"Well, he didn't burst out immediately, it seems that his strength is average, not 100% sure."

Observing Zhang Song pretending to be dead, Du En silently weighed and evaluated in his heart, "However, he can pretend so much and deceive everyone in other links. This ability to conceal his breath and fake death is not small."

If it weren't for those dishonest eyes, Du En probably wouldn't have noticed it.

He thought secretly while looking at the overall situation.

He controlled the efficiency and speed and continued his work.

As time passed, the temperature rose. Zhang Song, who was exposed to the sun rising to the sky, became more irritable.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

"Blood! Fear! Despair! Ah! If it weren't for this, I would have killed you long ago!"

"Damn it! Hateful! Hateful!"

"A bunch of cheap workers! A bunch of cheap people! Ah! When can you sacrifice your life for me!"

Malice kept gushing out from the bottom of his heart, but his body became increasingly cold and dead.

Zhang Song silently endured his malicious whipping, thinking that this was a test from the great Lord.

That's right!

It must be like this!

He was immersed in his own world, and it was difficult to pull himself out. Unknowingly, Du En, who was about to take his turn, had come to him.

Du En did not walk to the head and shoulders of the corpse as usual.

This situation made the others who noticed it startled, and they felt that something was wrong.

Looking more carefully, they found that he was walking towards the place where the spare shovel was placed.

Is the shovel broken?

The others turned their heads and looked at the place where Du En had just buried the body. There was indeed a shovel with a bent shovel.

Zhang Song's mood also relaxed.

When Du En suddenly approached just now, he suddenly came back to his senses and was a little scared.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm in the end.

After the shock, he couldn't wait.

As long as Du En approached again, he would burst out directly.

I think if the leader of the six people is killed, the others will definitely fall into deep fear and despair. The fresh blood flowing out in that state will be the most suitable and useful!

"Squeak, squeak~"


Just laughing to himself, suddenly, a similar sound rang out.

Zhang Song was stunned at first, and then felt the pain coming. He no longer covered it up and widened his eyes. He saw a shovel deeply inserted into one of his knees.

Blood spurted out of it, making a hissing sound.

What's going on? !

Wei Ming and the others were also confused at this moment.

From their perspective, they were just about to retract their gaze and focus on burying the body, and then they saw Du En pick up a spare shovel and turn around and throw it.

With a whoosh, a leg broke into two pieces!



"No! There's a problem! That's a living person!"

Ning Cai was the first to react to the blood spraying. A dead person, a corpse, would not have such a large, red, and fresh amount of blood spraying!

What? !

Wei Ming and the others were shocked, and Zhang Song also realized that he had been discovered.

Ridiculous! What if a leg is broken?

I will still kill you and sacrifice you to the Lord!

He roared in his heart, mixed with anger. Just as he stood up and pulled out the hidden dagger, he was hit by a handful of yellow sand.

It smeared on his face and eyes, making his cheeks hurt and his eyes slightly cracked.

He lost most of his vision and lost a leg. Zhang Song, who was standing on one leg, did not expect this development, so he subconsciously took a defensive posture for the time being.

"Don't get close to it casually, use the sand-raising technique, wait for an opportunity, and pay attention to avoid it!"

Du En's instructions were issued at this time, quickly stabilizing the mood of others.

They had never encountered such a situation before, but they understood that this person had gone to great lengths to pretend to be dead and pretend to be a corpse, and he must have a vicious mind!

Now that they had a plan of action, everyone grabbed their shovels, quickly distanced themselves, and gathered around, eager to try.

They had learned the sand-raising technique for a long time, and had been instructed by Du En. Catching the owl was no longer a problem, but they had never used it against a real enemy. Now was the perfect time to test it out!

So, next, surrounding Zhang Song, with Du En demonstrating and instructing, the six people took turns casting spells, throwing handfuls of sand one after another, and smearing the opponent's face.

Zhang Song couldn't open his eyes at all, and even his ears were deliberately targeted by Du En, who had the upper hand, and were blocked and poked, basically losing them.

In this way, as soon as everyone had a chance, they would rush forward under the cover of others, urging their magic power, bursting their strength, and swinging a shovel in a circle, or slapping, cutting, or smashing.




Zhang Song screamed repeatedly, and couldn't help spitting out sand, and he felt very aggrieved.

"Damn it, ugh! Fuck!"

He didn't even finish a complete sentence.

Even if he chose to grit his teeth and endure the attack next time, he took the opportunity to grab a shovel, thinking of catching one first and pulling it over to cut his neck.

However, just after he caught it, Du En spoke directly and asked people to let go, making his actions basically useless.

Not only that, Du En took advantage of his stunned moment and rushed over, shoveling with a shovel, breaking his remaining leg.

Because this time, Zhang Song had the magic power to protect and support him in advance, so he was not cut off again.

"Ah! I'll kill you!"

Zhang Song was in great pain and fury. He turned around and rushed towards Du En.


A hot fireball as big as a human head appeared in front of his hand. He pushed it and shot it towards Du En.

On the way, it also brushed past the shovel in his hand, and immediately passed through it redly. The molten iron flowed down.

He burned himself.

Moreover, although the fireball was very fierce, it did not hit him.

Du En easily avoided it and pulled back the shovel stuck in Zhang Song's leg.

He held it with one hand and slapped the ground. He raised his body directly with the force, and another handful of yellow sand was raised and splashed towards Zhang Song.


The sand grains as big as sesame seeds were hard. Although they were still at the initial stage of control, they accumulated little by little and pierced through his eyelids and face along the old pits and old positions.


Zhang Song couldn't help screaming again, but Du En was prepared. His mana erupted from his feet, and he rushed out suddenly. The shovel in his hand shoveled straight into the big mouth.

The scream stopped abruptly.

The man was not dead yet, but new and minor injuries were accumulating.

Du En succeeded in one move, and immediately chose to retreat, not giving him a chance to fight.

Continue to beat him up!

Until the mana and physical strength of others were drained, and they could no longer attack.

"Hu, hu, hu..."

"Boss, it's no good, we have no strength!"

"Be careful, cough cough... This guy is not dead yet."

"Fuck, where did he come from in the middle stage of Qi Refining? If you want to kill someone, why bother to do this? Just come directly!"

"That's right, I'm so tired that I don't want to move."

The five people were lying around, and there was not much tension.

Because they beat him up one after another, and Du En suddenly attacked him, Zhang Song was now like a bloody man, with no trace of his original appearance, and his facial features were basically destroyed.

Just like a broken bellows, he was panting and struggling to stand.

In front of him was Du En with a calm look.

Please read! Please collect!

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