Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1008 Zong Jiangran

In the dim light, Mo Xun scanned the people around him.

Last time he came, his vision was all hazy. When he stepped into this place again, he could already see some things vaguely.

This pagoda is considered a cave-heaven magic weapon. From the outside, it is only three meters square.

The inside is extremely spacious, and some pennants are faintly floating around the head.

The stone pillars supporting the building are engraved with mysterious runes. In the center of the entire hall, there is an altar.

On the altar, there is a black seven-petal lotus platform.

In the center of the lotus platform, a very faint green flame is burning.

As the door opened, the flame swayed slightly.

Mo Xun raised his hand and took out a lighting magic weapon suspended in the air, and his whole body immediately became bright.

"I haven't seen you for many years. Fairy Yuehua, how are you?"

He had a faint smile on his lips, and his spiritual sense swept through, and he had already looked through all the magic arrays inside the pagoda.

After the voice fell, there was a brief silence in the hall, and then, two voices of extreme surprise came at the same time.

"It's you!"

Mo Xun first glanced at Qi Siyu, who was shocked.

This woman, her memory is not bad.

But it's not surprising, because of the anti-aging pill, his appearance has hardly changed much.

But at the moment, he didn't have time to pay attention to this person.

"I think there are many people who have visited this place in recent years, and the fairy has almost forgotten me."

After a long time, the old voice that was still not calmed down sounded in his ears.

"I didn't expect that in just two hundred years, you have really cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm."

Hearing this, Qi Siyu was stunned in place, the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, and there was only one voice in his heart shouting.

That is: "How is it possible?"

Mo Xun nodded.

"All this is thanks to the fairy's magic weapon back then."

As he spoke, Mo Xun had taken out the exquisite ring and sent it out through the air.

This thing had helped him a lot and helped him escape several disasters.

After floating for a distance, the exquisite ring was suddenly taken away by a black light.

Then, Fairy Yuehua murmured: "Yes, this is exactly what I gave you..."

Fairy Yuehua seemed to check it and threw the exquisite ring back.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, but didn't understand the other party's intention for a while.

"Since this thing has been given away, there is no reason to take it back. Now that you have achieved the Dao, you should fulfill your original promise!"

Since the other party didn't accept it, Mo Xun wouldn't get entangled in such a small issue.

"That's right, although the five hundred years have not arrived yet, I am fortunate to have some opportunities. I have lived up to your trust and came here today to settle this cause and effect."

Mo Xun didn't say anything more, and he slapped the storage bag on his waist, and dozens of bloody corpses suddenly appeared on the ground.

Gu Ye Zi, who was standing by, didn't know whether he had never seen such a scene before or because of his fragile mind before, he suddenly screamed and stepped back several steps.

Mo Xun pointed at a few of them.

"This is Zong Tonghai, the current head of the Zong family. As for this one, his name is Zong Tai, who is the one with the highest cultivation in the Zong family, but he has only reached the false infant realm. The one next to him is called Zong Yixiao..."

Mo Xun quickly introduced all the corpses on the ground, and then threw out nearly a hundred Zong family tablets.

All of these were found in the Zong family ancestral temple.

Before he finished, Mo Xun chose to take out several ancient books and skills, as well as tokens that could represent the identity of the Zong family.

The most important thing was a piece of shadow wall stone that flattened Wuding Mountain that day.

Mo Xun pinched his fingers and the shadow wall stone projected a picture in the air.

Mo Xun remembered this promise for more than two hundred years, and he prepared for it for a long time. How could he not be fully prepared?

As for how to identify these corpses as descendants of the Zong family, that was the job of Fairy Yuehua.

Qi Siyu and Gu Yezi, who were standing by, were already extremely shocked by this scene.

Who would have thought that they would run into a ruthless person who destroyed a family in such a remote place.

And this ruthless person, Qi Siyu, happened to know him.

What was most incredible to her was that this person had not even reached the foundation building stage more than two hundred years ago!

And Qi Siyu had another suspicion in her heart, that is, the death of her father Qi Shan that year was very likely related to this person.

But after hearing the word "Nascent Soul" from Fairy Yuehua, Qi Siyu did not dare to say it at this moment even if he had all kinds of guesses.

"Yes... yes, this is the descendant of the Zong family, and this place is indeed Wuding Mountain..."

Perhaps because of the revenge, Fairy Yuehua's voice was trembling a little.

Then, she suddenly laughed like crazy.

As the laughter spread, the entire Soul-Calming Tower shook slightly, and the Soul-Calming Bell hanging outside emitted a series of piercing buzzing sounds.

This buzzing sound was so terrifying that it seemed as if even the soul was about to break free from the body.

Gu Yezi and Qi Siyu, who were nearby, fainted immediately, holding their heads because their cultivation was too low.

Drops of blood oozed from their seven orifices.

"Hahaha... It's karma, Zong Jiangran, you have been powerful all your life, but you gave birth to a bunch of idiots. Such a big Zong family has fallen to the point where there is not even a Nascent Soul cultivator. Now it is the cycle of heaven, and the ancestral foundation has been directly razed to the ground. It's a pity that this retribution came a little late, and the Zong family has enjoyed thousands of years of wealth for nothing!"

This laughter was filled with creepy sadness, and at the end, it was full of hatred.

Mo Xun thought to himself that perhaps some of the things Fairy Yuehua had said were not true or false, but this hatred should be true.

Mo Xun wanted to tell him about his disciple Liu Jizi, but he thought better of it.

This place was full of weirdness, and he really didn't want to stay any longer.

When Fairy Yuehua's laughter gradually stopped, Mo Xun said, "Since Fairy has verified the identity, it means that the transaction between you and me is over. I have other things to do, so let's say goodbye."

Mo Xun's cultivation was too low back then, so he had no choice but to sign this agreement, and was forced to swear a heart demon oath.

Now he deliberately described this as a transaction, which was also a clear indication of the current equal status of the two.

Seeing that Mo Xun was about to leave, Fairy Yuehua spoke hurriedly.

"Wait a minute!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Do you have any other instructions, Fairy?"

Fairy Yuehua pondered for a while before speaking.

"If I remember correctly, I still owe you the whereabouts of the Huanyang True Water."

Mo Xun had not forgotten about this matter.

This Huanyang True Water is a rare life-extending divine item in the world. Just one drop can make a person live a hundred years longer.

If it were in the past, Mo Xun might still be tempted.

But now he has a blood dragon fish, which is the Qilin armor obtained in the Tiankui Realm, which also has a similar effect.

Although a blood dragon fish can only extend life by fifty years, it is enough for him.

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