Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 24 - [Next In Line To Be Edited] Enter A Three-Way Pinch Leveling Process!

Monkey business was booming, as Akira's vision of a [Ripe Banana] republic in the Macaque Village was smoothly coming into fruition.

Kanna gave Akira the rundown one evening, after returning from the market:

"Every day, we sell out our entire wagon's worth of stock."

"The newbies tell us that most of the bananas are guarded by Macaque that none of the stronger players bother to kill off, so it's especially liked by them."

Akira nodded. "We've struck gold, it seems." The golden fruit, as it's been called.

"And of course, with those new pickers you hired, we can keep up with the growing demand!"

As the sun was setting, later that day, Kanna was crouched down helping Akira wash all the Sugary stink off her in a wooden tub at their spousal hut. It was the night before the scheduled confrontation with Sugary's brother, Bali, now that all the appropriate funds had been gathered to raise an army.

Akira wanted to be extra clean, in preparation for such a special occasion.

"That's gooood." Akira purred, as the washcloth was run across her dripping back another time.

Kanna was smiling warmly. "It's the least I can do for you, after all you've sacrificed for us to reach this point."

Akira then turned to look her beloved wife in the face, awestruck by the radiant beauty of her smooth, lightly tanned face, crested with waves of pink hair.

Then, their gazes met: filled with silently smoldering desire; until, almost as a matter of course, they gradually drew their heads close to each other until their foreheads and the tips of their noses touched, as within that intimate closeness they could smell the dirt and sweat of each other's eyelashes.

"I can't begin to tell you how much I look forward to being with you, every day for the rest of my life." Akira said.

"I feel the same way." Kanna said, followed by a slight laugh as she briefly averted her eyes--appearing shy as a doe, all of a sudden, though it only lasted a moment before she stared deep into her lover's eyes again. "Ever since you opened up to me...I can't stop thinking about you, Akira-sama."

Smiling coyly, Kanna then moved the sudsy cloth to the front of Akira's body—the breasts.

And as Kanna nonchalantly churned Akira's squishy breasts with the cloth, she looked back at Ai, a tiny speck seated on a table behind her, huffing with her arms crossed indignantly as she watched her 'home' proceed to receive a thorough cleaning from someone other than herself.

"I wanna be BIG again!"" She protested, her Squell tail rustling impatiently.

"I believe you called that one your little sister?" Kanna quickly turned her head to say to Akira, casting an uneasy sideways glance at Ai before continuing, "isn't it...strange, for her to be watching us like this?"

"Oh, Ai!" Akira promptly said, waving. "I have a job for you!

"We need to learn more about the King's brother, before I commit to helping Sugary raise an army against him tomorrow"—she paused briefly, giving a relieved sigh as she relished the moment of Kanna continuing to delicately scrub her down—"yes, I was thinking it could be a good job for you, but first...'"

Once her bath was done, and Akira was dressed in her [Oo-Aa-Oo-Aa Outfit] and [Big Business Tie] again, she picked up Ai and held her in her palm.

Kanna peered down at her, inquisitively, as well. "Is it...some kind of magic spell?"

"I...guess?" Akira answered, her tail wafting idly. "To be honest, the white monkey that did this to her didn't give any instructions on how to reverse it."

"Huh?" Kanna raised an eyebrow, half-turning to her. "White monkey?"

Ai clutched her arms to her chest as she closed her eyes, in frustration. "Hurry, Big Sis!" But Akira didn't listen, as she was trying to focus: to think of something that the white monkey might have said that night...

Ah, but it had happened so fast!

The counselor had gripped Ai on the shoulder, his eyes glowing...

When, suddenly, she was shrinking--

Until she was small enough to fit in his hand!

As he handed Ai to Akira, she remembered he'd whispered something to her; which, after just staring blankly at Ai for a while, Akira could hear the counselor's voice in her mind again, clear as day:

"Whenever such a time comes that you wish to revert the effects of my spell, you need only to—"

"Use the tie!" Akira declared.

As Kanna looked on, confused, Akira pulled her [Big Business Tie] to let the tip touch Ai on the head.

Just as she did, a flash of light emitted from the tie, seeming to be absorbed into Ai,

As it flooded into her tiny, shrunken-down figure until it consumed her entirely, and then steadily began to expand whilst maintaining her fundamental shape--continuing until she grew into her original size, and was standing before Kanna and Akira looking a bit bewildered, but otherwise in normal condition.

Kanna flinched. "Ack!" She exclaimed, before comporting herself. "Wh-what did you do!?"

Akira didn't answer, as she already had swept Ai up in her arms, and started battering her with kisses on the side of her face.

"Big Sis!" Ai cried, tears of joy marking her pink flushed face. "I missed you!!"

Then, to Kanna's horror, the two began to passionately lock lips and touch each other's bodies.

"Wait, wait, wait!" She urged, prompting them to pause, looking at her expectantly, as she clutched her forehead in her hand, shaking and turning in frantic perplexity.

"I-I-I thought you two were sisters!" She blurted—caught between a state of arousal and distress.

Ai beamed at her. "We ARE sisters!" She giggled, as her hand around Akira's waist casually slid down to the plush mounds of her butt.

Kanna pointed, her eyes twitching like a crazy person.

"See! THAT right there!" She snapped. "That kind of thing is NOT normal for sisters to be doing!"

Despite her harsh condemnation, however, Akira's and Ai's Squell tails wafted contentedly in the air as they faced her, with perfectly innocent smiles.

"Relax, Chun-chan!" Akira said—her eyes inheriting a sinister sparkle. "In fact...why not join us?"

"If it's between myself, my little sister AND my beautiful wife, it's sure to be a good time."

Kanna licked her lips, as nervous sweat was pouring down her face. She wanted to do the proper thing as a doting, selfish wife and say NO, but she also didn't wish to disappoint Akira...

So, she shifted the subject: "Weren't you saying you had a job for your...'sister' to do?"

Akira and Ai looked to each other, gawking. "That's...right!" Akira said. "Ai-chan! I was thinking I would like to have you sneak into Bali's camp, and gather us some intel."

Ai gave an energetic nod. "Great idea, Big Sis!" She exclaimed, followed by hesitation: "B-but..."

She opened the interface to show Akira her Dao Perk menu, and pointed out a Perk she was set to gain upon the next level-up called [Stealth]: [Allows one to turn invisible for an indefinite time, until combat is initiated.]

Ai rightly reasoned, "If I'm going on a stealth mission, I should be more stealthy!"

"That's true," Akira mused, stroking her chin in contemplation. "In that case, we COULD hunt the boars around here until you gain enough EXP..."

Ai sighed. "But Big Sis!" She whined. "Those boars give barely any EXP, so it's gonna take forever!"

During the several minutes of deliberation that ensued, Kanna had already figured out the answer but was too nervous to share it, knowing full well what that would entail. Something which Akira had already figured out for herself, but perhaps had been burrowed by ancient ape appendage enough times that she had failed to retain it.

'I don't understand the relationship between Akira and...whoever this loli whore named Ai is!'

She huffed, proudly sticking her chin up in the air. 'I won't give my woman up to this homewrecker without a fight!'

Kanna only wished she could be so cold and ruthless.

Realistically, she was shedding tears of bitter guilt and shame over her attempted betrayal.

As the other two looked to her, wondering what was wrong, she at last relented:

"Sex...Cultivation...grants EXP," she said, painstakingly uttering each word between her heavy sobs, whereupon Akira and Ai looked to her excitedly with ears perked upright, at full mast...only for Akira's expression to then promptly sink.

"I've done it with the King countless times, but only leveled up once."

She turned to Ai, touching her on the arm. "Not that I'm complaining, but we'd better get started right away...since this'll probably take us all night."

Kanna made a loud noise of clearing her throat—halting them, and seizing their attentions.

"I...suppose it can't be helped." She said, following with a sigh as she timidly stepped forward, to pin her body against Ai's other shoulder.

"It follows logic that if we were to both go at the same'll be twice as fast."


Night had fallen, and Ai was buried beneath the writhing masses of naked flesh pressed on top of her, on the floor, as for hours they continued—two mature bodies, passionately giving themselves up to the underdeveloped adult--with at first Kanna seeming uncomfortable, before being spurred on by the soft, high-pitched, often meat-muffled moans and timid contortions of Ai, in response to the growing fervor of Akira.

All the while, Kanna's blood was coursing with a cocktail of torrential emotions:

Embarrassment. Jealousy. Shame. Lust.

For jealous wife Kanna, the goal came to be totally enveloping, and disintegrating: this cursed invader loli, in gastric acid-like pleasure.

During this...Ai's mind went blank—from wholly embracing the fact that she'd been reduced to nothing more than a vessel, to be filled. A vessel for lust; for sweat, and saliva and passion--as well as, most importantly, EXP--while the signifying bar hovered over her head slowly ticked further and further up: with each passing second steeped in ecstasy.

However, even after the accompanying fanfare played...signifying that Ai had thus reached [Level 6]...the three continued to cultivate late into the night.

For Akira, this was it:

A state of interminable bliss she'd always dreamed of, as a lonely virginal CEO.

Indeed, if she could reach out with her poison claws to grab every willing woman in the world, and reign them in for a night-long session of EXP grinding--she would do it.

It was everything she dreamed of...

And yet, she also hated it.

"I'm...sorry, Ai-chan!" Akira gasped, wishing they could have had a more romantic reunion: than this sweaty, disgusting mess they were engaged in, for the sake of raw expediency! Like a cold decision made by corporate overlords, with no concern for the well-being of their lower rung workers—it was as if Akira Maximilian had perished in a world of Greed, only to reincarnate in one of unending Lust, and for the first time thus far she wasn't sure which was worse...

That's when she felt a hand gently grasp around her own, that was pinned against the floor. It was Ai's reaching out to touch her—reassuring her, that it was alright.

At this, Akira smiled as a tear formed in her eye, because it reminded her what this was all about.

"Together, we can do anything!" Akira cried out in triumph.

" a TEAM....we're gonna do it!"

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