Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1017 Kuang Guangling

He always felt that the guy on the dragon throne was the most dangerous.

But there was no trace of sophistication on the other person.

However, judging from Xuanyuan Lin's injuries, this person was not as simple as he seemed.

The yellow-robed Taoist retracted his gaze and looked at Mo Yichen with a raised eyebrow.

"So you are the two people who escaped from the Mo family! Judging from your appearance, you must have got some opportunities outside, but with this little cultivation..."

The yellow-robed Taoist once again released his magical pressure. Although he was facing Mo Yichen on the surface, he was secretly paying attention to Mo Xun.

But his pressure, the moment it touched Mo Xun, was like a drop in the ocean, and it dissipated directly.

The yellow-robed Taoist was shocked, but soon calmed down.

There were two reasons why he could not see the depth of others.

Either the other party's realm was much higher than his, or he had some treasures that concealed his cultivation.

But in his opinion, the latter should be more likely.

After all, who would come to such a remote place with almost no spiritual energy?

If he hadn't been injured and was hiding from his enemies, he would have left this place long ago.

But soon, he thought of something.

The demise of the Mo family was somewhat related to him.

A few years ago, I don't know where Xuanyuan Lin heard about it, saying that there was an immortal in the ancestors of the Mo family.

He knew that the so-called immortal was probably a cultivator like him.

The cultivator had returned home more than two hundred years ago and left some strange things.

These things could only be related to cultivation.

Out of curiosity, he ordered people to go to the door to ask for them to see.

Unexpectedly, the head of the Mo family not only refused, but also had a conflict with the people he sent.

At that time, he probably heard a few words of slander from the people he sent, and in a fit of anger, he asked Xuanyuan Lin to find a reason to punish the Mo family.

The Mo family moved to the capital for a hundred years, and they have been officials for several generations.

It is definitely impossible to say that they have a clean past.

Not long after, Xuanyuan Lin collected a lot of evidence of crimes involving the Mo family in the court, and then he closed the Mo family.

As for the things left by the ancestors of the Mo family, he did not really care at that time.

Because according to the results of the investigation, the ancestor of the Mo family was less than 30 years old when he returned home.

What good things can such a young cultivator leave behind?

When he thought of this, the attention of the yellow-robed Taoist was completely focused on Mo Xun.

"If I am not wrong, you are the ancestor of the Mo family, right?"

The yellow-robed Taoist was 90% sure that he was right.

At the same time, his heart was slightly relieved.

This person has been away from home for less than 300 years. Even if his cultivation is high, how far can he reach?

And he entered the middle stage of Jindan nearly a hundred years ago. The opponent's strength is about the same as his at best.

However, even so, the Taoist in yellow robe still restrained his previous arrogant attitude.

"My Taoist name is Taixuan, what do you call me?"

Mo Xun looked at the audience coldly, and suddenly felt bored.

Since leaving Xunyang County, he has been in a bad mood.

Even if there are more descendants of the Mo family here, they have little to do with him after all.

If possible, he would rather stay in front of his parents' graves for a while, rather than wasting time on such unimportant things.

He made a great determination to come back this time.

People always become more and more contradictory as they get older. They want to see some of the past in their hearts, but they are afraid of being touched by the scene.

It's not that I'm afraid of affecting my Taoist heart, but I just don't like my current state.

This road is his choice, even if there are many regrets, he can only go on firmly.

Mo Xun took a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly became unusually sharp.

He has been delayed in this place for too long!

As the whole hall was filled with a monstrous pressure.

The Taoist in yellow robe was thinking about the gap between himself and the other party, and suddenly he felt his whole body tighten.

It was as if the surrounding space was squeezed by an invisible force.

Then the whole person seemed to fall into the swamp mud.

"Nascent Soul Spirit Realm!"

In an instant, the Taoist in yellow robe understood what was going on, and his face was extremely shocked.

He never thought that a Nascent Soul cultivator would actually descend in such a place where even Qi Refiners were unwilling to come.

He hurriedly circulated his magic power frantically, and at the first moment, he burned his blood essence very simply.

He knew very well that under the confinement of the Nascent Soul cultivator, let alone that he was only in the middle stage of the Core Formation, even if he was at the peak, he would have no room to fight back.

But before he could get rid of the restraints, a figure came to him like lightning.

Mo Xun pointed out with one finger, seemingly slowly, but in the eyes of the Taoist in yellow robe, it was like a crisp talisman.

"Wait a minute, senior!"

Mo Xun was indifferent, and several silver lights shot out, directly sealing the cultivation of the yellow-robed Taoist.

"I'll give you ten breaths, you'd better speak faster."

The yellow-robed Taoist felt the magic power around him stagnate, his pupils shrank instantly, and cold sweat flowed down his temples unconsciously.

This kind of method is definitely a Yuanying cultivator.

But now is not the time for him to think about these things.

"The junior Kuang Dongling was born in Haotian Daowu, but because he accidentally killed a fellow disciple in his early years, he was expelled from Haotian Holy Land. He has been wandering outside as a casual cultivator in these years. Ten years ago, he offended the Xuanguo Bai family and temporarily lived in Haotian Holy Land. In this regard, as for the grudge with the Mo family, it was also caused by a misunderstanding. In this matter, the junior is indeed at fault. He should not own the treasures of the senior family, but please be patient. Although the Mo family was originally because of the junior He was injured, but the younger generation did not harm anyone. Except for those who were sent to the army, the remaining members of the Mo family are currently in prison. "

Kuang Guangling is also a smart man. At this juncture, he knows exactly what should be said and what should not be said.

Just kidding, in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator, how different can he be from a mortal?

He doesn't have to do anything. Just release the Nascent Soul Spirit Realm, and he won't even have a chance to escape.

Regarding the fate of the Mo clan members, Mo Xun was surprised.

I had never asked Mo Yichen before, and I thought that everyone in the Mo family had been killed.

The next moment, Mo Ling'er suddenly jumped out with anger on his face.

"Nonsense. Although you didn't kill anyone directly, I don't know how many members of my Mo family died at your hands. Of those who were sent to the army, less than 30% survived. Women were even sold into brothels. Many people Because they could not bear the humiliation, they died on the same day and were imprisoned on death row. I don’t know how many people are left at the moment. In addition, you colluded with the royal family to issue a hunt order against my relatives from far and near the Mo family. Such a bloody death The facts don’t allow you to quibble!”

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