"That's right, that's right, blood resonates with each other, through your blood, and my blood, I can know your thoughts and feelings, it can be said that the same voice resonates with each other."

"The magic method that only benefits oneself is really high-sounding."

"So what about the magic method?!"

Du En didn't mean anything else, but in the initial confrontation, a normal rebuttal in the struggle for the dominant position of the discourse immediately caused a fierce response from the other party.

"As long as it can help me lead others to survive and go out better, no matter what method it is, whether it is a demon or a monster or something else, it doesn't matter!"

"You are a junior who doesn't know the height of the world, doesn't understand the sky and the blue sea, and is already very satisfied with being trapped in your own narrow world. How can you have the qualifications to judge me!"

He seemed to have misjudged Du En's origin.

Du En didn't care, just lowered his eyebrows slightly and whispered: "But you are still possessed by the devil. This so-called holy sect has long been destroyed, and only these remnants are left."

"...Yes, hahaha, how ridiculous!"

The heavy floating cloth leather robe suddenly began to twist, like an invisible person laughing, shaking constantly, and even swollen inside, wandering around the whole body.

"I obviously tried so hard, I obviously got stronger and stronger, I obviously reproduced the magic method normally, I obviously... Why! Why did they leave me one after another in the end!"

"Why on earth! Ah!!!!"


Blood suddenly came out of the cloth leather robe. The blood was red at first, and then quickly turned into a dark blue color, sticky like glue, leaving no room for Du En to intervene and hinder. It instantly wrapped and solidified and took shape.

A dark blue blood demon a foot tall appeared there.

It looked like an animal, not a human, extremely corrupt, possessed by the devil and beyond help, but could only whimper from its throat, emitting its own pain, as if begging for release.

"Blue-blooded alien demon..."

Du En thought to himself, and suddenly felt the blood in his body boiling suddenly.


With a muffled groan, he used his magic power to boost the inexhaustible green spirit body, and only then could he barely suppress it, but he needed to suppress it all the time afterwards, otherwise he would be burned by the boiling blood of the alien demon all the time!

The inexhaustible green spirit body is no longer a strength...

The thoughts were floating, and the space moved.


As soon as he left the original place, a ferocious blue claw had already hit the original place.

The blue-blooded alien demon would not wait for him, and had already burst out with his fierce offensive in madness.

Bloodthirsty devil thoughts!

With a buzz, a crazy bloodthirsty impulse emerged in Du En's mind.

But there is no need to worry, because not only is his Dao heart extremely strong, but his Divine Palace is also extremely solid. Such external evil thoughts were cleared away in an instant.

Horrifying blood waves!

If one attack fails, another one will be launched.

Fierce waves burst out of thin air and attacked violently.

The wind and sandstorms met head-on and collided with each other.

Thu thu thu thu!

The sandstorm tornado turned into a cone, gathered its strength, and rushed forward one after another, breaking through the blood waves.

Then it was directly smashed by several dark blue tentacles, and was about to hit Du En's head.


He moved slightly, and the ice soul froze and directly sealed the dark blue tentacles.

At the same time, the Taoism was used, and the soul seed was about to take root in the blue-blooded alien demon.

With a swish, it took a step back, and a barrier appeared in the space.

With a bang, Du En broke it, allowing the Taoism to flow smoothly.

Ghost Demon Blood Evil!

The blue-blooded demon could sense the targeting of the flower-cutting, and immediately burst out not with magic power, but with the processed and transformed blood evil, which was directly attached to the body surface, turning itself into dark blue to resist the rooting and growth of the flower-cutting.

Even if it was possessed by the devil, it was still so powerful...

The performance of the dark blue blood demon proved that the great monk before the devil was really profound and had amazing attainments in this way!

He no longer hesitated, and waved his hand, and the war-stopping spear focused light out. During the spell, the grass and trees grew into a forest, and the green was added to the dark blue space area.

——In the blink of an eye, it was lush everywhere.

"This... is..."

Dune's previous method did not make the demon pause, but when it saw the scenery of grass and trees growing into a forest, it was stunned, stopping the continuous actions it wanted to perform, and staring blankly. Even if Duen took the opportunity to rush in, hit it hard with a spear, and flew out backwards, it did not react.

It flew backwards, and it felt like time had stopped.

When I looked up, I saw the blue sky, and the green forests around me. In a trance, there seemed to be the sun's radiance. This was...


A mournful cry sounded in my heart.

The memories of the past flashed back.

"Afu, I, I can't do it anymore, hiss, ah, I, can't stop bleeding..."

As pioneers, the blood of good brothers gushed out, dyeing their hands and eyes red. Even if they killed the cave wolves in anger, they couldn't save their lives.

"Brother Fu, go! Go! You are different, only you can lead them to continue..."

The last person who set out together pushed me away. Before he finished speaking, he was bitten by a huge cave monster, and his body exploded. The blood color filled his vision again, and he was left alone.

"Sir, you don't have to hesitate, you don't have to blame yourself, because this is a necessary sacrifice!"

After finally settling down, in order to expand the secret method of the Blood Demon Book, when sacrifices were needed, one follower took the initiative to stand up, and finally paid a heavy price to develop the secret method of "one blood system".

"Brother Fu, I'm sorry, I'm leaving soon. You must not be too sad..."

After all, the Taoist couple failed to cross the threshold of longevity and died in front of him, leaving himself in sorrow.

"Sect Master! Sect Master! Haha! The Holy Sect has been established!"

Joy soaked my soul, even if I was obsessed with it, I still remember the happiness and high spirits at that time, as if the future was waving to me.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you..."

Then, his son also died in front of him, and everything seemed to have never changed.

"Ah! Ah!!! Ah..."

In the end, everything came to nothing.

Because he was possessed by the devil, and he, along with everyone else, was possessed by the devil together!

The blue-blooded monster suddenly opened its eyes, and a terrifying threat erupted, like a volcano erupting, directly destroying the lush vegetation.

A man appeared in front of the oncoming Du En, and struck it down with his claws. The space was cracked and turned into dust. The ghost blood controlled the body, the bright blood controlled the mind, and the mirror blood controlled the mind. Du En was blocked from all aspects. movement space.


The solid tower of Samadhi was suddenly shrouded down, able to block all external demon attacks, but it was directly smashed into pieces.

But at least it delayed the outbreak of this strange demon.

Du En took advantage of the opportunity when his new power was not yet generated and his old power was affecting him, and he used the Taoist technique of skewering.

After changing cultivation, he has achieved some success, so naturally he cannot have the same power as before.

The so-called devouring method has gradually been expanded. The method is no longer limited to mana, but spells can also be used!

Starting from its magic spell, the invading growth spreads on it, and finally reaches itself, surpassing the blood evil shell and growing directly in the body.

One root after another, they spread crazily, trying to drain this blue-blooded monster dry.


It gets furious, roars, and can suppress it forcefully when faced with such situations.

The principles of growth of skewers cannot stop the remaining principles of the Blood Demon Book!

So in an instant, all the skewers were wiped out!

It doesn't work from the inside, we can only fight from the outside!

Du En had taken the opportunity to distance himself and understood this.

In the collision of inner principles, he now has no move at hand that can defeat the Blood Demon Book that has been mastered to perfection. If this great monk hadn't been possessed by the devil for a long time, he didn't have to be afraid of cutting flowers before, and he could have eliminated it.

Since you can't do it in this regard, then let's use pure violence!

From the outside, use your endless and endless magic power to push it and blast it forcefully!

Violence is the hardest truth!

So, Du En, who retreated into position, suppressed the boiling blood in his body while frantically spending mana.

There was a glimmer of light on the outer edge of his body, and the intimidation of the soul was vented everywhere. The earth rumbled, and a thousand-foot-high mountain composed entirely of condensed mana rose up behind him, taking shape in the blink of an eye.

Then, it was abruptly cut off from the root of the mountain, like an invisible giant, cutting it off, then raising it with both hands, and flying in the sky.

The blue-blooded monster was about to pursue him, but his instinctive uneasiness stopped him.

If he hadn't been possessed, he would have definitely taken action, but it's a pity...

Du En thought, and an idea came to him.

Lifting the mountain and soaring, the shot came with a crash.


Even more terrifying than the meteorite falling from the sky, the invisible giant threw the mountain in his hand directly. The sound was left behind, and the distance seemed to disappear. It hit directly in front of the blue-blooded monster, making it unable to hide. !



Naturally, despite the embarrassment, the blue-blooded demon still knew what to do at the critical moment, and a blue blood light burst out, crushing it and blocking it.

He just stepped back a few hundred feet!

There was a smile on that face that was neither human nor animal, as if to say, what is this?

Du En was very calm. He just raised his hands gently, opened his bow left and right, and poured out his magic power. The earth's ripples did not stop at all, and mountains of thousands of feet were lifted up.

The expression of the blue-blooded monster froze.

Then, it finally remembered that it could avoid its sharp edge...

However, just now he saw a mountain flying towards him and made a spatial movement, another mountain appeared in front of him, as if it was pressed against his face, and he could only hastily burst out the blue-blooded magic light again.


It failed to be completely destroyed. The remnant smashed into the magic light and came into close contact with the collapsed body. The blood evil shell shattered in the blink of an eye. He was pushed by the belt and crashed into the ground and into the space. Because of his own fault, the edge of the space had multiple layers on the surface. Folded, too thick to break and reduce force.

New mountains were lifted up and flew towards them, like the straw that broke the camel's back.

There was a crackling sound!

The blue-blooded monster was shattered into a pile.


Roaring, it stepped forward again and reshaped its demonic body. It was not easy to lose at all!

This is also the shortcoming that Du En can only win with magic power. If Juyue has a deeper mastery and a stronger inner simple truth, he will not be unable to kill it.

But it doesn't matter, it seems immortal, but in fact it can die. The scattered blue blood has already grown a skewer when it tried to rush in and kill Du En.

The next step is to smash it to pieces, rise again, shed blood and grow flowers, and repeat again and again.

After three thousand times, the space behind the surface was riddled with holes. Du En's endless mana seemed to be exhausted, and he could no longer resist the boiling blood. His whole body was like a cooked shrimp, red and emitting heat.

However, he still won, so it was just like this, and his body was not really destroyed by the boiling blood!


The gravel fell, and blue flowers bloomed.

Du En fell to the ground, and his red body quickly cooled down and stopped boiling. When he stepped to the side of the powerless blue-blooded demon, he had completely returned to normal.

It, or rather, he, was looking at the sky with his dying eyes.

The dark blue was collapsing, revealing the actual dark cave ceiling behind the surface space.

So, the great monk couldn't help but ask: "Is it wrong to want to see the real sky?"

"No, it's not wrong."

"Really... You, shouldn't be born underground, because you grew so green, yes, it should be green, that's actually the first time I've seen it."

The eyelids closed slightly, and the voice faded.

Now, all I can see is black, blood, and a depressed and gloomy color. The only warm color is the color of fire.

But even the light of fire, in this underground, was stolen by the evil.

He couldn't help but ask, "Is the sky really blue as the book says?"

"It's not always blue. Sometimes, it will be covered by dark clouds."

"Is that so..."

"But the dark clouds will eventually disperse."

"Haha, that's good. Really, I'm sorry to bother you..."

When the words fell, the flower-tipped flowers swayed slightly, and a stream of obsessions came to him who had regained his human form, surrounding him and waiting.

"Finally, I need to trouble you for a moment, you..."

Using the last of his magic power, a small multi-layer space cube flew out of the collapsing space field and came into Du En's hands.

He nodded slightly and turned to leave.

One by one, the flower-tipped flowers rose from the ground, circling around him, and followed him out of the back.

Looking back at the end, surrounded by the waiting people, the great monk whose name was unknown was buried in the collapsed space and had become the dust of the past.


Without a word, Du En just raised his hand and combed the front of the surface space that was also affected.

Block the impact and reshape the surface.

A new short tunnel appeared in front of him.


The true flame ignited the flower grafting, and the holy refining was in progress.

The branches surrounding Du En were full of mana and bloomed brilliantly. They were the best raw materials to make the finished magic weapon more powerful.

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