Swallowing the magic and piercing the spirit.

This perfect and top-grade magic finally found its best place to use it!

——Facing the blood demon, which can be regarded as a collection of magic power, it is difficult to kill and destroy normally. It is really a natural nemesis. Once it touches, it breaks through and penetrates deep, begins to take root and grow, and constantly devours the magic power crazily!

Not enough, too little, too many monks and too little porridge!

The blood demon power that surged like a tide was eaten up in the blink of an eye.

The word death returned to normal, and the blood hand disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Before the Du En people came to the front of the blood swaggering, it was like the astronomy reversal, the tide receded quickly, and it receded completely, leaving only a ground of twigs, which became visible to the naked eye, attached to the cave wall, floating in the air, swaying without wind, as if brewing something.

"It seems that the transformation of this magic will be unexpectedly easy."

When Du En walked past them, they floated up together, followed him, surrounded by Jing Cong, and continued to go deeper into the cave.

The blood demon retreated quickly, and Du En advanced slowly.

If the people here saw this, they would definitely be shocked, and even wonder who is the devil because of the scene Du En created now.

This is the case with the blood demon.

"You, why..."

"Hiss! Ha!"


Du En walked out of the cave and came to a vast underground cave, which seemed to be dissolved by the blood demon blocked here. It was filled with blood before, but now it has dried up for the most part.

Standing in the remaining blood, three blood demons with only human outlines and strength of the fourth level are struggling to resist the overwhelming, dense, more and more ferocious and obvious blood-sucking swarms of magic-eating spirits.

They made their own voices to Du En, with shock, fear, and murderous intent.

"Are you from the Blood Demon Saint Sect?"

"Impossible, impossible, I have been possessed by the devil, I have become a devil, I am already above people, why would I be forced into a dead end, and so easily?!"



The three-headed blood demons did not understand what Duen said at all, they were just crazy, they had long lost their hearts, and only the outline of a shell remained.

After Duen determined that communication was meaningless, he immediately ordered the Devouring Spirit to drown them, eating these blood demons cleanly and turning them into tender branches hanging behind him.

He continued to move forward.

He encountered a new cave, which had been corroded for many years and was already very wide and deep. There were pits, and blood demons were entrenched in them. When they found Duen approaching, they jumped out immediately.

Then, dead!

Facing these third- and fourth-order blood demons, the great monk Du En pushed forward directly, truly cleansing the demonic atmosphere and pushing forward. No matter how many branch tunnels there were, they were all eliminated with a comprehensive attack.

"The Holy Sect is ahead!"

A stone tablet that the blood demons could not corrode fell to the ground crookedly, but the sonorous handwriting on it did not change, with pride, because it was attached with charm, it could survive until now.

The handwriting of the great monk!

It silently tells that the Blood Demon Holy Sect had once been prosperous.

But why did it eventually fall into the devil and collapse?

Was it caused by the secret intervention of the True Lord Huiqing?

Could it be that the bewitching female priestess who seduced people?

Du En had many doubts and questions, and there was no answer for the time being.

So, he could only keep moving forward and find the answer.

Moreover, the first space fulcrum was just ahead.

Let the small stone statue stop and wait, Du En took a calm step, and then stopped.

There was a blood-colored tsunami-like wave that suddenly swept out, captured the prey that stepped into the trap, and instantly brought it to the back of the surface space.

In fact, he had already noticed it and was alert, so as soon as he came here, his magic power immediately surged, and the threat spread, directly like an invisible iron hammer, smashing the blood-colored wave that wrapped him.


After the blood wave was broken, Du En only saw countless blood like rain. In this area at the back of the space, there was an endless blood rain!

Blood Demon Rain!

A top-grade magic spell of the magic way, it has been raining for a long time, swallowing countless spiritual energy, magic power and creatures, and merging into a blood-colored ocean.

Realizing that the prey that came this time was not easy to deal with, the blood sea began to roll, and a huge monster jumped out of it. It was a strange existence that was glued together by countless people, countless monsters and countless other creatures.

The whole thing looked like a squid, and it also had the outline of a whale, dragging behind it eleven blood tentacles woven by corpses.


A strange sound came out of his mouth, and the wind broke through the waves, bringing up gusts of bloody wind, rolling up waves, and the blood tentacles waved together, breaking through the air and extending, and had already arrived in front of Duen.

He opened his hand, and a Guandao gathered light and swung it directly with his backhand, bursting out with a bright red color, even more than blood, cutting off the tentacles and plowing the body of the gathering blood demon, leaving deep gullies and splashing bloody curtains.

The bloody wind and bloody waves became more and more terrifying, but suddenly, another wind blew up.

Whoosh whoosh!

The wind was whimpering, and the sand followed. The sandstorm descended on the sea of ​​blood, and it and the blood rain started a confrontation and consumption, and they were temporarily stagnant.

But at this moment, the bloody curtain rose up and exuded a corrupt breath.

Corrupted blood curtain!

Another magic spell was used by the gathering blood demon, which was very powerful.

However, Du En had already found out that it was just a beautiful exterior, but a rotten interior.

So without further hesitation, the Devouring Spirit that had been waiting for a long time suddenly swept up.

Absorbing blood magic power, being corrupted by its spells, absorbing it again to grow, and then corrupting it again... The two are stuck in a stalemate!

In fact, if this aggregated blood demon had not grown here for many years, constantly aggregating other fourth-level blood demons, devouring various flesh and blood creatures, and expanding its scale to this point, it would not be like this at all.

Because it is actually a water-goods in the early fifth stage. If you have to be specific, it is relying on aggregating enough individuals to barely pass the test, stepping on the line of weak genius, and belongs to the worst of the fifth stage.

So the following development seems very normal.

Countless branches broke through the blood curtain and finally fell on the aggregated blood demon. Although it was already saturated, it still frantically extracted and devoured its magic power, dyeing itself red, like coagulated blood.


The aggregated blood demon roared wildly, and the originally glued body began to disintegrate. Bubbles of human, animal, or strange shapes emerged one by one, frantically slapping and tearing the branches.

Blood flowers splattered, and the blood color filled the air. It should be said that it was effective. This top-grade spell, which was already saturated, tended to be obscure and quiet. It specialized in devouring mana. Now it was exposed and no longer hidden, showing its lack of strength.

So although it continued to devour and repair and grow on the way to being destroyed, there was still a threshold. If it exceeded it, it could no longer continue and would disintegrate and dissipate with the wind and movement.

After a struggle, there were not many branches left, and the aggregated blood demon also shrank several times, and it was almost unable to maintain its false fifth-level strength.


Duen thought so, relying on the previous intense urging, allowing the Devouring Mana Stalk Spirit to devour and grow continuously, and at a very fast speed, let it reach its own limit threshold.

Then, the flower bloomed.

Yellow-grade Daoism, flower-stemming!

Slender and slender, with flowers in abundance.

This Daoism, which is connected to the Devouring Method and Spirit-stemming Method, contains the principle of the blossoming of the wood element, absorbing nutrients, growing branches, and blooming flowers. It sounds very simple at first, but it actually speaks out the basic law of life.

Prey on others, nourish oneself, and breed the tribe.

But the few branches left, after blooming blood-colored flowers, further absorbed the power of the Aggregate Blood Demon, and then began to emit themselves more quickly, with a little bit of spirits floating around, like life is endless, falling to the ground in the blink of an eye, and then quickly growing.


The Aggregate Blood Demon was stunned and had an instinctive sense of fear and terror. He didn't understand why the tarsal maggot that he had just removed with great difficulty grew back in the blink of an eye.

It quickly repeated the same trick, but this time, it pulled out the flower stalks and then grew more flower stalks. Even if it stretched out thousands of hands and spread out its body outline, it could not get rid of the flower stalks that could not be removed once they grew!

Finally, the Aggregate Blood Demon stopped.

On its body, there were flowers that were more colorful, taller, more gorgeous and bloody than the other, sucking it clean and squeezing it into a shell.

Or, it was a shell made up of countless roots.

The actual Aggregate Blood Demon had been eaten up and disappeared completely.

However, although the flower stalks were completed and the Aggregate Blood Demon was successfully and easily taken down, Du En did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he became more focused and secretly brewed a new offensive.

Because there was a problem that existed from the beginning!

There had been a great monk in the Blood Demon Holy Sect before. This side was possessed and out of control for only a hundred years. The other party should not have died. Naturally, he should have been possessed by the devil as well.

Although this aggregated great blood demon is also of the fifth level, it is a piecemeal counterfeit and cannot be the real master.

It is better to say that under normal circumstances, such an aggregate is impossible to appear.

It is actually just a means, the result of a Taoist method!

Then, after getting rid of this watchdog, the owner hiding at home should also be alarmed... Unknowingly, the blood rain stopped.

The sandstorm also disappeared abruptly, and it was not cancelled by Du En at all.

—— There was a trace of mana that emerged and wiped out the wild sandstorm.

This is a means that mature people in the God Transformation Stage will master. The "great mana" that can do all kinds of things by forcing the Yuanshen and combining it with the control of things can further become more powerful!

The title of the great monk comes from this.

Although Du En saw the records of this in the Sutra Library of the Southern Hub City, he just thought that the predecessors were lazy and didn't want to think about any more words, so he attributed all the miscellaneous means and abilities after the Spiritual Transformation Stage to this "great magic power".

Now is not the time to think about these things. As the demon monk took action, it indicated that the battle entered the next stage!

The blood sky was quiet, and the blood sea was silent.


Suddenly, a strange sound appeared, coming from the bottom of the blood sea, and then a string of bubbles emerged from the water.

Starting from this, the entire blood sea suddenly converged at a point at a terrifying speed and sucked back into the abrupt sea eye, leaving Du En no chance to secretly swallow it.

It seems that he is not an overly crazy guy...

He felt a little surprised when he thought so.

However, he was not too naive to think that he could take advantage of the opportunity.

So he was prepared and used it immediately.

Ice Soul Technique!


The blood sea that was flowing back and sucking was suddenly covered by solid ice!

That was the eternal cold, the cold spirit of ice. Although it was only a secret technique, because it was a secret technique, the upper limit was more ambiguous than the best spells. At this moment, the mana was continuously supported, and it immediately showed the power of Taoism, freezing the blood sea!

At the same time, Du En urged the Taoist method of flower-cutting, and immediately in the ice, ghostly seeds and spirits emerged, took root, and devoured the blood sea frantically.


Another small sound similar to a sudden freezing appeared, something drilled out from under the frozen blood sea, Du En suddenly burst out his own soul and threatened, and collided head-on with the invisible, intangible and intangible demonic thought that suddenly attacked.


The invisible collision between the two caused a strong explosion, which brought about a chain reaction.

The bloody sky was broken!

The frozen blood sea disappeared!

What appeared in front of Du En was a completely different scene.

Replacing the blood-red blood was the blue tranquility.

It filled the surroundings, enveloping a camp located in the cavity cave.

This camp has long been destroyed, but from the details of the ruins, one can still see the clues of its heyday, which is only inferior to the central camp.

A series of residual souls and obsessions lingered here, leaving only outlines, very similar to the shape of the blood demon, sobbing faintly at this moment, as if lamenting and weeping about the past, with a faint attachment to life, reluctance and expectation for certain things.

"Space in space? Is this, space marriage?"

Such a change in the situation made Du En think of this method.

Simply put, it is to cut off a piece of space and graft it into another space, using this other space to support or hide, so as to gradually change the two spaces and make them more solid and special.

It's like sewing a piece of steel plate into the middle of a piece of cloth.

"No, this is the demarcation of space, plus folding, and combined blocking..."

A gloomy voice sounded, as if it directly saw through Du En's thoughts and refuted it.

"Blood sounds at the same time, I should be right about this magic spell."

Duen was very calm, without any waves, just asking back.

His eyes turned, and he turned around, but stopped again, because the space had its own rotation, and naturally, he had seen the place he wanted to see.

A person was standing there silently, wearing a thick gray cloth robe, which was extremely large, and a wide hood, covering his face, so that people could not see it, only darkness.

It was actually quite similar to Duen's current image.

The only difference was that Duen's evil dragon robe covered the hem, and his two legs stretched out from it, while the other party did not, moving with the wind, only a piece of emptiness.

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