Rumia gave each of the hired high-levels their own [Peelphone 2.0], from the latest model line that was just released to the public. And, a huge upgrade over the prototype version Akira had originally been given: boasting an advanced HUD menu that enabled communication with multiple users through added number dialing, and low-res rudimentary video conferencing options. Also, rather than just heating up as the prototype did, this one would play a whole audio clip of a macaque hooting and howling whenever a call was being received, which could be heard from inside one's inventory.

Akira was also given one by Rumia, when meeting with the high-level hirelings that evening, just before they were to set out for the trial cave. Thereby, she could manage their progress from the surface.

The very existence of such technology, in such an archaic setting, was profoundly bizarre to the CEO: "How does something like this exist in a world like Nirvana?" she wondered aloud after the high-levels had gone. Admiring the upgraded tech's sleek, shiny chromium design. "How does it even work?"

"Beats me." Rumia shrugged. "I remember my boys tried to talk to me about it once, but it all sounded like mumbo-jumbo. Something about these 'Resonance Crystals,' we've been receiving through trade."

"I see," Akira replied, as it occurred to her that, perhaps, Nirvana as a whole was rife with untapped potential. Like with her current venture.

Could this extraordinary potential be what her [Big Business Tie] sought out?

Kanna had been unusually quiet, staring somberly out the window into mostly pitch darkness, with a moon hiding its face behind the clouds, sparsely lit by the ghostly glows of hanging lanterns.

Akira noticed, coming up beside her with an arm across her back. "I'm beginning to worry, too."

"But where could she have gone…?"

"We'll search: You head to the Lotus Chamber, and I'll look around." She turned to Rumia. "You stay here, in case she makes it back while we're out. And let her know we'll be back before morning."

Rumia nodded. "Right. If she turns up, I'll tell her she owes us all a fun evening—for all the trouble."

Kanna, blushing and looking timid all of a sudden, brusquely pressed herself against Akira. "Ara ara"—she gave Akira a quick smooch on the lips—"in situations like this, I really love your machine brain."

And so, the search for Kiki was immediately underway.

Akira hurried to the lotus chamber, where the nightly Group Cultivation Session was in full swing: Proceeding to pry the panting, oily, stripped bare monks off each other, one-by-one; to ask if they'd seen a dark-haired girl walking around the monastery, wearing the lewdest, sexiest bikini they'd ever seen. Receiving many nods and smiles of approval in response— confirming that many monks had, indeed, sank their eyes on Kiki while they still could. With several even professing to have wished she would turn up at the orgy that night, though none had any knowledge of where she might be.

However, after spending nearly an hour interviewing the sexed-up aesthetics, but no new leads to show for it thus far, it was with a sinking feeling in her gut that Akira decided to retire her efforts, begrudgingly making her way back to the dorm whilst reconsidering what small shreds of information she'd been able to collect so far.

'It doesn't makes sense,' she pondered. 'Kiki had so many lustful eyes watching her. Yet still, she's managed to go somewhere unnoticed?' It seemed unlikely to her, at any rate, as she was beginning to seriously consider the possibly of there being foul play involved. Like maybe, one of these "lustful eyes" was not content to merely just observe Kiki from a distance. Though, Akira doubted any average acolyte could take her forcefully. 

'Am I being cuckholded again?' She considered, feeling sick even as her skin turned red hot at the thought. 'Maybe Guy Fly is starting a harem of stolen girls…?'

Not Kiki, though. Surely. Unlike Ai, she'd yet to show herself to be duplicitous.

'Although," Akira considered, "there was that one occasion when she called me a 'jerkass,' and the time when she was saying she wanted to be revered as a Goddess..." Which—although both instances were decidedly mild, compared to the kinds of signals Ai was putting out all along—they could still be seen as hints at some level of deception going on.

'Is that really the case, though?' Akira still questioned, shaking her head gravely. 'Was she only putting on an act this entire time?'

Ai called her "big sis," and Kiki called her "daddy..."

Was history repeating itself?

"I can't believe it," she blurted. "No—I refuse to believe it."

Kiki really was like a daughter to her, as well as a cultivation partner. And from their prior talks, she knew they wouldn't do her this badly. Not in a million years.

Whatever had happened must be a misunderstanding, or trouble was afoot.

She arrived back at the dorm.

Kanna was already there, being startled out of a romantic kiss she'd been sharing with Rumia, by the open window, upon Akira's brooding entrance.

She slammed the door behind her. "Nothing. Not a damn thing."

"Me neither," Kanna said, frantically straightening herself. "Uh, where can we look mext? She couldn't have left the monastery, could she?"

"No." Akira sat on the bed, holding her head in her hands. "She'd be too scared."

"No kidding," Rumia added, exchanging glances between the two. "It's suicidal to be out in the Shadowlands, after dark. Even if you're taking to the skies, the Rakshasa can catch up to a [Nanacopter] and fly over it in crow form, then turn into a blue whale." 

"Fuck!" Kanna reacted. "True story?"

"Yup." Rumia nodded, crossing her arms with a severe frown. "We've been on their shitlist ever since we started trading with Mithil, and it's never pretty.

Kanna leaned on Rumia's shoulder. "I just hope she's alright."

Just then, as Akira was watching the two and thinking the same thing, she was suddenly interrupted by a call on her [Peelphone 2.0]. 

"It's them," she said. "The players I hired." Most likely calling to make another report on their condition, as they'd already done several times throughout the night now. Their last contact with her had been to inform her of their third successful amputation, with only Purple Fox remaining, so she could only assume this call would be them announcing a full mission success. 

So, quickly and anxiously, she shoved the faux crystal banana into her mouth to take the call, while the others watched in silence.

'What is it?' Akira unconsciously snapped at the caller. Then paused, taking a deep breath to calm herself, following with a weary sigh. 'Sorry for that'—she ran a hand across her eyes, giving a frustrated grunt—"you'd better be calling to tell me it's all done, without any complications. 'Cuz, I've been hunting down a lost dog all evening, and not having a lot of success.'

'Interesting that you should mention a lost dog,' a menacing voice responded, with a tinge of amusement. 'A wandering stray found its way to where I am now, and passed out asleep.'

Akira was incredulous. 'Purple elder!' she gasped, recognizing the dry voice immediately. 'Why are you—'

'Why am I in the trial cave, contacting you from this device I picked off the corpse of one of your agents?' He coldly snickered. 'I'm making sure the job gets finished—properly. And I would advise you not to interfere, if you ever want to see your lost pet again.'

"Bastard!" Akira blared, rising from the bed and sauntering toward the open window. "What have you done to Kiki?!"

"I made her like the others," was all he said in reply—leaving Akira hanging with a look of pure, unfathomable dread, in the bitterly cold night's breeze; fearing the absolute worst as the others looked on in concern.

' can't be that he meant...!'

"What happened?" Rumia asked, immediately detecting the major vibe shift.

"It's the purple elder," Akira said plainly, her gaze fixed forward as if in a daze. "He's done something to the high-levels, and he's holding Kiki hostage."

Kanna was furious. "Ara ara, that guy is insane!" she said, angrily stomping her foot. "We were suspicious all along, but what the Hell is he thinking?! For him to go and pull a stupid stunt like this, after you handed him everything he asked for on a silver platter!"

Akira turned to her sharply. "Not everything."

"Eh? What's that?"

"I didn't give him everything he asked for."

"Well, so what? It's not his place to be greedy, whatever it is."

Akira was convinced, though: "Actually, we only disagreed on one condition, while negotiating our business plan. And I remember he grew very irritated about it, but after we argued a bit he seemed to settle down." She bowed her head, squinting in concentration. "It seemed fale, though. Like he was only pretending to be okay with what we ultimately agreed on."

"Which condition was that?" Rumia questioned, watching tensely with Kanna for the answer, as Akira then slowly lifted her head and faced them seriously.

"Remember how I said I wanted to keep the golems alive, as drink dispensers?"

Kanna and Rumia both nodded.

"Instead, the elder wanted them to die."

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