Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 295 Blood Infant Sacrifice to the Sky, the Ending Begins (5k, please subscribe)

Is Liu Rujin dead?

No, only her body was destroyed.

She used the ultimate move of the Nascent Soul cultivator at this moment, her soul entered the Nascent Soul, and abandoned her body and left.

"Of course, judging from the performance of these Fudong cultivators, this move is not the ultimate move at all."

Du En quickly captured her current specific location, the reason is actually very simple, because her Nascent Soul is now trapped by a layer of barrier.

Previously, he used the statue casting technique, in fact, only stretched out his hand, and only his hand was broken, so the real purpose was to directly cover her Nascent Soul when she left her body, turning it into a thin layer of earth armor to trap her, so as to mark her and restrict her.

Originally, according to Liu Rujin's original idea, it was to make good use of the characteristics of the Nascent Soul stage and make good use of the operation of abandoning the body, so as to take advantage of the gap that Du En was careless or unexpected, and launch his own surprise attack.

But now it is impossible to do so. Although it is really possible to break this layer of shell quickly if it really explodes, the opportunity just now has been lost.

So, she stopped trying to break it.

The air quietly became particularly heavy, with murderous intent overflowing, which made people daunted.

"Hahaha! Little guy, it's been so long, and that bitch hasn't appeared yet. It seems that she is too late to come and collect your body!"

Trapped in the earth armor, her voice was a little low at the moment, and she returned to the state at the beginning. She sounded full of emotions, but in fact, she was as cold as an ice cave rock, without any emotion at all. Facing the dilemma in front of her, especially the huge cannon that Du En had urged again and was falling down, she didn't care about fear at all.


There was a roar!

Here it comes!

Du En did not neglect, wrapped in thick earth armor, and the inexhaustible green spirit body was stimulated to the extreme. The golden flames burned outside, like a cloak and a crown, and burned the rising wind and sand, opening a curtain of fire and sand.

There was a bright golden light bursting out of his eyes, and the three-fold mana star was spinning rapidly, as if it was burning, bringing a surge of mana, and under the support of Yingsheng Rongsheng's prosperous state, it could never be burned out, and its endless life temporarily became a scale.

Just as he was ready, a blood-colored warbler suddenly tore apart the earth armor that trapped him, spread its wings directly, and flew up with a fierce blood light, crashing into the giant cannon like a meteorite.


The two of them were actually deadlocked for a while, and the impact of the mixed mana spread to the surroundings, stirring up the spiritual environment, raising a wave of spiritual energy, and fiercely scraping the messy ground, destroying the few remaining special buildings.

Du En had a blank expression on his face, stepped forward, and the air and spiritual energy exploded, unstoppable, and the speed was so fast that his body seemed to move in space, and he had already arrived in front of the blood warbler.

Her scarlet eyes turned, and with a strong shake, the cannon shattered. With another swish, it appeared on the side of Du En, pecking fiercely, and could easily peck through the fourth-level low-grade defensive magic weapon.

The fire and sand curtain quickly attacked and directly covered her head, but in the next moment, the blood light on her body ignited, covering her with blood flames, gold and scarlet flames, and thus began a tug-of-war and conflict.

Her momentum slowed down, after all, there was still wind and sand.

At the same time, a new cannon fell, and the momentum was even greater, because Du En began to pour mana crazily, using this to roughly pile up higher power!


As the blood warbler flapped its wings, a long blood-colored column suddenly pierced out from the messy ground under the two bodies, directly smashing the larger and stronger cannon!


The blood warbler let out a heavy beast roar, which was completely different from the cry of a bird. Even if it had to carry the flames and wind and sand, it could move with space and avoid the attack that Du En took the opportunity to turn to.

This punch was very powerful!

And as long as the speed is fast enough, it is equivalent to space movement!

So, when she appeared again just now, she could still see an armored fist in front of her, which continued to hit her, not giving her any chance to dodge, and directly hit the beak.

Under the head-on collision, the sharp beak and the earth armor were broken together.

After the earth armor was broken, the fist inside was revealed.

The surface was reddish-brown, as if it was hiding some kind of flowing fire, and there was a kind of madness in the air.

At this moment, the blood warbler could feel a kind of fear and terror from it, and instinctively flapped its wings in a mess. Instead of choosing space movement, it made a subconscious physical retreat, and even the distance of displacement this time was faster and longer.

She wanted to retreat, but unfortunately she couldn't!

Because just after retreating a distance, a forest suddenly grew on the ground, and vines suddenly grew in the air.

Countless various wood plants, either growing nearby in the air or holding on to the ground tightly, directly wrapped her up and trapped her.

There were also wooden skewer sticks growing on them, burning directly against the blood flames, forcibly piercing through the shell, madly devouring the magic power, and feeding back to the wood spirit plants, forming a situation of mutual reinforcement and collective power.

So she wanted to escape, but she couldn't!

Even the space movement she recalled at this moment, because the wood-growing technique and the magic-devouring wood skewer had trapped her at this time, and she couldn't use it.

Just like when the cast earth armor wrapped her just now, she couldn't use space movement to escape.

In the final analysis, the battle of immortal cultivators is a battle of magic power and cultivation.

Magic can't target space?

That's just that the internal driving magic power is not strong enough, and the cultivation level is not high enough!

So, now Du En ignored the consumption and directly poured in mana. With Yingsheng Rongsheng to make up for the lack of quality, he could form a strong interference barrier, making it impossible for her to escape!

The golden flame overwhelmed the red flame, burning fiercely, and the wind and sand blew up, further covering and cutting the surroundings. Du En's fist was still moving straight and approaching, like a piece of land pressing directly over, deeply engraved in her eyes!

Her instinctive panic disappeared at this time, because it was originally a tree without roots, but a false and fake thing brought by the secret technique of infant transformation.

Her inner essence was a cold and ruthless tool that was stripped of miscellaneous thoughts and instincts!

So at this moment, there was only unhesitating action to achieve the task!

Blood Infant Sacrifice to the Sky!

In the rubble in the distance, the young man who was just getting his head out miserably looked up and saw that the blood warbler, who was trapped and about to be killed by a punch, suddenly disappeared.

It was very abrupt, making people feel particularly uncomfortable, dizzy, and a little black in front of their eyes.

When he looked closely again, not only did the blood oriole disappear, but also the space, Du En and other things in it, all evaporated directly on the spot!

There was only a dark and deep hole left at the scene, like a torn scar, which made him dare not look directly at it again, because he felt that if he looked at it for a second longer, his eyeballs would break on the spot, and he was horrified.

Then, his consciousness looked around.

He only saw ruins all over the ground, empty and no one, no living creature, and it quickly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

It was really too quiet, revealing a kind of falsehood, as if the fierce battle just now was just an illusion, just an illusion caused by his accidental inhalation of the psychedelic incense.

But now he is still trapped in the ruins, his whole body hurts, and the golden elixir in his dantian is dim. The fact that he was almost shattered by the aftermath just now is actually reminding him that this is not an illusion.

There were really two Yuanying stage people fighting here just now!

This whole long street, including several nearby streets, a large area of ​​the inner city of Changle, was destroyed by the aftermath of their fight!

If there were not a few people living nearby, I am afraid that this wave would have caused heavy casualties and corpses everywhere!

So, where is the city lord? Where is the general manager? Where are they now?

The Yuanying battle took place in this inner city. Could it be that they were all killed and the city has actually fallen?

Or am I really just in an illusion?

The young man's thoughts were in a mess, and he was not in the state he had just left in the morning.

Then in the next moment, the city lord he had been thinking about finally came back.

Ying Dongqing's return not only added a touch of beauty to this messy place, but also restarted the city defense that had been dead and stopped.

In an instant, the damage was cleaned up, the broken parts were repaired, and various key points were reshaped, like a wound sewn with needle and thread. Although it was still ugly, it did not continue to erode.

The young man was also dug out from the rubble. He stared at the figure he had been thinking about day and night. He was a little confused. He vaguely realized something and was even more stunned and unbelievable.

"Is he... an infiltrated spy?"

"No, it's a small achievement. It allowed me to detect the location of the enemy and kill two in advance, which obviously weakened the enemy. Otherwise, I would have been really defeated this time."

Du En's calm voice sounded, and the young man turned his head suddenly and saw that he was walking safely. The space sacrifice of the blood warbler Liu Rujin just now did not take his life at all.

However, that move was indeed terrible. He seemed to be thrown into a meat grinder. He relied on the characteristics of the inexhaustible green spirit body and the blessing of Yingsheng Rongsheng to survive. It can be said that it was not an exaggeration to be crushed thousands of times in the middle.

Finally, when it was powerless, Du En made every effort to break it and jumped out again.

So now he looked like a piece of porcelain that had just been glued together, full of shocking cracks, and even his clothes were just changed.

At this moment, Du En was taking recovery pills one after another, because Yingsheng Rongsheng had ended when he jumped out and entered a 100-day cooling period.

Ying Dongqing breathed a sigh of relief, but did not look too worried.

Because she was not surprised that Du En had a trump card and could defeat the enemy at a higher level.

Even if the enemy was weakened, it was still far stronger than the existence of the Jindan stage.

He really did it, except for being a little shocked, it was just as expected.

After all, the upper level was very optimistic about him. In a sense, he was a seed of a genius, and there was a difference between him and an ordinary genius. It was normal for him to be taught the method of life-saving burst.

As for side effects and the like?

There were a lot of treasures and pills above, even if the Jindan was burned clean, it was estimated that it could be pulled back.

She was actually very envious of this, and said, "Youli is really brave, I really admire you!"

"You are too kind, City Lord."

The casual polite remark shocked the young man back to his senses, and he fell into a daze again, looking lost.

Really, really the City Lord?



Wait, this Youli seems to be? !

It was not until this time that he realized that he had a conversation with Duen, and he had often seen him on the way to practice magic before...

Thinking of the previous things, his face changed repeatedly, embarrassed, embarrassed and ashamed, and various emotions came and went.

Ying Dongqing looked over, a little wary: "Is he really not someone who has been infiltrated by the enemy? In those seven small towns, no one in the Golden Core Stage was spared, and many in the Foundation Establishment Stage were like this. I'm afraid we have to investigate each city one by one. , can we fully identify all hidden dangers.”

It was because of this that she was dragged into patrolling the city before. Even if she noticed that Du En was starting a fight and felt anxious, she could only solve the immediate problem first.

Although she knew that Duen must have explosive means and be able to fight the enemy, she couldn't be in a hurry. In short, she was as fast as she could, and the main thing was to show loyalty.

Now we can officially breathe a sigh of relief, but we can't really relax yet. After all, the infiltration on Changle City's side is still unknown. At the same time, the encirclement and suppression on Zhang Qing's side is still continuing.

"Don't be nervous. I took the opportunity to collect some things. I just need to use them to crack them and I should be able to come up with screening methods."

Du En spread his hand and found another pile of golden elixir residue. This time, it was not broken so completely and appeared to be larger. It was the result of him piercing the enemy's Dantian and then gently crushing it.

Perhaps because they have accommodated the Nascent Soul, these red golden elixir fragments do not dissipate quickly and can be used as long as they are properly preserved.

Ying Dongqing secretly paid attention to the young man who was lost and had complicated emotions. Seeing that he had no reaction at all, he put down his guard, took over the fragments, cast spells to preserve them, and then transferred them directly to the hub city.

The great monks have to take action to solve it as quickly as possible!

What followed was very simple. When the first batch of formal support personnel arrived in the hub city, accompanied by Ying Dongqing, they supported Zhang Qing's side and dealt a strong blow to the still stubborn Fudong thieves.

Du En returned to the city lord's palace. With the protection fully turned on and the authority temporarily handed over to him, he continued to take elixirs to heal his injuries.

There were no more attacks.

By the time he was almost recovered and it was less than noon, he had already completed the sweep of Fudong's remaining troops.

At this time, the method of infiltration and latent means had been quickly cracked and created by the hub city, and investment was added to the protective means of the city lords' mansions in various places.

Next, detailed screening will be conducted mainly on eight cities including Changle City and sixty other surrounding cities.

In other words, everyone needs to be gathered together to visit the City Lord’s Mansion.

Ying Dongqing brought Zhang Qing and the others back, accompanied by some of the hub's personnel.

It's not that the others have been killed, there are no casualties among the people in the hub city. After all, they are all in the Nascent Soul stage and have good methods. Now they have gone to those small cities to take charge of the screening.

This thing will probably take a few days, and after a few days, the area will be clean.

The matter has come to an end, and they have gained some credit in the end, so it is not too ugly. Therefore, although Zhang Qing and the others are all injured and many of his subordinates have been killed in the golden elixir period, they are still relaxed now. Seeing Du En's They immediately surrounded him, which made the people in the hub a little concerned, and secretly looked at him.

"Haha, if Du Yuxing hadn't shown off his power this time, our time would have been wasted, and we cannot escape the blame!"

"Don't be so polite. As long as the hub city takes action, everything will be fine."

After hearing what Du En said, the people in the hub city just pretended not to hear.

Because in this matter, no matter how tight the personnel is, it is not a problem to squeeze out two hands worth of Nascent Soul Stage.

But in the end, it didn’t happen. To this day, there are only about twenty of them.

They seemed to have come prepared. They probably wanted to do the hard work for others and come to pick the peaches themselves.

If Du En hadn't caused some trouble, Zhang Qing and the others might not have even been able to drink the soup, and they might have been scolded condescendingly afterwards, saying that they had been busy for so long in vain and wasted time and resources.

"You don't need to be humble when traveling, and I have to say thank you for this visit. Otherwise, this land of Changle will be completely rotten, and I won't be able to go to the front line even if I have no choice."

When Ying Dongqing spoke at this time, she was quite deliberately flattering and pointed out her position in terms of her self-professed attitude.

Then Zhang Qing suddenly fell into silence, and everyone in the hub city was shocked.

After all, it was the Nascent Soul stage, so my thoughts were moving very quickly, and I had all the answers in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Qing even smiled brightly and spoke more humbly: "Yes, yes, yes, I think so too. You don't need to be so humble when traveling!"

The attitude of the hub city personnel also changed greatly, and they gathered around one after another.

"That's right. This is Du Youli's first achievement!"

"How can Thief Fudong compare to our genius!"

"Du Youli is a young hero and his future is limitless!"


A bunch of direct words and compliments made Du En suddenly think deeply. He looked at Ying Dongqing again and saw this woman pretending to be mysterious and smiling softly. It seemed that she had expected it and was doing this on purpose. of.


When a group of people returning from Changle City joined the assembled Jindanqi and arrived at the city lord's palace to undergo screening and examination, what they saw was a scene of a group of Yuanyingqi surrounding Du En and saying good things.

Those who had followed Zhang Qing and the others in pursuit of the enemy were barely understandable. Those who did not join the action team and stayed behind in the inner and outer towns and villages were basically at a loss.

Du Youli is indeed of high status, but even the high nose from the hub city looks like this, which is a bit strange!

Among them, there are naturally those who stay in the inner city, waiting for the arrangement of affairs or being sent to the front line. These people are even more shocked and speechless. They don’t understand why a group of Yuanying stage bigwigs would flatter Du En like this.

It’s not like they haven’t seen this person before. When they stayed in the city before, they actually caught a glimpse of him with their eyes or consciousness.

At that time, Du En seemed unknown and ordinary. Even now, he still concealed his cultivation and only had the appearance of a middle-stage Jindan.

So they felt a strong sense of contrast.

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