Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1014 He Family Descendants

Immediately afterwards, words as big as tadpoles slowly appeared on the sheepskin.

Dantian Qi is sufficient, and supervision and appointment can go hand in hand.

Prevent danger and worry about danger, and follow the pulse to move smoothly.


For a moment, Mo Xun had a ridiculous feeling.

This is actually the middle chapter of "The Art of Fire".

Looking at the densely packed vertical text in his hand, Mo Xun felt dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that what he couldn't get back then would actually appear here.

This is can he describe it?

Back then, he was able to successfully build the foundation thanks to the first chapter. Later, he finally managed to buy the second chapter at an auction at a risk, but it was missing the middle part, which caused him to have to modify the technique later.

What's the use of finding this thing now?

So when it comes to things like chance, it’s really hard to say.

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and put the sheepskin back.

Now that I have found this last fragment, I have to ask about the story behind it.

"Master Mamen, go and call the owner of this thing."

Following Mo Xun's instructions, an old man in his sixties was soon brought in.

The old man's name is Ye Kun, and he is somewhat similar to Ye Erlang.

Judging from his attire, he must be someone who has been working hard all year round.

Probably because he had never seen such a scene and he didn't know what happened, as soon as the old man came in, he knelt down with a frightened sound.

"I have met a few old men. The young man is a good citizen. He has worked hard all his life and has never done anything harmful to nature!"

This posture looks like someone coming to court.

Mo Xun smiled and helped the old man up.

"Don't worry, old man. I asked you to come over. I just have a few questions to ask."

Most of these people are old farmers who have been farming for half their lives. Although they have moved into the city, they still maintain their pure and good nature.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Mo Xun couldn't help but think of his grandfather.

He was originally a farmer, and he had always been a loner, so he had always been relatively indifferent to class concepts.

So it was not a joke to see this person like this.

The old man stood there with his back bent, not knowing where to put his hands.

Mo Xun pointed at the wooden box on the table.

"I heard from my nephew that this thing was passed down from your ancestors of the Ye family?"

Ye Kun first glanced at Ye Erlang next to him, and he didn't know whether it was anger or resentment in his eyes.

He probably guessed what his nephew might have done and then sold him.

"Young Master Mingjian, although this item came from the old man's house, it is not an ancestral inheritance of my Ye family, but a dowry item from my wife in the early years."

Mo Xun quickly asked: "What is your maiden name, Madam Ling?"

In an instant, Mo Xun suddenly became short of breath.

This incident had almost been lost in his memory, and he never thought he would encounter it again here.

The aura that Mo Xun unconsciously exuded immediately made Ye Kun feel a pressure, and his body started to tremble.

Even Ma Antong seemed to be imprisoned in place by some kind of aura.

The entire hall fell into deathly silence.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on everyone's body.

Probably realizing his gaffe, Mo Xun raised his hand and waved, and the pressure disappeared immediately.

"Don't panic, old man, it's just the truth!"

Ye Kun calmed himself down secretly. If he hadn't had decades of life experience, he might have been so frightened by the momentum just now that he collapsed to the ground.

He swallowed.

"I don't dare to deceive the eldest master. This lady's surname is He!"

Looking at the old face in front of him, after a long time, Mo Xuncai let out a heavy breath.


Hearing these two incomprehensible words, everyone's faces were blank, but no one dared to ask.

Mo Xun suddenly raised his hand.

"Can the old man invite Madam Ling here? I have a few words to ask."

Ye Kun looked at Ma Antong at a loss, and then at his nephew who was shrinking his neck behind him.


Just as Ma Antong was about to speak, Mo Xun waved his hand.

"Old man, please rest assured. I have no ill intentions towards you. It's just that I was confused by some secular connections back then."

After lighting the incense, an old woman walked in weakly with the support of a delicate girl.

The old woman's response to this situation was obviously better than Ye Kun's.

Although there was confusion in his eyes, he didn't look too panicked.

Not to mention, sometimes women can indeed withstand storms better than men.

Mo Xun signaled and moved a chair for Ye Kun and the old woman.

"I don't know what to call it?"

The old woman bowed quickly.

"Ye He's beloved daughter has met this young master!"


Mo Xun recited the name silently, then opened his palm and took out half of the jade pendant that he had already taken out.

This jade pendant is all milky white, like half of a butterfly.

Although the workmanship can be said to be exquisite, it is not made of precious materials, and there is no slight fluctuation of spiritual energy. It is obviously just a common thing.

The moment the jade pendant was taken out, the old woman and Ye Kun's eyes were fixed.

"My can your lord possess this?"

Mo Xun sighed with sadness in his heart. Seeing the expressions of the two people, he was probably convinced of his previous judgment.

The old woman in front of me must be a descendant of Mr. He.

I never thought that one day I would be able to continue this secular relationship.

It’s just that this cause and effect came a little late.

Although Mr. He was not his enlightenment to the immortal way, let alone a master, it was precisely because of the things left behind that helped him embark on the path of cultivating immortals.

This friendship can already be regarded as a favor of teaching.

“Among the old man’s heirlooms, is the other half of the jade disc?”

After a long time, the old woman nodded in disbelief.

“Could it be that the young master had a relationship with my He family’s ancestors?”

Mo Xun nodded gently.

“Ah! I guess so!”

He gently stroked the milky white jade pendant in his hand, and his thoughts seemed to have returned to the Xiaoling Mountain of the past.

And the fire in the night sky.

Mr. He taught him to read, taught him all kinds of martial arts, taught him herbal medicine, and made him understand that he should not have the truth of life at that age.

In the few years they spent together, he wielded a hatchet every day.

At that time, his only wish was to be able to walk out of the mountains with his limited knowledge and see the vast world outside.

He finally achieved it!

But he also lost a lot.

After successfully building the foundation, he wanted to visit Mr. He, but fate played tricks on him and he didn't make the trip.

When he returned to his hometown, he was already separated from him forever.

"Does the He family have a genealogy left, or is the ancestral temple still in existence?"

If it were more than two hundred years ago, Mo Xun might still be puzzled by Mr. He's sudden departure, but now, there is no need to explore the truth.

Things have changed, he just wanted to burn incense.

But after seeing the old woman shaking her head, he could only sigh.

Let me explain the reasons for the recent suspension of updates. There are two main reasons.

One is the fatigue period. The story has been written for two years, but because I can't see when it will end, it feels like there is no end.

This mentality has been adjusted, and I will slowly make up for it in the future. I apologize to my friends who support me.

The second reason is that I read a book recently and I couldn’t accept the heavy ending. I was upset.

Keep working hard!

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