Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 97 - A Battle Of Wits, In Which The CEO Is Outmatched!

Akira selected the [Fight] option on the [Maidé Battle] HUD, to then be given a selection of several attacks and defensive moves to choose from:

[Unarmed] [Wild Kick] [SP Cost: 3]

[Low damage attack that can inflict Stun.]

[Special] [Call of the Wild Rift] [SP Cost: 5]

[A fierce battle cry that raises the user's Strength and Agility.]

[Weapon] [Twin Cross Pounce] [SP Cost: 10]

[Frenzied power attack that leaves the user wide open to counterattack.]

[Mitigation] [Twin Cross Parry] [SP Cost: 1]

[Take a stance to guard against attacks this round. High success rate against light to medium strength Melee attacks, very low success rate against Ranged.

[Mitigation] [Dodge Roll] [SP Cost: 8]

[Prepare to dodge, if the enemy attempts to attack this round. High success rate against Ranged and Melee attacks.]

Akira went through all the available attacks, scratching his head.

"So I just...pick one?" he wondered aloud.

"That's right," the executioner answered calmly. "For each round, we select a move for our Pocket Maid to perform. And then, we watch it play out."

"Ah, but what does 'SP Cost' mean?"

"The SP cost, or stamina point cost of an essentially a score of how much energy it will take for your Pocket Maid to perform the chosen action. So, when choosing your actions, be careful: a tired Pocket Maid is far less capable in battle than one that's fresh out of the Maidé Ball. And if too much of the Pocket Maid's stamina is depleted, there's a risk that they will lose consciousness!"

Akira nodded, thinking he understood. After which, although still plagued with a fair number of questions, he decided it might be better to try getting his feet a little wet first.

His initial strategy was simple:

'I'll use the first turn to make Cindy stronger and faster, by having her use the attack that says it raises her strength and agility!' he plotted deviously. 'Then, I'll use it on the next turn to completely overwhelm Lorica in one super-powerful attack!'

And so, with this strategy in mind, he selected the [Call of the Wild Rift] attack.

Then immediately the turn played out: a sparking jolt of electricity was administered through each of the Pocket Maids' feet, causing them to startle briefly. After which, they then performed their respective trainer's command, without hesitation, and perfectly matched timing.

For Akira's selection, Cindy reared back her head and howled like a maniac, as two icons promptly appeared on his HUD screen saying "STR+" and "AGI+."

Whereas Lorica...only shifted slightly, as she held her ax up in a guarding stance.

Vash tensely watched the first round unfold, already dreading what Akira's next action would be—knowing full well that he was the far more experienced gamer of the two.

"It really is like Mockémon," he contemplated aloud. "Which means, it's more or less a game of prediction, and keeping one step ahead of your opponent's strategy. But it's also a game of outsmarting your enemy by making them expect one thing, but then surprising them with a completely unpredictable attack they weren't prepared for."

Rudolf grunted. "I mostly just choose the strongest attacks, and hope it works."

Vash shot him a sideways glare, bearing an uneasy grin. "Maybe that kind of lazy approach is how you ended up captured in the first place."

To which the grisly old Norn nodded, grunting again. "Mm, perhaps."

For the second round, Akira immediately chose [Twin Cross Pounce], since it seemed like the strongest attack move at his disposal—and thus, all the better to make use of Cindy's newly acquired boost in power.

Round Two:

Another two shocks of electricity were transmitted to the girls. Followed by Cindy leaping through the air toward Lorica, her dual axes crossed in an "X" formation.

Vash jolted out of his seat. "No!"

While at the same time, the [Town Executioner] gave a small laugh.


Cindy's axes met against the hilt of Lorica's hilt—being guarded against completely—leaving her wide open to a brutal punch in the face by Lorica's steel gauntlet.

"Gwah!" Cindy cried as the blow sent her falling backward, in a trail of blood, pouring from her broken nose.

It culminated in her landing flat on her back, with both axes flung from her grasp. Gazing up with a dazed, bewildered look, as she lightly touched the fresh current of flowing warm blood upon her lip.

"What the Hell was that?!" Akira protested.

The executioner bellowed in laughter, slapping his paw against his chest.

"What's so damn funny?"

"Hahahaha!" The Executioner wiped a tear from his eye, calming. "Poor kid. I feel bad for your Pocket Maid, and would almost feel sorry for you—if you weren't such an obnoxious little shit."

Meanwhile, Lorica was crouching, with a warm smile, extending a hand to Cindy.

Cindy at first only glanced at the hand, then at Lorica's face, in confusion. Shyly blushing, before she then warily accepted the offer to be helped back onto her feet.

Vash was biting his lip: for, in an instant, he knew exactly what had happened.

"He prepared a defensive counteraction, predicting Akira would go straight into using his most powerful attack after buffing Cindy's stats."

"It's hardly a fair fight," Rudolf commented.

"Yeah, which is why I had ought to"—Vash cautiously glanced at where he'd last glimpsed Chunhua, but saw no sign of her. Yet, even so, the coast was far from clear; a row of archers was still poised on the distant wall, surveying the proceedings in the town square. 

'It's risky, but Akira needs me!'


Someone had some explaining to do.

Chunhua had slipped away, unnoticed, from the square, returning to the guard tower's prison basement at an urgent stride. 

"Officer Zhao!" She burst into his cell: a small square room, the floor padded with straw, sunlight seeping in through a narrow slit window. "Rouse yourself—now!" She bore a wicked smirk, flaunting her ebony hair with one hand. "Because, it is my wish to inform you of just how poorly your little act of treason is unfolding, as we speak."

Zhao made a slight snicker, as he awoke from a cozy nap he was having—even while being strung up, his arms held up in chains connected to the tall ceiling: just short enough to force him into an uncomfortable kneel.

"He challenged the executioner to a Blood Mercy, didn't he?"

"Indeed," Chunhua replied, as she went to sit, cross-legged, atop a nearby bale of hay. Smiling amusedly, leaning her head against her shoulder to admire Zhao's dire expression with impish delight. "There's no way he can win"—she laid down across the hay bale, stretching like a cat—"it's no coincidence most Norns prefer to keep their executions clean and simple."

Zhao gave a lighthearted frown, shaking his head. "Only you would refer to a beheading as 'clean and simple.'"

"Zhao, be honest:" Chunhua said while sitting up abruptly, facing him with a deadly serious expression. "Why is it that you continue to pull these...stunts! Defying my will at every turn!? Is it've grown to secretly despise me? Or that you feel you have something to prove?"

"No." He lowered his gaze, a mournful look to his eyes. "I could never hate you, Chunhua.

"Then tell me why, Zhao! I've sent men to their graves for far less than what you've been found guilty of today." Her usual white-hot temper and aggressive, authoritative tone then fading away—allowing Zhao a rare insight into her innermost vulnerabilities. "I can't keep letting you off the hook like this."

Zhao closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, Chunhua. But whenever I see an injustice being committed, I cannot stand idly by and simply allow it."

At this, she sighed, exuding a faint smile.

"You always were such a kind-hearted fool. Ever since we were little."

Zhao still couldn't bear to meet the worrying gaze of the woman he'd cherished, and considered his closest friend, for as long as he could remember. Stupidly grinning to himself at his recollection of their childhoods, together as orphans, eking out a living on the rough streets of the Cultivator capital city. "Sometimes, I wish we could go back to those simpler days. Back before we sold our souls, by quietly signing in every day at the Floating Temple. Until the day we were enlisted as army recruits."

"I was surprised when they named me as their new commander," Chunhua said, crossing her arms, looking forlorn. "Not that I'm complaining, but it feels like there's a lot of pressure on me to perform my duties."

"I understand, Chunhua. Really, I do. My actions have only caused you more stress."

"It is our duty to keep the borders safe," she said, rising from the hay bile, planting her tiny feet on the ground. "And because those two haven't any travel documents, to say otherwise, we must consider them a threat to the security of the Cultivator Dominion in Seaspan." 

She stood before Zhao, taking him by the chin, gently, with her dainty hand, to calmly turn his head to look her in the eyes.

"Am I clear? This is your last warning."

Zhao, his face full of defeat, gave a weak nod and a dejected sigh.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good." Chunhua smiled, though it quickly turned into a frown. "If not, then I fear it'll be both our heads rolling across the stones."

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