Let’s talk about two things.

In the afternoon, those lazy supervisors who skipped work also found out that their subordinates had died.

Going home at night and fighting to death is not a big deal, but in broad daylight, they dared to kill people like this, which was simply not taking them seriously!

To put it more seriously, they were negligent in their duties!

Therefore, after trying to track down the murderer to no avail, they met on the way and immediately pointed the spearhead at the Blood Eagle Gang and the Iron Hand Gang!

Can’t report it to the managers?

No matter whether the truth is a feud between gangs, in short, the managers can’t feel that they are derelict in their duties!

So, you have to give an explanation!


What explanation!

The leaders of the two gangs actually wanted to loudly reprimand the supervisors who took advantage of the fire and scapegoated the blame.

However, looking at the cold and condescending eyes of the same level, realizing the difference in status and identity, in the end, they could only beg for mercy, grovel, and offer enough apologies before reluctantly sending them away.

As soon as the supervisors left, they immediately changed their faces, became particularly gloomy, and ordered their men to investigate.

The situation was quickly summarized, and they were not stupid, and they immediately came to their own conclusions.

"It must have been done by the Qingyi Gang!"

Many places and many points, six people died in a short period of time, and it happened to be you three and me three. The intention to provoke conflicts is quite obvious, and the only one nearby who has the strength to do it is the Qingyi Gang who watched the fire from the other side!

These three gangs gathered close to each other, and they were originally in a hostile relationship to seize benefits from each other.

Not long ago, the Blood Eagle Gang and the Iron Hand Gang had a fight. Obviously, the Qingyi Gang felt that there was an opportunity and did not want it to calm down, so they made such a thing today.

By the way, they can also make a group of supervisors hate them, which can be said to be killing two birds with one stone!

"What a vicious guy!"

"But people can't die in vain. As long as the other party surrenders and apologizes first, we will join forces to deal with the Qingyi Gang!"

The two gang leaders thought at the same time.

Although the current situation is likely to be caused by a third party, who can tell whether one of the two gangs is cunning and deliberately doing this to mislead the other party?

So, only if the other party surrenders first and automatically becomes the second in command can they be frank and open, and only then can they shake hands and make peace and work together!

But how can the two gangs do this now?

So, the situation at the top level is deadlocked.

And at the bottom, the matter has spread!

Under the intentional cover-up and promotion by the supervisors, ordinary gang members all thought that it was the other party who started it first, so when they met each other just after work that night, a conflict broke out.

Like adding fuel to the fire, the conflict between the two gangs, which had just calmed down, was ignited again.

This time, it was not the previous small fight.

The noise of shouting and killing spread like wildfire, and soon affected the small courtyard where the corpse was buried.

What's going on?

The six people who were waiting for the dead to collect protection fees with gloomy faces were all surprised at this time.

Then, seeing Du En wanted to go out to take a look, Wei Ming immediately volunteered: "Boss, just sit down, I'll go out to take a look!"

Du En nodded slightly and looked at Ning Caize again.

Wei Ming was still too young and new, and adding an old seniority would be just right.

Old Ning didn't say anything, coughed lightly and got up, followed Wei Ming out, and inquired about the specific situation.

Among the people who stayed in place, Du En lowered his eyes and was calm, with full determination and the style of a general, and he calmed down the other three people's thoughts at once.

Although in fact, he himself was actually quite concerned and confused about the shouting and killing in the distance.

He wanted to provoke conflicts between the two gangs, and also thought about dragging the supervisor into the water. After all, killing people in the daytime really couldn't avoid these guys.

However, the main purpose is to divert attention.

The target is not the Qingyi Gang, but the evil cultivators!

He still remembers the evil half corpse.

In this southern border town, if there are any unsolved cases or strange things, it is always right to push them to the evil cultivators. Therefore, maybe this incident can be used to get the border town to take action and quickly deal with that or those evil cultivators.

It is easy to dodge an open spear, but it is difficult to defend against an arrow from the dark!

These dormant evil cultivators are actually the biggest threat in a sense!

"But now it seems unlikely."

Although there are shouts and shouts outside, this is not the shouting and shouting of the border town.

If the supervisors are dispatched to encircle and suppress the evil cultivators who have been forced out of the water, then the situation will be more intense. At the same time, someone will shout loudly and let the idle people stay at home.

Du En thought and waited.

After a while, Ning Cai Ze's cough came.

"Slow down, slow down, cough cough cough... Xiao Wei, slow down!"

With this helpless voice, Wei Ming ran over with Ning Caize on his back. As soon as he entered the yard, he immediately left the person behind, turned around and closed the gate, and pushed some debris to block it.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Fighting! Fighting!"

Faced with the question, Wei Ming was obviously excited and incoherent, "It was a fight in the shanty area. There were so many people, and a pile of corpses lying on the ground..."

"Calm down and talk slowly."

Du En spoke while motioning for others to help.

In a hurry, he blocked the gate, then picked up shovels, machetes and axes as weapons, surrounded Du En, and stayed in the yard.

Ning Caizhe was still coughing, and pulled out a heavy shield from under his bed, holding it horizontally above his head.

"The Blood Eagle Gang and the Iron Hand Gang are fighting again. This time it's a mess, fighting in the narrow sheds, both sides are cheering for more and more people!"

Wei Ming was free at this time to clearly describe what he saw.

"Ahem... At the beginning, it should be just a quarrel between a few people, and then someone started it first, and then it got more and more intense and out of control. The cause seems to be that one side killed the other side during the day."

Ning Caizhe added: "It is probably the accident during the day that made the two gangs, who originally didn't want to fight again, change their original intentions and fight again in a hurry. Now, I'm afraid they will fight here in a daze."

The previous fight between the two gangs took place outside the shed area, which seemed very controllable, but this time it started from small to large, and started in the narrow shed area. It is not an easy thing to control it with multiple points of dispersion.

To be honest, Du En was also a little surprised.

They were provoked so easily and really started fighting?

Are both gangs idiots?

They can't see such an obvious frame-up?

Well, maybe, we can't think so, then someone is secretly fanning the flames...

He thought for a while and said, "Don't be too nervous, be on guard until the end of the first half of the night, if it hasn't affected us yet, go back to sleep and rest."

"Boss, can you still sleep?"

"Tomorrow's work is a lot, if you don't sleep well tonight, you will have to sleep in the wasteland tomorrow night."

"That's right, fuck! These guys, they cause trouble to others when they are alive, and they are still like this after they die!"

Wei Ming came back to his senses, cursing, very unhappy.

Others also looked unhappy.

In order to encourage people, Du En took out the bag of spirit stones.

"Since this accident has occurred, I think Lu Xiang should not have time to collect this month's protection fee. Here, three pieces per person, take them first."

Each person was given three low-grade spirit stones.

No matter what happens next, at least, I'm holding on to it tightly, and a fierce force is rising in my heart.

Whoever dares to grab it, I'll kill him!

"Spirit Stone, I finally got it. Boss, what else can this thing be used for besides buying things?"

Wei Ming was very curious when he received his wages for the first time. If the current situation was not wrong, he would probably be thinking about how to deal with it most comfortably.

"In addition to being used as currency, the pure spiritual energy contained in it can be used for cultivation. There are special spiritual induction techniques, or you can directly crush it to let the spiritual energy spread, but it is easy to overflow and waste. Moreover, it is very hard and tough, and it is not easy to crush it."

"Is that so... Can you bite it into pieces and swallow it in your stomach, so that it won't be wasted?"

"Yes, but you can't digest the shell, and the end is a knife stabbing your butt."

Wei Ming's expression was a little subtle, and he obviously made a connection.

So he quietly put away the spirit stone and didn't ask too much.

However, the mood of the crowd was slightly relieved, and they were no longer so tense and nervous.

Please read it! Please collect it!

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