Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1006: Re-entering Blue Sky City

If it weren't for the many changes, he might still be an ordinary disciple of Gu Yue Sect.

When passing by Lantian City, the flying car landed and a group of people appeared outside the city gate.

Two hundred years is just a drop in the ocean for the long cultivation world.

The tall city stood before his eyes, still in its original appearance.

He still remembered clearly that in the jungle not far from here, in order to avoid the tracking of the enemy's spiritual consciousness, he not only knocked Li Qingying unconscious, but also stripped the girl's clothes and threw her into the escape talisman.

Now think about it, it was really bold at that time.

A Qi Refiner dared to offend a foundation-building cultivator.

As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, which probably talks about him at that time!

"Uncle, did you come here for the first time after leaving your hometown?"

After several years of transformation, Mo Linger has lost her initial immaturity.

In terms of cultivation, she has also reached the eighth level of Qi Refining.

Such qualifications and cultivation speed are much stronger than Mo Xun at the beginning.

"Yes, let's go into the city first!"

Mo Ling'er hurriedly followed, and smiled happily: "My brother and I also passed by here after leaving Shengguo, but because we didn't have spiritual stones to enter the city, we just walked around outside."

Mo Yichen also followed closely behind, and the young man was still as calm and taciturn as before.

As for Bai Ze, he was curious about everything he saw.

Although he has been running around all these years, the little girl has been staying in the green gourd most of the time.

Mo Xun used to be incapable, and was afraid that Bai Ze's spiritual breath would be noticed by others.

After practicing to this point, there is no need to continue to hide.

Bai Ze has been of great help to Mo Xun for more than two hundred years.

Before leaving Nanjiang, it was also the first time that he showed his innate magical power of swallowing ghosts. It was that time that helped him kill Bai Li's brother and escaped.

Later, in the secret realm of the God's Tomb, there was also the Youfeng Valley, thanks to the little guy.

However, after being fed with a lot of natural treasures over the years, it still looks like 11 or 12 years old, as if it will never grow up.

Mo Xun has thought about this.

The first time the little girl fell asleep and transformed was when she swallowed the demon pill in the secret realm of the God's Tomb.

I think this should be a kind of advancement!

In other words, to change the body again, you need to advance again.

But when it comes to the advancement of divine beasts, even someone like Mo Xun who has read a lot of ancient books and jade slips doesn't know the method.

This can only depend on chance!

Walking on the familiar streets, Mo Xun can be said to have a lot of thoughts.

Mo Linger, on the other hand, chattered all the way.

Pointing at this store, and then commenting on that fairy building.

Perhaps it is the nature of women, coupled with Mo Xun's peaceful temperament, that makes the little girl less respectful of high-level cultivators like others.

To be honest, Mo Linger has only seen one big city for cultivating immortals, that is Chaotian City.

So when he saw something new, he would always compare it with Chaotian City.

Thanks to Mo Linger and Bai Ze, the journey was not boring.

Mo Xun came here not to reminisce, but to find someone.

His foundation-building pill formula was exchanged from an old woman. At that time, his cultivation was too low to see the old woman's cultivation, but he always felt that this person was a little strange.

Since he was passing by, he would take the opportunity to solve the doubts that had been puzzled for many years.

But after walking back to that street, everything had changed.

The shop at the corner had completely disappeared, replaced by a three-story array equipment pavilion.

Mo Linger didn't know the purpose of coming here, but seeing Mo Xun stopped by the street and thinking, she didn't dare to disturb him.

Bai Ze, on the other hand, pulled Mo Linger and walked into a restaurant next to him.

Mo Yichen was afraid that his sister would cause trouble, so he followed.

Mo Xun probably remembered some things that happened in the past, so he stood quietly on the street.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the array pavilion, and then a figure flew out from it.

Mo Xun moved his feet and dodged to the side.

Then there was a thud, and the figure fell heavily to the ground.

Then a long sword flew out from inside and pierced directly into the man's shoulder. On the shaking hilt, there was still some mana that had not yet dissipated.

A majestic voice came from inside.

"If you dare to make trouble again, you will be killed on the spot!"

Mo Xun turned his head and glanced at the person on the ground. This was a middle-aged woman.

The woman's clothes were very simple, even a little shabby. Her vicissitudes of life face, at this moment, may be because of the injury, with a bit of paleness.

The place where the long sword pierced was already stained red.

The woman's cultivation was not low, and the foundation was perfect.

When he saw the woman's appearance clearly, Mo Xun suddenly raised his eyebrows and felt a little familiar.

"It turned out to be her!"

Soon, he figured it out.

Isn't this person the daughter of Qi Shan?

I didn't expect that he was still alive and still in Blue Sky City.

But this look has completely lost the charm of the past, and he has fallen to such a state.

When I first met this woman, she was extremely tyrannical. I just helped a slave tied up by her, and I was almost seriously injured by this woman's long whip.

And Qi Shan wanted to kill him. If it weren't for my luck, I'm afraid he wouldn't be alive today.

It can be said that this father and daughter are not good people.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun turned around and was about to leave.

If it were in the past, he might have killed him right away.

But during this period of time, he always felt restless from time to time, especially after leaving Wuliang Mountain, he always had a sense of resentment in his heart.

In short, he wanted to kill people.

He knew that this should be the sequelae of the bloodthirsty sword.

Last time on the battlefield, the bloodthirsty sword swallowed too much blood and qi, which indirectly affected his mind.

Lu Wushen had actually reminded him about this a long time ago.

But he didn't expect that a mere sword would really have such an effect.

After realizing this, Mo Xun temporarily sealed the bloodthirsty sword.

If he couldn't find a solution, he planned to try not to use this sword in the future.

However, this sword is indeed magical. After refining the blood and qi, its power has increased by several times compared to before.

After all, there are two Nascent Soul essences and blood and qi of two or three thousand cultivators in it.

It would be strange if so much blood didn't backfire on the mind!

Therefore, during this period of time, he has been deliberately suppressing his killing intent, fearing that it would breed a demon in his heart, or that it would have some impact on his foundation.

But just as he was about to take a step, he suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

Mo Xun's heart moved, and a divine consciousness popped out from the fingertips hidden in his long sleeves and attached to the woman's clothes.

The scene in front of the array pavilion quickly attracted a crowd of onlookers.

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