The two points Ren Li mentioned now are indeed what Du En lacks.

So Du En asked directly: "So, what is your solution?"

"I can't help you solve everything. However, in terms of utensils, if I use the materials you have as the main materials and combine them with other auxiliary materials, I can refine the magical utensils for cooking."

The material Ren Li is talking about here is naturally the one Du En got from the Tsing Yi Gang hall masters. After Ren Li's identification, it was a kind of metallic spiritual material called mud gold.

It has high plasticity. Although it is soft, it is tough and can be used to refine various metal and earth magic weapons.

"I can help you get the auxiliary materials. Although it is only the first-level mid-grade food, based on the characteristics of the spiritual meal itself, even if it is the second-level low-grade cooking food, it is not impossible to use it. You just need to pay attention to how to use it."

Ren Li further added with a hint of confusion.

However, Du En did not nod immediately, but asked: "From what you said, it seems that things are quite dangerous?"

"It's not too dangerous. But, although it's still within the border, I think there will be some dangers, and you may encounter monsters. However, after all, you have a breathing technique. Learn how to spread sand and earth armor. It’s quite skillful, and as long as you’re careful, it won’t be a big problem.”

Ren Li didn't want to trick Du En into committing suicide. After all, if he died, he would have to take action himself. Wouldn't that violate the original intention?

"In that case, yes, I will help you find it, but not in the past few days. There is too much work, so I have to stay. Or, can Supervisor Ren help and postpone the work of burying the body?"

Du En weighed the pros and cons and then said this.

Ren Li immediately shook his head: "No, I don't have that much energy."

As he spoke, he felt that he was embarrassed by saying this, so he paused and pretended to be calm and said: "Well, it's just a few days. I can afford to wait. Anyway, the place is quite remote, so I'm not afraid of this little time." Just cut it off."

This supervisor will always reveal some information.

Especially this time, the quantity was quite large.

However, Du En didn't ask any more questions, because Ning Caize had already returned in a hurry.

When the people at the trading point saw the spirit stone, they were naturally very efficient. They asked the laborers working there to carry a large pile of processed dry hard waterproof wood to the front of the small courtyard.

The conversation between the two ended. Du En went over to take care of the inventory. After Ren Li finished talking about the business and relieved his boredom, he left slowly with his hands behind his back in the awe-filled eyes of everyone.

With all kinds of wood, everyone worked hard and in the middle of the night, the houses in the small courtyard were repaired and looked brand new.

The overworked corpse buryers fell asleep on the bed.

Du En continued his liver training.

The sun rises again and a new day arrives.

Not tired but full of energy, he immediately called the others up to tell them it was time to go to work.

After walking out of the small courtyard with the other sleepy-eyed people, what they saw was a shack that had basically been cleared and had signs of repair.

Because it is a wooden shack, it can be repaired quickly. However, they do not have the financial resources of the body buryers, so they can only cut down the wood by themselves. After the typhoon, the core of the tree is so wet that there will be many problems later. .

We can only make do with it first.

With tired dark circles under their eyes, they felt helpless.

Looking at the people burying the corpses again, I just felt that they were really lucky to meet a kind-hearted supervisor.

Even if you don’t dislike these bitches and cheap workers who buried corpses, they actually went to the Lingshi Gang to buy wood, tsk! It seems that their relationship is far better than imagined!

Envy, jealousy and hatred are common.

From being disgusted and looked down upon to becoming like this, Du En and the others didn't really care. They were all looking bad at him anyway.

"But in this case, there is no need to worry about any of them causing damage and stealing things."

Du En thought about the benefits brought by this misunderstanding, and then waved his hand and asked others to put all the extra things on the cart back into the small courtyard.

Ning Cai, Wei Ming and the others were naturally happy. After all, they could take a nap while crowded in the car on the road.

Just like that, the cart full of people was pulled up and rushed to its destination.

The convoy of corpse carriers was still busy.

The remains of those corpse transport trucks dripped large pools of corpse cement water, which came from different places and gathered together, making the entire corpse transport path muddy and smelly.

The gray jackal pulling the cart was very excited. Ning Caize, who was woken up by the shaking, had a bitter look on his face: "Sure enough, with the corpses being collected, I have been quite tired these past few days!"

"Looking at the bright side, the people blown away by the typhoon will die in various places and they won't all be gathered together. They are a little tired, but they won't need to spend the night here."

Du En's words were as straightforward as ever, leaving Ning Cai speechless.

He fell into silence again and soon reached the wasteland.

There are a hundred bodies lying down, and the corpses are still being brought in by the corpse transporters. It is obviously not a situation where you can wait leisurely for others to finish the work, and then take over the next step.

So under Du En's order, the burial people began to bury the corpse in full swing.

During this process, Du En quickly noticed something strange on some of the corpses.

"The bite marks of monster beasts?"

Because most of these corpses were poor people from the bottom who were blown away by the typhoon. They were bitten by strong winds on the way, were severely knocked down when they landed, and finally were soaked in standing water. Therefore, they now appear to be swollen, damaged, and twisted. The scene of death is really tragic.

In addition to the large amount, whoever collected the corpses and transported them was not too careful, so some traces would be hidden.

Du En used a shovel to follow the clues of the traces, and suddenly frowned.

"Huh? Your heart is missing?"

Xu Ran, who had a bandage on his head and was stained with blood, looked unlucky. He happened to be passing by carrying a corpse and was suddenly surprised.

Because with Du En's movements, the bitten chest and abdomen were exposed, and the heart and liver, which should have been rotten and smelly like other organs inside, were gone.

"Due to the impact?"

Wei Ming, who works with Du En, made his own speculation.

Then, as Du En found a few more bodies, performed the same actions, and the same situation occurred, the corpse buryers and corpse transporters present all realized that the situation seemed a bit bad.

It seems like some kind of monster is taking the opportunity to eat people's hearts?

"As for the monsters, it's not surprising. After all, they will also be affected by the passing of the typhoon. It is normal for them to come to our area."

It's a little bad, but not too bad.

After all, even if there is no typhoon passing through, there will still be sporadic monsters that are bold enough to come here to harass and eat people.

Du En nodded slightly and did not hold on.

Because judging from the current situation, at most this monster is picky about food.

Everyone is doing their own thing, and they are busy and orderly.

Please read it! Please collect!

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