At noon, the rain began to subside and the wind became light.

In the afternoon, the sun broke through the clouds, indicating that the typhoon was gone.

In the evening, after burying the body, the buryers hurried home without a moment's delay.

Not only them, but those who can take off work at this time basically behave in the same way.

Because I need to go back and repair the house.

Of course, there are some exceptions.

The people from the Bully Gang are one of them.

Liu Qixiang, as a member of the Tsing Yi Gang, had already finished work and was walking on a road with many obstacles, trying to collect protection money.

Typical adding insult to injury!

Gangs like the Tsing Yi Gang are actually inhumane. Because of this typhoon, if there are losses from above, they must try to make up for it from below, even if doing so will kill many people.

However, due to the impact of the previous incident, Liu Qixiang, like many ordinary gang members, now has considerable concerns.

"The man who stepped on the horse was hiding behind the scenes and forced us to come out to collect the debt. It would be really unlucky to be targeted for this!"

However, the gang leader above had already spoken, so he, a little guy, could only obey and bite the bullet.

Otherwise, without any evil cultivator taking action, the gang leader will use it to scare the monkeys!

"The hall masters are also thieves. They actually plan to take advantage of this opportunity to build a big house, live together, help each other, and feel safe. Alas, we can't do it anymore and can only fend for ourselves, but..."

He was complaining secretly, but looking around at the scattered people who seemed to be displaced and miserable, Liu Qixiang had to admit that his situation was still much better than theirs.

This is also the reason why he joined the bully gang. If you can't beat them, just join, you can get benefits!

Unconsciously, he had reached a section of road that seemed empty.

Just as he was about to muster up his energy and start from here, he was suddenly stunned.

"Huh? Wait, what I'm saying here seems to be..."

Because the typhoon not only toppled the house, but also took away all traces of life. The signature rancid barrier of the corpse burial courtyard has now disappeared without a trace, so he did not recognize it immediately.

Just as he was about to turn his head to observe, there was a sound from the far end of the road.


The familiar sound of the wheels made Liu Qixiang immediately jump into action. He looked over with wide eyes and saw Du En and the others, as well as Ren Li sitting on their cart.


He wailed in his heart, quickly nodded and bowed, held his hands flatteringly, and retreated to the debris on the roadside.

Duen and his gang are not easy to bully, but now they have to add a supervisor who has perfected Qi refining to follow them all the time, which makes him afraid to come here for a long time.

Not only him, but the hall masters and gang leaders above have also specially warned that even if they have to collect protection fees, they should be gentle and polite and don't get caught.

Anyway, just one sentence, if you dare to harm any supervisor, I will kill you to appease my anger!

This can be regarded as the benefit brought by Ren Li, although he will follow Du En and the others at this time, mainly to chat with him to relieve his boredom.

I always feel that there is nothing gained throughout the day, the progress is very slow, and I will inevitably feel depressed. In order to have a good attitude the next day, I need to relax appropriately.

Looking around, Du En seems to be a maverick, but he can still talk to him. Sometimes, he can show off to him and find a sense of superiority.

The group of them noticed Liu Qixiang, but they didn't care to linger and hurried past to the small courtyard.

"Old Ning, you go to the trading point and buy the wood. You don't have to worry about spiritual stones. Just give two more pieces and ask their people to escort them over to avoid any accidents on the way."

Du En handed over what he got from today's body exhumation to Ning Caize.

"no problem!"

If you have spiritual stones, it will be easy to do things!

When rebuilding a house, we can't just cut down some wet wood, process it and build it.

When Ning Cai left, he was still a little concerned about Liu Qixiang, but this little guy lowered his head now and ran very fast, not daring to stay at all.

"Wei Ming, you and the others should clean up the courtyard and prepare the necessary tools."


The other four people left in response and began to clean up the inside and outside of the courtyard that they had no time to deal with in the morning.

As for Duen, he was checking the condition of the main beams and foundations.

Ren Li clasped his hands, looking very idle, and followed him up and down, and uttered cool words: "This ordinary wooden house has a lot of problems, why not take the opportunity to change it? Oh, by the way, you are all fighting now. It’s a waste of time, you don’t get paid at all, and you don’t have much money left.”

Although he was a supervisor and could still talk to Du En, he would not stand up for the people burying the corpses without any reason.

What's more, the rightful owner is not in a hurry. With the old god here, he has nothing to be anxious about.

Of course, if Du En begged him, he might be happy and ask for money.

It's not that Du En is embarrassed, but because by doing this, there is a high probability that the manager He Bo will directly express his anger at him, which will increase the trouble and break the current stable situation.

"Is something wrong?"

After hearing the idle words behind him, Du En continued to do his work and asked without looking back.

Seeing him going straight to the point, Ren Li smacked his lips and nodded: "I need a kind of spiritual thing called Corpse Yin Grass now. It's not too precious, it's only a first-class mid-grade, but it grows very cunningly. , I only know a general range.”

"Since you already know the approximate range, you don't need to tell me this, right?"

"Because I can't just walk away. Look, you're in trouble, aren't you? How about it? If you can help find it, I'll give you a reward."

The trouble Ren Li mentioned was not about burying the bodies, nor was it caused by the typhoon last night, but something that had already appeared earlier.

The proficiency of cooking has reached its current limit, and it has been stuck like the appraisal!

The external sign is that although Du En can cook a first-level medium-quality stewed owl and stewed jackal with great skill, he can't go any further and is completely stuck at the first-level medium-quality.

In theory, with his current cooking proficiency, it is the first-level perfection, and he can actually try it, and there is a great possibility that he will succeed at once.

But, a good cook can't cook without rice!

"Apart from the ingredients themselves, which need not be explained, there are mainly two problems that hinder your spiritual cooking."

"Which two points?"

For Du En's contempt for asking, Ren Li always couldn't help but look up, feeling good about himself and superior, and then gave his own advice: "Simply put, it's utensils and firepower."

"Utensils are easy to understand. You should have noticed that you broke a pot some time ago. That's right, ordinary containers can no longer keep up with your skills and can't withstand the high-frequency infiltration of magic power. You need to change one."

"Then, it's firepower. Normal ordinary fire can only work on ordinary medicinal materials. Once you need to cook spiritual objects and materials, it won't burn."

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