These people followed the Mo brothers and sisters and soon came to the foot of the mountain, and then stopped.

As Mo Xun walked around, Mo Yichen already understood his uncle's temper.

This ancestor of his family hated crowds and noise the most.

After discussing with his sister, he took an old man with white hair and beard to walk up the hill.

The old man was really old, and perhaps because of the long-term imprisonment, he was so thin that only skin and bones were left.

He was wearing a linen prison uniform, stained with blood and filth.

The fluffy and messy white hair on his head looked more vicissitudes in the breeze.

When the skinny old man walked to the pavilion, his steps slowed down.

Looking at the simple young man in the pavilion, the old man was a little at a loss for a moment, and cast an inquiring look at the Mo brothers and sisters on both sides.

Mo Yichen obviously had not revealed Mo Xun's identity yet.

"Chen'er, who is this?"

The old man's face was full of confusion for this young man who suddenly appeared.

Perhaps because of his old age, his eyes were a little cloudy, and his long years in prison also made him mentally depressed.

Since he was rescued, the old man has been in a daze.

Until now, he still couldn't believe that he was rescued.

Mo Yichen didn't answer the old man's words, but bowed to Mo Xun.

"Uncle, this is the oldest steward in my Mo family, and also the third uncle of me and Ling'er."

Mo Xun slowly stood up and threw out a porcelain bottle.

"Let him take this first, and then talk to me."

After Mo Xun said this, he turned and left the pavilion.

The old man was even more confused by this scene.

"Chen'er, what's going on?"

Then, Mo Yichen told the story of his and his sister's experience after leaving Shengjing, as well as Mo Xun's identity, from beginning to end.

When he heard that Mo Xun was the ancestor of the Mo family who left to pursue the great way, the old man was stunned.

It's no wonder that the old man was shocked. If it were anyone else, it would be difficult to accept it for a while.

The ancestor who had been missing for more than 200 years reappeared, and looked so young, how could it be explained with an incredible word?

But the fact is just like this!

In the mouths of the Mo brothers and sisters, Mo Xun has long been an immortal.

His magical powers are even more unfathomable.

If he was not the ancestor of the Mo family, why would the other party take such care of the Mo brothers and sisters, and even kill the monarch of Xiangguo to save the descendants of the Mo family?

After taking a pill, the old man's gray and old cheeks instantly became more bloody.

The hidden disease in the body seemed to be cured in an instant, and the whole person's spirit seemed to be ten years younger.

Facing such an elixir, how could the old man have any doubts!

He hurriedly took a few steps, came to Mo Xun's side, and knelt down with a plop.

"I am the unworthy descendant Mo Junting, I meet the ancestor!"

After calming down a little, Mo Xun looked at his younger brother, who was separated from him by who knows how many generations.

"You get up first!"

The Mo family children at the foot of the mountain in the distance saw this scene and suddenly became agitated because they didn't know why.

These people either just came out of prison or were sold as slaves.

Many people have guessed that the young man in front of the pavilion is most likely their savior.

But they never thought that Mo Junting, the oldest in the family, would do such a great gift.

But this is reasonable. If you are reborn as a parent, you should kowtow and kneel down to save your life.

On the hillside, the old man did not get up, but suddenly cried out in excitement.

"The younger generation is incompetent. Not only did they fail to take good care of their relatives, but they also caused the Mo family to be slaughtered. Instead, they troubled their uncle to show up and rescue them. They have no face to face their uncle."

Looking at the younger generation in front of him who was about to bury his head in the soil, Mo Xun couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, get up, I have something to ask you!"

Mo Yichen had some understanding of Mo Xun's temper, and immediately went to help Mo Junting.

"Third uncle, let's listen to what the uncle has to say first!"

Mo Junting stood up with tears in his eyes, and his heart was in a trance.

This situation was really beyond his expectations.

The ancestor had once produced a Taoist immortal, which was not a big secret in the Mo family.

But it was just a legend after all, and no one knew whether it was true or not.

After all, many years have passed, and the ancestor has never appeared again.

In the eyes of many people, even if this happened, the ancestor might have long been dead.

"How many generations of Mo Yi are you, and is there any family tree left now?"

Mo Yi was the name of the younger brother at that time.

Every time he thought of the little guy who always followed him with a runny nose, Mo Xun's mouth corners would unconsciously rise slightly.

When I left home, I was less than ten years old.

When he came back after building his foundation, his younger brother had married and had children.

Fortunately, he had this younger brother, so he could pursue the great Dao without any scruples.

But this would make it difficult for his younger brother, and the responsibility of his parents would all fall on his younger brother.

When he thought of this, Mo Xun's eyes became a little blurry.

It's not tears!

Since he started practicing martial arts with Mr. He, he has not cried again.

It's just that the scenes in the past gradually appeared in front of him like a passing scene.

From the perspective of human relations, he was unfilial, and he didn't even know when his parents died.

Hearing the name Mo Yi, the last bit of doubt in Mo Junting's heart was finally completely relieved.

If it weren't for the ancestors of the Mo family, how could they know the ancestors of their lineage?

"Replying to my uncle, Jun Ting is the thirteenth generation descendant of Mo Yi's ancestor. As for the family tree... Alas! It was destroyed in the incident a few years ago!"

Mo Junting sighed in bewilderment.

"Then do you know how old Mo Yi was when he died?"

"Ancestor Mo Yi was considered to be the oldest among my Mo family ancestors. He was eighty-two when he passed away!"

Mo Xun nodded with relief.

This age is indeed rare among mortals.

I think this matter is also related to some elixirs he left behind.

"By the way, when did you leave Xunyang County?"

Mo Junting thought about it, then bowed and replied: "It was about the time of the seventh generation of Mo's ancestor."

As if he was afraid that Mo Xun would think that the descendants of the Mo family had forgotten their roots, Mo Junting added another sentence.

"Although we left our hometown, there are still people stationed in the old house. Every ten years, the head of the family will bring the clan members to the old ancestral temple to worship their ancestors. If there hadn't been this incident, there should still be many members of the Mo family's side clan in Xunyang County."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. Seeing that Mo Junting always bowed his head and was respectful, he smiled and said, "Don't be so reserved. After all, you and I are from the same lineage. I have been away from home for many years, but I have some concerns that I need to ask... By the way, after you moved the ancestral temple here, did you leave any old things from that year?"

With Mo Xun's personality, it is reasonable that he would not ask such a question.

But it was a rare trip back, and he still felt a little reluctant in his heart, wanting to find the long-lost memories.

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