"You, you, what, will you be okay?"


Du En wanted to dig out more information, so he opened his mouth to answer, trying to distract him.

But as soon as he said these words, he discovered that the attacker was going to explode the golden elixir!

So he reacted immediately, tore off the other party's head, and used magic power to cut off his connection with the golden elixir, thus preventing this from happening.

"He was really decisive. Moreover, although he prevented the golden elixir from self-destructing, it failed to prevent the soul from being destroyed. Well, even the brain was completely evaporated..."

Originally, I wanted to see if this guy's mouth was tough and try to take out some things, but now even the head he was holding was light, and the inside had become empty, without any inventory.

This Fudong Immortal Sect infiltrator is really cruel to him. Of course, he may also be cruelly treated.

After a quick inventory of this person's assets, it turned out that apart from the pig-face mask on his face, there was nothing else extra. It was the pig-face mask magic weapon. The refining method was also very special, and the magic imprint could not be washed away. Turn it into your own use.

"It's a bit of a pity. This magic weapon should be the key to their ability to sneak in. It may have the ability to eliminate their own existence, but it's not too much of a pity. After all, it is almost certain that it also has additional functions such as positioning. "

In other words, it can only be destroyed now... No, it should be...

While burying the body neatly, Du En thought quickly.

Although this guy just said that he wanted to snipe the genius, he also prepared corresponding means. He should be sure of it and live up to the name of the Immortal Sect, but in fact, it is okay to snipe the genius, but it is not necessary to snipe the genius.

For the two major immortal sects, this is completely meaningless!

After all, there are a lot of geniuses in the battlefield viewing group alone. It is estimated that some will die every year, which makes everyone numb. It can be seen that the level of genius, especially those who have not yet grown to a great monk, can truly realize their talents. Geniuses will not be looked down upon by the Immortal Sect at all.

Therefore, the words "sniper genius" can only scare people who have never seen the world.

For example, Duane a while ago.

In the eyes of outsiders, although he is valued by his sect and is a traveler, after all, he comes from a lower class and has only traveled for a few years, so his experience is definitely lacking.

In other words, this person actually has another purpose.

And from the fact that it does have a method to target Du En, it is not difficult to see that the other party took his presence into consideration at the beginning of the action.

In this way, the situation becomes clearer!

"Intelligence lags behind, specifically targeting the guys who lurked in at the beginning of the reorganization, and this should be the outer sentry point of their current range of activities. As soon as I get close, I will be attacked and sniped to eliminate me. Although this person’s cultivation level is still low, he has a special position and has enough influence to appear uncertain.”

In other words.

Found you!

There really is meritorious deeds that lurk in!

Moreover, judging from the need to specifically target his own performance, the overall strength is obviously not too high, and there should be room for him to move around and seek merit!

Having said that, we cannot take it lightly, and it is now basically certain that the matter of coming here has been exposed and passed on.

Du En didn't think that there would be any report before the intruder jumped out. Even if he didn't, when he died, the people lurking in the Fudong Immortal Sect should have noticed it.

In other words, it is not advisable to act alone and seek merit secretly, because it is easy to overturn and be surrounded by a group of powerful enemies.

Therefore, now it’s time to take advantage of our home court status...

When Du En finished burying the body, he had a general plan in mind, so he kept the pig face mask, remained cautious and vigilant, and took action quickly.

Instead of moving along the edges of various cities, they drove straight to the nearby central city, a medium-sized city.

Changle City.

It is different from the small border towns that Du En has visited before, but belongs to another category, an intermediate level existence.

The zigzag-shaped main city area is still not much different from a small town. At the same time, like a big city, there are no shanty towns and production areas outside the city.

But it did not disappear completely like the big city. Instead, there were many edge towns surrounding the main city, scattered like stars over the moon.

In fact, these towns can also be said to be production areas, but unlike the small towns where various raw materials and spiritual objects are produced, what is produced here is people!

There are so many cannon fodders on the battlefield, and the Qi Refining Stage is actually not bad. It can be directly initiated and quickened, just like the assembly line objects, but the Foundation Building Stage, the Golden Elixir Stage, etc., is obviously not possible.

And relying on the supply of personnel from all over the world is obviously unable to meet the cruel requirements of the battlefield.

Therefore, it is natural that there is a middle city like Changle City to specially cultivate and produce batches of cannon fodder for the foundation-building golden elixir stage!

During the production and foundation building period, it was naturally placed in a town outside the city.

Dun soon passed by the first outer town.

It was built in an artificial volcanic crater, with thick smoke billowing, heat waves surging, and the smell of sulfur all around. It was extremely suitable for the practice of fire and earth-related exercises, so the bottom-level people who practiced such methods were concentrated here. He practiced day and night, only occasionally taking a break to catch his breath.

Carts of cultivation resources, those first- and second-level elixirs and spiritual food produced in small towns, distributed in hub cities, and processed locally in central cities, were transported here like feed entering the field.

"No, I don't want to eat, I don't want to cultivate, ah!"

Some people couldn't stand this kind of life and wanted to run away from their own cultivation points, but they were held down by the foundation-building period deacon who was responsible for supervising the side. He picked up a small shovel and scooped up a full shovel, pinched his mouth and forced it in.

Forced cultivation of immortality by cramming!

The poor man's tears and snot were running, and his hands and feet kept flapping. He was really like a chicken or duck being picked up, with no strength or will to resist.

As the materials in his stomach gave off their effects, he began to expand like a balloon.

If he didn't cultivate, he would explode. So after being thrown back, the poor man's tears and snot had not yet run out, so he could only close his eyes and continue to cultivate quickly, lest he really exploded and died.

Du En took a quick glance at the other people around him when he passed by, and saw the subtle expressions and movements of others around him.

Very plain!

Therefore, he knew that this kind of thing actually happens from time to time, but it just doesn't make a big splash.

He retracted his gaze, walked through the town, and along the main road, and soon saw the towering gate of Changle City.

He did not slow down, but was still careful and hidden. When he arrived at the foot of the city, he showed his identity token, received an invisible verification, and then he could climb over and enter this central city.

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