe Bananas] they'd brought.

Grinning proudly at the results while Kanna was looking on in awe, Ai then turned to Vash as he was leaning with his hand against the cart, catching his breath.

"Where IS Akira, anyway?" He panted. "I haven't seen her in days."

At once, Kanna turned away from him with an intense look, showing an expression of strongly suppressed anger. At the same time that Ai grinned, with subtle mischief, as she provided Vash his only answer:

"Big currently tending to her queenly duties."

Akira's "Queenly duties," as Ai called it...

It was merely a means of fulfilling her end of the bargain with Sugary: Pound for pound, and sweat for sweat.

An equivalent exchange: HIS power, for HER magnificent body; spreading it across him like a blanket of extra-fatted meat. Their mouths and tongues, united. His paws excitedly grasping and groping at her cushiony breasts; feeling and squeezing all along the soft, marbled fat of her torso. Claiming every part of her as his own.

Their pairing was a sublime duality: Plump, firm buttocks, pressed against withered thighs. Moist, youthful flesh against dry decay. Pleasure-filled whines and moans, overshadowed by guttural grunts and growls. Squirrel-woman and monkey-man, together united, indulging in passionate Sex Cultivation for hours on end.

"If you have...control," King Sugary huffed, whilst he thrusted into her viciously, "me prove you wrong!"

His penetration, topped with the repeated strumming and digging of his gnarled fingers across her bare, sweat-drenched flesh that tingled with arousal was making her mind go blank from pure ecstasy. 

"Uwa! Yes! Yes!' Akira gasped between strained breaths, her voice grown to an abnormally high pitch.

She couldn't deny that it felt good.

'I shouldn't enjoy this! It's completely wrong!'

And yet, her hips were moving on their own, as her insides churned with passion, and she begged and cried for more, and she even thought that she could feel the entrance to her womb opening up—like a flower in bloom, ready to accept King Sugary's sugary nectar. 

Still, Akira Maximilian tried his best to hang on; to resist the carnal cravings of his new body, by continually reminding himself of why he was doing this.

"I'll goals!"

"Haha!" Sugary laughed, in mockery of her struggle. "You new goal is get pregnant!"

What was this? Some kind of cosmic punishment, being meted out against him?

If so, what had he done to deserve it?

If life is a series of moral decisions one must make, in order to proceed, leading up the ultimate "weighing in" of all a person's sins in the afterlife...

What manner of sin had he committed, to earn such contempt from the God of Deep Karma?

Her thoughts were frantically racing, like a ship being battered about on stormy seas. Until, amidst the madness, she discovered a small sense of clarity—a single image, pulled apart and highlighted in her mind's eye.

Of that girl...

Bathed in a heavenly ethereal white glow, with a serene expression.

Akira had to smile, just thinking of her.

It was baffling to him: how pure, like that...

Could exist in a world that's—

Sugary let out a deep moan, in his moment of final release...filling the CEO, in a way he'd never thought he would be filled before.

And yet still, left him feeling hollow.

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