The old god's eyes suddenly came alive, with real urgency and expectation.

"Looking at your actions, young man, and the confusion you just had, I think you are a subordinate of other True Lords of your sect. And you can go deep into here in this way. Not long ago, it seems that the Spirit Mother was also attacked. I think you are really powerful..."

It's a bit roundabout, so many twists and turns, but there is only one meaning.

Save my poor old predecessor!

"It's no problem to rescue him, but I don't have enough intelligence information now..."

"I will tell you everything I know!"

"Who is the True Lord who controls this world?"


Don't you even know this?

In this case, does it mean that the subordinate is the new disciple that Luoyu Supreme just accepted?

For a moment, the old god, who seemed out of touch with the times, had many associations, and answered neatly: "It's the True Lord Huiqing of your sect."

It's her.

Du En was not surprised by this. After all, the more he thought about the current situation, the more he felt that there was something wrong.

If it was True Lord Huiqing, then the fact that the spirit mother was so weak was not an accident, but a deliberate action, hiding another murderous intention. She did not act rashly before, which was indeed the right behavior.

"How deep can her control over this world be?"

"Young man, you seem a little young."

Of course, she is in complete control and knows everything.

He wanted to say that, but when he saw the other party running here in full vigor and with a little tail behind him, he hesitated and changed his tone: "Is there something distracting him now?"

It's because the decision-making side is holding him back.

Du En thought so after hearing this.

Meng Changqing may not be sure who is in control, but no matter what, it is definitely right to keep an eye on True Lord Huiqing, who is most likely to disrupt the situation and hold him back!

"So, in addition to squeezing out the evil spirit ointment, did the Spirit Mother get anything else from the great monk?"

"Of course there is. To be honest, this evil thing is actually a minor breeding ground. It is a trace left by the evil creatures when they wandered around and sucked the old man's cultivation. It itself is not the main thing. The main thing is our soul."

The old god said this, sighed, and his face was gray and exhausted: "At this point, the soul has been sucked for more than a hundred years, and I am only left with an empty shell, like the natives of this world. Even if I can be saved by luck, I am afraid I'm afraid they won't live for many years!"

"Oh? The people living here, their situation, is it because the Spirit Mother took away their magic power?"

"This... I don't know, when I came to this world more than a hundred years ago, they were in this situation, and from the clarity of the soul to the body, I'm afraid it's not the case."

To be able to say such a thing with certainty, I'm afraid that this old thing has attacked ordinary people here since he came here, and has carefully investigated the situation, but has not found anything obviously useful, so he is both certain and vague.

Of course, it may also be that the key information is hidden, so that it will be sold at a good price next time, bargaining with Du En, and strive for more escape opportunities.

This is a normal practice, and it is not difficult to understand.

So, Du En did not say a word for a while, as if he was lost in thought, and seemed to be deliberately holding his posture.

The old god was a little anxious: "This beast has devoured and sucked the essence of everyone's cultivation for hundreds of years. I don't know how much cultivation essence it has obtained, which can give birth to the present, so we can't delay now!"

It's really hidden!

Judging from the hundreds of years deliberately mentioned in the details, this clear time modification shows that when this old thing was in trouble before, he must have sneaked around and found out many secrets.

This is actually normal. The End of the Realm Immortal Sect, or other immortal sects, would send him here to try to infiltrate and control, and they certainly didn't let him die, so they would definitely grant him means to win a time window for action.

Of course, seeing that he finally failed and ended up in such a situation, the control of the True Lord of Regret over this place before can be called complete.

Du En thought about it and said, "I think the spirit mother is not as scary as you said."

"If it was you who attacked it before, then I can only regretfully tell you that what you encountered before was actually just its shell that has not been completely shed!"

"However, even if you only injured the shell, it can actually affect its body that is being shed. So now, it is recovering. When it recovers almost, I am afraid it will completely squeeze the nutrients from me and others, so as to achieve the fastest transformation!"

The aging god saw that this young man was not easy to fool. He did not follow the main points he revealed, so he immediately changed his mind and took the initiative to confess part of the situation.

Although it seems to give up the initiative and put himself in a completely weak position, in fact, it emphasizes the situation of prosperity and loss.

The imminent threat directly implicates himself, and cannot be eliminated by other means...

Du En's face did not change, and he chopped it off with a red flame Guandao.


The old god screamed subconsciously, but the Guandao broke through the air and fell on his forehead, but he only felt slippery and lost all the power. In the end, it just shook the fat all over the ground, without any actual damage at all.

You young man, you really just fight when you say you will, without any mercy, you are really scheming and heartless!

The Aging God complained and scolded Du En in his heart, but on the surface he smiled at him who took back the Guan Dao and held it in his hand: "That's the fact. When I'm in trouble, I actually have some tricks up my sleeve. The result will come when the time comes. Today, it still ends like this, this tree is really weird and evil!”

A group of monks hanging on the tree also shook their bodies at this time, appearing to agree, and invisibly showing various emotions, all of which seemed negative. The more normal one was actually the surprise and suspicion at Du En's sudden action just now. Waiting for emotions.

It is indeed evil.

Du En nodded secretly at this, and through the attack just now, he had already noticed some details.

Perhaps, this strange tree is the true body, or main body, of the spirit mother?

In short, there is no way to cut off the communication between the Spirit Mother and it easily by destroying it now!

"Then, it seems that it is no time to delay at this moment. We cannot let everyone hanging on the tree use it as their own panacea and become extremely terrifying."

Du En said this, causing the monks to respond in the affirmative.

They were afraid of that kind of outcome. When he fought against the Spirit Mother before, he was very panicked and even resented Du En as the instigator and the culprit who attacked and stimulated the Spirit Mother. But now, they all placed their hopes on him. .

"Yes, yes! Young man, you must work hard and quickly find a way to drag the spirit mother out of the inner space, and then exert force along its outer shell to severely damage its inner body to be shed. Only in this way can the situation be prevented from happening suddenly. deterioration!"

"At that time, whether it is our escape or your plan, we will have a foundation that can be implemented!"

In other words, without further delay, let Du En break the fulcrum as soon as possible, open the door, rush in and kill the opponent.

However, the more he urged, the more the situation was just right, and the more deliberate it seemed, as if he was deliberately guiding Du En to do this.

He naturally did not trust this aging god, so although he had to act next, he should not be reckless, lest he be used as a weapon or fall into some trap.

Yes, Du En still wants to destroy the fulcrum, because this is something that must be done at the moment, and it is a kind of conspiracy, unless he directly chooses to retreat bravely and escape from this light star world.

But he didn't choose that.

So after nodding to the aging god, he calmly exited the backside of the surface protected by the formation.

First, I continued to search the headquarters of the Queguang Sect, and even found out the actions of the great sacrificer in fighting for power, but there was no trace of the leader Luo Heng.

What a thorough run!

Since no clues about the other party have been found, the next step is to officially set off.

Go to the south first, to the nearest pivot point.

Walking out of the bright and prosperous central camp, there are small stone statues following behind, gradually moving away from the light of the fire and gradually deeper into the deep darkness.

The light of the flame began to become an embellishment.

In the tunnel, darkness is the keynote.

Walking non-stop all the way south, passing through one camp after another, I saw that their living situation became more and more difficult, and they gradually became less clothed and became sallower and thinner.

All kinds of things could not be a reason to stop. It was only when the light of civilization was only scattered that Du En stopped.

Several days passed.

[Spell: Lift the Mountain (Small Achievement 0/100)]

This is the Huangpin Taoist method that was transformed from the top-level magic of Meteor Rock Technique.

Quite as the name suggests, it is for lifting mountains.

Use your cultivation, magic power, and soul to lift mountains and leap mountains out of thin air, and then attack your enemies or targets.

Returning to the extreme accumulation of violence is also the basic point of a series of Taoism. You can continue to learn and strengthen it all the way until you reach the highest level of Taoism...

"Blood Demon, is the Blood Demon coming?!"

A panicked and suppressed voice came from behind Du En.

At this time, the place where he stayed could be said to be a dangerous place on the frontier. The people were half-clothed and had sallow complexions. There were only a few dozen people living in the small camp, there were only a few tents, and there was only a small bonfire. Give out the only light.

The one who made the sound was the old and weak leader of women and children gathered in front of the bonfire, a gray-haired old man who was obviously extremely frightened and uneasy.

He and they looked directly at Du En, or rather, where Du En was looking, in the darkness.

Over there, there were strange trees and wild grass, and it was completely wild. At this moment, there were a few hunters who were barely strong, and they were returning in a hurry, smelling of blood.

"no no!"

The hunters answered in low voices, which made the old, weak, women and children, who were already nervous, breathe a sigh of relief.

As they got closer, they could also see the origin of the bloody smell, which was emitted by prey such as cave rabbits.

The most eye-catching thing is a huge cave pig, a first-order monster with degenerated eyes, six tusks, and weighing over a thousand kilograms.

"Changsou, we are so lucky this time. Before the Crusaders left, they maimed the pig so that we could take advantage and bring it back without anyone being injured or dead!"

The hunters were very happy, after all, they had found a big deal.

But the old man known as Changsou, the host of this marginal camp, was not so happy.

"Although the Crusaders suddenly withdrew, it was their injured prey after all. We brought it back to eat... Alas, a living person cannot be suffocated to death. After eating the meat, its parts cannot be left behind. It needs to be He took the risk and threw it into the cave where the blood demon was entrenched."

Seeing the pitiful eyes of the other people in the camp, the old man finally didn't say anything about returning the cave pig, because their camp was already at its limit, and if they didn't eat the cave pig, they might not be able to survive for much longer.

The hunters were very happy, carrying the pig to the campfire, finding a broken blanket to wrap it, and began to deal with it.

At the same time, they couldn't help muttering.

"Although the Holy Army suppressed the blood demon and prevented it from going north, they also basically wiped out the prey around here, leaving only sporadic remnants like the cave rabbit."

"We can't get the blessing of the Spirit Mother here, and the land is also affected by the blood demon from the inside, so we can't farm at all. If they don't withdraw, we will starve to death!"

"Shut up, don't say such things casually, if you are heard, then..." Faced with such muttering, the old man interrupted, hesitant to speak, only worried, "I asked you to check the situation along the way, did you see it?"

"I saw it, the situation is not good, the blood light is closer."

The most stable hunter, also worried, answered.

"Alas~ Although the Holy Army's presence makes our life difficult, it is the army of the Holy Mother of the Spirit. Now that they withdraw, the blood demon is expected to go north again."

"Old man, is the blood demon really that scary?"

A young hunter full of blood and vigor, quite fearless.

Those young women couldn't help but be curious. Obviously, those who were not old enough had never seen the so-called blood demon.

Only the old people had uncontrollable fear in their eyes!

"What nonsense are you asking? I always say, I always say that our camp was one of the largest camps in the past. It was specially selected by the Holy Lord to be the pioneer team to open up the south. I was still young at that time, only eight years old..."

The old man couldn't help but get excited, but he suppressed his voice and recalled his past.

Du En approached here, listening to the memories of the old man who was about to die and would not live for a few more years. With a flick of his fingers, he shot and killed several cave wolves that came to smell the scent a few miles away.

"We went south to open up here, and just set up a camp and were about to organize tunnel excavation, and then the sentries that were scattered began to disappear one by one."

"After a lot of effort, one of them came back, but he was covered in blood. In front of everyone, he dissolved directly and turned into a pool of sticky and smelly blood, living blood!"

As the old man spoke, he showed a deep fear, and his voice stopped for a while, needing to slow down.

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