You dare to go to Yunyi City? !

Wouldn't normal people stay as far away as possible at this time?

Tong Wenrong and Zuo Kui were stunned, but thinking of his performance when he faced the True Lord just now, it seemed that he really dared, or rather, it seemed natural?

I have to say, it feels quite similar?


As soon as he had a related association, he couldn't help shivering and quickly strangled the miscellaneous thoughts.

Meng Changqing also wanted to say something but stopped, and finally couldn't help but smile bitterly, rubbing his temples, and muttered: "This subordinate's subjective initiative is too strong, which is also helpless, but, well, forget it, let's go, meet each other, maybe we can resolve the conflict, this is better..."

Listening to such muttering, Du En was a little thoughtful.

Then, as if afraid that Du En would reveal some more explosive information, Meng Changqing didn't say much, hurriedly cut off the contact this time, focused his attention, and ran to supervise the rectification of the True Lord Zhuding.

This office fell into silence.

Du En took care of the two people beside him. After they recovered and wiped off their sweat, he looked at Tong Wenrong and said, "Lord Tong, I want to stay here for a while. You..."

"No problem! No problem at all! Just enjoy yourself!"

Tong Wenrong was startled and answered loudly.

In addition to being shocked by the background of Du Youli, he was also grateful.

This time, Zhou Ze's matter ended in this situation. The two of them were not implicated and might not be affected by the rectification. It was obviously all because of Du En!

Of course I have to be grateful!

While looking at each other, the two had already decided that if Du En had any needs next, as long as it was not too illegal, they could help him get it done!

My factors are not too large...

Du En looked at their little actions and did not waste his words to explain. After all, even if he said it, it would probably be regarded as modesty. Moreover, there were indeed some things that needed to be a little convenient here, and there was no difficulty in stopping them.

Anyway, under the hospitality of the two local upper-class people, Du En temporarily stayed in Lin'an City.

The sky gradually brightened, and the house was counted.

An Yan's red-tipped pot, because it was her life magic weapon, was mostly useless after the owner died, but it still barely had its shape, and the material was good and solid, so next, it could be melted and used for refining.

The pot itself was of average value, but the various raw materials and spiritual medicines loaded in it were completely different!

Du En poured them out and piled them up on the ground in front of him. They were almost as tall as him, and the grade was at least the third-grade upper grade.

"How much is this secretly conspired for private gain? It must be worth tens of thousands of upper-grade spiritual stones, right?"

"And there are others..."

After breaking open the shrinking bag, even if only 30% could be snatched out, there was still a pile of pill bottles, at least hundreds of bottles of pills.

Mainly pills for recovery, used to support the endurance of fighting.

There were no extra things. I think they were gradually replaced with these for fighting before the action. Obviously, they took into account the difficulty of the battle and made as much preparation as possible.

After a simple addition, An Yan's wealth was at least nearly 100,000 high-grade spirit stones!

"Compared to this, the low-grade spirit stones in Tong Chengzhu's room are just a pile of garbage accumulated over a hundred years..."

Du En couldn't help but sigh, and then he broke down Wang Zhun's wealth.

If nothing unexpected happened, this side was basically prepared for this fight.

A pile of third-level talismans, 30% of which were tens of thousands!

If they were all used up before... In fact, they couldn't be used, because talismans require external spiritual energy. The result of using them all up was that the spiritual energy in the area was directly depleted, unable to form an attack, and all of them were scrapped.

And the thousands of pieces that could barely support it couldn't make waves in front of Du En, and it was easy to break them, so Wang Zhun didn't do useless work later, and now they all benefited Du En.

"They are all very good, and at the end, there is also the sword cultivator's..."

Du En took them out again to count, and then shook his head slightly.

It can only be said that as expected of a sword cultivator, he is really poor and has very little wealth, and has no external things at all...

"No, maybe there is some arrangement outside the city. After all, that guy went out alone, and it is obvious that he wants to do something. There is no clue on him, so he must have arranged it outside a long time ago, just waiting for me or those two to fall into his trap."

If Zhou Ze can play a role, then he will surprise Du En in the city.

If Zhou Ze cannot play a role, then the appropriate place for the attack is somewhere outside the city.

In short, considering the existence of the city defense, the three people originally planned to do so.

It's just that Du En took the initiative and won quickly, so he can think about their actions so calmly at this moment.

"Unfortunately, the people in the Hub City should have gone to the periphery to investigate, and as the focus, it is not suitable for me to run around at this time..."

Du En did not think for too long. After roughly understanding the situation, he turned to the present.

The talisman can be used later, needless to say.

There are all kinds of auxiliary materials such as spiritual medicine and spiritual objects, enough for him to use for a long time, but the main materials are still insufficient, and now he can only chew the sycamore tree.

Those idle materials and sporadic finished magic tools can only make up for ten magic tools, and he still needs to work part-time in the future.

There aren't many high-grade spirit stones, but they have accumulated to 1,565 pieces. I will keep them and use them to buy spells and other things later.

And merits...

"What kind of merit will it be this time? It can't be Ding Deng again?"

As it turned out, Du En's muttering in his heart was not wrong.

After dealing with the remains of the Outer City Affairs Office and conducting a brief investigation around Lin'an City, the Shucheng side quickly returned before dawn and officially evaluated and rewarded Du En.

Ding Shanggong was recorded as one time.

After all, it was related to the matter of Xiulin Xianmen, and the result was only like this. Although it might be necessary to take into account the Xianmen and not to reward him openly, it still seemed strange and stingy.

However, Du En didn't bother to think too much, because when he contacted Meng Changqing later, or when he went to Shucheng, he would know the reason.

In fact, he had already thought about it and had a rough idea in his mind.


After getting merits, he exchanged them for rare items before they were warm.

A ray of light that changes with thousands of forms.

It was a ray of light, stored in a three-sided crystal cone, which was constantly refracted inside, changing into thousands of different forms and wavelengths, which was exactly the characteristic required for ever-changing.

According to common sense, in fact, the combination of dream stone, flame flower, and this ray of light that changes with thousands of forms is enough for Du En to refine a special life magic weapon around his middle dantian, the crimson palace.

But Meng Changqing adhered to the principle of refining the best, and added an extra wonder to the refining method to create a better foundation for it, so that it can be more extensible and expandable in the future.

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