"Haha... Daoyou, what are you talking about!"

A gust of wind suddenly blew, and the door behind Mo Xun slammed shut.

"With Daoyou's cultivation, I won't force you, but since Daoyou knows about this, I'm afraid you can only stay here temporarily. When I find the 24 pure yin bodies, I will let you go."

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun felt his whole body tighten.

The exquisite ring that Mo Xun had just put back into his arms flew out and was directly put on his body.

Mo Xun only felt his feet lighten, as if he had entered some kind of space transmission.

But soon, he fell to the ground again.

It's just that the scene in front of him has changed, as if he is in a completely dark environment.

And around him, there is also a layer of faint formation barrier.

"Fellow Daoist, you have kept your promise and helped me to avenge my father. I am not an ungrateful person. I would like to ask you to stay here for a while. Of course, if you are willing to help me, everything will be fine between us."

Mo Xun really didn't expect that Fairy Yuehua would be more straightforward than him when she took action.

They really didn't agree with each other, and she immediately put on the shackles.

Looking at the exquisite ring that trapped him, Mo Xun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

When he was building his foundation, this magic weapon helped him a lot.

Now, it has become his bondage.

To be honest, he didn't want to care about Fairy Yuehua's desire to coagulate blood and be reborn.

There are more than tens of thousands of injustices in the world, and he can't manage them all.

No matter what, he has indirectly received this person's kindness. If it weren't for the last resort, he didn't want to be an enemy of this woman.

But now, it can only be said that the other party is destroying herself.

Where did a remnant soul that has been suppressed for thousands of years get such confidence?

This incident also told him that things given by others are often not very reliable.

Mo Xun sighed in his heart, and a golden light flashed around him. The exquisite ring suddenly exploded in a slight tremor.

Then, Mo Xun sacrificed the Tongbao gun, and the formation barrier around him was torn apart like paper.

"How is this possible..."

Before the voice of Fairy Yuehua fell in shock, several formation flags in Mo Xun's hand had been scattered.

The darkness in front of him disappeared suddenly, and he returned to the hall.

"I underestimated you. You are still a formation master!"

Mo Xun did not waste any more time talking to her. The Tongbao gun cut through the void and pierced the altar in the distance with a bang.

The altar exploded instantly, and the seven-petal lotus on it also flew up.

The dark green flames on the lotus swayed in the wind and quickly retreated.

"Do you know what you are doing? Although I don't have a physical body, my soul is still not something you can easily..."

Halfway through the words, Fairy Yuehua's voice became terrified.

"Bai Ze... you actually have..."

A white figure flashed out, and pounced on the lotus platform that wanted to escape like a tiger.

The next moment, the little guy opened his bloody mouth, rolled up his long red tongue, and swallowed the entire lotus platform into his stomach with a huge suction force.

The voice of Fairy Yuehua also stopped abruptly.

But perhaps because the altar was destroyed, the whole hall began to tremble violently.

The hundreds of triangular flags above the head moved without wind, emitting waves of uncomfortable soul suppression.

The harsh sound of the soul-suppressing bell also continuously entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

Even though Mo Xun's soul was powerful, he also felt an unspeakable discomfort.

Looking at the female cultivators imprisoned on the wall around, they only had half a breath left. In the sound of the soul-stirring bell, blood kept spurting out of their mouths, and the vitality in their bodies began to wilted rapidly.

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and took back the Tongbao Gun. Then he moved and rushed to the palace door not far away.

When he passed the two women at the door, he grabbed Gu Ye Zi, knocked the palace door open and flew out.

He stopped slowly until he was thousands of feet away.

The devilish sound that interfered with the soul finally died down.

Mo Xun put away the incarnation and Xuantian True Fire hidden in the dark, and turned his head to look at the Soul-Calming Tower in the dark.

The tower was still shaking, and it seemed that the ground under his feet was shaking slightly.

While frowning secretly, he couldn't help thinking that this Soul-Calming Tower might be a treasure of the universe.

I just don't know who left it!

When the tower calms down, if he studies it a little, he might be able to refine it.

But he gave up this idea immediately. Perhaps because of his practice of Taoism, he didn't like this kind of evil thing very much.

He even had a little repulsion!

However, he did not think of destroying this thing. There are many restrictions in the tower. It can stand here for countless years without falling. I think it is not an ordinary thing.

With this thought, Mo Xun did not stay here for long and escaped from Tianxiang Valley directly.

As soon as he left the valley, he first fed Gu Yezi a pill and threw it into the grass, and then returned to Lantian City.

Although this trip experienced some twists and turns, it was generally smooth.

At least it removed a knot in his heart for many years.

This Yuehua Fairy really brought it upon herself. Perhaps the grievances with the Zong family in the past were not as simple as she said.

If the Ascension Order really exists, it is very likely that it was not a sneak attack, but that the Yuehua Fairy was not as skilled as others in the competition with Zong Jiangran, and finally ended up like this.

As for the specific situation, it has nothing to do with him anyway.

After picking up Mo Yichen and his sister in Lantian City, the flying car soared into the sky and headed straight for Xiangguo.

This trip out, in addition to fulfilling the promise made that year, was to solve the Mo family's affairs.

He originally wanted to wait for Mo Yichen to grow up and for the two brothers and sisters to build their foundations, and then they would deal with it personally.

But because he was going to the devil's land next, and might have to face the devil's calamity in twenty years, all this had to be brought forward.

But no matter when, he would always go back.

Otherwise, there would inevitably be an indelible mark on his state of mind.

Bai Ze was still controlling the flying car, and the speed was not fast. Mo Xun wanted to take advantage of this time to read the various books left by the Zong family again.

Until a few days later, Mo Xun in the secret room suddenly had a bright spot in front of his eyes.

In a jade slip, he finally found some clues.

This was a note recorded by a disciple of the Zong family, which mentioned that Zong Jiangran had been in seclusion for 62 years.

During this period, he did not even attend the grand ceremony held by the Zong family once every 100 years.

According to Fairy Yuehua, it took her and Zong Jiangran nearly 60 years to break into the ancient cave.

The time is quite consistent.

Mo Xun continued to search and finally found the three words "Yinjia Mountain" in another record.

There are two records here.

One is that thousands of years ago, the Zong family had collected a large amount of formation materials and the inner elixir of the unicorn beast, as well as a spiritual herb called the saliva star flower. The other is that in the same period of time, two disciples in the middle stage of the Jindan were sent to Yinjia Mountain.

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