Mo Xun put away a few jade slips and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table in front of him.

These few things were the only things that could correspond to what Fairy Yuehua said.

At this moment, the ban outside the secret room was triggered.

"Uncle, we have arrived at Xiaoling Mountain!"

Hearing this extremely familiar name, Mo Xun was a little absent-minded.

When his spiritual sense swept over those mountains and stones, his whole heartstrings seemed to be suddenly plucked by something.

But then, what appeared in front of him was a slightly desolate small mountain village.

Most of the houses in the village have become ruins. Looking around, only a few families are still burning smoke.

This village at the foot of the mountain, which originally had only 20 or 30 households, is now only withered.

"In fact, my brother and I have only come back twice..."

Mo Linger whispered behind him. The two brothers and sisters are actually quite unfamiliar with this place.

Thanks to Mo Xun's gold and silver funding, the Mo family became a local big family more than a hundred years ago.

After that, there were many people who went into business or became officials in the court.

The core of the entire family also moved from Xunyang County to Shengjing, Xiangguo.

Only some side branches and clans remained here.

Looking around, even though everything in the village had changed, Mo Xun could still vaguely remember the location of the ancestral home.

But that place had long been covered by a large area of ​​weeds, leaving only desolation.

Crows flew around Liangyuan at dusk, and only three or two families were left in sight.

The trees in the courtyard didn't know that people had gone, but they still bloomed the old flowers in spring!

On Xiaoling Mountain, Mo Xun waved his hand behind him with a little loneliness.

"You go to the side and wait first, I'll be quiet here!"

Seeing that Mo Ling'er wanted to say something, Mo Yichen hurriedly pulled his sister, and together with Bai Ze, quietly retreated to the foot of the mountain.

This place under his feet, this stone, is where Mo Xun once stopped.

From here, he can just see the gate of his own courtyard.

A breeze blew past, blowing up the hem of his blue shirt.

In a trance, he seemed to see a slightly hunched back, leading a yellow cow along the mountain road, followed by a few young children.

The mother had a basket on her waist, which contained red fruits picked by the family from the mountains.

The younger sister combed two whips, jumping and jumping, and then lying on his shoulders.

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and habitually wanted to touch his sister's head.

But the picture turned and became another scene.

The younger brother had a child, and there were a few more people in the family. The younger sister also put on her wedding dress, and the family finally lived in a house with green bricks and green tiles.

In his ears, he could faintly hear laughter coming from the yard.

Mo Xun slowly put down his arms, and there was not much sadness or joy on his face.

He just stood there quietly, like a stone sculpture.

This stop lasted for three whole days.

He only spent more than a dozen years of his life in this place, which was nothing compared to his long life span.

But roots are roots. No matter how luxuriantly the branches grow, no matter where the seeds drift, they will always occupy an important position in the heart.

This is a heart calamity, and probably also a part of the heart of Tao.

Leaning over and looking at the stone under his feet that had been eroded by rain and was full of pits, Mo Xun sighed in his heart and turned away.


The brother and sister hurriedly came to meet him. A few days of meditation was just a few weeks for a cultivator.

Mo Xun let out a long breath.

"Let's go to the ancestral tomb!"

No one takes care of the place where the living live, let alone the abandoned cemetery.

Fortunately, the Mo family became rich in my generation, and the tall tombstone erected many years ago was the first in the village.

So it didn't take much time to find it.

Mo Xun stayed here for another half a day, pulling out the weeds in front of his parents' and younger brother's graves one by one, and re-carved the inscriptions.

When he saw the tombstone next to him where he could vaguely recognize his name, Mo Xun stood for a long time.

His thoughts seemed to be pulled back to more than two hundred years ago.

It was hard to imagine what kind of pain his parents felt when they erected a monument for him.

"Uncle, where are we going next?"

Mo Xun did not use the flying car this time, but rolled up his sleeves, and the few people disappeared immediately.

Xiangguo was not within the sphere of influence of the five countries in southern Xinjiang. This place was a veritable mortal country. Even though there were mountains and rivers, there were few spiritual veins, which made the spiritual energy of heaven and earth extremely thin.

Perhaps it was because of this that this place had more fireworks.

Returning to Xunyang County again, Mo Xun's heart was much calmer.

The prosperous county city of the past was still bustling with people.

"Uncle, there are still members of our Mo family in the city, but there should only be some distant collateral branches left. Do you want to contact them?"

This time, it was Mo Yichen who spoke.

Xunyang County was the place where the Mo family made their fortune, and it was originally garrisoned by direct relatives.

But after the Mo family was suddenly hit by a disaster, many people were implicated.

Either they were implicated and imprisoned, or they hid under a false name.

When the two siblings left Shengjing, almost all the direct descendants of the Mo family were wanted.

"Let's go in and take a look first!"

In fact, for Mo Xun, it doesn't matter whether they are collateral or direct descendants.

The entire Mo family began to multiply on a large scale, mostly starting from the younger brother's generation.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the original appearance of the city has changed dramatically.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the people who are still struggling for their livelihoods.

Mo Xun followed the direction in his memory and soon found the original Baicaotang.

However, this place has long been renovated, and it is unknown who has become the private residence of the owner.

The world has changed, and I am afraid that only dead things are eternal.

And the people who once owned this place have all become passers-by with the passage of time.

Mo Xun wanted to find the familiar feeling of the past from the spacious house, but there were only scenes of the past flashing in his mind.

A luxurious carriage creaked and stopped suddenly.

Then, a middle-aged woman in her thirties got off the carriage.

The woman was dignified and elegant, wearing silk and satin, and had a graceful aura.

Behind the woman, there was a boy of eleven or twelve years old, who looked sick and obviously had a serious illness.

The boy was supported by a maid who was a little older than him and got off the carriage weakly.

The woman first glanced at the grand gate of the house, and when she saw Mo Xun and his group on the side of the road, she nodded and smiled.

Mo Xun also nodded politely, but the woman hesitated for a moment and then walked over and bowed to Mo Xun, who was in the lead.

"Hello, sir. Are you here to see Dr. Wen like me?"

The plaque on the house read "Wen Mansion", which was obviously the surname of the owner of this family.

Mo Xun smiled and bowed.

"Madam, you are too polite. We are just passing by. From what you said, there is a doctor in this family?"

The woman looked a little surprised.

"Has sir never heard of Dr. Wen's name? Or is he not from this county?"

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