The strong wind has begun to subside, but the rain persists.

Early the next morning, Du En and the others did not renovate the small yard. They dug out the two curled-up gray jackals from the rubbish pile, dug out the cart covered by debris and filled with things, and hurriedly left the residence.

Even if there is a natural disaster caused by a super typhoon passing through, the low-level monks living in the shantytown outside the city still have to go to work when they should, and there is no room to stop at all.

So as soon as you go out, you can see people walking on the blocked roads and people trying to escape from the collapsed houses.

They were in shock, their faces were pale, and some of them were injured, but they still marched hard and hard at the same pace as before.

Unless it turns into a cold corpse!

In the drizzle of stagnant water, various corpses lay scattered under the ruins, white and swollen from the soaking, which was particularly dazzling in the gloomy light.

"Fortunately, fortunately, the root cause of my illness has almost healed. Otherwise, I might have been blown away earlier than Xiao Wei, and ended up like this."

Ning Cai seemed to be frightened.

After feeling this way, he consciously ran with others to clear the way so that the carts could pass.

Du En stayed by the car.

The two gray jackals pulling the cart became nervous at this moment.

The reason is very simple. The people who buried the corpses packed their apparently valuable things in advance and put them on the carts.

In this way, people who have just suffered a catastrophe will naturally covet and possess it!

Not to mention that these neighbors, who always liked to look at Du En and the others with blank eyes, naturally looked directly at them at this moment. They were so numerous that they looked intrusive.

They had suffered a lot of losses last night, and now in order to survive, they would naturally be a little bolder than usual.

But only a little.

Not to mention, they suffered a lot of casualties, the crowd was scattered and tired, and they obviously didn't have much energy left.

So even though he was very coveted and greedy, he still didn't dare to rob it.

Even if he wanted to steal and run away, there would be no chance because Du En was on guard.

In other words, I dare not get closer.

Looking at those calm eyes at this moment, I just feel terrified in my heart!

In the end, they could only watch as the roadblocks were cleared and the corpse buryers left in their cars.

"I was scared to death. I thought these guys would just swarm me!"

It wasn't until he walked out of the main road and came to the corpse transport path that Wei Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

There were quite a few people who looked at me strangely along the way.

They're not the only ones doing this.

Because they are afraid that when they leave home, their home will be in a mess and exposed by others, so many people choose to take it with them to work, even if this will increase the burden.

Therefore, it is just that the people who bury corpses are in a humble position and are looked down upon by others, so they are subconsciously regarded as soft persimmons.

Of course, after actual measurement, they will find that the risks clearly outweigh the benefits.

Mainly Du En. Sitting in the most conspicuous place, his mere presence deterred many greedy people.

So this journey can be safe.

Arrive at the corpse wasteland.

Supervisor Ren Li has not come yet, and the corpse carriers are still here carrying the corpses.


The corpse broke open the cold water, splashing a series of water droplets.

The people burying the corpses did not participate in it. They stopped aside and waited silently.

During this process, Ning Cai, Wei Ming and the others hurriedly took a break. They were unable to sleep all night last night. They would have to work again later. The weather was still bad and rainy. If they didn't take a break now, It will definitely not end well.

Du En seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, but in fact he was silently practicing his skills and carefully sensing the surrounding situation.

The biggest and most prominent point of those who have broken through to the mastery of Loess Kung Fu is the resonance with the earth. Although it actually seems weak and not particularly deep, compared with before, it is already very different.

So at this moment, when he sensed it, even if there was any information flowing in, it was only very vague and accompanied by some noisy, subtle and sharp auditory hallucinations.

"No, it's too vague and confusing."

"It's because the cultivation level is too low, and the upper limit and depth of the technique itself don't seem to be enough..."

After all, it was still the early stage of Qi refining, and it was only a low-grade technique after all.

Doon did not continue.

When he opened his eyes, the corpse transporters had already finished their work in a hurry. Xu Ran, who was too busy to say hello to him, was waving his hands from afar and then left with the others.

There is plenty of work for them to do these days!

However, there are not many bodies to be buried today.

Mainly because it takes a while to collect corpses.

"You guys can continue to rest, I'll go touch the body."

Neither the corpse collector nor the corpse transporter had enough time to carefully collect the remains of the corpse during yesterday's typhoon, so now it was Du En's turn.

The others continued to seize the time to rest, and he strolled over to the corpse.

After some induction, I started to dig out my stomach and intestines.

Ordinary poor people at the bottom generally don't have any extra money. They are not gangsters and they don't have much extra money either.

So Du En only got a dozen low-grade spiritual stones today.

"It just so happens that the bits and pieces that were saved before have been used up a long time ago. These bits and pieces can be used now to fill the vacancies and rebuild the small courtyard..."

Doon thought about its use.

At this moment, Ren Li walked over slowly.

The rain could not wet his clothes, and he was particularly relaxed in the rain. The typhoon that passed last night obviously had no effect on him at all.

When he came here, he saw Du En digging out a corpse.

The corpse was swollen and white due to the water, which looked quite disgusting, so a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"It's great to see that you haven't lost any personnel. Well, everything will be the same as usual today, that's it."

As usual, he was called a supervisor, but in fact he didn't supervise at all. He would only find a place to sit cross-legged in the wasteland all day, seemingly practicing.

But today, when he started, Du En noticed something different.

"Sure enough, he was feeling it. The virtual position of this supervisor was specially prepared for this..."

The long-standing speculation was confirmed.

This wasteland where corpses are buried does have strange mysteries. If there are related methods, it is normal to come here to feel it.

Others can feel it, and now Du En can naturally do it.

He has already got the ticket!

Therefore, during today's corpse burial work, he would take time out from time to time to silently practice his skills and sense Ren Li's process of understanding.

Ren Li understood the wasteland, while Du En understood him.

The main purpose was to learn the understanding method of this person with a distinguished background as a starting point for his own entry.

"It seems that this will be a relatively long process."

As he watched quietly, Du En was basically sure that Ren Li had been here for more than half a year, and his progress so far should still be quite delicate. He had tried his best to do it well, but this wasteland was still indifferent and had no response.

Even though Du En had probably learned the method of understanding secretly, the situation was only slightly better with the Yellow Earth Skill of the master.

"The accumulated skills of water grinding? In this case, it is quite suitable for me."

Du En was not discouraged, because this was his forte.

Please read! Please collect!

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