Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1020 Intimidation

Mo Junting shook his head and sighed, then knelt down again.

"The younger generation is incompetent, I hope my uncle will punish me!"

Mo Xun knew clearly that after the family catastrophe, it was extremely rare for so many people in the Mo family to survive, so how could there be anything else left behind!

For him, it was just a matter of borrowing something to commemorate.

"With your seniority, you are now considered the head of the Mo family. What are your plans next?"

Mo Junting quickly replied: "Please give me some instructions from my uncle!"

Mo Xun shook his head.

"I am already a foreigner. Although I am related to the Mo family by blood, time has passed. This should be the last time I see you."


Mo Junting asked in surprise: "Is my uncle going to leave like this again?"

Mo Xun glanced at him indifferently and said indifferently: "You don't need to reveal the rest of your thoughts. Even though I am not in the Mo family, I have Mo Yichen and my brother and sister to practice Taoism with me. When I succeed in my art, they will not treat me badly." Mo family.”

Mo Junting opened his mouth in shame.

As Mo Xun said, he did have some thoughts.

Just imagine that with such an immortal ancestor sitting in charge, will the Mo family be able to develop in the future?

"Uncle, it has been more than two hundred years since you left. The Mo family has developed to this day precisely because of the money you left behind. How can the descendants of the future generation fail to fulfill their filial piety. I hope that my uncle can temporarily stay in the family for a period of time so that the descendants can continue to live in the family. Be filial."

Mo Xun waved his hand.

"I've said it before, you don't have to do this. Regarding my identity, remember not to leak it out. Even if you are a member of the same clan, you don't need to tell me. You can't act under my banner in the future. It's not that I'm ruthless, but The world is dangerous, and maybe one day my enemies in the world of immortality will come to your door, which will only do you more harm than good. "

As he spoke, Mo Xun brushed his robe sleeves, and several porcelain bottles floated in front of him.

"These are some elementary elixirs. Although they cannot be of great help to you, they can still strengthen your body and prolong your life. I will leave other things for Mo Yichen. If other children of the Mo family have the opportunity in the future, It will come in handy."

Hearing this, Mo Junting couldn't hide his disappointment.

"If that's the case, can you please allow Jun Ting to select some descendants from your relatives to serve your uncle to show your descendants' filial piety!"

"Need not!"

Mo Xun answered simply.

"You need to know that the Mo family's disaster this time is because you leaked what happened to me back then, which led to the catastrophe of annihilation. As the head of the family, you should fulfill your obligation to restrain the clan members. Do you know the importance of this?"

Mo Junting nodded quickly.

"The descendants know!"

Mo Xun looked into the distance and sighed, thinking in his mind.

There is no country in the world that lasts forever, and no family that lasts forever. How long the Mo family can last depends on fate.

This is probably all he can do.

"One more thing..."

At this point, Mo Xun suddenly fell silent.

After a long while, Mo Junting raised his head and looked confused.

"Forget it, I will help you on your last journey. After you are rescued, you can go back to Xunyang County. Afterwards, I will go to the palace again to completely resolve your grievances with the royal family. When you return to your homeland, remember to help me I have to do one thing, I will let Mo Yichen tell you later, that’s it..."

As the words fell, Mo Xun's figure gradually disappeared.


Mo Junting was horrified when he saw the living person disappearing out of thin air in front of his eyes during the day.

This ancestor of my family is really a fairy-like figure.

What Mo Xun told him was naturally the whereabouts of his little sister’s descendants.

His time is limited now, so he can only entrust this matter to the Mo family.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Mo Xun appeared in the palace again.

However, the imperial city at this time was already in chaos.

The leader of a country died suddenly, and his death was so miserable. It was obviously a major event that could alarm the entire Xiang Kingdom.

When the people in the palace guards reported the matter to the harem leader and the ministers in the court, Shengjing, which was originally calm, was as if boiling water suddenly boiled, and everyone was shocked.

What frightened them the most was the murder of the national master.

This immortal master, who was once considered to have great magical powers, was found with only skin and bones.

The essence and blood all over his body seemed to have been sucked dry by something, which was really shocking.

In the main hall, when the queen, queen mother, and other civil servants were panicking, a majestic voice suddenly came to their ears.

"Listen, Xuanyuan and his son have done many evil things. Kuang Guangling, as a disciple of Haotian Sword Wu, has violated a taboo in the immortal world by intervening in the mortal country for no reason. I am the deacon elder of the Tiandao Alliance and am in charge of the monastic laws and regulations in southern Xinjiang. This time I encountered a complaint from the Mo family in Xunyang on the way, and came here to enforce the law impartially and bring order to the immortal world. After this incident, you must not look for trouble with the Mo family again. If you disobey, don't blame me for coming to Shengjing again!"

What followed was a breathtaking cold snort.

Everyone was shocked, and felt a dizziness in their heads. They were unsteady and fell down.

Several of them seemed to be martial arts practitioners. They wanted to use their true energy to resist this threatening voice, but they all spit out a mouthful of blood.

"The Immortal... is the Immortal..."

It wasn't until Mo Xun left that anyone reacted.

One by one, they held their heads and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

Everyone's face seemed to have been drained of blood and turned pale.

A palace man got up from the ground and knelt down in panic in front of a charming old woman in phoenix robes.

"Queen Mother, it must be... it must be that immortal who killed the Imperial Master and His Majesty. Please tell me what to do next?"

In the hall, some civil and military officials were also shocked and cast inquiring eyes.

The majestic Queen Mother's face was pale at this moment. How could she know what to do?

If it were an ordinary person, she would have issued an imperial edict to order the officers and soldiers to capture the instigator.

But if the immortal took action, who should she ask for her life?

Most of them have seen the methods of the immortal cultivators.

Since Kuang Guangling came to Xiangguo, he has shown his magical powers more than once.

The incredible immortal Taoism is simply not something that ordinary people can contend with.

Not to mention ordinary officers and soldiers, even if a large army is dispatched, it would probably be in vain.

But everyone finally understood what was going on. The root of everything was the Xunyang Mo family.

The Queen Mother slammed the table in front of the dragon throne and asked in a deep voice: "Prime Minister Liu, as the regent of His Majesty, can you tell me what is going on and who the Xunyang Mo family is?"

The Grand Prince, an old man in his sixties or seventies in official uniform stood up with lingering fear.

"Reporting to the Queen Mother, this Xunyang Mo family is the family of the former Grand Marshal Mo Xian. Just an hour ago, I heard someone report that someone rescued all the people of the Mo family from the prison. It was only when I suddenly heard that His Majesty was killed that the matter was temporarily suppressed. I will send someone to find the Mo family to ask."

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