Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1021: Jade Talisman for Help

Having said that, Prime Minister Liu was about to summon the guards guarding the palace gate.

The expressions of the others changed after hearing this.

The Queen Mother even shouted hastily.


But these words were a step too late, because immediately after, a head flew out into the air.

It is that Liu Xiangguo!

The next moment, many people screamed and quickly dodged and retreated, and the hall became a mess again.

Several people even trembled and knelt down on the ground, not knowing which direction they were going to worship.

That majestic voice echoed in everyone's ears again.

"If we do it again next time, this Xiang Kingdom... there will be no need to exist!"

The hall suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop!

Every face was filled with fear and panic.

If possible, Mo Xun actually didn't want to do this.

Threatening mortals with monastic means is really not a good cause and effect.

But this matter has been exposed, and sooner or later it will be traced to the Mo family. Instead of being evasive, it is better to make it clear.

As for letting the Mo clan move to Chaotian City, Mo Xun had never thought about it at all.

He is leaving the Demon Sect, and he doesn't know how long it will take him to come back.

After killing so many newborn babies, it is obviously deceiving to say that no one took revenge.

He has too many enemies, and keeping the Mo family around is definitely not a good thing.

Fortunately, with the protection of Mo Yichen's brother and sister, if the Xiang Kingdom royal family were not stupid, they would not do anything too stupid.

A few days later, the bright moon was in the sky, in an abandoned Taoist temple in Xiaoling Mountain.

This Taoist temple is quite old.

When Mo Xun left, it had been abandoned for many years, and now only the remaining brick ruins remain.

Even the clay statue of the god was nowhere to be seen.

Brother and sister Mo Yichen have been waiting here for a long time.

The breeze blew by, and Mo Xun's figure appeared in front of the two of them.

"Is everything settled?"

Mo Yichen quickly bowed.


Mo Xun nodded slightly and took out something.

"This is a formation plate that I refined in my early years. It contains a ray of divine consciousness that I stored in it. You ask them to put it in the ancestral hall. If they encounter the disaster of genocide, they can temporarily escape there, but warn them that they should not After your spiritual energy is exhausted, it will become a dead thing, and you cannot rely entirely on one thing for the rise and fall of your family... Also, you two will stay in Xunyang County for the time being, and wait for Xiang Xiang. After the royal family is stabilized before returning to the Tianjian Sect, please remember that you are cultivators now. Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not expose your identity, let alone get involved in secular affairs for no reason, and at the same time, do not reveal the affairs of the sect. "

The Mo brothers and sisters looked at each other and nodded "yes" at the same time!

After explaining this, Mo Xun went on the road again alone.

This time, he was planning to go to Northern Desert Island.

A few years ago, he promised to visit Duobaolou, and it was time to fulfill his promise.

As he passed by, he also wanted to pay a brief visit to Jiuli Palace.

After leaving Xunyang County, Mo Xun didn't know how he felt.

It seems like something has been put down, but something is missing.

The mortal world is indeed a nightmare that is difficult to let go of on the road.

Even if it was placed on him who had a firm Taoist heart, he could not be smooth for a long time.

Those pictures from the past often stirred up his troubled mind.

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, it was already a few days after Mo Xun left.

On the speeding car, Mo Xun, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes, then ducked and appeared in the clouds.

As far as the eye could see, a faint red light suddenly exploded in the distance.

If the sky hadn't been dark at the moment, it would have been difficult to spot the flash of red light.

But in his hand, he saw a strange-looking jade talisman.

There was a shimmering light on it, as if it sensed something.

The reason why Mo Xun had such a big reaction was because the jade talisman and the red light signal were a kind of rescue weapon that he specially created for the disciples of the Tianjian Sect.

Within a certain range, fellow disciples in distress can be sensed.

He frowned slightly, wondering why there were disciples of the Tianjian Sect here.

With almost no hesitation, he disappeared in a flash and headed straight for the red light.

Soon, strong mana fluctuations came from the consciousness.

This is......

Mo Xun pondered in his heart, and the speed of Yu Feng increased a bit again. .

In less than a minute, he saw four people fighting in a mountain forest, and he happened to know the people fighting.

Dong Qianxue?

Why is she here?

The other person, even though they were separated by more than two hundred years, was still fresh in his memory, it was the Moon Walker who took away Li Qingying.

This woman's cultivation is already at the advanced stage of pill formation.

It seems that it is not very far from the peak.

However, despite this, his strength is really worrying. He is obviously the one with the highest cultivation level, but he is always suppressed and beaten by others.

It seems that he was injured, and it was quite serious!

As for the remaining two people, they were in the early and middle stages of Dan Jiejie respectively, and they were the Liu family brothers who had escaped from the Tianyun Sect.

Two men and two women were divided into two camps.

Dong Qianxue was fighting with Liu Tiannan, while Huiyue Walker was suppressed by Liu Yu, who was only in the early stage of forming pills.

The moment Mo Xun appeared, all four people noticed it.

Dong Qianxue felt happy.

"Senior Brother Mo!"

Mo Xun understood, it seemed that Dong Qianxue had crushed the jade talisman calling for help just now.

The other party probably did this just to attract other cultivators with the help of the red light.

After all, there are only a few people that Tianjian Sect can show off.

Luo Xi and Gu Qingqing are in seclusion, Yin Lixi is in charge of the mountain gate, and no one knows where Mo Xun is.

Mo Xun suddenly rushed out and stopped the fight immediately.

Mo Xun did not hide his cultivation, and the powerful Nascent Soul aura made several people's faces change.

"It's you!"

The Liu brothers shouted in surprise!

Huiyue Walker Wen Zixi covered his injured chest with one hand, and his expression showed a strange look.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Junior Sister Dong, what's going on?"

"Please ask Senior Brother to quickly capture these two people first. They are related to the disappearance of Fairy Li Qingying."

Li Qingying?

Mo Xun looked at the Liu brothers with a fixed gaze.

The moment Mo Xun showed up, the two of them knew that something was wrong. Without any hesitation, they each turned into a beam of light and fled in two opposite directions.

Mo Xun snorted coldly, waved his hand casually, and the bloodthirsty sword flew out of the air.

At the same time, a spiritual thorn was also shot out.

The next moment, two shrill screams were heard, and two figures fell from midair.

Mo Xun's figure flashed and appeared beside one of them.

He grabbed the air and directly grabbed the neck of Liu Tiannan who was attacked by the spiritual consciousness.

On the other side, under the Yuanying Spirit Realm, the bloodthirsty sword passed through Liu Yu's ribs, and a handful of blood mist splashed in the air.

Then, Liu Yu's whole body began to wilted rapidly.

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