Everyone was immediately frightened. After being stunned for a moment, they seemed about to rush forward with bare hands.

The old man on the ground suddenly spoke.

"Everyone stop it!"

With the order, the place suddenly became quiet.

The old man's heart at this moment was in a state of turmoil.

He saw clearly what he had done just now.

The young man just sat upright on the chair and didn't make a move at all. He was able to bounce him away just by his momentum.

The weirdest thing is the weapons inserted several inches into the stone slab for no reason.

What method is this?

He was sure that even if he cultivated his inner strength to a higher level, he would still not be able to do it.

A thought immediately flashed in his mind, this person is an immortal cultivator!

Only those who are cultivators of immortality can possess such unpredictable abilities.

Thinking of this, Ma Laosan's heart sank.

In recent years, the Golden Arrow Sect has expanded its territory in various places, and has offended many people.

Could it be that the enemy invited a Taoist cultivator to come and take revenge?

Ma Laosan forced himself to calm down and raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. Fortunately, the other party should be merciful, otherwise the blow just now could kill him.

"Ma Antong of the Golden Arrow Sect, I have met the immortal master!" As he spoke, Ma Antong knelt down on one knee.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and didn't agree, but he didn't deny it either.

This person is also a person with a lively mind.

Although there are no Taoists in Xiang Kingdom, the existence of immortal cultivators in the world is not a big secret.

When the others heard the word "immortal master", their hearts trembled at the same time. At the same time, they were at a loss and could only stay in place and dare not move rashly.

As for what these people were thinking, Mo Xun didn't care. He said straight to the point: "More than two hundred years ago, there was a sect master named Ye from the Golden Arrow Sect. His name is Ye Xiaotian. I give you three days to find out this." Whether there are any descendants left, I will wait here.”

Ma Antong frowned at first. Mo Xun's words were obviously not within the scope of his guess.

He had thought that the other party might be looking for someone, but he didn't expect that the person he was looking for was actually a person from more than two hundred years ago.

It's easy to say this is simple.

There is a first name and a last name, so just check it based on the last name.

But after so many years, who knows if the Ye Clan leader has any descendants.

Even if there is, it is very likely that he is no longer at the Golden Arrow Gate, or even left Xunyang County.

Although he thought so in his heart, Ma Antong did not dare to refuse.

"Don't worry, Immortal Master, the villain will do his best to search for you."

"Well, there's one more thing...forget it, don't let the news of my coming here leak out."

After Ma Antong left, Mo Xun quietly sat on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

He originally wanted this person to help find the whereabouts of his little sister's descendants, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

To investigate a mountain woman who was married more than two hundred years ago is not something that a small secular sect can do.

Maybe if one thing is not done well, it will lead to other disasters.

Mo Yichen seemed to see what he was thinking, and whispered from the side: "Uncle, are you thinking about your great-aunt?"

Mo Xun turned his head and looked at his junior. In terms of intelligence and agility, he was really rare.

"Do you have any idea?"

Mo Yichen nodded thoughtfully.

"After the Mo family moved to the capital, there are still many branches of the same clan here. Although they have not had contact with each other for many years, if you investigate carefully, you may not be able to find a clue."

"Oh! Go ahead, if you can't do anything, forget it!"

Looking at Mo Yichen's leaving figure, Mo Xun felt helpless.

Although he now has some magical powers and can easily fly to the sky and escape from the earth, he is still powerless in many things.

As a woman, my younger sister naturally took on another surname after she got married.

Even if that family has a genealogy handed down from generation to generation, where can they find it?

Besides, it’s been more than two hundred years, so how can I still have any clues?

Immortals are not omnipotent!

Two days passed by in a hurry, not to mention, Ma Antong really brought him good news.

"Master Immortal, this man's name is Ye Erlang, and he is a blacksmith in this county. According to his account, someone in our ancestors did once serve as the master of the Golden Arrow Sect, but since there is no genealogy to prove it, I cannot guarantee whether it is true or not."

The person Ma Antong brought here was a middle-aged man in his forties.

The skin is dark and red, and the fingers are rough. It looks like he has been around charcoal fire all year round.

Ye Erlang followed carefully, as if it was his first time seeing such a scene, and he looked a little nervous.

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

"Are you from Queen Ye Xiaotian?"

Ye Erlang stammered and said: "Little man... I only... I only know that my ancestor was the master of the Golden Arrow Sect, but... I don't know if it is what the young master said about Ye. .....Ye Xiaotian.”

Mo Xun felt disappointed.

If this person is not lying, the other party is probably after Ye Xiaotian, but it may not be the person he is looking for.

Since the Mo family can breed many branches, Ye Xiaotian must also have many descendants.

However, with the attitude of giving it a try, Mo Xun still asked: "Did your ancestors leave any legacy or treasures to pass down to the world?"

Ye Erlang asked this question.

If there really was a treasure, how could he still forge iron under the scorching sun?


Seeing the trembling look of the middle-aged man, Mo Xun gave up the idea of ​​continuing to search and immediately waved his hand.

"Forget it, go down!"

He had asked Ye Xiaotian to do a few things in the past, and now he was passing by here just to see the results.

These things, now thinking about it, are not important.

One is to find the whereabouts of Su Yunshang, which he already knows, and the second is to investigate the blood soul that destroyed the Su family.

He only knows that this person is from the Tuoluo Sect, and nothing else is known.

But this matter is fine, just go to this sect after entering the magic land.

Ma Antong was a little disappointed.

In the past few days with Mo Xun, he found that this immortal master was a very easy-to-talk temperament.

If the job is done well, it may become an opportunity for him.

But now it seems that it will be in vain.

Ye Erlang suddenly thought of something when he turned around, and said uncertainly: "I remember... there is a lacquered wooden box in my second uncle's house, well... it seems to be a few years old, I don't know if it is... what the young master is looking for."

Without waiting for Mo Xun to speak, Ma Antong hurriedly clasped his fists.

"Sir, wait a moment. I'll get the box right away."

Mo Xun was about to wave his hand and say forget it, but seeing that Mo Yichen hadn't come back yet, he ordered, "If they agree, bring it to me, but remember one thing, don't use your power of the Golden Arrow Sect to force it."

"I understand!"

In less than half an hour, a mottled wooden box was placed in front of Mo Xun.

After opening it, there was only a yellowed blank sheepskin inside.

Mo Xun picked up the sheepskin, looked around, and suddenly his heart moved. A ball of flame condensed in his palm and slowly brushed across the surface of the sheepskin.

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