It's a new day.

Today is a cloudy day, extremely humid, and the temperature has not dropped yet.

Wearing the thick clothes used for burying corpses, I was already sweating all over before I even reached the burial wasteland. I couldn't do it anymore, and it was sticky and uncomfortable.

That's it, it's just a small problem.

Walking all the way to the corpse burial wasteland, on the dim forest path, at this time in the past, scavengers would gather together to share the remains of various corpses left behind during the transportation of corpses.

But now, there is no trace of them at all!

This mountain forest is so quiet and looks particularly eerie!

"Wei Ming, be careful today."

Wei Ming, who was reminded by Du En, felt uneasy.

"Boss, what are you careful about?"

he asked nervously.

Du En, who was taking the lead, still walked steadily and his voice had no waves: "The evil spirits in the wasteland can only be quickly removed by direct exposure to the sun, and today, the sun is covered by clouds."

"That's it? Those scavenging beasts ran away?"

"The anomalies in the wasteland are relatively obvious. You don't have to worry about this. As long as you finish your work before nightfall, there won't be any big problems."

"What about the little problem?"

Wei Ming was worried when he heard this and asked about this.

Du En paused for a moment, which made him feel even more terrified.

Then, Ning Cai slapped him on the shoulder, startling him immediately.

"Ning, senior Ning, don't, don't scare me!"

"Ahem, cough, cough... Xiao Wei, you are really lacking some strength. Why are you still asking for a small problem? The small problem is the sinister black soil. It is easy to disperse and hard to get rid of today, and it can easily make people sick and weak."

Ning Cai was speechless.

Du En moved on, no need to explain anymore.

"Haha, it turns out that's the case."

Wei Ming was suddenly embarrassed.

At this moment, the wasteland where corpses are buried can be seen from a distance.


Du En raised his eyebrows slightly and quickened his pace.

The others noticed it, their hearts skipped a beat, and they hurriedly followed.

Wei Ming's calm heart was immediately raised again.

When I got closer, I looked into the wasteland and immediately looked away. I couldn't bear to look directly and felt sick.

Even Ning Caize and the four of them also changed their expressions, frowned, and subconsciously looked away.

All he saw was that on the wasteland, corpses were being laid out.

There were fifty-eight in total, which was not a large number. Generally speaking, most of them died from exhaustion, a few were killed, and some committed suicide.

Once you get used to it, you will become numb.

However, there is a body inside that looks evil and weird!

It can't be said to be one body, but half a body, split vertically in half from head to crotch, with the internal organs remaining inside. Moreover, it is unusually fresh, and the incision seems to have an invisible sealing film, sealing it. There is no blood or decay.

If it were just like this, it wouldn't be enough to scare the experienced corpse buryers.

The key is that this half of the corpse was stripped naked, its hands and feet were tied together, and the skin was smeared with oil, revealing a strange waxy yellow color. It didn't look like a human corpse, but more like a half-open corpse. The white-cut chicken and duck seems to be evil!

"Harmed by evil cultivators?"

This appears to be the most likely.

Because these guys would kill people and then make their bodies look so evil!

At the same time, the body today is the most evil thing Du En has ever seen since he joined the industry.

"Follow the old rules."

He gave instructions calmly.

The old rule is that when you encounter such a weird corpse, you should directly join forces to dig a hole nearby, dig it deeper, and then bury it first.

Get laid early and have peace of mind!

After all, the methods of those evil cultivators, as the name suggests, are very evil!

The others had no objection, and under the leadership of Du En, they dug directly on the outside of the half corpse.

Wei Ming lowered his head, not daring to look, and buried his head in digging.

Every time the shovel dug out a lump of soil, there must be a dark and sinister black soil. After being spread, it dispersed into black air and did not dissipate for a while.

It didn't smell as bad as when it was exposed to the sun, but as the sinister black air gathered, the people burying the corpse couldn't help it and began to tremble.

My body clearly feels very hot, I am still sweating, and the sticky hot flashes on my body have not dissipated at all, but I feel cold inexplicably, and there is a swishing cold in the bones!

This situation of hot and cold worlds superimposing each other and attacking from inside and outside is the situation where the small problem Du En just mentioned has become much more obvious.

"Cough cough cough..."

Others used magic power to protect themselves and could still endure it, but Ning Cai had an old problem and couldn't bear it after a while.

"Old Ning, please go to the original block and wait."

Du En said this.

He is in the best condition among everyone, because he has mastered the skills more deeply than others, and his cultivation level can be said to be the highest. Although the sinister black energy tried to penetrate, it was held up by the wandering magic power on the surface, and it was basically impossible. Unable to go deep.

Listening to these powerful and steady words, Ning Caize did not insist and left with a shovel.

The remaining people worked harder and soon dug a hole four feet deep.

"Okay, you guys disperse first."

The others didn't have much energy to spare. If there was an accident, they couldn't avoid it even if they wanted to. When they heard this, they called the boss powerful in their hearts, and then quickly dispersed, watching Du En nervously from a distance.

He walked behind the half of the body, shoveled down the shovel, shoveled the soil, then raised it suddenly, levered the body up, and jumped into the pit.

I stepped back quickly, staring at the corpse until it was safely in the pit without any outbreak, and then waved to the others.

They all breathed a sigh of relief, shoveled up the soil they had just dug, and covered it far away. Soon, they buried the evil half corpse in this equally strange wasteland.

If there are any hidden problems, let them bite the monsters, anyway, don't harm them.

Wei Ming breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the diffused evil black air, which finally dissipated because of the rootless tree, and asked with concern: "Why are there so many evil spirits here?"

As soon as he spoke, he found that his voice was hoarse and weak, and very unfamiliar.

He was startled.

Du En only gave a calm answer: "As you just saw, the surroundings where the corpses are placed are basically the evil corpses that can only be rushed nearby."

Because the buried corpses are all such evil monsters, naturally, the remaining evil spirits are much more than other corpses.

"Today is bad luck, with a strange corpse and cloudy weather, which overlap each other. Of course, this is not the worst situation."

"Ah? This is not the worst?"

"Well, if you are curious and concerned, go ask Lao Ning when you have time. He has been doing this for a long time and has seen a lot."

Du En did not waste time on this. There was still a lot of work to do today, and he had to finish it early so that he could have time to do his own things.

Seeing this, Wei Ming did not ask more.

Turning his head to look at Ning Cai Ze, he was actually not idle just now. After recovering, he shoveled here and dug there in the area where the corpse was buried today. Fifty-seven shallow pits have been dug out, showing a rotating pattern.

Even Wei Ming could see clearly the purpose of doing this.

It's very simple. Since the evil black air is difficult to dissipate quickly, just don't let it stay and directly affect you!

For weather such as cloudy and rainy days, the buryers have their own set of methods. They will dig pits in a rotating manner first, and then concentrate on burying the corpses when all the pits are dug out.

In this way, the harm of the evil black air can be suppressed.

Otherwise, like just now, or the usual burial method, except for Du En who can bear it without any problem, no one else can, and they may even lie down on the spot and be buried together.

The usual burial method is actually aimed at the stench of corpses.

Dozens of corpses with different causes of death, some old and some new, are exposed to the sun, and buried together after the pit is dug. The stink can make people doubt life.

Please read!

Please collect!

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