Under the sun, on the wasteland.

At this time, the people who buried the bodies were surrounding the bodies that Du En and Wei Ming had just moved, looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Ahem... this, this is Luo Heng?"

Looking at the half-broken head, Ning Caize was a little unsure, and even couldn't help thinking that he might really be old and blurry-eyed, and even had hallucinations.

"It's him! It's him!"

"This ugly face must be that guy!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! This beast, died well!"

The other three reacted, confirmed it, and felt refreshed.

"I don't know which hero did it!"

"That is to say, once Luo Heng dies and the trouble is gone, we don't have to worry!"

"If we know who it is, we must thank him!"

"Ahem...you guys, don't think too simply, the Blood Eagle Gang is still there, there is only one Luo Heng, and sooner or later there will be a guy to replace him. Besides, this guy's death may also implicate us, after all, those guys like to kill chickens to scare monkeys."

Ning Cai Ze's words are not unreasonable, and they immediately calmed down the other people who were in high spirits and felt worried.

Du En clapped his hands and said, "No matter what, since the Blood Eagle Gang did not come here with a big fanfare and let us explain, but just let the corpse transporters send more corpses, then, I guess they won't target us now."

Hearing the leader say this, everyone's mixed emotions calmed down.

Then, they began to show strange colors.

This guy didn't do anything in his life, so he can't get relief after death?

So, in the process of burying the body, they accidentally found that the body was not poisonous and had no other hidden dangers. Immediately, they shoveled it and mixed it with soil, and finally buried it in a ball like leeks in dumpling stuffing.

Wow! The seniors are really, tsk, I can't bear to watch it!

Wei Ming, who had just taken off the newcomer's crown and had never been bullied by Luo Heng, looked at the actions of the other four people and couldn't help but say so in his heart.

Looking back at Du En, who was calm and just doing his work silently, he suddenly felt a sharp contrast!

What is the style of a great general?

What is tolerance?

That's it!

I have to study hard and work hard!

Wei Ming is still learning from Du En today, as always.

He didn't mind it either.

Since Luo Heng's death has not attracted any criticism for the time being, then we should seize the time and make a breakthrough before the Blood Eagle Gang turns its guns.

"I hope this guy has something good hidden in his stomach..."

If there is extra help, it will be easier to achieve the goal.

As for now, continue to work and bury the bodies.

Perhaps because there is a channel for emotional venting, everyone buried the bodies very efficiently today. Just in the evening, they had buried the bodies of the day.

With a refreshed mood, carrying a shovel and returning home.

"Du En, I couldn't go shopping because of Luo Heng before, and the firewood was almost used up. Now that Luo Heng is dead, it's a good time to return early today, so these things can be done."

Ning Cai came over and said this to Du En.

After speaking in one breath, he coughed again.

But while coughing, he also winked.

Wei Ming said bluntly: "Senior Ning, do you have anything else to say?"

Du En answered for him: "He was hinting at me, can you clear the kitchen waste piled up at the door, and, since everyone is happy today, can you not cook the monster owl?"

"Ahem, this, mainly, everyone is happy."

Ning Caize was embarrassed for a moment, he didn't expect Du En to say it so bluntly.

However, looking at him silently working with the shovel in his hand, it was obvious that he didn't want to kill a monster owl to take back for dinner.

Having said that, today there was an extra meal of Luo Heng's blood, and none of them were obviously too hungry, and wanted to come to the door and completely solve the problem of hunger.

"Come with me for the firewood chopping, and two people will come with me, and we will also throw away the garbage along the way. Finally, for the shopping, one of you two can take Wei Ming to buy."

Du En made arrangements.

The matter of taking the newcomers to familiarize themselves with the environment should have been done long ago, but it was delayed, and it can be done at once now.

Ning Caizhe nodded and said, "Then I'll cook, haha, let you guys cough!"

Looking at the performance of Old Ning, the eyes of the other four people suddenly became a little subtle.

However, since Du En had no objection, this matter was assigned like this.

Back to the residence, the sun had not yet set.

After a quick change of clothes, they divided into different places and started the action.

While cutting wood and firewood, Du En chopped up the broken tree he had found, completing the destruction of the wood.

The chopped firewood was separated into dry and wet, and the dry ones were stored in a corner of the yard, and the wet ones were just hung on both sides of the yard gate where the garbage was emptied.

All of this was piled up, enough for a while.

After finishing this, it was already dark.

Ning Caizhe cooked the meal, and Wei Ming also bought various things.

Mainly brown rice, salt, cloth, and a few things such as smoked meat and dried fish.

Although they were just mundane things, they needed to be purchased with spirit stones.

Earn stones in the border town and spend them in the border town, and want to take them home when you leave.

Simply put, that's it.

Of course, at least the prices for these mortals are not too outrageous. A piece of low-grade spiritual stone can buy several hundred kilograms of rice.

However, the most basic price is a low-grade spirit stone, and the less you buy, the more you will get. Therefore, every time Du En and his friends go shopping, they will focus on their needs, and buy everything that can be bought with this low-grade spirit stone.

Because everyone has their own needs and buys together, Du En decided that the spirit stones will be taken turns, and each person will take one time. This time, it was Ning Cai Ze who took the turn.

After eating, they divided the good things and chatted for a while. Wei Ming, who was quite excited because of shopping, couldn't help but yawn.

Like a signal, the small courtyard in the dark night soon returned to peace.

Everyone went back to their own room.

Du En did not take a nap immediately, but took out the small bag that he had received from Luo Heng and had been washed.

He opened the binding and looked inside.

Seven low-grade spirit stones, and a few pieces of paper.

Another spell?

He took it out and opened it to see.

"Huh? It's not magic, it's about spiritual food..."

Spiritual food, that is, spiritual food, through reasonable combination of ingredients, various cooking techniques, the food and medicinal properties contained in the ingredients are combined to show, promote changes, and be easily absorbed by the human body, thereby promoting the growth of the body and cultivation.

It is one of the hundred arts of cultivating immortals!

I don't know where Luo Heng got it from. Although it is just a few pieces of paper, a few hundred tiny words, and only tells some basic principles and a basic framework, the food and medicinal principles contained in it are already very precious.

After reading it carefully and remembering it completely, Du En immediately began to ponder it.

Although the food he can get now, in addition to brown rice and coarse grains, ordinary fruits and vegetables, meat, etc., which require spiritual stones, there is only a strange owl that will be delivered to the door for free.

However, in this primitive forest in southern Xinjiang, as long as you are willing, you can still find some medicinal materials, right?

I didn't pay special attention to it before, but now it seems that I should go and look for it.

After thinking about this, the natural thing is to take a nap, recharge your energy, and then practice the exercises again.

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