The sound coming from the mountain was extremely terrifying, and it was accompanied by fire from time to time. I don’t know what caused this kind of momentum.

Chen Wang looked far away, extremely curious.

The casual cultivators in the shantytown looked at him with surprise and uncertainty.

There are many monsters in the barren mountains outside, but the powerful monsters are all in the inner area.

The world of cultivating immortals contains powerful dangers, and they rely on the protection of Hongyun Sect to find a way out here.


The shantytown shook again. Chen Wang glanced at his cabin worriedly, wondering if his simple cabin could survive the night.

Fortunately, the low roar like a bull or a dragon gradually faded away, as if entering the depths of the barren mountain.

Many casual cultivators were discussing together.

In recent days, nothing much has happened except that the Hongyun Sect law enforcement team arrested a few monks who had sneaked into this place with evil intentions.

However, the great tomb of Master Qinghe is still very popular, and from time to time, an item can be circulated, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

Just as Chen Wang was about to go back, he noticed a plump, mature and graceful woman from the corner of his eye.

The woman has beautiful facial features, lightly applied makeup, and is wearing a white blouse with a slightly open neckline.

Revealing a neck as white as jade, a vague chest, breasts, and messy hair,

It was Xu Yuan's late wife, Feng Lin.

Feng Lin's complexion is now brighter and brighter, as if the pain of losing her husband has not harmed her.

Chen Wang keenly noticed that Feng Lin was looking at the barren mountain at this time, with some complicated emotions in her eyes.

But Chen Wang didn't think much about it. This woman kept asking him to sleep there. It really gave her a headache.

He looked away and quickly returned to the room to close the wooden door.

"It seems I won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight."

Chen Wang thought to himself.

It’s just that something happened over there in the Winter World, and my residence has been exposed, so it’s not appropriate to go back for the time being.

Moreover, Chen Wang was extremely curious about the terrifying roar coming from the mountains tonight.

If there is any follow-up, if you are in the market, you can react quickly.

He could leave at any time anyway.

Chen Wang sat cross-legged on the bed, running the Hongyun Qi Refining Technique.

Feng Lin's beautiful face suddenly appeared in his mind. The slightly open neckline and the whole person exuded a vague attraction.

Chen Wangjian frowned and shook his head to eliminate distracting thoughts.

"It was just a quick glance. I shouldn't have had this thought. Is it because I haven't been close to women recently, or has Feng Lin's charm become stronger?"

There was a look of thought in Chen Wang's eyes.

These days in the market, Chen Wang heard a lot of news.

The people living in the shanty town are all casual cultivators. Some of them are familiar with each other, and some are just familiar with each other.

For example, the burly man who flirted with Feng Lin last time. Chen Wang didn't know his name, but he often saw him in the market.

That big man is working in Tiangong Pavilion.

These days, I heard that my hands and feet were dirty, I stole materials from Tiangong Pavilion, and I was expelled from Tiangong Pavilion.

Later, he couldn't think about it anymore, so he plunged into the barren mountains, and no one saw him again.

Chen Wang looked at the Guiyuan Pill in his hand, pondered for a moment, and put it in his arms.

He didn't take it immediately. It was not a peaceful night, so he had to choose a safe time.

If a fight or other action breaks out after taking the elixir, it would be a pity to waste the effectiveness of the elixir.

Chen Wang sighed leisurely: "It doesn't matter that I was a poor man before. Now that I have a rich family and an unsafe place to live, I should find a way to buy a storage magic weapon."

He calculated silently,

He has already acquired all the magical weapons for attack and defense.

For him currently, the most urgent need is elixirs. Of course, this must be based on the premise that the effects of the elixirs are obvious.

If it's not obvious or the size is too big, he still can't afford it based on his current economic situation.

"If the effect of Guiyuan Pill is good, then go to Baibao Pavilion to buy a storage magic weapon."

Chen Wang thought to himself.

If the effect of Guiyuan Pill is good, it also proves that Baibao Pavilion is well-run and not a shady businessman.

A night of silence.

The next day,

After Chen Wang finished practicing, he cooked a pot of spiritual rice. After taking it, he felt very energetic and had indescribable strength all over his body.

Although the taste is monotonous, this kind of spiritual rice has great benefits for the body after eating. It can cure diseases and keep fit, and strengthen the body.

Chen Wang's schedule is very full. He practices Qi Lian Jue, draws talismans to make money, practices spells, and becomes familiar with genetic abilities.

Soon, a busy day begins.

At the end of the day, I didn’t hear any rumors about what happened last night.

Hongyun Sect just spread the news that a powerful monster ran out of the mountains and has been killed, so there is no need to panic.

For Hongyun Sect, casual cultivators like Chen Wang belong to the common people under their rule.

Therefore, after something happens, Hongyun Sect will also issue announcements to calm people's minds.

However, Chen Wang vaguely felt that Hongyun Sect's reaction was a bit excessive.

"It's just that there was some noise last night, and they actually issued an announcement to calm people's hearts."

"It was handled so quickly. Could it be that the people of Hongyun Sect didn't know ahead of time that a monster would come out in advance?"

This thought flashed through Chen Wang's mind,

But for now, as a young man at the fourth level of Qi training, he can only choose to mind his own business, put away his curiosity, and develop steadily.

Another night passed, but there was no movement, and there was no such terrifying low roar.

Chen Wang didn't take Guiyuan Pill until the third night.

There are ten Guiyuan Pills in this bottle. Chen Wang took one and took it.

This Guiyuan Pill melted in his mouth. There was no strong herbal pungent smell. Instead, there was a kind of grassy fragrance and an indescribable smell.

Chen Wang did not know the recipe of Guiyuan Pill. He only knew that after he took Guiyuan Pill, his lower abdomen was hot, as if a small stove was burning.

Then his whole body was light and he sat cross-legged on the bed. He felt the rich spiritual power flowing through his limbs and bones. The efficiency was many times higher than the previous meditation.

Chen Wang took a deep breath and quickly practiced the Red Cloud Refining Qi Jue, trying to absorb the spiritual energy and prevent it from escaping.

Each kind of pill for strengthening the body and nourishing the essence contains rich spiritual energy.

When taken, it will flow into the meridians and warm the internal organs.

Of course, some of it will be lost, which is unavoidable.

The better the talent, the faster the absorption of the medicine.

Of course, the better the pill, the fewer impurities, and the faster the absorption of the medicine.

The two are not contradictory.

The Guiyuan Pill that Chen Wang bought is of good quality, with basically no impurities and pure medicinal power.

The next thing to look at is Chen Wang's own talent.

Now that his mental power is strong, his control of spiritual energy is meticulous, which can reduce a certain proportion of the loss of the Guiyuan Pill's medicinal power and increase the absorption ratio.

"Mental power actually has this benefit."

This thought flashed through Chen Wang's mind, and he tried hard to absorb the medicinal power of this Guiyuan Pill.

When he finished the Zhoutian, it was already dawn.

Sitting in meditation for one night is comparable to half a month of hard practice before.

"Sure enough, I still have to go the krypton gold route."

Chen Wang took a deep breath, his eyes full of light.

Now there are only nine Guiyuan Pills left in a bottle. Chen Wang is holding this bottle of pills, feeling happy.

"Recently, I have to focus on the pills and strive to break through to the fifth level of Qi training as soon as possible."

Chen Wang thought to himself.

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