Although silent, but not solemn.

This is the situation in the city lord's hall at the moment.

Such a development, in the eyes of the two disciples of Master Yunyi, is that Du En is very unaware. After ruthlessly killing his junior brothers and sisters, he did not take the initiative to admit his mistakes and ask for mercy!

Although the cause is theirs, not yours, you should at least show some attitude and express it on the surface, right?

Therefore, they all cast their own hostile eyes with strong meanings at Du En, who has a calm attitude.

Fighting openly and secretly, but in front of the master, you still have to pretend to be a common enemy.

Tsk! Looking at you like this, if you don't know, you would think that we are brothers and sisters!

Ren Li glanced at the behavior of these two senior sisters and brothers, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

At the same time, the silence of his master, the reticence of Du En, and the performance of these two key figures at this time also made him sweat secretly.

Sure enough, as the silence continued, the two sides seemed to be really turning into a confrontational stalemate before the conflict, and the atmosphere seemed to turn from peaceful to heavy.

As a result, the three great monks and disciples present began to feel uneasy.

Ren Li naturally continued to be in a dilemma and felt anxious secretly, while the other two couldn't help but wonder if they had just exerted too much force, which led to the dissatisfaction of their master?

If Du En and their master really disagreed here and broke out into an obvious conflict, putting the contradiction in the open would eventually only affect them.

——The pressure from the upper level would really make them feel stressed, and their direct and indirect interests would be damaged!

It was in this uneasy and tense situation that the great monk Yunyi lowered his eyes first, looking quite emotional.

"Today, it seems that I shouldn't have both, but now I am suffering the consequences."

The attitude of this great monk is unexpectedly gentle?

Du En didn't care about the emotions and looks of the two Yuanying stage people at all. He pondered secretly at this moment and replied calmly: "This is the way of the world, and there is nothing we can do about it."


What are you talking about?

Isn't it about admitting mistakes and resolving conflicts, and then, either getting angry or secretly forbearing?

The three great monks listened to the words of the two people, and they didn't understand for a while, and seemed a little confused. Even Ren Li's cold third sister couldn't help showing obvious surprise.

But the great monk Yunyi only nodded slightly, and said with a feeling of twilight: "Brother Du, are you willing to listen to me?"

"Of course I'm all ears."

So, the great monk Yunyi spoke slowly.

"My first disciple was preoccupied with work earlier, and I did not urge him in time. He had talent but failed to realize it early, which led to his death in Fudong's infiltration."

"And my second disciple, I learned a lesson and changed my teaching method, but because I urged him too much, he became desperate and tried all kinds of methods. In the end, he wanted to kill his fellow disciples. I had to abandon the law with sorrow and return to the mortal world. Now he has become a dry skeleton."

"Since then, I have strictly prohibited them from killing each other, and urged them from time to time, but I have not directly approached them. My original intention was to let them compete so that they can promote each other."

"Who would have thought that there would be another accident in the end, which caused them to degenerate after a long time, and this gave birth to today's evil consequences..."

The great monk Yunyi said, sighing.

At this time, he told these old news, his own mental journey, and his own sighs, which only made the third and fourth disciples panic and could only try to maintain their superficial attitude.

They obviously didn't expect that their master's current disciple training mode would change like this.

Because when they became disciples, it was the time when the second senior sister was expelled.

At that time, the two had just started to cultivate their Qi, and they were found by the master from the hard labor pile like Ren Li.

Master Yunyi had to practice and was entangled in affairs, and this matter was quite delicate, so he didn't mention it in the past. After all, maybe the fellow disciples that their second senior sister wanted to murder were them, so there were extra concerns.

In other words, they suddenly realized that now Du En's murder might not be like what they had expected earlier, making their master hostile to Du En and reject and hate Ren Li, the little junior brother?

In other words, the master was not angry much, but lamented?

Thinking of this, they became more and more uneasy.

After all, they could have stopped it before, but they didn't. If this was discovered, then...

I dare not think about it, I can only force myself to be calm, and I am very panicked.

While the senior sisters and brothers were panicking, Ren Li breathed a sigh of relief.

He said that the master is reasonable!

He just loves his disciple very much. Before, he was able to go to Nanmo to gain enlightenment because the other party arranged it. It was not a simple matter.

It was also because of the performance of such a beloved disciple that Ren Li was afraid that he would ignore the "comfort and comfort" from the sect in his anger and do something to Du En who came to him.

It's not that he doesn't respect his teacher. It's mainly because these two things can be said to be caused by him. At the same time, those four guys really deserved to die.

If it weren't for Du En's superior strength, he would have died long ago!

All kinds of emotions were brewing and entangled, and everyone had their own thoughts.

The hall fell into silence again.

The atmosphere appears relaxed, but in fact there are changes going on.

Because at this moment, the pressure actually came to Du En.

Master Yunyi revealed his past so openly, so how should he answer now?

As a murderer, facing the other master who admitted his mistakes and lamented, it seemed that nothing he said was appropriate at this moment, let alone anything like reasoning.

This person is really difficult and thorny.

Du En couldn't help but think so.

If he dragged on like this, he would become the one who was not right.

After all, he was a great monk, and he had such a good attitude on this matter, but you had nothing to say. The contrast of attitudes was very bad. If it was spread out, how would others view it?

Fortunately, things did not develop like this.

Because Master Yunyi then spoke again: "I have seen Fudong act rather sneaky recently. Perhaps he wants to take advantage of our reorganization to carry out a secret plot. However, when I reported it to the Central City, it was not accepted. I am really distressed about this."

As a garrison master, he cannot move easily and can only guard here year after year. His two Yuanying disciples and other subordinates and confidants also hold important positions and cannot act arbitrarily.

So, when he took the initiative to talk about this matter now, his meaning was very clear.

Let Du En investigate and stop it.

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