
Escape from this hell on earth called Border Town.

In the border of the immortal gate, the low-level monks who are oppressed have more or less had such thoughts in their hearts.

However, this is not an easy thing to do.

It's not that they can't do it, but they don't want to do it and dare not do it.

The managers usually don't go to the scene in person, but only live in Qingya Garden, like clouds on the mountains.

And the supervisors don't care at all. They only focus on the work status of the low-level people when they go to work and supervise them.

In other words, although this southern border town has a tall and long wall in the north, which makes people sigh, but as long as they want to escape and dare to escape, they can find an opportunity to escape into the mountains in the south!

The vast and primitive forests in the southern border are actually just around the corner.

However, there are many dangers hidden in it.

In this area near the border town, the frequency of monsters is not high, and various miasma are eliminated by the immortal gate due to production needs. Except that the climate is not suitable for human beings, there are not many natural dangers.

But it is different when you go to the depths of the forest.

Judging from the pieces of clothes in front of the corpse in front of Du En, this person is a low-level monk living in the shanty area outside the border town like him.

If this is true, then this person will appear in this place in the form of a corpse. Generally speaking, there is only the answer of escape.

Because the low-level monks in the border town will not go deep into this place.

Du En has special needs, so he chased the monster owls and ran here. He has never gone south to this area with dense forests and no paths before.

"It seems that this person encountered a monster and wanted to run back, but failed, and was finally bitten to death here."

Scanning some traces around, it is not difficult to draw this inference.

As for why the monster is not here now and has not eaten anyone, it may be that after biting someone to death, it found that this place is already close to the border town, so it chose to leave and leave the body behind?

After confirming that there was no risk around, Du En used a shovel to dig and look at the things that had just been pecked out by the monster owls.

He found five low-grade spirit stones in the rotten blood and a small bamboo slip the length of a palm.

He carefully attached magic power and picked it up boldly.

He wiped the spirit stone and put it in his pocket. The bamboo slip looked very old, with a gray-black background. After untying the rope, it was not stained by blood and could still be read.

The inscriptions on it were mottled and blurred because of their age, and were filled with a heavy sense of history.

"Anyone with spirit must have its traces..."

Du En quickly read it while muttering to himself.

"So that's it. He didn't run away in desperation, but wanted to take risks to find a way out."

The bamboo slips recorded an explanation of the key points of finding spiritual objects.

The whole thing is not obscure and complicated. If you can get started and look for it in the same way, you can probably find a spiritual object of the first level or lower in this vast forest.

However, if you have no way to do it, then taking risks is likely to get yourself into trouble.

This man may have really found some spiritual objects, and then he encountered the monster beast that accompanied the spiritual objects and guarded the treasure, so he was chased and killed by it.

Then, the monster beast thought about its treasure and did not stay, but went back to continue watching.

Du En thought to himself and felt that this possibility was closer to reality.

Then he didn't think about it anymore. He dug a relatively deep pit here and buried the body and the bamboo slips together.

He then carried the strange owl and returned in the night.

The night road was long and there was no light.

Inside the courtyard, everyone watched Du En come back late, but they all breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't ask much, but just laid out the herbs they had collected.

"Well, thank you."

Du En said this, although he was as calm as usual, but they were flattered and excited.

This night, it was as calm as usual, without any waves.

Quickly, it came to the next day.

Early in the morning.

The wheels of the carts turned on the corpse transport path.

The corpse transporters were also loading the corpses gathered yesterday and night and transporting them to the corpse burial wasteland as usual.

There were a total of 48 corpses, with different causes of death, emitting stench, leaving traces along the way, and becoming a feast for scavengers.

The ordinary Zhang Song was buried in the pile of corpses at this moment, enduring the stench so close, and the soft and cold touch of the corpses.

I was very excited and looking forward to it.

He went to great lengths to pretend to be a corpse, hid among the corpses, and was transported to this outer wasteland for burials... It was obvious that he was a fugitive.

However, he was different from other fugitives.

"Ah! Ah! Great Lord, don't worry, it's almost there, it's almost there!"

Going north, there would be no way to survive, and he would definitely be caught, but going south would not be the same. As long as he could escape into the hot and humid mountains and forests in southern Xinjiang, he would be able to regain his life!

"That's right! I heard it! This is the grace of the great Lord. In the deepest part of the mountains and forests, it is the promised land for those of us who are called!"

"But it's still not enough, it's not enough, it's not good enough!"

There were all kinds of thoughts, like sticky bubbles, constantly bubbling up from the bottom of his heart.

Like a dead body, it deceived the corpse collectors and the corpse transporters, and was placed in the wasteland in a very ordinary way.

The sun gradually rose, and Zhang Song waited silently.

Until the scream of the strange owl gray jackal sounded, he knew that the burial people, his target, came.


He couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Zhang Song tilted his head, slightly opened his eyes, and saw six burial people walking out of the gradually brightening forest.

"Weak! Really weak! As weak as the rumors!"

"Blood! Sacrifice! Use your fresh life to pave the way for me, so that I can reach the land bestowed by the great Lord!"

He evaluated the burial people with contempt, and the fangs of murderous intent were slowly opening.

And the fact is basically like this. The average training time of the burial people is only half a year. They are indeed a very weak group, which is also the direct reason why they are looked down upon.

Because they are too easy to bully, and they are not afraid of being retaliated against if they are bullied.

However, the current situation is a little out of the ordinary.


The moment Zhang Song saw it, Du En was vaguely aware of it, and immediately became alert. He remained calm on the surface and quickly checked the surroundings.

Finally, a ray of afterglow floated on the corpse.

"Is someone pretending to be dead?"

This is a rare thing.

Du En remained calm and said calmly and naturally: "There is not much work today, and there are no weird corpses. Everyone just needs to be vigilant normally."

Others did not notice anything unusual. Listening to these ordinary words, they nodded one after another, with very serious eyes, not wanting Ning Caize's unfortunate experience not long ago to happen to themselves.

Then, it was to bury the body as usual.

Zhang Song was a little suspicious.

"What's wrong with these guys? Why don't they come close to me?"

Because it was a relatively sunny day today, the burial plan adopted by the burial people was to dig a pit first, bury a body, and then dig another pit and bury a body.

Zhang Song was lying dead, and his position was far back. In addition, the area where the bodies were buried today was far away from the corpses, so naturally no one would approach him now.

He soon realized this, so he silently endured and suppressed it.

But in his heart, there was another reason to kill the people who buried the bodies.

How dare you neglect me? !

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