Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 294: Fighting in the Early Stage of Yuanying (5k, please subscribe)

Early in the morning.

The sky was still dim.

In the inner city of Changle City, a young man walked out of his house so early in the morning.

He had just finished practicing, and he felt refreshed, full of magic power, and the luster of the golden elixir was brighter. He felt that he was in the best state of brilliance.

So, it's time to go to the practice field to practice magic!

Full of motivation and enthusiasm, I have to practice hard and work hard.

However, walking on this usual road, I looked up and didn't see the beautiful figure in the high pavilion of the city lord's mansion in the distance.

This situation inevitably made his enthusiasm a little wilted, but he turned around and immediately cheered himself up.

As long as you work hard and work hard, sooner or later, you will be able to step into the city lord's mansion and go to the front of the beauty!

Just thinking about this, I turned the corner and saw the same road as before.


Not quite right?

With his familiarity with this place, he was keenly aware that something was wrong, but he looked carefully, and whether he saw it with his eyes or with his spiritual sense, he could not see any problem.

If there is any problem, it is that it is too quiet?

Unlike the quietness of the morning in the past, or it should be said that the morning is not quiet at all. Those foundation-building period people who live in special single rooms and smell the psychedelic incense should still be practicing day and night...

That's right!

Because in this situation, the spiritual energy in the inner city will show an orderly flow, like a stream out of thin air, flowing through a field, and naturally seeping to various places on both sides of the river.

But now, there is no such thing!

The abundant fifth-level spiritual energy is like a pool of stagnant water at this moment, and the silence stops, which makes people scared!

The young man turned his head suddenly and looked at the foundation-building period single room. The low-rise buildings like prisons were shrouded in psychedelic incense. Looking from a distance, it was not real, as if it was unreal!

Oops, oops?

Because the situation came too suddenly and was too confusing, he seemed to find it difficult to understand. Instead, he was a little stunned for a while, not knowing whether he should call this situation problematic or bad.

So he stayed where he was, and the people who were watching here silently couldn't help but get restless.

As if he noticed the hidden malice growing, the young man couldn't help but shudder slightly, and then, pretending nothing happened, he ran to his practice ground with his head down and walked quickly.

Because the enemy who could run to this inner city was definitely not something he, a mere Jindan stage, could deal with, so at this time, although he was a little worried about the situation in the City Lord's Mansion, there is a saying that if a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

So now is the time to practice diligently, and you can't be distracted!

So under the gaze of several eyes, he ran directly to the practice ground in the past, a courtyard and tall house that looked very ordinary on the outside, but actually had a different world inside.

Forget it, Du En is important!

Three eyes in the dark began to withdraw, suppressing their restless thoughts.

They pressed it, but Du En didn't.

Found you...

Before, after sneaking back all the way, Du En found something wrong as soon as he entered the city.

There are traces left!

The enemy seemed to be running over in a hurry, squatting in the place where he was most likely to appear, and wanted to do something!

"It feels a bit hysterical."

Du En thought calmly and continued to sneak calmly.

However, after he came to the inner city, he did not find the specific location of the enemy.

So the idea changed again.

"It's not squatting in the place where I am most likely to appear, but taking advantage of my boldness, or arrogance, so that I intentionally left traces and lured me to bite the hook?"

No matter what happened, in short, because the opponent might be the kind of person who hides the Nascent Soul in the Golden Core, even if you want to fight with him, you need to find the target first, then sneak attack it, and weaken the opponent as much as possible.

Although that secret technique can cut and hide the Nascent Soul, the cost is also very obvious. Once the Golden Core as a container is exploded, the Nascent Soul part parasitic inside will also die.

However, the best thing to do now is to wait for other parties to come back for help and not take risks easily.

So Du En did not act rashly. He secretly decided that if he really couldn't find the opponent and had no chance to weaken him, he would waste time with the opponent until Ying Dongqing and the others came.

He began to observe secretly.

The opponent hid very well. From the fifth watch to just now, no trace was found.

After waiting for so long, no Nascent Soul of his side returned. So the situation is obvious. Whether it is Ying Dongqing's side or Zhang Qing's side, they are now temporarily entangled by the enemy.

But relatively speaking, Fudong Xianmen should not have any spare energy, otherwise they should have made some small commotion to see if Du En came.

They seemed to be particularly cautious and restrained, so there might only be one group of people coming here, that is, the combination of one Nascent Soul and three Golden Cores.

If that kind of hidden secret technique really requires three people and three golden pills.

Then it is now, when the day is just dawning.

The appearance of the energetic young man who had met Du En before has brought a little change to the situation.

Because monk Fu Dong had the idea of ​​taking action, some clues would inevitably emerge and be noticed by Du En.

"I didn't manage to control the whole situation. It seems that I was in a hurry. I can't hold back any longer. It seems that I feel that time is running out... Of course, it could be a trap or something like that. However, we are in Changle City now. I am at home. Although I can't control it directly, I can still create actions that trigger the city defense if I want to."

The only way for Fudong Xianmen to kill Du En here is to kill him quickly before he does that!

The previous ambush and assassination were aimed at this, so everyone got close to each other and a face-to-face encounter would determine life and death!

This time was no exception. So to Du En's surprise, the three people were quite close at the moment. I think they planned to reveal their trump cards as soon as they found him!

It was convenient for me...

Du En used the Ice Breath Technique repeatedly, moving carefully and quietly, and came behind them.

Since the decision has been made, there is no hesitation, and he will attack directly!

Wrapped in an ice shell, with golden flames under the shell, wooden sticks in the golden flames, and reddish brown under the wooden sticks.

Inexhaustible green spirit body, magic-devouring wooden sticks, golden flame technique, ice breath technique.

The golden elixir vibrated quietly, the pupils began to sparkle, the magic power star ring rotated, and threw out magnificent real magic power.

Split, explode, boom!



The young man heard the loud movement from the other side of the street before he stepped into the practice field. He wanted to avoid it and didn't dare to look directly, but his consciousness still caught a glimpse.

The two corpses jumped out directly from the darkness and landed on the street, smashing the hard floor, with golden flames jumping on their bodies, long wooden sticks inserted, and even some frost.

What shocked the young man the most, as if it was a phantom pain, was that their lower dantian had been pierced, and the golden elixir inside was now missing, with only some debris scattered, showing the traces of their existence.

The breath left by this trace alone made him feel dry-mouthed, trembling, and unable to move his legs for a while!

Golden Core Perfection?

Strong first-class person?

No matter which point, he is far beyond it!

But even such a person, at this moment, is like two pieces of dead pork thrown on the stall, completely lifeless, deader than dead!

Who did it? !


A sharp scream suddenly appeared, and another person jumped out from the dark.

The Golden Core Perfection as a disguised shell has been taken off, revealing the actual master in the fur and armor, a baby only three inches in size?


It's the Nascent Soul!

The young man was immediately horrified, and wanted to roll and crawl, but the momentum of the Nascent Soul stage had exploded and spread to the surroundings, making his legs and feet soft, and he sat directly on the ground, and the whole person was like a lamb to be slaughtered, unable to move at all.

It's over!


A calm sound of footsteps suddenly appeared in the buzzing ears, and it seemed to be full of presence. Even the power of the Nascent Soul could not cover it, so he could not help but open his eyes.

Du En also appeared from the dark at this moment, and his momentum began to grow like a tree, absorbing the nutrients and fertilizer of the land, and then madly soared and began to wave his branches.

The young man and the Nascent Soul were in a trance at this moment, and they really saw trees growing vigorously on the loess land, becoming more and more lush and tall, gradually occupying the field of vision.

"What about the top-grade skills? What about the late Jindan? Since you are so frivolous that you dare to take action instead of waiting for that bitch to come back, then today is your death anniversary!"

The sharp voice of the Nascent Soul directly awakened the young man, but also made him further sluggish, and he just looked at the Nascent Soul stupidly.

Her body suddenly grew, covered with flesh from the outside, and quickly took out the flesh that was hidden by some unknown method, and put it into the Nascent Soul again.

The soul left and returned to the palace. The three palaces resounded, the magic power roared, and the momentum burst out, just like a mountain torrent, directly shaking and crushing the surrounding buildings.

Even though she was ambushed by Du En and lost two-thirds of her Nascent Soul, she still made up for part of it by retrieving her physical body. She now has half of her strength in her prime.

A top-notch leader, in the early stage of Nascent Soul!

This process was completed in the blink of an eye, and it was impossible to stop it. Just looking at her beautiful face, her eyebrows were frowning, as if she was a jade seal, she was really a great beauty.

Moreover, she was not wearing a dress just now, even if she only glimpsed it, it caused a strong psychological shock to the young man in the distance, as if it was acceptable for him to be killed by her now, after all, she was so beautiful...

Liu Rujin was angry but silent, and her purpose was very clear, to kill her quickly to avoid accidents and make her efforts fail!

So at this moment, she wanted to take advantage of the moment when Du En was stunned by her generosity, and directly destroy the tree with her ruthless hands, uprooting the young tree that was growing vigorously!

He was coming fiercely, preparing his means, and was about to launch a thunderous attack!

However, facing the scene just now, Du En did not waver at all, and his eyes were as calm as the still water in an old well.

At this moment, facing the oncoming murderous momentum, and the sudden movement of space, the ruthless beauty who was already in front of him, only used his own moves.

Divine power, bury the dead and live!

Reflect the life and prosperity!

The changes were quietly growing, but at this moment, Liu Rujin's cold heart seemed to beat several beats faster. The surface of the ordinary people's mentality only felt a little absurd at this moment, because he actually felt an instinctive fear of the young man in front of him!


The next moment.


She looked up at the sky, and a look of bewilderment appeared in her eyes, as if she were ordinary people. She didn't understand why this happened.

At the same time, two red streams had already flowed out of her nose, making her eyes sore for a moment, and then she was so angry!

"Little bastard, dare you hit me in the face?"

While she was cursing, her hands did not waver at all, and her determination to kill with one blow remained unshakable. At this moment, she slapped Du En directly on his body.

But at the same time, he had just finished testing his strength, and the next blow had already come.

This time, it was the chest that was hit.



The two of them flew backwards and fell into the building behind them, turning it directly into a pile of slag.


The ruins that buried him were directly moved away by the invisible force. Du En was at ease and stood up, as smooth as a horizontal movement.

At this moment, he only felt that his condition was extremely good. It seemed that there was an infinite vitality emerging from his body. It was not reasonable at all, but it was actually very reasonable.

So, even if he was hit by the blow that Liu Rujin thought was sure to kill him, it was not that he was not injured, but it didn't matter.

Because he had just been injured, he had recovered, as if he was in a short-term state of full recovery and refreshment.

No, not only that.

It also made his combat power very obviously enhanced!



Liu Rujin on the opposite side shattered the ruins, and then vomited blood, and was very shocked.

Then, she couldn't help but cover the collapsed chest. It should have been treated and there was no emotion, but it might be because two-thirds of the Nascent Soul disappeared and she was injured again, so her current state tended to be covered with normality.

So, she cried.

"Ahhh, my chest, look at what you have done, you cold, stiff, faceless, unscrupulous scum! Come and die for me!"

No matter what the surface emotional state is, the core remains unchanged, so she yelled, moved in space, appeared directly behind Du En, and hit him hard on the head.

Although the slender hands are white and soft, they can stain blood and kill!

The new secret technique has been quietly applied, and it has changed its fighting style in an instant!

Blood God Decay!

The explosive secret technique that stimulates vitality, right? Then directly decay and corrupt your vitality and soul...


Du En counter-punched and slapped it, stopping it directly.

The appearance is that the vitality is gushing out and is particularly vigorous, but in fact it is not the case at all.

Bad? !

Liu Rujin's appearance was mixed with shock and confusion for a moment. She didn't expect that she would be wrong. Although she was cold and mechanical inside and had made a judgment, it was still too abrupt. So she was dragged by Du En by her hair and head. She didn't react and was pulled to her knees.


She subconsciously reached out to resist. After all, her breasts were gone, but her face had to be saved.



The golden flames burst out, flaring.

The wooden sticks were subtle, insidious and vicious.

The two moves were launched at the same time. In the state of Yingsheng Rongsheng, it seemed that he had directly reached the culmination, even close to perfection.

Just now, Du En just made a feint, giving him the illusion that only his physical combat power was comparable to that of the Nascent Soul. In fact, what Yingsheng Rongsheng brought and covered was a comprehensive situation, a situation where the existence of life was particularly highlighted and strengthened!

So Liu Rujin was successfully disfigured without warning.

She moved in space, distanced herself, and then trembled as she touched her face.


The ghost screamed sharply, extremely angry and sad.

"My situation is so miserable, and you are still going to attack my only remaining treasure?!"

No matter what you do, you can't come to kill me.

Du En didn't care about what the woman said at all. Before he turned around, he used a new trick.

Statue Casting Technique.


A mud and stone hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Liu Rujin directly.

Subconsciously, she wanted to move in space, but just as she was about to do so, her eyes went black and her movements were a beat slower, so she couldn't avoid it.

The reason was very simple. The Devouring Wood Spur showed its terrible side at this time. After quietly inserting into her body, it began to devour her mana crazily and grow itself crazily. In a short time, it had grown itself into her head and went to the Divine Palace.

However, she was in the Nascent Soul stage after all, so she quickly got rid of the hindrance of the flesh, switched to the complete dominance of the soul, and returned to the Nascent Soul state.

A flash of blood appeared, and the magic-devouring wood began to wither.

However, the mudstone statue had already grabbed her, and with a sudden force, blood began to spurt out, and the delicate body was quickly unrecognizable.

At the same time, Du En's next move was already brewing.

A twenty-foot-long giant cannon, with a heavy shadow, fell from the sky and directly enveloped her.

Meteorite spell?

There was no time to think about it, and she was about to move in space to avoid the attack.

But just after breaking free from the big hand of the statue, she saw the wind and sand blowing up, covering her on all sides.

Amid the roaring and whimpering, she staggered and appeared, and her vision was a dark yellow.

There was no way to escape!

She thought so.

Because the wind and sand spell had the effect of blocking the spiritual consciousness, it was strengthened at this moment, enough to obviously and strongly interfere with her, and the spiritual consciousness was needed to move in space.

The so-called "mind-moving body" is the essence of space movement in the Nascent Soul stage. It is the change brought about by the official appearance of the Divine Palace and the ability of the soul to move out. Now that the divine consciousness is blocked, although the mind-moving body can move, it is limited to a few feet around the body.

There is no way to avoid it...


The huge earth cannon, which is really like a meteorite falling, sank directly and caused waves on the land. The impact suddenly expanded in all directions, directly tearing apart the ordinary buildings in the entire street nearby. Only a few special buildings, relying on their own additional reinforcement, could barely survive.

A huge pit appeared on the ground, which was very ugly. The remaining smoke was curling, and the magic power was residual. At the bottom of it, there was a little blood and flesh residue, which was quickly turning into ashes.

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