Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1005 Leaving Wuliang Mountain

The meeting hall seemed to have fallen into silence all of a sudden.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes looked at the two corpses thrown on the ground casually, and the languid Nascent Soul with a little astonishment.

Even the Holy Spirit was stunned for a short while.

The two dead people on the ground had appeared in front of many people not long ago. How could they not recognize them?

Even those who had never seen them could sense their realm in life from the fluctuations of the True Yuan that had not yet dissipated from the corpses.

The next moment, everyone's eyes looking at Mo Xun had changed.

Especially Wang Boshan, his face turned blue and red.

Although he knew that Mo Xun was better than himself, and even better than most of the people here.

But perhaps only by seeing death with one's own eyes can one truly experience what fear is.

Mu Congnan and Ye Fengling's faces were also slightly pale, and the palms hidden in their sleeves were sweating unconsciously.

The same thought came to their minds at the same time.

It turned out that this guy could really fight two people at the same level, and even kill two people of the same level without any damage.

Think about the conflict a few days ago. If the Holy Spirit hadn't stopped them, one of them might have been reincarnated.

In the hall, perhaps those who had previously wanted to attack the Tianjian Sect had given up their thoughts after seeing this scene.

At this moment, no one would doubt the rumors about Mo Xun.

What a joke. Even if a person who could kill two people of the same level could not compare with the Holy Spirit in terms of strength, how much difference could there be?

And the most important thing is that this person has just formed a fetus not long ago.

If the other party is given one or two hundred years, I'm afraid no one in the entire southern border can be his opponent.

Although Xuan Jing didn't show anything in the distance, the ripples in his heart were no less than those of Wang Boshan and Mu Congnan.

However, Xuan Jing thought more about her own apprentice.

If Mo Xun was just an ordinary Nascent Soul with no name, she would have thousands of ways to prevent him from contacting Yun Shang.

But now, I'm afraid that even if the Grand Palace Master was brought out, it might not be useful.

With this person's strength and cultivation, what should we do if he breaks into the Saint Maiden Palace?

No, she must send a message back to the palace immediately, ordering Yun Shang not to leave the palace gate for at least a hundred years.

Only in this way can the disciples' Dao heart be kept undisturbed.

This seemingly peaceful meeting, with Mo Xun's move, the speeches of the others seemed to have become fallen leaves after the wind, only a circle of ripples on the water.

Good guy, others are one against three, you directly use the king bomb, and how can the people behind take it?


Time rushed to the second day.

In front of Wuliang Mountain, outside the protective formation.

Shengling Zhenren sighed softly as he looked at the flying car that disappeared at the end of the sky.

The breeze blew, blowing the long white hair on his temples.

"Brother Xunyang, do you think our previous decision was wrong? This person should probably stay here to play a greater role."

Xunyang Zhenren stroked his beard and smiled.

Two gray-haired old men stood in the air, both of them looked like immortals.

"That matter is more important than the present. The stronger this person is, the greater the possibility of success in the future."

On the flying car, thousands of miles away from Wuliang Mountain, Mo Xun threw Bai Ze out.

At the same time, there were Mo Yichen and his sister who were staying in the Tianyu Tower.

After instructing a few people to control the flying magic weapon, Mo Xun turned around and went to the secret room.

Although this trip to Wuliang Mountain was not long, the harvest was really not small.

First, there were several pill recipes that he urgently needed at present, and then there was the Zhengyang Lei Jiaomu.

As for the storage bags of the two demon Yuanying, they were secondary. The unexpected surprise was the Baihuan Tianjing and the bloody coral.

These two things were also one of his next goals.

Mo Xun's hand flashed with green light, and the demon incarnation appeared in front of him, and then he separated a wisp of spirit into the incarnation.

After the incarnation woke up, Mo Xun handed over a glove.

This thing was obtained from Wu Bu. It is driven by demonic energy and has a pretty good power.

"You should refine this first, and then practice the "Essence Power" I taught you. You must condense your spiritual consciousness in the shortest time and make it take shape."

The incarnation nodded mechanically, and then found a place in the corner to sit cross-legged.

He had a long-term plan to let the incarnation practice the Essence Power.

Now that he had the recipe for the spiritual consciousness pill, he could configure a large number of spiritual consciousness pills.

However, pills alone were still insufficient for practicing the spiritual consciousness method.

Therefore, he thought of a stupid way, which was to find a sparring partner.

As long as the incarnation mastered the spiritual consciousness attack, he could also assist in tempering the process of using pills to improve his spiritual consciousness.

As for grafting the demon path Yuanying, there was no rush for the time being, and he still needed to study it carefully.

Then, he took out Shi Xian's Yin Demon Pearl.

Originally, he planned to use the incarnation to replace him in the outside world after entering the demon path, so as to avoid many unnecessary troubles.

But with this bead, he didn't have to do that.

He first wiped off the Shixian aura on the Yin Demon Bead, spent some time refining it, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

As soon as the Yin Demon Bead entered his body, the aura fluctuations around Mo Xun changed.

Under the operation of magic power, a demonic aura immediately emanated from his body.

With the help of the chaotic turbid air and this bead, he should be able to completely cover up his original Taoist aura and completely become a demon cultivator.

In order to be on the safe side, he still needs to practice some magic skills.

After opening the two storage bags he had harvested, Mo Xun was no longer as ignorant as he was at the beginning.

Although there were many treasures inside, they were not enough to make him excited.

The spiritual stones and magic weapons were secondary, and the main thing was the jade slips and rare treasures inside.

Mo Xun's vision was now very high.

After seeing many upper realm skills and magical powers, he really looked down on the inheritance of this realm.

After picking and choosing, he finally found a fragment of a skill in it.

The reason for choosing this kind of broken skill was mainly to hide his origin.

Once he entered the territory of the demons, he could only show himself as a casual cultivator.

In comparison, the complete skill was likely to come from the nine major sects and was easily recognized by outsiders. This kind of fragment was most in line with the identity of a casual cultivator.

The flying car drew a long tail in the air. Mo Xun did not hide his cultivation. Even if other cultivators noticed it along the way, they would immediately stay away after sensing the breath of the person in the car.

This is the benefit of having a high level of cultivation, at least you can move freely.

Two months later, they entered the territory of Shengguo.

When they stepped into the sphere of influence of Guyuemen again, Mo Xun finally stopped his retreat.

Standing at the front of the flying car, looking at the mountains below that were still familiar in his memory, Mo Xun felt a lot of emotion.

This place was the first stop he had ever set foot on the road to cultivation.


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