Akira hurried to the Hidden Dragon Mouth, though keeping it to a run rather than a [Scurry] so that with Kanna and Rumia in could remain in tow to back her up, for whatever lied in wait of them.

"Damn it, Akira!" Kanna spat furiously, trailing just behind her. "You knew that guy was no good, but still worked with him!"

It was true, Akira had been suspicious of her new business partner—this "purple elder"—from the start. Nonetheless, she'd felt it was pertinent to keep him under her thumb.

Her suspicions were all but confirmed during a discussion they'd had while convening at a private room, where the elders would often meet with acolytes for special one-on-one tutoring. It was here that they discussed the finer points of Akira's plans for the future of the monastery.

They were kneeling across from each other at a low, round, polished wooden table bearing a steaming hot kettle, fine china cups, and saucers piled with sugar lumps. 

The purple elder had started out as a lovely, charming host, until their talks had progressed to a point where the tensions between the two was so strong that Akira could visibly observe the elder's grasp on his teacup start to tremble—coming just after she'd shared with him the full details of her intentions with the golems. 

"So, that's it, then?" he grumbled, with a strong note of frustration in his voice and arched brows, pausing to take a quick sip frim his cup before continuing: "You're allowing those fiends to live, after what they've done."

Akira glanced down at her cup of tea, which she hadn't yet touched, smiling politely as she then looked back at the elder's face. "Yes. But what would you have me do instead?" She furrowed her brows. "Are you implying that we should kill them, instead...?" Akira leaned forward with her elbows propped atop the table, tilting her head to the side quizzically. "Even though they're the only source of chi powers we're currently aware of?"

"I think it is far too much of a risk to allow them to live in any capacity," he replied quickly, with a hint of agitation. "It leaves the door open for others, whether foolishly or out of deliberate nefarious intent, to unleash their terror upon the world again."

Akira shrugged, with a playful grin. "Well, as an adventurer capitalist, I can't possibly be held liable for what some idiots might do in the future."

"Gah!" The elder was incredulous. "How could you be so renegade in your actions?!"

"Besides, it's not only that," she replied while leaning back, planting her palms against the soft matted floor. "I also wanted to provide a way for non-acolytes to acquire chi powers, while still providing a source of income for the monastery. Since, as it stands currently, one has to enroll and pass their training before they're allowed to take the trial."

"By charging them a price," the elder interjected. "Roughly equal to the amount given by the Mithil Government for each low-level the monastery takes on." His lips formed a straight line. "Shrewd."

"That's right! This way, the monastery will profit regardless of how someone gains their chi powers." Akira then briskly jumped to her feet, exuding a triumphant air, as she proudly wavef a hand in front of her. "I'll advertise it as: The 'Chi Power Super-Soda!' A unique flavor sold only at the Hidden Dragon Pizzeria, that grants the drinker incredible mystical powers!" She cleared her throat, adding plainly: "Only one person may drink per purchase."

The purple elder slammed his fist on the table, causing the china to clatter. "This isn't about the money," he growled, baring his gritted teeth as he confronted Akira with a vicious glare.

"Of course not," Akira countered, matching his seriousness. "In case you've forgotten, I've also lost someone precious to me."

The purple elder rose quickly, his words searing with intensity: "Then why risk a future where the golems are allowed to kill again? To maim, rape and torture as they do now? Hm?" He lowered his voice, then—a raging fire shrunken to mere smoldering embers. "We have an opportunity to bring a stop to a great evil that exists in this world, for good. And yet here you are, squandering it, just to sell a few overpriced drinks."

Tssk tssk, Akira wagged her finger in disapproval at the elder, grinning slyly. "Oh, but aren't you being disingenious when you put it that way?' she said. "After all, much of the proceeds made from selling these 'overpriced drinks' can go toward expanding the monastery's facilities, building new locations. And even further research into the science of how chi powers can br harnessed and transferred, which can lead to great innovations. Perhaps, even leading to a future where the golems will no longer be necessary."

"Gah!" The elder turned away, in revulsion. "We haven't even done anything yet, and you're already making plans for an entire restaurant chain?!"

"Why not?" Akira shrugged, grinning coyly. "Everybody likes pizza."

The elder scoffed. "Hmmph. Very well. Carry on with your plans," he said, striding past her briskly, toward the door, but then stopping and half-turning back to her, bearing a cold glare. "Just know, you're making a huge mistake."

Akira was lost in thought, recalling the somber parting words of the purple elder that day, when the group of three had arrived at the Hidden Dragon Mouth, where a gruesome scene awaited them just as they entered into the secure room where the elders charged with overseeing the trial for the night had all been slaughtered, their corpses strewn about in a bloody mess, bathed in the dim glow of wall-mounted torches.

"Knife wounds," Akira said, upon closer examination of the corpse of one elder that had apparently died after dragging himself along the floor, leaving behind a deep red trail of blood, sat with his back against the wall. 

Kanna groaned. "Ara ara, so it's a Rogue with a penchant for throat-slicing. Just perfect."

Both of the wide slab doors were opened, exposing the anterior pitch-dark corridors, which lead to the further areas of the trial temple.

"You two should turn back," Akira snapped as she stood up. "I've only had three out of four golem disarmings confirmed so far, and we're still not sure what the purple elder may be up to. Even though he likely won't do anything to me, since he still needs someone to carry through with the plan, there's nothing stopping him from targeting yo—"

"Shudduuuup!" Kanna yelled, interrupting her with a chi-enhanced knee to the stomach. "After all the crazy fucking shit we've been through, only now are you trying to cut me out of the action?!"

Akira fell to the ground, on her hands. "W-what the hell was that for? I'm pnly concerned because—"

"Because what? Because I lost my arms?!" Kanna hovered over her, lifting her leg as if to stomp on her but relenting, as her outrage likewiserelaxed into a severe, unyielding expression. "I've learned my lesson the hard way, Akira," she said, suddenly overcome with a zenlike peace. "That it's sometimes better to trust and rely on others than to go in alone thinking you're a total badass." She showed her teeth in a wide smile. "Besides, there's a new fighting style I'm thinking of, that I wanna test out."

"Kanna-san..." Akira looked up at her, in awe. So courageous!

At the side of her, Rumia nodded, leaning on Kanna's shoulder showing a confident face. "And you don't have to worry about me either, babe—'cuzmy boys wouldn't have let me leave my cage unless their Queen Bee was fully protected."

Akira gawked. "Rumia-chan, you're not staying back either?!"

Her reply came in the form of a rollicking laugh, as Rumia then proceeded to drag her back to their feet. "That's right, hun. It seems you've already learned what most guys never will: that there's no use trying to tell a Bad Bitch what to do!"

"Eh...not unless they're horny, I guess," Akira mumbled, but then gave way to a weary smile as she faced them. "Thanks, you two."

Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.

Akira, Kanna, and Rumia all at once turned, to the sound of slow clapping.

"Ah. There's nothing more precious than the bond shared between adventurers," the purple elder said wistfully as he appeared from one of the anterior corridors, stopping at a perfect intersection between the dimly torchlit secure room and the abyss at his back. "So many have met their ends at the hands of the golems, but not any longer."

Akira stepped firmly toward him. "Why did you kill them?" she demanded, holding her chi-infused fists in front of her to see the telling smears of blood, painted across his robes and face, by the light they produced. "You said they were working with you."

"Fool," he spat under his breath. "No one in this monastery was ever 'working with me—'or else I would never have had to turn to an outsider for help." He threw back his head, raising his neck as tall as it would go with a menacing stare. "If I hadn't killed them, they would have interfered."

"Interfered with what, you crazy moron?" Kanna yelled.

The purple elder grinned. "I'm making thr golems...like the others. Their countless victims—crying for mercy, with no way to save themselves."

Akira's eyes narrowed. "Where's Kiki?"

The purple elder broke out into a wicked laugh, continuing for several seconds as the three tensely watched. 

Until, Rumia—having grown impatient from all these theatrics—pulled a weapon out from inside her jacket.

It was Nirvana's very first [Submachine Gun].

"Alright," she said, pointing it at the elder. "That's enough of your shit!"

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