Under the night, the chaos continued.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, echoing in the ears of the people here.


It was calm and indifferent, without any doubt.

As if the stop button was pressed, the quarrel between the two bully gangs stopped immediately.

There was a manager who was disgusted with the noise here, so he spoke up.

Just a word in the air made the two bully gangs, who were used to doing evil, stop in shame and shrink back quickly.

Because the terrain was chaotic, the leaders of the two gangs who could not control the scene for a while were relieved at first, and then tensed up their nerves. They didn't care about the situation at the scene at all, and they went to Qingyayuan to beg for forgiveness.

No one dared to touch the corpses on the ground.

The night gradually deepened, and then the sky was about to dawn.

At this time, the corpse transporters hurriedly arrived, and they didn't dare to delay anything. They threw the corpses directly on the carts and transported them to the wasteland.

As for the corpse buryers, they had naturally already lowered their guards, removed their things, and returned to their rooms, sleeping or practicing with their own thoughts.

Before dawn, Du En left his practice state, stood up and knocked on the door to call for help.

Because there was a lot of work to do today, he couldn't take it easy, and had to rush to the corpse burying wasteland on time.

"Boss, do you want to rest for another day?"

"No, there is a lot of work."

The words were concise and to the point, making people vaguely relieved.

It's not that others don't respect Du En, but it's the fact that there is a lot of work to do today, and Wei Ming can't be missing, not to mention Du En, the absolute main force.

The six people set out early and arrived at the wasteland on time, just passing by the corpse transporters' convoy.

No one talked to each other, and they were in a hurry. Only Wei Ming looked at them curiously.

It was the first time he saw this convoy.

The corpses piled up on the wasteland now also matched this scene.

A total of 168!

Among them, there were at least 120 dead bodies of the two gangs, which was really a great loss of vitality. It can be seen that the fight last night was so fierce. No wonder the leaders of the two gangs could not control the situation for a while.

However, even though they were already blood-thirsty, when the manager called out to stop them, both sides retreated and stopped directly, not daring to hesitate or delay at all.

The power of the manager can be seen!

Du En stopped in front of the corpses on the ground, his head and face wrapped, only his eyebrows were exposed, slightly squinting.

"Everyone, this time, it's finally our turn to make a fortune."


The others were stunned.

If Du En hadn't said it, they would not have realized it. Now that they were told so, looking at the corpses on the ground, they immediately realized that these corpses had not been looted.

Indeed, no one looted their remaining property.

The people in the two gangs just wanted to stay away from them. Other irrelevant people didn't dare to step close. Even the corpse carriers treated the corpses as hot potatoes, dumped them on the wasteland, and ran away without looking back.

Or because of the power of the steward!

Ning Caizhe's heart was beating fast at this time, and his eyes were a little dark. He asked stumblingly: "Du En, you are not kidding, are you?"

"Why are you kidding?"

Du En looked at the others. They were also intimidated by the power of the steward and just wanted to bury the bodies as soon as possible.

"Opportunities are rare and can never come back. We finally got a chance to make a fortune, but the money we made was from the dead. If we miss it, we may not get it again in the future!"

"But, but..."

"I know what you are worried about, but we are buried dead. We are always in danger. Besides, once this incident is over, the Blood Eagle Gang will come to collect protection fees. Luo Heng is gone, but there is still Lu Xiang. Even if Lu Xiang is gone, there are still others. Just asking for wages from the manager can't withstand the bone-sucking of those people."

After listening to Du En's words, everyone felt that it made sense, and their brains, which were intimidated, immediately became active again.

In their opinion, it is impossible for Du En to ask for wages every month.

Their small bodies in the early stage of Qi Refining can't withstand the manager He Bo's several difficulties.

Therefore, if they want to maintain their current livelihood and deal with the oppression and extortion of the Blood Eagle Gang, they really need to make some windfall!

"Damn! The boss is right. We have only one life left. If we don't make money now, when can we make money?!"

"The barefoot are not afraid of the ones wearing shoes! Anyway, if we are discovered and hated, it's no big deal!"

"Haha! They used to hit us, but now it's our turn to touch them. This is called the law of feng shui!"

"The managers won't come to dig up the body to check. Ahem... I mean, I'm old and I'm going to risk it this time!"

"The boss is awesome, I listen to him!"

Seeing that everyone has reached a consensus, Du En took the lead and began to touch the body carefully.

Although he would actually take action even if others didn't want to do it together, it was obviously the best way now.

If everyone took action and took the spirit stone, the news would not leak out afterwards.

Although the managers should not care about such trivial matters, if they really get to their ears, there will inevitably be some accidents.

Especially He Bo, who particularly disliked Du En.

"Oh! Spiritual stones!"

"My goodness, everyone has one on their body, so there must be more hidden in this house?"

"How many people have these damn people bullied?"

"Huh? This is, hiss! Magic!"

"Boss, there are also hidden weapons...ah? Don't take them, it's a pity."

The crowd used shovels to rummage among the corpses, turning the pile of corpses upside down, and then yelled and screamed, as if they had never seen the world before, and indeed they had not.

When the sun rose completely, a pile of low-grade spiritual stones were shining brightly under the sunlight.

One thousand two hundred and twenty five dollars!

Such a huge sum of money made their heads dizzy and they felt extremely illusory.

"Boss, why don't you give me a pinch... Ouch! You really pinch me..."

"Hey, Du En, how do you divide this?"

"Each of you will take one hundred, and I will take seven hundred. The remaining twenty-five yuan will be placed with me first. Later, when they come to collect the protection fee, and when it comes to purchasing, they will pay this part first."

"The boss is wise!"

No one objected. After all, if it weren't for Du En, they would have buried the body in a daze and missed out on this windfall.

"There are also spells. It's a pity that there is only a low-grade sand blowing technique."

"Well, everyone will take note of this after reading it and learn from it. If it is exposed in front of others in the future, it will be said that it is good luck and it is rare to pick up a corpse."

Du En made arrangements again, and then took out the six bags he had prepared.

It has to be you!

When we were confused and frightened, we had already made plans and preparations.


It’s really high!

Everyone quickly took the bag and put their own portion in it. It was so heavy that they never thought that they would have so many spiritual stones in this life!

Even if these are "black goods" and cannot be spent directly, just counting them every night before going to bed is enough to comfort the soul and make the life look promising.

Du En looked at them like this and didn't say anything. He just lowered his head and silently looked at the piece of paper in his hand that was stained with blood but the content was still clear.

A low-grade spell, the sand blowing technique.

As the name suggests, it uses mana to generate a stream of light sand.

The main function is to cover the line of sight and attack the line of sight. If you practice it to a high level, it will also have considerable power.

Remembering the content, he handed the paper to others.

Their excitement began to subside.

While reading and memorizing spells, I worry about gains and losses.

With so many spiritual stones on my body, I feel insecure!

What if the body transporter comes to stuff the body again and discovers it?

What if there is a bold one among the two gangs who also wants to make money by killing people?

What if, what if the manager still cares about it and chooses to come and take a look?

In this kind of worrying about gains and losses, the five people burst out with unspeakable power.

It’s like digging a hole to bury the body like crazy!

As long as the body is buried and all traces of it are destroyed, there won't be that many ifs!

As long as you bury the body as soon as possible, go back to your residence, and hide the spirit stone, you can feel at ease!

Driven by this mentality, the efficiency of burying corpses increased dramatically. They were not afraid of hardship and fatigue, and they buried more than a hundred corpses in the evening.

I almost exhausted myself!

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