Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1007 Who are you?

Mo Xun just flashed and disappeared.

The woman got up from the ground painfully. She was a ruthless person. In front of everyone, she drew her sword very quickly, swallowed two pills quickly, and then staggered away in a hurry.

In the crowd, Mo Xun looked up at the other person's disappearing back and fell into deep thought for a while.

His purpose of passing through Lantian City this time was to fulfill the promise he made that year.

The five hundred years agreed upon at the beginning were almost half over now.

Coincidentally, the breath of the woman that made him familiar was the breath of the Fairy Yuehua.

He was sure that his feeling was right!

The exquisite ring given by the Fairy Yuehua was still in his hand. After accompanying this magic weapon for a hundred years, how could he not be familiar with its breath?

It seems that this woman should have been to Tianxiang Valley recently.

With this in mind, Mo Xun was not in a hurry to leave. Perhaps there were other changes in the Soul-Calming Tower.

In this way, the group temporarily lived in Lantian City.

Half a month later, when Mo Xun felt that the mark he left behind had left the city, he quietly followed it.

As he expected, the direction the woman went was Tianxiang Valley.

But halfway through, he found another female cultivator.

This female cultivator was a little younger, and her cultivation was only at the initial stage of foundation building.

When Mo Xun first came to Tianxiang Valley, Xiao Qian led the way. At that time, their cultivation was too low, and the two of them were almost trapped to death in the natural maze.

Now that he entered again, he realized how weak he was at the time.

Just this little trick almost caused him to explain his funeral.

After jumping into the dark canyon, Mo Xun did not continue to follow, but released his spiritual consciousness, extending it to the distance.

After all these years, the dilapidated Soul-Calming Tower still stands at the bottom of the valley.

Many things that were not clear before can now be seen to be more or less tricky.

Rather than saying that this is a tower, it is better to say that it is a seal.

However, this seal is a bit special. Judging from the runes carved on the outside and the fluctuations of the formations around it, it can warm the soul.

This is a bit inconsistent with what Fairy Yuehua said at the beginning.

Having lived for hundreds of years, Mo Xun is no longer the young man who believed everything others said.

Especially facing this old monster who has lived for who knows how many years.

According to Fairy Yuehua's original statement, it was because he was framed and only a trace of soul was left, so he asked his disciples to build a tower here to prevent the soul from disintegrating.

But if that's the case, what about those sealing runes and the soul-sealing bell hanging on the tower?

Now think about it carefully, there are too many doubts here.

First of all, this place!

Fairy Yuehua's disciple came from Tianyun Sect, which is Chechi Kingdom.

That place is tens of thousands of miles away from here, why would they build the tower here instead of going far away?

If it's to avoid the Zong family, it doesn't seem like it.

Although Tianxiang Valley is sparsely populated, it is not a place where yin energy gathers. To nurture the soul in this place, the innate conditions are not enough.

Then there is the name on the tower.

Soul-Calming Tower!

Who would use the word "soul-calming" when nurturing the soul?

Of course, this may just be Mo Xun's unilateral guess, and there may be other hidden secrets.

But no matter what, the strangeness everywhere made him have to think more.

In Mo Xun's mind, he thought of a possibility.

This Soul-Calming Tower may have existed, and Fairy Yuehua just occupied the magpie's nest and borrowed this tower to restore the soul.

While Mo Xun was thinking, two female cultivators had already walked into the tower.

When Mo Xun's consciousness followed and explored in, a bell on the tower shook slightly.

Then, Mo Xun frowned.

It was not that he found the abnormality of the Soul-Calming Bell, but that there were many female cultivators hidden in this tower.

After counting carefully, there were more than a dozen.

The ages of these female cultivators ranged from ten to twenty or thirty years old, and their cultivation was basically above the foundation building stage.

In the dimness that could not be seen, all the women stood against the wall, motionless, with their eyes closed, like dead people, and each of them had a dark red rune between their eyebrows, like some kind of imprisonment spell.

If it weren't for the fact that I could still feel a little breath from them, I would have thought they were corpses.

"Sister Siyu, this is the site of the Nascent Soul cultivator you mentioned, why do I feel a sense of gloom?"

The person who spoke was the young female cultivator in the early stage of foundation building.

This person was called Gu Ye Zi, and she was only twenty-five or twenty-six years old. As soon as she entered the Soul-Calming Tower, she began to tremble a little, and timidly hid behind the woman Siyu, holding the corner of her clothes tightly.

As for Qi Siyu, the corner of her mouth was raised in an arc without a trace.

Gu Ye Zi looked around, and as soon as her spiritual sense spread out, she found that there seemed to be some kind of shielding restriction around.

There was also a blur in her vision.

At this moment, the door behind her slammed shut.

Gu Ye Zi was shocked and screamed uncontrollably, and quickly hugged Qi Siyu's arm.

"Sister Siyu, where is this place?"

The little girl was probably really scared, and her voice was trembling with tears.

Qi Siyu suddenly pushed Gu Ye Zi away and knelt down directly in the darkness ahead.

Gu Ye Zi was stunned by this scene, and a bad premonition rose in her heart.

"Sister Siyu..."

Qi Siyu seemed not to hear and said loudly: "The seventeenth person has been brought in, please inspect it, senior!"

Hearing this inexplicable words, Gu Yezi's head buzzed, and the whole person was struck by lightning.

No matter how stupid she was, she roughly understood what was going on.

But before she could react, an old voice came from nowhere.

"Good, very good..."

The voice stopped abruptly halfway through the words, and the tone turned into gloomy suspicion.

"Who is outside, get in here!"

When these words came out, not to mention Gu Yezi, even Qi Siyu showed a puzzled look.

But Mo Xun in the distance knew that these words were directed at him.

After a little hesitation, Mo Xun walked over, but left the incarnation and Chi Li outside without leaving a trace.

There must be something unknown and dirty between Fairy Yuehua and the one called Qi Siyu, but for Mo Xun, it was not a big deal.

He came here to fulfill his original promise.

As long as it had nothing to do with him, he didn't bother to care about it.

As soon as Mo Xun approached the Soul-Calming Tower, the Soul-Calming Bell on the tower began to shake violently, just like before.

When he arrived in front of the door, the familiar pulling force came again, as if to sweep him in.

Mo Xun snorted coldly, waved his hand directly, and the power bound around him dissipated.

Then the door opened and he stepped in.

"Who are you?"

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