Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1016 Yellow-robed Taoist

"Father, you are worried about state affairs, you should pay more attention to rest!"

Xuanyuan Hong took a pill and swallowed it, and his pale face immediately became more lively.

It seems that this so-called "blood coagulation pill" should be a medicine for replenishing qi.

"Since the emperor is here, take a look at this memorial!"

Xuanyuan Lin took the memorial from his father's hand, glanced at it briefly, and his brows immediately became solemn.

In the memorial, it was indeed a letter from the country.

And it was asking for the cession of border territory!

"Father, this..."

Xuanyuan Hong sighed lightly.

"Alas! Tianchi Kingdom has become more and more rampant in recent years. If it weren't for the help of Taixuan Zhenren, the border would have been a war cloud long ago."

Xuanyuan Lin pondered and said, "Why don't we ask Master to come and discuss this matter?"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong wind blew outside the door.

This wind came suddenly, like a thunderbolt in a clear sky, blowing Xuanyuan father and son to close their eyes.

When the wind died down, several figures appeared in the huge palace.

Although Xuanyuan Lin was a cultivator, and his cultivation had reached the foundation building stage, he still took several steps back under this strong wind.

When he opened his eyes, his expression suddenly changed.

"Who are you?"

These people who suddenly appeared were naturally Mo Xun.

Since the Mo family was wiped out in the court, the fastest way was to find the emperor directly to solve it.

Mo Xun glanced at the father and son lightly, and his eyes finally fell on Xuanyuan Hong.

"Are you the king?"

Xuanyuan Hong was attracted by the sharp eyes, and the power of the emperor was lost by half.

The palace was heavily guarded, and there were countless guards.

But the other party could appear in front of him unknowingly, which was obviously not an ordinary person.

When he thought of this, Xuanyuan Hong immediately had a bad premonition in his heart.

Fortunately, he had been the king for decades, so he was able to remain calm in times of danger.

"Come here, protect the emperor!"

Then, a dozen guards with swords rushed in from outside the palace gate.

"Who dares to trespass into the palace!"

With a stern shout, a dozen shining swords surrounded Mo Xun and his companions.

Xuanyuan Hong saw this and felt relieved.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

There was no swordplay as he imagined, and no one even took action. Mo Xun walked out of the encirclement slowly.

There was no sign of joy or sorrow on his face.

The others stood still.

It was as if they were cast under a spell of immobilization!

Xuanyuan Lin was also shocked, but perhaps because he had not practiced for a long time, he could not distinguish Mo Xun's aura and cultivation. As soon as he moved his feet, he attacked with a palm wind.

Mo Xun turned his eyes, and with just one glance, under the pressure of the Nascent Soul, the opponent flew backwards and hit the beam and pillar of the wall with dragons and paintings behind him, coughing up blood in the air.


Xuanyuan Hong suddenly stood up from the dragon throne.

If he still didn't know who was coming at this moment, the past fifty or sixty years would be in vain.

"Are you a cultivator?"

Mo Xun waved his sleeves, and the wind swept over. Before Xuanyuan Hong could react, he felt dizzy.

When his vision became clear again, he was surprised to find that he was actually brought to the hall by the wind just now.

And the young man was on the dragon throne.

This displacement happened in the blink of an eye.

Xuanyuan Lin, who fell to the ground, realized the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

Enduring the blood boiling in his chest, he hurriedly threw a sound transmission talisman in his hand.

Mo Xun saw it in his eyes, but did not stop it.

Xuanyuan Hong's heart was already in turmoil. This method was almost as good as that of the imperial master Taixuan Zhenren, whom he had just accepted.

"Who are you and why did you come to my palace?"

Mo Xun sat on the dragon throne with a big horse and a golden sword, without any awareness of occupying the magpie's nest, and raised his hand and pointed.

"Is this person the enemy you are talking about?"

Mo Yichen stood up quickly.

"Replying to my uncle, although it was not this person who framed my Mo family, the arrest edict was issued by the old thief Xuanyuan."

This hatred has passed for several years, but after entering the palace, the Mo brothers and sisters still couldn't hide their anger.

Mo family?

Xuanyuan Hong frowned, and then his eyes fell on the Mo brothers and sisters.

"Mo family, which Mo family?"

Mo Yichen sneered and walked up slowly.

"Xuanyuan old thief, your memory is really short. Have you forgotten my Xunyang Mo family so quickly?"

Xuanyuan Hong's eyes suddenly widened, and his face showed disbelief.

"Mo Xian? Are you Mo Xian's son?"

"Hmph! I finally remembered that all 237 members of my Mo family in Beijing, from women and children to parents, were imprisoned because of your edict, and their lives are unknown. Today, I will take your life!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Yichen had a long sword in his hand, stabbing Xuanyuan Hong's chest.

Xuanyuan Lin on the side was shocked.


But he said this a little too late.

But at this moment, a cold rebuke suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Ignorant child, I don't know where you learned Taoism for a few days, and you dare to come to my Taoist temple to act wild."

Following closely, there was a strong gale.

The gale carried a ray of spiritual sword light, and with a clang, the long sword in Mo Yichen's hand broke.

The suffocating air wave even hit Mo Yichen.

However, although this air wave was strong, it was blocked by a layer of flowing light, like a wave hitting a reef, and it scattered in an instant.

When Mo Yichen's face changed drastically, he thought that even if he didn't die this time, he would probably be seriously injured.

Because this momentum was at least the pressure of a Jindan cultivator.

But in the end, he didn't even shake his body.

With a light "eh", a figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

This person was wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand. He looked to be in his fifties or sixties, with half black and half white hair, and a flowing spirit on his body, quite like an immortal.

"You actually blocked my attack!"

Mo Linger hurriedly ran up to him, with a look of panic on her face.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Mo Yichen shook his head and took two steps back with lingering fear.

At that moment just now, he personally experienced the crisis of death.

The Taoist in yellow robe was briefly surprised and looked at the young man on the dragon throne.

He naturally noticed Mo Xun's existence at the first time, but the spiritual energy fluctuations on the other party were weak, so he instinctively thought that he was just a person with shallow cultivation.

As for the ray of light that blocked him just now, it might just be a powerful protective treasure.

"Master, you are finally here!"

Seeing the Taoist in yellow robe, Xuanyuan Lin was overjoyed, struggled to get up from the ground, and staggered to the front.

"Master, these people are the remnants of the Mo family."

"Mo family?"

The Taoist in yellow robe narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked his beard, and re-examined the Mo brothers and sisters, as well as Mo Xun who was still sitting on the dragon throne.

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