Vash had stepped up to Akira's side, as the latter was deliberating his next move in the [Maidé Match].

"Wait," he said, looking across at the [Town Executioner] with an incriminating look. "Akira-san has never done something like this before in his life, but I have. So I should at least be allowed to offer him my counsel."

The executioner and Lorica then briefly exchanged glances, before each returning a nod.

"Very well, it shall be. As Norn law states, Akira's success—should he triumph—will also translate to your own freedom," Lorica detailed. "Since the two of you can be considered accomplices to the same crime."

"Yeah. A crime we never committed," Akira grumbled, stepping aside as Vash moved to inspect his [Maidé Match] HUD.

"I see," Vash mused with a significant look, after scanning the selection of moves at Cindy's disposal. "There are two defensive options: one with a high stamina cost, and one with a low. A self-buff, a basic attacking skill, and a nuke."

Akira scratched his head at the terms he was using. "Translation?"

"The girl you're using to battle with appears to be well-rounded," Vash then conveyed to him in a hushed voice, drawing him close. "And I am assuming the same goes for your opponent. Though, both had stated at the start that they were unwilling to claim their victory through bloodshed."

"So? Then the only other way is"—Akira gasped—"stamina!"

"Exactly right," Vash replied with a nod. "Think of it like resource management, when you're managing one of your businesses. Just now, you played right into their game: by using up far more stamina in two turns by charging, then attacking, while they only stood by guarding. Taking no damage, while also retaining their stamina."

"Shit. If that's the case, and since guarding costs so little stamina, what's preventing him from just guarding my attacks every single turn?"

Vash smiled. "That's the thing I need to find out."

And with that, he eyed the skills list more closely, and saw—"aha! Just like I thought!"—each listing had a downward-facing arrow next to it, to indicate the presence of a dropdown menu hiding more detailed, advanced information about the respective skill. Most importantly, its matchup against other skill types.

And so Vash, right away, had discovered his answer.

Cindy was wiping the blood from her nose, panting whereas Lorica remained perfectly calm and poised, her brows knit with worry; secretly hoping and praying that this new trainer had a far better grasp of how [Maidé Matches] were supposed to work.

Or else...she really might as well just kill herself, and be spared the trouble.

Round 3:

Lorica assumed a guard stance, again. Just as Vash predicted.

Cindy ran toward her, weapons held at her side, but instead of using them she instead used [Feral Kick]—surprising Lorica with a fierce kick into the gut, bypassing her guard completely. Causing her to slide back, and lurch forward; falling onto her knees with a dazed look, as she grasped at the place on her soft, midriff-exposed tummy where it hurt.

"Heh. Not...bad," she grunted. "I was really hoping...we could just stall this one out."

"Lorica!" the executioner exclaimed.

"She's been [Stunned], hasn't she?" Vash said, smiling confidently. "It means she'll be unable to act, for at least one turn. Which leaves her wide open to a—"

Round 4:

"Do your worst!" Lorica growled, brazenly grinning.

Cindy flew toward her again, with a [Twin Cross Pounce], this one connecting: slashing across Lorica's shoulders and chest in a spray of blood, just narrowly missing the throat from her slight attempt at evasion.

Akira slammed his fist against the battle dome. "Damn! How'd she still dodge, even though she couldn't move this turn?"

"It's because of the Agility stat," the executioner huffed, his voice turned serious. "A very important stat, which increases the attacking speed and accuracy of a [Pocket Maid]. But also defensively, as it impacts their ability to avoid potentially lethal blows regardless of what action is chosen for that turn."

Akira scoffed. "Damn. So we coulda killed her, and won, just now?"

"You were lucky enough to land a stun," Lorica said as she stood shakily, all covered in blood. "However, it'll take a lot more than luck, to take me down!"

Cindy was blushing, watching Lorica in awe with bated breath.

Vash, meanwhile, was absorbing all of this new data like a sponge, as he was able to do when it came to turn-based roleplay games such as this. Thereby arriving at a new conclusion, in the process:

"Earlier, you mentioned Pocket Maids fight worse when they're low on stamina."

For a moment, there was dead silence. No doubt because—or so Akira thought to himself smugly—due to the fact he was feeling legitimately threatened by Vash's involvement; to the point where he'd grown wary of giving away TOO much information.

"Yes," he nonetheless ultimately said. 

"That's because their stats become lowered when they're tired, isn't it?" His gaze narrowed; a hawk honing on its prize. "Including Agility."

"That is...also correct," he replied.

"So if we lower the enemy's stamina enough, it makes them vulnerable?"

"Heh"—the executioner made a sound as though he were amused, even as his fists were visibly clenching. "You're really intending to win by killing my beloved Lorica, aren't you?"

"Darling…" Lorica said to him softly.

Vash was solemn. "If we must, to spare our lives."

The executioner paused, turning his head, before lifting one paw to pull off his hood: revealing a elderly, grey and white-furred Norn with scars running across his face, a dark eyepatch over his left eye: a grizzled, wise old veteran, who has survived through many battles.

"You leave me with no other choice, then, '' he said with a grave air. "We'll have to adopt a more serious approach, and go all-out with our attacks."

"Good," Vash said. "I like a challenge."

"Aren't you being too cocky? We've only just begun."

At which, Vash bore a wide grin. 

"It's not me being cocky. I played many different RPGs for years, and always had the most fun breaking them down. Mastering them completely, across several playthroughs."

He nonchalantly tilted his head as he bore a sly, closed-eyes smirk.

"Because, you see...I am a gamer."

Akira simply rolled his eyes, keeping silent his disdain.

Round 5:

Both Pocket Maids were instructed to use a light attack. Thus, resulting in a clash between their weapons at the center of the dome, as, through the ensuing struggle, only stamina was lost.

Round 6:

Vash had Cindy use [Twin Cross Parry] to defend herself, but it was intercepted by Lorica swinging a fist into her gut.

Round 7:

Akira had been observing closely.

"[Unarmed] attacks seem pretty strong," she said. "What works against them?"

"[Light] weapon attacks," Vash answered quickly, without tearing his deliberate gaze away from the control HUD—having already searched all the skill descriptions and found the answer. "As the saying goes, 'don't bring a fist to a knife fight.'"

"What about [Power] attacks?"

"Capable of dealing huge damage, but countered by a lot of action types like [Mitigation], and the much faster [Unarmed] and [Light] attacks. Because it has so many disadvantageous matchups, it seems to work best against an immobilized target; one who is stunned or casting a self-buff ability. At best, only having a chance to damage or break through an enemy's defenses, or going neutral when it's being used against another [Power] attack."

"Then it results in a clash, right?"

"No. Instead, both [Pocket Maids] will strike each other for full damage."

Akira was quickly starting to understand, reasoning that "it sort of plays like rock-paper-scissors," as Vash let out a small chuckle.

That turn, both [Pocket Maids] guarded.

Round 8:

Cindy's attempt at another [Feral Kick] attack was thwarted by a [Light] attack: it being in the form of Lorica clutching the blade of her two-handed sword, at a part close to the hilt, then thrusting it forward to inflict a long cut across the side of the Forbidden girl's face.

In addition to this, Cindy's [Call of the Wild Rift] buff expired. (The description stating that its effect lasts a random number of turns, ranging from 5 to 8.) 

Round 9:

Both [Pocket Maids] attacked with [Unarmed] attacks. Resulting in a punch against Cindy's face, and a knee into Lorica's chin. 

Cindy appeared more tired, whereas Lorica was more injured.

It was shaping up to be a close fight.

"I just realized, there are no bars to show their health or stamina," Vash said. 

Suddenly, the [Town Executioner] appeared beside him, holding out a small, round flask containing a bright green liquid.

"Is that...a potion?" Vash asked.

"A [Minor Stamina Potion]," he replied, extending it toward him. "Take it."

Akira, with a confused look, watched as Vash awkwardly took it before facing the executioner. "Why are you helping us? Aren't we fighting right now...?"

"We are," he said. "But that is no excuse to treat our girls harshly." Then, stepping to the side, so that Akira and Vash could both look upon and see the deteriorating conditions of the [Pocket Maids] themselves: covered in bruises and blood from their respective wounds, so tired that they could barely stand—having to resort to leaning on each other for support.

Lorica was saying softly, "little're new to this life, aren't you? 

To which Cindy replied with a meek nod.

"Can you not speak...?"

"A little." Her voice was soft; uncertain.

"Hopefully you' long get used to it…" Lorica's words trailed off, as she slowly leaned her face in until it met Cindy's with a hot, passionate kiss.

"It's a difficult life for them as it is," the executioner mused sadly. Whilst Vash and Akira beheld, with their eyes wide and mouths agape in amazement, as the two [Pocket Maidens] sat with their thighs laid across the floor, lovingly cradling each other's wounded bodies and eagerly tasting of each other's saliva with their eyes closed in frenzied passion.

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