A few more days passed.

After the blow of the last failure, Wei Ming and the others have now learned well and do not dare to try rashly again.

Instead, they caught one every other day and stood around the stove to endure the smell. Even Ning Caize held his nose and joined in, working together to practice.

Even so, a certain situation is rapidly getting worse.

——The corpse burial courtyard is now filled with a strong putrid smell, and it is still spreading.

"Damn! These bitches are doing this again!"

"Damn it, cough, cough, cough..."

"That old boy is actually not dead, tsk!"

"Those who ride horses, if I didn't think it was unlucky to meet them, I would have beaten them long ago!"

The neighbors in the small courtyard showed their usual disgust with their eyes.

It was also because of this that Du En never cared about their feelings.

But in this hurried pace, hiding away, there is a person facing the difficulties.

Liu Qixiang.

He came over again to collect protection money.

"Fuck! Although I've heard of this, I didn't expect it to be so cruel and smelly! No wonder Luo Heng, the dead guy, can't collect the spirit stones. Who would want to come to such a smelly place!"

He didn't dare to open his mouth as he pushed forward against the stench barrier, cursing in his heart.

Then, I saw the door of the small courtyard open, and the corpse buryer was carrying tools and was about to go out to work.

He quickly quickened his pace and intercepted them.

"Ahem, pay this month's protection fee quickly!"

In response to these words, Du En's expression remained unchanged and he just shook his head.

Liu Qixiang's heart skipped a beat.

To be honest, he started to feel bad when he smelled the stench.

But now, this is not good, it seems to be coming true?

"We won't pay the protection fee."

"What, no more?"

He said it, he really said it!

Liu Qixiang was a bit big-headed. He tried his best to put on a scary posture amidst the stench, and tried to speak viciously, but then he choked because of his heavy inhale.

I was choking and couldn't speak for a while.

Du En waited quietly for him to recover, then said, "Well, because there are no spirit stones."

"Then you go ask the steward!"

Liu Qixiang's voice was hoarse and his eyes were bloodshot.

"I don't dare to go."


Facing Du En's confident answer, he was speechless for a moment.

Because if it were him, he wouldn't dare to go!

There is no need to specifically inquire about the conduct of He Bo, the corpse manager. Just seeing the difficulties Du En encountered last time is enough to scare away most people.


Liu Qixiang scratched his head and wanted to say something harsh, but in the end, he just uttered this word.

Faced with Du En, who was out of luck, he really had no choice, so he could only leave in anger.

Of course, the main reason is because of Zhang Lin's death, which has made their subordinates very worried recently, and they don't want to attract any attention at all.

This was expected by Du En.

The reason why he killed Zhang Lin was to promote this situation.

You can't remain passive all the time. Now that you have the ability, of course you have to take the initiative!

"The way things are now, we can probably calm down for a while..."

With this thought in mind, he left with the others.

When the other burial men saw this development, they all breathed a sigh of relief, straightened their backs, and felt quite proud.

Sure enough, the boss is the most reliable!

On the road.

Wei Ming became distracted, thinking about something.

However, when he arrived at the corpse transport path, he still couldn't figure it out, so he asked Du En for advice: "Boss, how can I practice this sand-moving technique so that it can have obvious power like you?"

Their sand blowing skills are now at the level of beginners, or even worse. The sand is so fine and light that when it hits their faces, it's like a thin layer of flour has been sprinkled on them, and it even affects their vision. seems difficult.

This is also the reason why they took the initiative to catch the owl and could only catch the old and weak individuals.

Du En was not stingy about such a request and asked about the specific crux.

In liver training, practice makes perfect, and things come naturally. He has already understood all the key points and engraved them in his heart.

Therefore, now, when faced with requests for advice, I can naturally give guidance calmly.

Seeing this, other people also asked for advice and asked about the difficulties they encountered.

Including Ning Caize.

After answering his doubts, he came to the corpse burial wasteland and stopped.

There were not too many corpses today, so it was no surprise that they had all been buried successfully before evening.

However, Du En noticed the strange movements of the scavenging beasts on the way.

It didn’t just happen today, but it gradually developed over the past few days.

To put it simply, as other corpse buryers also began to capture the owl, this group of beasts that were greedy for carrion and blood finally realized that the corpse buryers were all natural enemies!

So today, seeing Duen and his team finish their work early, there is no trace of those delicious corpses. No matter how brave or small they are, they all fly or walk away quickly, not daring to stay.

"This situation has become a little troublesome..."

Duan thought silently.

But, that's just some.

The stench left by these scavenging beasts along the way was enough for him to easily track them and find their old and new nests.

Furthermore, with the continuous harvesting of medicinal materials, the output around the wasteland will inevitably decrease, so the search scope also needs to be expanded.

Just in time.

"Boss, do you want me to help you catch him!"

Wei Ming was very active and volunteered to practice the sand-raising technique that Du En had taught him in the morning.

In response, he just shook his head gently: "No, that's a waste of time."

If Wei Ming goes, it's unknown how long it will take. Time is precious. If it takes too long, tonight's practice may be affected.

It's better to go by yourself.

Facing Du En's straightforward words, Wei Ming was a little embarrassed and discouraged, but then he turned to another aspect: "Then I'll help you find some medicinal materials!"

Others also wanted to help and responded one after another.

Although in the end, Du En still needed to identify it again, it would indeed save some time, so he nodded gently to indicate that he was okay.

The others were immediately full of energy and their attitudes were serious and enthusiastic.

The six people split into two groups.

Du En tracked the big owls that could still be seen with the naked eye.


On the way, he found that the situation was a bit strange and immediately became alert.

It was the group of strange owls that were originally returning to their nests, and suddenly changed their flying direction.

Du En approached cautiously, and soon a familiar stench entered his nose.

The smell of a corpse.

Pulling aside the bushes and weeds in front of him, he could see that there was a dead body lying there in the forest. A large group of strange owls rushed over, crawling through the branches and weeds, and pounced on it, enjoying this unexpected meal.

The clothes of the corpse had been torn to pieces by sharp beaks and claws, and the face had been bitten beyond recognition. However, there were still some parts that remained the same, and the strange owls instinctively avoided them.

Because there were bite marks and claw marks on it, it should be left by some kind of monster, so these big owls dared not touch it.

Seeing that there was no other abnormality around, Du En came out of the bushes.

He approached quickly and aimed at it with a shovel.


A big owl that was eating happily fell asleep in response, very deep and peaceful.

The other strange owls were startled and flew up. Facing the lingering natural enemy, the corpse buryer, they cried and were very unwilling, but in the end they still got through the gaps between the branches and scattered away.

Du En didn't pay much attention to these birds. After watching them leave, he looked down, his eyes passed through the darkness, and examined the miserable dead man.


Please read! Please collect!

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