"The monsters here look quite normal, except that they seem to have evolved adaptively and become small."

Duan started to fiddle with the fresh or rotten monster corpses that were within his reach, ranging from the second to the fourth level.

Because he had a lot of experience in this area, he could tell at a glance that these were 100% wild, not some spirit beasts returning to the wild, or raised.

However, no matter what kind of monster, compared with the normal same kind or similar species that had been seen before, they all showed an extremely concentrated situation, so that an ordinary cart could carry several of them.

The cause of their death was also simple and crude, that is, they were killed by people with weapons in close combat.

It seems that the people and beasts here are all influenced by the spirit mother, and everyone likes to fight close combat with weapons, and there are not many traces of magic attacks.

"It may also be limited by the venue or something like that."

After all, it is underground, and the tunnel near the central camp is fine. The more remote it is, the narrower it is. With the material and human resources here, it is impossible to build a stable reinforcement method. Any powerful and wide-coverage spell or sorcery may cause partial collapse.

After checking that there was no abnormality in the monster corpse, Du En continued to follow the team escorting the spirit paste, and then watched them and the convoy transporting the monster corpses formally merged into one place and came to a specially designated camp somewhere.

"Okay, there is nothing for you here, go back."

Just after squeezing out the manpower, the priest holding the order waved his hand and drove away the idlers escorting the spirit paste, leaving them angry but not able to speak, and could only leave with their own soldiers in a depressed mood.

Once the outsiders left, we can get down to business here.

Du En then saw that large vats filled with spiritual paste were set up to boil, and the corpses of demon beasts were thrown into them. There were also priests performing rituals on the side, muttering gibberish, and invisibly pulling the evil tentacles that the Spirit Mother had not had time to retract around.


One after another, sticky and slippery eyes blinked and appeared and wandered in the vat.

The vats were destroyed, and only the hot spiritual paste with yellow and red mixed together and the evil nature spreading in it was boiled out like this.

Then, one person after another was brought over.

They were all strong young men, bare-chested, and it could be seen that they had undergone obvious physical training, and their aura and strength were naturally far superior to those of their peers.

Du En looked at them and saw only a fanatical gaze, so he did not move.

"Sir, can we finally become a member of the Holy Army?"

"Sir, we only hope to share the worries of the Holy Church and dedicate ourselves to the Mother of Spirits!"


One voice after another, enthusiastic and sincere, they can't wait any longer.

"Good, good, good!"

The priest was very satisfied and nodded: "Now that the rebellious people are wreaking havoc everywhere, it is the time when you need to dedicate yourself. As the saying goes, you raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a moment. Go, drink as much as you can, this is all the gift of the leader!"

"Long live the leader!"

The strong young men shouted and rushed over impatiently, regardless of the burning fat, and drank it directly, with big mouthfuls, as if molten iron was flowing into them.

Basically, they could only drink one mouthful, and then because of the burst of evil, the whole person turned red like a shrimp, raised his head and retreated quickly, retreated to the open space that had been prepared long ago, and fell there struggling, covering his neck, foaming at the mouth, rolling his eyes, very painful.

"Ahhh... Hohoho..."

One after another, the strong young men fell here, and one after another followed. In a short period of time, thousands of people fell down in pain after thousands of jars of prepared spirit paste, piled together like maggots, twisting their bodies.

"There are still too few people who meet the standard."

The responsible priest looked at the remaining amount of prepared spirit paste, shook his head and sighed, waved his hand, and asked people to seal and carry it to the warehouse here, and then turned his head to look at the empty space full of people.

After struggling for a while, those strong young men stopped twisting and became silent and sluggish. They had been wiped out of themselves, and their bodies began to strengthen and expand, growing to nine feet tall, and their internal structures were also optimized and strengthened.

"Among the five internal organs, the useless ones have been melted and transformed into useful parts that can provide support for the battle. Well, there are only the heart, lungs, liver, three hearts, five lungs, and seven livers left..."

Dune continued to observe nearby to determine the details of these formed crusaders.

In short, they are positioned as killing tools that take into account the characteristics of consumable cannon fodder.

So they don't need their ego, they just need to obey orders and fight. Even if they die, they will not be cared about, so they act recklessly without regard for human ethics.

The priests are different, but the essence remains the same. They should still use the spiritual ointment as the entry point. There is no need to continue to investigate.

Thinking of this, Du En turned and left.

Passing by other crusader soldiers holding heavy armor and weapons, he began to further explore in this military camp full of humanoid killing weapons.

As a result, no information that needs to be paid attention to was found, and the investigation was soon completed.

"From what those people said before, we can know that the sacrifice is not often held. At the same time, from Zheng Xing's case, we can know that the spiritual ointment can be used as raw materials in addition to the sacrifice."

"What Zheng Xing provided was, at best, diluted into one vat. Comparing this, the reserves in the warehouse are staggering. It must not have been obtained through sacrifices or the like."

"So, maybe our True Lord has released the monks regularly. In other words, there should be another way to obtain the spiritual ointment..."

Du En, who walked out of the military camp area, raised his eyes and used the master's spirit-seeking skills to identify and observe, and soon discovered some clues.

Because he has observed enough things at close range such as spiritual ointment. Although it is actually a non-spiritual thing and an evil thing, it also has an impact on the spiritual energy environment. However, before, due to the spiritual energy environment here, It is also extremely polluted, so it is mixed in and difficult to distinguish.

Now that I have observed it, I can naturally follow the clues.

So I searched all the way.


On the way, there were still heavy curtains, and in each barracks, I discovered the ceremonial soldiers lurking in the dark.

They seemed to be guarding something, so they turned a corner and came to a barracks they were guarding.

Inconspicuous and ordinary.

Unknown to others, Du En opened the curtained door and walked in in a majestic manner.

The small stone statues behind him also acted in unison.

The door was opened twice, but the surrounding secret guards did not notice it at all, even though they generally had the perfect strength of Nascent Soul. Killing Zheng Xing and other leaders was like killing a chicken, which can be called a genius.

"Study? The leader's?"

There are bookshelves in the barracks filled with all kinds of books, from bamboo slips and jade volumes to printed paper books.

Dun walked over and took out the one that looked like it had been touched the most.

There is no title, just a signature.

"Luo Heng, the name of that leader... let me see what he wrote. Is it a diary?"

When I opened it, I saw that it was not a diary, but a record of Luo Heng's recent research on a certain book.

After comparing it, he quickly pulled out the bamboo slips from another bookshelf.

"Ingenious Metalworking"

"He has recently been studying ingenious tools and trying to improve the forging techniques... It's a bit interesting. He engraves the tools in the form of runes on the surface of the tools to absorb external spiritual energy and inspire and activate... Most of the experiments ended in failure. It’s normal, the spiritual energy here is really embarrassing and dirty.”

He finished reading it very quickly. With his knowledge of weapon refining, he could easily understand it, and it even inspired him a lot. He can try to put it into practice when he goes back in the future.

"It seems like he is becoming less and less like the aboriginals here. As for these books, they are all kinds of books, ranging from magic arts to various arts and techniques. They should be the inheritance of Queguang Star Realm."

"Although most of the knowledge is actually very backward and outdated, the whole thing is unique. It can still be used to make innuendo and inspire inspiration."

After all, it is an inheritance from a star realm, and it has shined for a while in the past, so it naturally has its own essence of wisdom.

Du En flipped through the pages and read, quickly reading all the books in the room, which was of great help and gave rise to a lot of inspiration.

The foundation has been consolidated. Although there seems to be no actual improvement, the proficiency levels are actually the same, but it cannot be calculated like this.

Not to mention anything else, when casting spells, Dune can prevent corresponding forms of interference in a targeted manner, and add new modes, frequencies, and combinations to the operation of the magic, thereby effectively improving stability and variability. , can improve the toughness of spells, as well as detailed tricks, etc.

"...This Luo Heng seems to have a secret vault?"

Going back to the last book, there is an essay in this book that vaguely reveals this point.

"It's a trap. How could a normal person write this kind of information in an essay?"

If the secret library is written on paper, can it still be called a secret library?

Du En turned around and left calmly, letting the study return to its previous state.

There is no trace of outsiders entering.

Continuing to move in the direction where the soul was found, there was no further delay, and he drove straight in, arriving at a cloth wall that seemed to have nothing on it, like an edge.


Fiery eyes flashed past, and Du En continued to step, stepping on the formation's nodes, seizing the opportunity, and at the critical moment, he walked calmly and calmly, crossing the fifth-level formation that was actually quite clumsy and broken.

This is not surprising, because although Luo Heng, the leader of the Queguang Sect, arranged the formation here, it was infected by some evil inside, and even the fifth-level formation became distorted, so it looked clumsy. Broken and easily invaded.

It seemed reasonable, but Du En was not careless.

In this way, he took the small stone statue to the back of the surface space protected by the formation.

As soon as we entered, the stench hit our nostrils and was nauseating.

Looking up, I saw only an extremely twisted tree with no leaves and a tree that looked like it was covered in grease. It grew upright here and was rooted in a deeper space.

Du En immediately caught that there was a connection between its roots and the door behind which the spirit mother hid, or in other words, the roots were growing there to connect with each other.

It is difficult to interfere with the process there, so my gaze naturally focuses on the part that grows on the ground and in the surface space in front of me.

The big tree has a strange appearance. There is a person hanging on it. His clothes have been stripped off and his body is oozing with sticky grease, making them look like lumps of lard. They are filled with evil nature and dripping into the roots. In the tank.

This is another way to obtain spiritual ointment.

Du En immediately wanted to take action and try to do something to this strange oil-dropping tree.

"It's useless, young man, save your strength!"

Suddenly there was a voice. It was that among the people hanging on the tree, there were still people alive and able to speak.

Following this sound, the other people also swayed, like half-dead fish, trying their best to shake their bodies to show their vitality.

Not dead yet, help me!

This meaning is revealed invisibly.

Du En then stopped moving and walked around to the other side, where he saw an old man who was in a better condition and was not too covered in oozing grease.

Although it looked completely undignified, like a piece of old fat bacon hanging there floating in the wind.

This is actually a great monk at the stage of transformation!

Moreover, judging from some subtle signs, he is at least in the late stage of becoming a god!

"Your Excellency, it seems that you are not a member of my sect?"

Du En calmly observed and observed, quickly caught this clue, and began to talk and communicate with him.

"Indeed, I am a monk on the other side of the end of the world. Now, there is no need to hide it. I was once sent here by the true king of my sect to try to penetrate and control this star realm. The result is as you can see, I was... Men Zhenjun noticed that he maimed and threw them into the Queguang Jiao native land, and then he was caught and hung here, constantly breeding evil things, vomit~"

After saying so much in one breath, he couldn't hold it back anymore, and he vomited without any manners.

Large mouthfuls of fat and spiritual ointment were vomited out and fell into the largest jar at the bottom.

"Ahem! It makes you laugh, young man."

"You're not laughing. According to you, are the people hanging here all foreigners?"

Du En didn't care, had no contempt or disgust, only remained calm and continued the topic just now.

Seeing this, the embarrassment in the eyes of the aging god disappeared slightly, and he nodded lightly with difficulty: "That's it, to capture outsiders like us, normal monks, whether they are from your noble sect or other sects, as long as they dare to infiltrate, they will basically Here, as far as I know, only a few fellow Taoists react quickly and have windows and means to escape, so they can escape in a dangerous way. "

"And being caught and crippled, well, actually we can't say that we were crippled. To be precise, we should have been restricted to our strength. Even an ordinary three-year-old child couldn't beat us, so we were finally killed alive. Seize it and hang it here, being constantly infected by that spirit mother, taking away your cultivation, and breeding evil things in a panic. "

Having said this, he couldn't help but vomit the spiritual ointment, but the thoughts of this aging god seemed to have become completely clear, and his eyes were a little bright.

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